ITT: Videogame endings that made you tear up

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did those two have a thing going on or?

op is a gay

GR3 when?

Really? That shitty, nonsensical ending? The series is dead btw.

Mother 3


They're somehow the same person

>The series is dead btw.
Even sadder

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What happens?

I still get teary whenever I re-watch it.

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It's not a sad ending. It is so stupidly heart warming that made me break to tears

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Literally broke my heart.

>War makes men mad

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>Hey, would you say I became a hero?

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I only half understand that whole plot point but I still think that they had a thing going on in the end.

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SOMA's the type of ending where you can see the gist of it coming a while before it happens, but the execution of it is still a pretty solid emotional gut-punch.

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I still can't listen to the song without tearing up

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I unironically tear up at the end of bioshock infinite. Im a sucker for self sacrifice for the greater good, BI ending always gets me, even know I know the story.
>inb4 brainlet image and that card meme
The game is fun and the story does make sense, if you dont get it you are just a brainlet that doesn't comprehend paradoxes.

I don't know why, but Child of Light's ending music really gets to me for some reason. It's a pretty straightforward children's fantasy for the most part, but I left it feeling melancholy.

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The escalating reactions to all the tragic twists of the final route were a blast.

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never thankfully

I got way more invested in the final match of Pyre then I thought I'd be.

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This. Also, this whole volume was the right kind of closure I needed.

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it's a shame we'll never know Kat's origin story. You do see a glimpse of it in Destiny of Spirits if you got lucky and summoned the right card to see the artwork and name of the card.

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simon being left alone in the abyss at the end is the most soul crushing moment i've seen in a while - the last thing catherine and him do is scream fuck you at each other and then nothing.... he's just left there in the dark

I don't even know why.

What do you mean? It's revealed in the final chapters of GR2.

FF15's final campfire and the bromance having to end.

Note, it doesn't mean that the rest of this game is good, it's still crap.

>They're the same person, but I gay ship them because I'm too stupid to understand the plot
Gay shippers are so fucking stupid.


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It's okay, they got a happy ending. They can /ss/ as much as they want now.

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