Have video games ruined this generation?
Have video games ruined this generation?
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boomer comic thread
Who stands and plays video games?
evil millenials trying to steal our retirement funds
Go and enlist to fight that war that's not happening right now.
Also, I can guarantee that the artist of this comic is a never-served.
So wait, what was this one trying to say? That playing video games combats violence and truancy? Because that's what the image depicts.
im not a gamer so i wouldn't know
Why are boomers so obsessed with zoomers?
>Dying for Israel is better than having fun
>Dying for wars, in places that dont even know you exist until you start waging war
>fought to give the jews a global hedgemony, milked the welfare state to the point of squandering the futures of their great-grandchildren, then shipped all the factories to China.
damn, based
pails of water
>Dont enjoy life
>Waste your life dying for me
Fuck this kike artist
pretty sure it means that truancy, violence etc make up pac man fever
wait a minute... that third guy....
Is that... WoW?
millenials are just stupid looking
Why would I join up for the army to die for some corporate scum bags?
>playing wow on a controller
How has nobody in the thread mentioned this yet?
Dumb zoomers.
>Great generation fought and died to make their countries safe
>Had baby boomers for kids who ruined the economy of each of those countries
>Young people can't afford houses and barely survive due to boomers
God damn baby boomers suck
someone post that thing's face shopped on a dollar bill please, I choked in laughter when I saw it
No. Shit parenting and education ruined this generation.
Also what console is that kid playing WoW on and how did he manage to map WoW's controls to the controller?
I play video games all day work in the Army. Suck it, comic artist
The kind of person who plays WoW with a reversed Genesis controller I guess
But pac man fever is fighting them. Like, that's what it's depicting.
>posting the shopped version
>implying being a zogbot and dying for some jew's cause is something to be proud of
even neets demand more respect than soldiers
>Don't make enough money to live on my own per month
>Make enough money to buy some stuff I want
>REEEE those young wipper snappers are buying useless stuff instead of saving up to buy a house
pac man is LITERALLY stealing our women
Why does the recruiter looks shocked?
>paper good shiny bad
"Where do you workout?"
where's the baby boomer panel?
>that dumbass actually fell for it
>the irony
there's a stone tablet and a laptop there too. The comic is talking about the likes of you, stupid fuck.
( short for me on the left )
anybody got the moot version
I like this comment. Thought you should know
>no crying lady liberty in the background
where my country gone
unironically fuck Trump
This but unironically.
i was in the army and that's a pile of shit, army is just a tool for bureaucratic faggots
I kind of feel bad for Boomers. The world has changed so drastically in their lifetime. Everyone gets scared of getting old and dying. But for Boomers, the technology explosion hit them hard. They didn't even understand computers and now we all have smartphones and technology runs the fucking world. So they mask their fear by mocking the younger generation and voting to try and keep things the way they were. Every generation gets phased out by the one after it. But it happened so quickly and violently for Boomers that they can't cope. They became useless a lot quicker than was expected.
>boomer comic artists thinks soldiers are fighting 24/7 to protect freedom
>sit around and do nothing 6 days out of the week
"Haha nice post Debra" thread
Why does this make me laugh?
>Postal 2
this comic is practically just an advertisement for RWS
whats the point of joining the army if your nation is cucked? theres an active invasion at the border and the government does fuck all, last thing im gonna do is sign up to die for some sand niggers oil
You're right, we need another good war.
Thanks, Lori.
They deserve it for what they did. It's one thing to not get technology but they still think that all you have to do to get a good job is to shake some guys hand.
I also feel kinda bad for them but they're also super smug pricks about everything and didn't really contribute much to the world so I stop feeling bad really quick
That said, I loathe the day that the same shit will happen to me, and I think it will inevitably
That's not it at all. Boomers simply went
>what the fuck, I had to work to get attention when I was young! These kids are getting attention so easily this CANT BE HAPPENING
That's what's actually happening.
>greatest generation
When will this meme finally die? This fuck awful world is even more their fault than their boomer progeny's.
good thing politics are perfectly black and white
Literally fuck Centrists. Most Centrists these days are just Alt Right Adjacent anyways. Have a spine and take a stance on something you fucking pussies.
Wow. Really makes you think. Now I want to enlist and fight wars for Israel too.
go make Israel great again, Kushner intern
I really REALLY like this image
The hunching over again begins with the laptop though
i don't remember this meme
now this really makes me think
The fuck does Shrek have to do with anything?
Rocks are not shiny
The man starts bending at the laptop stage
It's literally the same message as the filename. The author would probably approve if we went back to carving rocks
>Claims to be centrists
>Still acts like one side or the other but are more smug about it
Have 0 sympathy for Boomers, they were born in the most prosperous generation in the known history of mankind and fucked up everything despite that
No they're not. Overton Window has shifted so far that centrists are effectively all leftist. Most believe in equality of race, gender, etc, they just want to be contrarian in the face of extreme SJWs and have every jack off over how level-headed they are.
>looked up the artist
>all the cartoons he draws now are screaming about DRUMMMMMPPPPPFFFFFF
It's all so tiresome.
I hope some live for the end of things. They deserve it.
>boomers would rather their kids go die for israel than play games safely at home
to be fair e-mail was never a thing as boomers think it.
Forums would be more apt
boomers unironically love shrek
I don't know why
Omg this guy sucks
The way Shrek is drawn it looks like he had to have half of his brain removed because of a tumor
*someone else's kids
Fucking boomers for real.
fuck artists
I think it has to do with Trump's "Drain the swamp" comments
>image is meant to imply that trump is like hitler
>police detaining a man who looks just like hitler
Hmmm. What did he mean with this?
I can kind of get why, actually. Shrek reminds them of themselves.
Also, unrelated, but Shrek is literally the only good Dreamworks movie.
Artists don't improve people's lives
An artist will never save someone's life
I mean that's literally how it worked in their day. They can't understand that the world has changed. But yeah fuck them, they've killed us all.
I can feel it happening to me already, but honestly, I was never with it to begin with so it's not so bad.
They literally cannot operate any form of technology for the most part. It's like a mental block. They refuse to learn new skills, so they don't adapt while the jobs they used to do are being replaced with technology. In Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Charlie's dad made money screwing toothpaste caps onto toothpaste tubes. Then a machine took over his job but at least he got a job overseeing the machine. Boomers these days think they are done and completed human beings, they just stopped learning after a while and became set in their ways.
This "fuck awful world" is the best it's ever been thanks to the greatest generation. Kys zoomer.
Nothing more enjoyable than artist whining.
cry me a river dickface
Is this the year Nintendo finally dies?
Has there ever been a generation that wasn't "ruined"?
i, too, replayed new vegas within the past year
Everyone Loves Shrek
Unironically, It's a good movie.
>That kim
Thats more racist than /pol/, full on slap the jap charicature
Being a centrist doesn't mean I find the perfect middle for every issue; it means that I don't pick an opinion based on what party leaders tell me.
There was a time when people complained about students using paper to write notes and do their classroom assignments instead of a blackboard
It's great when you're not getting fucked.
Such is life as lower enlisted.
I thankfully don't feel it happening to me yet unless thinking VR is a waste of time counts, most tech doesn't affect my daily life to any insane degree honestly, so I'm fine for now
if you're doing it for a paycheck, you're not an artist
Art is not a career just because it is taught in collage
>FRENCH vanilla
God these comics are so so so bad
They're so bad
They are so bad
How do you get a job as a cartoonist when your jokes are so fucking bad
How self-centered do you have to be to compare blasting your unsolicited two cents over the internet to going to school for 10 years to perform life-saving procedures on people
is that supposed to be Oney?
I don't think the boomer who wrote the comic was ever enlisted
“Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it." -George Orwell
I mean this goes triple for boomers but I definitely catch myself doing it to zoomers too. That's why I try not to be too judgemental of them.
>"Gee wiz I just can't understand why people don't enlist to go die in a war"
artistically so
that teacher looks like she fucks black guys
This comic is right though. Zoomers fucking suck.
>Cartoon is dated 1982
>Pacman had been out and popular for about two years by that point
Thankfully with the internet pissed off old people are more punctual now.
based child
although ms pacman is much better and way more common, that ms. pacman/galaga machine is fucking everywhere, wouldn't be surprised to find it in a library
Yeah man fuck centrists
Underrated post
What a shitty park. Probably only used for drug deals.
No, the internet has
Art is literally a money laundering scheme, at least modern art is.
t.sculptor dropout
Because there is a huge fucking market for it. Boomers.
This is your brain on Judaism
>Ho Chi Mint
>Chunky Surrender Monkey
>Secular Sundae
I still don't know whether or not Kelly is the ultimate boomer or a mad genius.
boomers buy shitty """political""" comics
maybe 1 out of 10 boomer comics are actually good. for every Calvin and Hobbes or Dilbert there are at least 9 unfunny pieces of garbage
What? I honestly don't get this.
>comparing drawing digital crayon pictures to being a doctor or an engineer or a judge or a lawyer
The best/worst part is that the artist all the while drawing this dumb comic probably never had the epiphany as to why it's like this.
I'm not the guy you're talking with, but I have to say that pic reflects my feelings somehow.
I will be turning 22 later this March so I'm obviously not a boomer and yet I do believe that little kids playing with ipads is gross as fuck and isn't good for their brain development.
These comics are awful, but that shit is awful too in my eyes.
fuck centrists truly. If you want societal change you should kill people.
Genocides solve problems.
just kidding FBI haha
This would've been a lot better than what we got.
The best thing is a ton of them are getting denied grandchildren now since the future of humanity isn't one you want to bring a child into.
Daily reminder that leftists unironically think that the reason voter ID is racist is because blacks are too stupid to get ID
Just remember, its harder to close the wage gap if both sides are busy fighting.
Enlistedfag here. The military is full of vidya. Even my near retirement CPO talks about playing xbox with his sons.
Video games are just one of many addictions brought upon by the technological age, much like porn. Its nothing new, at least it isn’t alcoholism or drugs.
I don't get this one, it's probably meant to make us sympathise with the guy being beat up but they also drew him as a nazi. Is it's just supposed to be an "everyone sucks" kind of thing?
>Americans going into societal panic because of some game a few Japanese businessmen made
Is America completely devoid of culture?
You'd be surprised. There are lots of people who couldn't be happier that their children died overseas "defending America".
the wage gap isn't real.
Women do less risky jobs and work less hours.
I fucking hate modern art so much
has this nigger never heard of Amazon?
yep FUCK zoomers
How jealous can one person be, like holy shit..
>Ho Chi Mint
>FRENCH! vanilla
Is this some sort of art joke and I just need to lurk more?
>the future of humanity isn't one you want to bring a child into
Most centrists don't pick an opinion at all, they just sit on their high horses commenting on how stupid everyone on both sides is.
Yes, Centrists need to kill everyone on the Right and Left
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be
>Boomer's parents are literally good goys and go to fucking war to destroy their ethnic homeland on behalf of jews
>Boomers sell out future generations for cheap consumer products and fat retirement checks
>enjoyed the economy when it was at it's peak
Like I care what Boomers think
I wonder if this artist has encountered an enlisted soldier under the age of 50 in the last 30 years. If they’re not working, they’re playing video games.
What people do in the military off-duty would leave most of them stupefied
they shook a hand
It's a line from Shrek 2
no, we should start killing double citizenship congressmen and at the very least deporting people who don't belong.
this comic was engaging and concise and I genuinely liked it
Don't you dare say Journey to Eldorado is shit.
America will start to fail to meet water demand by 2070. Which probably means it will start even sooner. India and Pakistan have drained most of their aquifers, they hate each other, and they have nukes., 2/3rds of all animal life will be dead by 2020. We still don't have anything to replace our antibiotics which are rapidly losing effectiveness. We lost 70% of our bees last year.
>She's offensive
>Yeah? So am I.
i looked all over for this and it ended up being on my phone so you better save it this time user
heil twitler
>true bereavers
I chuckled, am I a boomer now?
lack of defined purpose is what ruins generations
Kelly is a beacon of light in shitty boomer comic land, you take that shit back.
Guys I don't know if you heard but Trump is actually a Nazi!!!!
Shocking right?????
based wolvernine
Where is vidoe games you subhuman kike niggers?
Surprisingly good.
Why don't Boomers take any responsibility for how their kids turned out?
No we have rap and blacked porn, plenty of culture!
dragons are pretty cringe but at least he showed effort
you're the only authoritarian subhuman itt
fuck off to resetera, retard
>oh no modern youths aren't volunteering to kill innocent rice farmers abroad, what a disaster
The problem isn't with gamers, it's the boomer vets who still think they did anything other than ruin lives abroad for money.
The same generation that drowned itself in alcohol and tobacco.
Baby boomers need to stop.
>be college student
>45 year old boomer student walks into class and sits next to me
>takes off sun glasses with a strap that let's him dangle it around his neck, puts in headphones that connect through a thick bar in the back of the head, pic related
>wears sketchers and a
>sips a diet no calorie no sugar non-name brand cola very loudly
>pulls out a poundcake and starts eating it
>keeps coughing for a solid 30 seconds after each bite because "its dry"
>keeps telling me about how my generation is a bunch of babies
>yawns and stretches back, revealing faded tribal art tattoo across stomach he probably got in the 80s
>complains that he has to go home and give "the wife" a break by taking the kids
>gets a call mid lecture
>answers it and just stands next to his seat while talking loudly as Professor gives instructions
>its his doctor/pharmacist telling him how to take his medication
When can we start gassing boomers?
First day on Yea Forums?
politics, but it was actually pretty good for a political comic.
The best part is how the american left sees nothing wrong with this
>a lot of people are going to die, so lets STOP REPRODUCING!
They grew up and thrived in America's golden age. You could buy a two story house and support a family of five on a single income, not only that a fucking factory job. They never had to take responsibility for anything.
Sears was horribly managed and run corruption was fucking bleeding them out. One of my friend's older brothers was an corruption inspector for Sears in recent years. He found one store where the manager didn't know how to adjust orders and shipments coming to the store so headquarters were just sending him an endless stream of goods to the store. So the manager who wasn't sure what to do just started telling his employees to throw it into balers to get rid of it until his employees just started selling the shit to pawn shops and flea markets in the area at like 90% discount. That shit went on at that store for years.
why be a good parent when you can just say your kid sucks when they become adults
haha yeah dude, nothing like enlisting to get killed by a stray bullet in some foreign land halfway across the world.
Fuck the boomer who made this image.
Generation that knew little responsibility, skimped out on their nation when it asked for them unlike their parents and grandparents who gave up everything to bring the prosperity of the future to their children and grandchildren. Smoked all the drugs, then banned them, had all the sex they wanted then made it out to be the worst thing you could do morally so on and so on
not sure if artist is a drooling retard or hes just on an insane number of layers of irony
>Dr. Frankenstein...
Fantastic title.
Literally everyone is going to die. If you have a kid now, there's a 90% chance they won't get to die a nice natural death.
>a republican calling WWII vets alt-left
Do I even need to point out the irony?
>thread about boomer cartoons bitching about videogames
>retards come in and start dumping their stupid fucking modern politics shit
in real life the guy on the left is only enlisting because he got bamboozled by a hilariously aggressive and misleading recruiter who wanted a promotion
I have a replica of a Sears catalog from 1896 that I bought from Amazon
I'll save it for you, user
>throwing your life away to fight and die for foreign goverments
Why are boomers so deluded?
No, the internet is.
>2007 corporate take over of the internet
>afterwards politics are fucking EVERYWHERE
>gee what a coincidence
Smartphones and social media are a mistake. Social media is the most easily manipulative shit ever made god damn.
Where do political comics fall on this spectrum? Or is it a devolved amoeba too small to see?
Super heroes and fictional characters in political comics is Giga cringe, even when the comic is supposed to agree with me. But I think's worth it in the end because leftists often create hilarious comics of characters that would either completely disagree with them, or agree with them for reasons that go against literally everything they support. Like the Trump protestors with signs of Rick. Yeah, Rick would hate Trump, but he'd do so because he hates any and every form of authority.
>boomers have no effect of our current situation
brainlet pls leave
I've never understood this mentality from boomers
>"Young people aren't paying extra money to keep this dying irrelevant business from going bankrupt. Isn't it terrible?"
Who is that supposed to represent?
>a nigger mocking a white guy for crying about petty inconsequential racist remarks
Haha yeah. Got 'em, user.
Quite literally myself
it's true though
top notch
>haha we beat people in the street who we disagree with, we're just like gi joes in ww2!
I mean, I guess they did come home and beat niggers with pick axe handles for acting up, but still
>hating kelly
He is a saint among boomers.
woman do funny scream
How much of a faggot do you have to be to censor a Yea Forums image
If you don't like a game about killing nazi's that must mean you are one also.
few things baffle me more than the fact that nobody seems to recognize that this is from the onion. It's good satire, but I swear I missed a post where everyone agreed to think this wasn't satire.
i wish corporations and all other non-politics business entities, including game devs, would remember that discussing politics where it doesn't belong is in bad taste. "no politics at the dinner table" used to be a saying. boomers had it figured out.
what's the joke?
Hey look, I have a strawman, too.
At least Trump wasn't the one who said "pokemon go to the polls"
Speaking of.
I'm pretty sure this one is pro-games. As in, "Look what the youth could be doing instead of playing Pac-Man!"
Well these are the same people who think beating the shit out of a white guy for saying "nigger" or beating the shit out of a woman for calling a man in a dress "he" are justified, reasoned reactions.
what the fuck
If there was any justice we'd be using them as matrix-style batteries.
When they are they are.
Sorry you belief some stupid shit man, but I'm not getting swept up in this.
His head is a fucking bookshelf i think he should see a doctor
Can somebody explain the hatred of centrism? I've never understood how people can view politics as a completely set binary where you can only completely agree with one side on everything.
>Implying Wolverine would punch a non-mutant woman even if she was Nazi
She would literally have to be putting a gun to someone's head before he would act.
>tfw boomers all have pensions and nobody else does now
>he doesn't know
does he know that pokemon means pocket monster?
I don't know, I'm as confused as you are, everyone being able to easily exhibit their work on the internet was a mistake
Video games.
boomers think that because they don't understand Smart Phones, millennials don't understand books
It doesn't really make sense to anyone who isn't a boomer
My parents are boomers in their 70s and they're both highly computer literate and adapted quickly when computers took over. My dad bought his first computer in 1980 or so and has been using them professionally and recreationally ever since, and my mom was responsible for making her corporate department the first in her industry to switch from analog to digital computerized work. Both have also adapted to smartphones, social media, etc. I have no sympathy for other boomers who were too stubborn or stupid to get with the times.
Anybody got any good vidya tattoos?
It's Us vs Them tribalism. You see it in console wars threads every day.
I do am scared of drowning when I go to bed at night.
You missed the post where people pretend to not realize it's satire thus inviting people who actually don't realize it, as Descartes warned.
Refusing to participate because you're afraid of "looking stupid" is how most heinous shit gets passed.
Just as cringe as your regular leftist comic, /pol/ are hypocrites once again
I mean, to be fair, someone doing seigheils and wearing swastikas IS a nazi, and a guy literally doing that stuff is the subject of this comic
It doesn't even mention trump
die for israel
I fucking love this image because not only is he 100% correct, he also is a lazy faggot that couldn't finish his project in time. He is correct, FUCK artists
>Trump: "we shouldn't tolerate illegal immigrancy anymore because it's against the law and we should, you know, actually enforce our laws"
or students if they're black
Yours are a rare breed. Be happy you got good genes. I worked in Computer repair for a few years and 99% of my job was helping the elderly with tech that was at least a decade old. Smartphones are completely beyond them.
I agree with almost everything you said, but this all happened between 2011 and 2013, not 2007 at all.
The Internet still had its Web 1.0 charm in 2008 and 2009. The change started in 2010.
This doesn't even mention topsoil erosion and pesticide spread which will make it impossible to grow food. Better get your suicide methods set, boys. We're going down fast and the end won't be pretty.
They're so stupid they unironically think self-declared alt-right edgemeisters posting frog memes on /r/thedonald are the same as Goebbles and Hitler, and therefore in their minds comparing fat landwhales who block freeways and pelt random white men with rocks are the same as American soldiers who fought Nazis in WWII.
because when discussing a specific issue centrists go all "hurr im centrist you are both retards" and contribute nothing. also, if you want to get stuff done in politics, you have to pick a side.
>go kill redpilled germans and japs, vietnamese rice farmers, and arabic goat farmers
>for israel and so we can continue replacing you goy
Fucking kikes
Smug pricks being smug about thinking that centrism exists and they are better then both sides. In reality centrism is just what the general population finds acceptable and centrism changes from place to place, generation to generation. What is centrism today would be considered far out 60 years ago.
>FRENCH vanilla
Kills me every time I see it
Guaranteed replies
Kelly is a parody. His comics are in the Onion, for God's sake.
based and jewpilled
Regarding VR, think long term and look back at how computers (More specifically computer games) started.
We're only just past the "Early pong" / "Space invaders" level of development, Valve's knuckle controller is going to be a game changer.
Biggest barrier right now is literally just the price tag on headsets as we live in a consumer directed economy and most big companies wont put a lot of effort in unless they can prove it sells.
>new textbooks
Don't think so pal
Video games
Every single time, they can't just make a comic. It has to be an unfunny personal attack on everyone you don't like.
Is this the New School in NYC? I swear I've seen that exhibit.
>man makes ice cream machine
>eats his ice cream
>fat hog feminist steals ice cream
>makes fun of the man who made the ice cream machine for being upset
This is why women need daily beatings by their husband
did you reverse the original or something
They're better off not understanding smartphones than trying to half-ass it
My father's nearly fallen for scams three times including a literal nigerian prince one and my mother keeps playing those retarded gem games in public which drives me insane
>/pol/ hates Jews and Israel
>back a president that gives billions of dollars to Jews and Israel
Why is /pol/ so stupid?
>"What about Pokemon Go characters?"
>Not "What about POCKET Monsters?"
How do you fuck up this bad?
rent free
>the descriptions actually make sense
Hate Natty though
Why didn't you faggots listen?
Fucking meta
>everything you say is bullshit
>made up genders and my feelings are not
This LITERALLY looks like something I drew as a kid.
This comic is real and scary, kids are being raised on corporate controlled social media.
But the entire idea of left and right is fucking dumb. Political beliefs aren't some absolute binary where you are completely one thing.
why do you want to fuck a rabbit?
>comic doesn't mention trump in any way
>/pol/tard still correlates nazim with trump anyway
I'll let you stew on the implications of your post
Fuck women lol
/pol/ dropped Trump for Andrew Yang. Even their god Tucker Carlson is in the #YangGang.
>that reply
>The Matrix is a good movie!
What does that have to do with misogyny?
Centrists are basically fags that talk advanced shit about everyone, but never assume any positions themselves so they're stances in turn can't be criticised, while also acting like their refusal to think about any issues or form a stand makes them supreme galaxy brains.
Either that or they're right wingers pretending so they don't get lynched by leftists for wrong think.
GREETINGS Yea Forums, I am Sergeant Tarkus of the Blood Ravens chapter, post the comic.
Haha, this is great. Mind if I save it?
I've had one in my phil classes. Guy reminded me fucking goofy it was insane
everything was cringe, from his neverending questions to his forced sociabilization with 20yo students.
Move wojak to shit tier as well.
Why don't you?
Because /pol/ doesn't have any set beliefs, they'll just adopt whatever "totally triggers the liberuls"
thanks doc
YE GODS, My banquet is ruined!
i get that children are used to swiping but they can't be that stupid to not know when something has pages to flip
imagine how much better the world would be without boomers draining it
>muh /pol/
Posting off-topic comics on Yea Forums is a lot older than /pol/, newfriend.
>die IRL for greedy corporations and Israel
>die in a video game, respawn and keep having fun
gee idk what do you think
Video games, amiright?
that reminds me of one of my great uncles, he actually fell for one of those fake facebook whore scams and gave the person close to 15 grand and put himself in debt just because he was horny, jesus christ I hate boomers
Why are newfags like you never realizing the fact that any popular board always becomes a boogeyman?
Yea Forums started out as one, then /r9k/, then Yea Forums, then /pol/ and recently Yea Forums since its now the No.1 most popular board. If you wanna go way back, its Gaia Online instead of reddit. This shit never changes
Go outside for once. Playgrounds are still almost always in use by kids if it's not cold outside, and that likely won't ever change.
Wow it's as if /pol/ is filled with shills, and shitposters like Yea Forums, and isn't some secret society boogieman.
Why did Pokemon Go cause so much butthurt?
It's like it was reawakening of the 90's hatetrain on the original Pokemon games.
I don't get the puns behind these flavors
pls be patient i have autism
this is pretty insane
>live right next to a park
>there's always groups of kids and teenagers at it
Really making me think right now
yeah i wonder whos behind these swastikas too
Why didn't he just stop at the first explanation? Would have been fine.
I laugh at fags that always make female characters
I agree with all of this except the rad feminism thing, I haven't had any trouble with women because I'm not weird.
goddamn it i actually read through this just to see what jokes the shitty comics are trying to convey in so many words and i regret it. what an awful joke.
The "GO OUTSIDE" argument fell so they had to come up with some coping mechanism
When was the last time you had a glass of water user? go get hydrated
Kelly is ALWAYS right. FUCK college students
t. grad
because it was popular
that's it
The idea is true centrism can't exist cause of bias that every living thing has.
>illegal immigrants are as dangerous to americans as wolves are to sheep
come on now...
It's ok man hahaha
explain FRENCH vanilla
Most real elitists who go to snooty universities don't need loans though.
What did Kung Fu Panda ever do to you?
funny, boomers grew up watching TV and lounging about in fucking soda parlors
At least in America the problem with Centrism is that is right in that if you want to get stuff done in politics, you have to pick a side. It's cliche as fuck but you have to change things from within. Nobody is saying you have to be far right or far left. And yes you can make your own decisions and not just take what party leaders tell you as gospel. But this notion that things will somehow get better if we all just sit back and call everyone stupid is...stupid. You're right Centrists. Most people are fucking stupid. But that also means they aren't magically going to come to their senses anytime soon. No third party candidate is going to win an election. No magically reasonable party is going to appear and take votes away from the Big Two. As odious as it is, you'll have to pick a side and work from there. You'll have to compromise. You'll have to ignore people who hold ridiculous beliefs about one thing because they might share your beliefs about another thing. And worst of all you'll have to do all this knowing that you might never ever reap the benefits in your lifetime.
Or you can sit back and watch everything burn because that's the way most people do it and that's why we are where we are now.
/pol/ hasn't been relevant for over a year.
We mostly get shit up by discord groups falseflagging and (You) farming. I would hope most people would realize this by now, but critical thinking takes time for some people.
I actually laughed.
Watcha doin rabbi?
But neither can the idea of left or right. Isn't it better to understand that political views as a dynamic individual system instead of an arbitrary absolute?
>We still don't have anything to replace our antibiotics which are rapidly losing effectiveness.
Yes we do. Look up phage treatment, retard. Also most of your shit is outdated or just false.
I don't even support Trump and think this is retarded. Can we meet on the middle on this righty bros?
My stance is I don't want to be a theocracy and I don't want eight year old drag queens. My stance is that anyone who thinks the opposite of a retard running into a wall is a retard running into a wall in the OPPOSITE direction, is a retard themselves and the reason why Spartans threw babies off mountains.
Why the fuck should I, just because I agree with the right to bear arms, suddenly pretend I don't believe I should be allowed to smoke a plant because the party that supports gun rights doesn't support my right to smoke a joint?
Why should I pretend I'm ok with trans-this and trans-thats just because agreed with gay marriage. I'm a firm believer in LGB dropping the T and anything that comes after.
I have a "dress up" fetish. Illusion need to develop their new game faster.
Adult boomer:“Ughhh kids not playing outside and just being lazy on phones SEND TWEET.”
Boomer as a Kid:”Imma stay inside and play with my toys!I wish it was cooler and had the computer in it!”
To the economy and society they're actually pretty detrimental
>mentions the "alt right" bogeyman (not real nazis) which is accredited for Trump winning
>lmao its not about drumph at all you notsees
you might be right, but election time is coming up this year.
Centrists are top dog, deal with it bitches. Also, the solution to why you think centrists are dumb, is that some centrists are basically gommunists and they believe both sides are ALWAYS equally bad, whereas a proper centrist is somewhat asymmetrical believing sometimes the left or right wing are moreso correct depending on the specific issue. As an asymmetrical centrist I also acknowledge the universe may be slightly biased towards right or left wing concepts, meaning one side may in fact be slightly more righteous than the other, though overall centrism still dominates both aspects. So for instance if you were omniscient you may find that an utopian society should either be somewhat biased towards the right or left, but that a balance of concepts will still always be necessary.
Seriously, there's two opposite genders, there's a sun and a moon, you have two opposite brain halves. The universe is very clearly centrist, people who are entirely right-wing or left have lobotomized themselves from the beautiful balance and harmony within the universe.
I've never seen the non-water version of this
What did they mean by this?
It's a normal ice cream flavor. He just underlined the French part.
Is this supposed to be the Toronto Reference Library?
The army is based, but I actually became more childish when joining it since it's like going back to highschool. And boomers don't know that the army is full of weebs and nukes fap to hentai
Because it was relevant and popular and the political comic people just jump on whatever's the biggest thing and incorporate it into their comics. It's pretty simple.
Completely agree. I used to be left, was right for a while, was that faggot centrists others described, and am now slight left. I don't hate Trump, but I would sooner join him than join the #resist crowd.
>*famous movie quote
that's because there is none, that's the original comic
>Why are you spending your time enjoy yourself?
>You should unlist to protect Israel your whole life REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Can someone explain the French Vanilla joke to a dumbo like me
Well, share with the class.
"Artist's don't improve people's lives"
Are you straight up fucking retarded, dude? Without art, life is literally pointless. Art is the sole reason there are things in the world that are pleasant. Music, art, animation, video games, architecture, novels, design. Everything is affected by art, and without it there'd be no reason to wake up in the morning.
Alt-right was a thing before trump
Once again, you made the connect of Trump to nazim yourself. Think about what your wrote. Go marinate on that for a while
t. future victim of muslim expression
I'm the dude who requested it.
Thanks man, saved.
It really is awful. I know we got a newfag influx, but even now all I see is blatently bait threads hitting bump limit while good threads slide, or are locked by the hotpockets for whatever reason while 3 blacked threads also hit bump limit. If you want any actual /pol/ discussion you gotta go to 8/pol/
>nukes fap to hentai
no fucking shit, they're such weebs they already went to japan twice
>this generation
Which? I think there's probably three or four posting on Yea Forums. If you're referring to the newest one, smartphones and social media ruined them. Internet porn ruined the one before that, and video games ruined the one before that.
user, you are dealing with retards and underage. Most don't even know what "Contra" pertains to outside video games despite the fact it's the reason those caravans are coming up.
Why would anyone enlist so you can be shipped to a middle eastern village and die so that jews in Israel can be richer
>I make the claims, now you need to back them up or you're wrong for calling bullshit
Currently servingfag here, can confirm. same boy in both panels
damn it Jesus do you HAVE to get blood on the cake?
>Saves lives
>Provides legal help that can save innocent people from jail/have their wrongdoers imprisoned
>If he's not corrupt he will try to safeguard a business against all forms of failure that would leave hundreds, or thousands, of people suddenly jobless
Art is just 3/4 of fart. Get over yourself loser.
you really sound like the caliber of your character is extremely low in comparison with the segment of the population you're supposed to replace
no wonder our world has a sense of being less verdant than in the past with such arrogant, simple minded, and down right uncharitable persons such as yourself taking prominence in it
Maybe. I have to figure they're not all THAT rare though, I mean boomers invented most of the tech and computer shit we use now and built the industry, there's gotta be plenty of guys in their 60s/70s who had computer-related careers and are still tech savvy.
>not able to say the n word
>and the gamer
>Alt-right was a thing before trump
No it wasn't.
>you made the connect of trump to nazim yourself
who is nazim
you fucking idiot
>dumb indie bitch not prioritizing the platform that has consistently shown strongest indie sales combined with Switchcucks willing to pay 3-5x Steam prices for physical
>get upset over the few self-entitled mouthbreathers instead of thinking about the ocean of owners about to pay for your retirement in a few months
We’re in multiple wars right now. Or one war on many fronts. Terror is everywhere!
>Boomers have all the free time and money to leisurely drive across the country on vacation with their grand kids
>still do nothing but complain
of course they are, Yea Forums mods are a shitshow
Do you have the "empty shelves, empty heads" one where he chastises people for not buying VHS and DVDs?
hahahaha the greatest generation is dying for your country hahahaha. FUCKING KEKS.
You sound like a pretentious fuckwit that likes the smell of their own farts.
You are a retard.
They are even more dangerous than wolves to sheep
>le tolerance paradox face
You shouldn't and you don't have to do anything. But if you want to change things, you're going to have to prioritize. Do you like guns? Well unfortunately a lot, NOT ALL, but a lot of the most active and vocal people who like guns, AKA the ones that GET SHIT DONE may also not like gays. Or weed. There just aren't enough weed liking, gun toting, LGB supporting people out there to have any impact. Or if there are, they sure as shit haven't mobilized. They aren't delivering the votes. They aren't donating the cash. And thus politicians who share their beliefs aren't getting elected. And laws to benefit those things aren't getting passed.
And to people who say I'm naive and their votes never matter, let me just say it is RIDICULOUS the amount of effort campaigns will go to in order to get votes. Especially in lower level races. By lower level, I mean everything local to State Senate and Congress to even Federal Congress and some Federal Senate races. But they only have so much money, time and manpower. So they will devote themselves to getting easy votes. Loud people who vote a lot are easy votes. People who never vote, or never take a stance on anything are not easy votes.
this one is hot
you will get 3 day bans for posts like that bruh
>honest cable ceos
Holy kek
I'm glad Mike Matei didn't give up after the loco bandito, his new comics look good
Enjoy giving your paycheck away to a charity project you will never benefit from
Shame we don't have any art anymore. Just scribbling shit on a wall, often literally, and telling anybody who says it's shit that they just don't understand it.
>"sculpted" his fursona for a university art project
>it's just a tree branch with a simple pattern scratched into it
>REEEEEs at nudity in art, as if it's a new thing
>couldn't even be bothered to finish his sculpture
I laugh heartily every time.
i like how the artist is about knowledge but doesn't know how to draw.
I have a very deep hatred for political comics. I can't think of a more unproductive form of media than a fucking political comic.
>centrism is not a conviction
I don't think you know how social security works...
The alt-right movement was a thing before Trump. Richard Spencer was going his thing before Trump
Once again, the comic doesn't talk about trump, you saw a comic talking about nazism and ran to whiteknight Cheeto God. Just think about what led you to make the connection for a while
damn i actually want a Where's Mildew book
it would help me with my fungus problem
The term Alt-Right was invented by the news medium as a way to demonize constitutionalists during the 2016 election.
Alt right absolutely was a thing before Trump existed. It was a term originally meaning younger republicans who didn't like neocons. It then got coopted by the media as a term to call people nazis.
>This guy's childhood was looking at catalogs of shit to buy when he grew up
That's even sadder than kids not knowing what books are
the statue of liberty isnt dead so its not in heaven or hell dummy
I just don't care at this point.
There was once a generation that didn't understand TVs or radios.
If someone is an actual Nazi, they deserve to get beat up. The problem is that the modern left equates all who disagree with them with Nazis.
Kelly with a personal axe to grind is the best Kelly.
this is the most retarded one, holy fuck
god damn this guy is retarded
Imagine dying for Israel.
>who is nazim
This guy doesn't get to the cloud district very often.
Modern art was a creation of the CIA intended to destroy the Soviet Union('s culture).
you're so shortsighted, you don't even really understand what you're angry at
>Why do people who do real work get payed more than someone who fucks around to make decorations and entertainment
Are these people physically incapable of not overcomplicating everything and labeling everything?
Actually considering joining some sort of military service if my next college internship goes as badly as the last one. Should I? I just want a job where I can be physically active and the pressure STOPS once I clock off.
MONSTERS!? Who checks for crummy monsters under the bed? He should be checking for pails of water.
The retard here is you.
I want a shirt that says 'no talent punk with axe to grind'.
I dont agree with everything the right says and everything the left says.I make my own opinions,political partys are shit.
why can't boomers just fucking die already, jesus
It's not like this board is good for video game discussion anyways.
I fucking love these water edits.
it got a ladies' undies section?
"alt right" is a term coined by hillary clinton you know nothing retard. before Spencer was seen throwing roman salutes for the cameras at his breakout conference. fuck you and fuck the "alt right" bunch of retards who use the name their enemies gave them. idiots.
Nothing personal, mom.
>people actually taking Kelly seriously
Hahahahaha oh fucking wow. How?
>Everything is affected by art, and without it there'd be no reason to wake up in the morning.
Then why the fuck does my dog get up? He's not an artist, I could put a painting in front of him and he wouldn't even see the colours. Fucking artist dogs.
Is Jesus crying because
a) the heartless son won't let his father celebrate the holiday with a little drink?
b) the heathen son won't let his christian father celebrate the miracle of Jesus's birth with the sacrament of communion?
c) he's saddened by the alcoholic father reaching such a low point that he doesn't even care if he gets drunk in front of his grandchildren?
d) they nailed him back onto that cross for some reason and it really stings
e) he really wants some of that cake but can't get at it with his hands nailed to a 2x4
Kelly is satire, so not really a villain
To be fair, Calvin is six years old. No six year old has ever had to take any responsibility for their actions. Nobody holds six year olds to anything. Most six year olds are not self-actualized. They are absolutely dependent on their parents for everything.
definitely the video games, not the parents
Lady Liberty in the back is me when I get a popcorn kernel stuck in between my teeth on the first bite of popcorn
in the chair force right now as a mechanic, it's pretty nice when you're not on 12 hour shifts, but those come rarely depending on demand, you're always "on the job", but when you're not overseas or deployed it's basically a 9 to 5, you also get (FREE) shitty health and dental
This is the kind of shit that people who arent good enough to be professional artists deal with, if you're legitimately talented enough you bust your ass and make it work as a career.
fuck ghouls
there's a fucking ninja in the window
Alt-right was a term made popular by the media during the election but the group and ideology precedes Trump. Stay mad all you want, but at the end of the day you still looked at an unrelated anti-Nazi comic and felt compelled to defend Trump.
This.I dont agree with all the leftist opinions and all the right opinions,i make my own opinions.Political partys are stupid as they associate unrelated opinions withh eachother and create extremisim.
yeah I just saw the signature in the top corner whoops
Art is for fucking faggots and I paint miniatures myself
When people call me an "artist" I get offended
Cry me a river, cunt
>mfw i got my 2 year with zero debt
feels good man. even though i...still dont have a job...so yeah
f) his nose itches and he can't reach it because he's been nailed to some punk-ass cedar
Yes, and?
The dad was really asshurt over that.
>Everyone is a violent fuck exept the guy playing pokemon
>Yea Forums keeps agreeing with the bullshit right wing comics
>Not the one that is being totally spot on
Is Yea Forums the new /pol/?
That would be one of the few situations where I'd understand if the parents deleted their child.
thanks doc
Trapfags are worse than furfags these days.
>World of warcraft on a controller on xbox
didnt someone make a hentai version of this already?
>Murder, police brutality, war, terrorism, racial profiling, drugs
>And a Trump supporter
One of these things is not like the others
Well maybe you should have done a better job raising us instead of getting the TV to do it. Maybe you shouldn't have treated us like burdens, and throwing us out like a sack of shit the first chance you got. You expect us to like you yet you only ever ignored us, or when not ignoring us, treat us with smug disdain.
There's a room in a nursing home with abusive staff waiting for you.
too pussy to even have red blood. And he thinks he is edgy for making such a comic. Or maybe its just a robot.
The way people romanticize the turmoil in the current world makes me think we need another world war to bring people back to reality.
If this artist got paid for how big his ego was, he wouldn’t be complaining about money issues
if you think artists are fags you should talk to wannabe movie producers, they make we want to commit homicide
>The alt-right movement was a thing before Trump
Prove it
Trump was campaigning as far back as 2015
fucking what?
>Kelly comics literally have "onion syndicate" on them
>people still take them seriously
it's the end times
literally me
>first written word
>fucking cavemen
I do think it's genuinely a bad idea to give a kid below the age of 10 an ipad or smartphone
They need to be at least old enough to be able to think critically about whatever it is they're watching or reading, having them stare at a screen watching youtube all day every day is solidifying a bad habit when they should be at their most exploratory and curious
People don't get this joke anymore, sadly.
There's a racist stereotype from WWII that the French are a bunch of pussies that surrender at the first notion of aggression. They had what most considered to be one of the strongest armies in the world at the time, which ended up being defeated in a matter of a few months.
.... holy shit republitard boomers are so cringe, literally cant wait for them to die
Choosing always female characters is pretty gay, choosing them every now and then is ok.
Those birds haven't moved since he was younger.
And yet /pol/ worships them because they're the group that supports the constantly failing practices of the GOP.
>getting buttblasted over console wars
this is who we share this board with
The problem with this image is that most self described centrists strongly associate with one party and most people who despise centrists are far left or right enough that they either have a dim view of or outright despise both parties.
I feel like that artist who used to work for buzzfeed and literally copy and pasted comics would fit better for great tier.
Go draw a dick fag
To be fair, you need a lot of courage to be a NEET.
want a set of those jammies but can't decide which would be better
Poor boomer. I feel the same way about BORDERS. Miss the shit out of it.
like i would read all that shit
why would you tell such a blatant lie?
No one specific, I think.
Just Dobbo stating that if you like violent video games, you're literally a Trump worshipping nazi
I haven't seen these before. God bless Kelly.
>Let me just ignore all statistics and studies by professors like David Card and create a braindead stick figure propaganda piece with only one citation to a fucking news outlet
This image is good bait. I'll use it in the future.
>the technology explosion hit them hard
that isn't even true
the reason is that boomer are just lazy as fuck they never ever try to turn their brain on when doing something new but in those rare occasions they do they have no problems learning new technologies
which is ironic since it's what they say about millenials
my mother works for my university's IT department, so I got free tuition
I love laughing at poorfags who have to pay to go to uni
>think to myself, man I recognize this artstyle
>mentions links hair
>immediately know who it is
he's like chrischan with sonic's arms at this point, I just don't get it
absolutely KINO scene
Preston just completely devolved. I had no idea how low someone could go until he showed up.
this is what happens when today's pussified men do not discipline their kids for being shitheads. it has nothing to do with video games and everything to do with the fact that the boy had zero respect for his parents.
But she was always called peach in Japan...
>where's Kid Icarus
I'm sure he's happy to hear that the game got three sequels.
>Falling for Kelly, a cartoonist for the Onion
Top notch guys, real cream of the crop.
If nazis deserve a beating for being retarded, so do socialists, and a vast majority of leftists are socialists
>most cringeworthy strawman ever
Is this real or a parody of crappy SJW comics
Replace young people with Centrists and all these issues with ones you care about. Right or left, the old people will fucking roll you. When I ran a Congressional campaign, literally all the people we ran into were over 60. At events, fundraisers. They were the people we called. They were the ones we went door to door for. Old neighborhoods with old people. In a race where hundreds of thousands of votes were cast, we literally had people going door to door to talk to old people. Because they show up.
it works
Boomers only seem to be happy when others are unhappy. I've just never seen a boomers being happy among other happy people.
Are you physically incapable of not being retarded?
this comic is bullshit, no-good teens would beat the shit out of hacker people for being nerds
>Rap singers
>Hacker people
You just agreed with Dobson. You sure you wanna do that?
I ban evade every time anyway
it takes like 30 seconds
Working for "exposure" though is a big meme. Why not just ask if you'll do it for free? It's completely disingenuous to act like the artist is going to get something out of it. If you can pay, at least be upfront, and don't sugarcoat it.
Oh no user, don't look at those comments! The sheer lack of art will keep you from getting up tomorrow!
can't pay*
free healthcare, like the time an army medic permanently fucked up my toe trying to fix my ingrown toenail
>david card
oh you mean the left wing idiot whose "study" was debunked and blown the fuck out by Yea Forumstards who found evidence that he not only cherrypicked data but also faked numbers to get the result he wanted?
Truly they are living the dream.
Why is the got dog water merchant so obsessed with such useless lore?
Have sex
For the money. If you don't pay you don't get your life saving operation, medication, legal council, etc. Also
>CEO ever not being corrupt
Sasuga bootlicker-kun
There's nothing wrong with species mixing
>He doesnt realize that they clung tight to the 30 year old boomer meme as a way of deflecting criticism away from the boomers
/pol/ worships boomers.
that's why I included the shitty part
remember kids, ibuprofen fixes everything, if the us ever gets universal healthcare, ibuprofen will be your one and only friend and your cabinets will be filled with it
Using Howard and Nester as his own soapbox is over the fucking line. And using the actual title bar is like a punch to the face. Dobson is always a sack of shit but this is the comic that makes me unreasonably mad.
I ummm y-you- uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>For the money. If you don't pay you don't get your life saving operation, medication, legal council, etc.
Aw, that would be a really good point if it wasn't for the fact that the artist who made it is also blatantly stating they want more money.
It's purely masturbatory. The only /pol/acks who aren't edgy kids shitposting are boomers who are being sincere.
Other M