What do you look for in vidya companions?
What do you look for in vidya companions?
Miniman, easy. Roll up a barbarian and use him as a weapon.
>lose grip
>miniman takes damage and your weapon is now face down in the dirt
Nice going retard
>no animal companion
shit chart
Goldcreature is the animal if you think about it
Ill take the blue demon, speed and offense minmaxers are always fun
manlets are animals if you think about it, so miniman technically counts.
>another one of these fucking threads
Here's how it always goes
>the girl that will summon a drawfag to drawl lewds of her
>the useless piece of shit
>the stupidly OP choice
>the animal
Definitely the /fit/ manlet. I don't know why but male companions always saved my fucking ass ten times more than the female ones, plus he has a giant fucking sword and he served in the marines. Bless this man.
You forgot to include the part where someone comes in and complains.
>Curse of Solitude
>only get close to old people, or people already diagnosed with terminal diseases, or hedonists that have no issue with dying young
>maintain only a few friendships with these people, just enough to keep you from giving in to loneliness
>make sure you're honest with them about your curse beforehand, and do your best to be a good friend
>hopefully, if they like you enough, they'll keep your curse a secret, preventing your curse from becoming well known
>live the semi-normal life of an introvert, but with extra powers
>my friends will die because of me
>i-i wont give in to loneliness guys
Just pick the manlet.
i think he already got that part covered
>picking the literal tard over the gf, curse, or statue
Pick one glove to put on. Once you put it on, you cannot take it off
>the gf
Nigga your ass is too thirsty for your own good
Yeah, no interaction with NPC's after you fuck up sounds great
The most boring option
>defending these shit threads
>Nerd and Miniman's heights
Sorry it's not just a bunch of edited Wojaks and people are actually drawing things, user.
>Nigga your ass is too thirsty for your own good
>The most boring option
Is this the CYOA thread?
No one's drawing shit and when they do it'll just be shitty lewds
>Weapons are class restricted
Trash game
Would not play
Picking the gf because she has a vagina is never a good option plus she'll become an extra merchant later, no loss, she was useless as a companion anyway.
And you can't stick your dick into a golden statue, plus it's like a randomized tank that's not good at it's job. And maybe you can get a pretty good cash-in after it drops.
>it'll just be shitty lewds
Dont worry I wont be doing any this thread so people dont complain Im taking attention away from other people.
I command you to reveal yourself by drawing the goldcreature
I second this notion but make Miniman wield Goldcreature like a club
>Half robot
>Doesnt make jokes
>Can wear and use whatever I give them
>no loss
>implying you can't make her warm up to you during your adventures and make her become your gf
I don't get it.
Armored is best, because who needs Dex if you can tank like a man.
Sneaky comes second, isnt that effective but has no disadvantages either
Gilded is nice as long as it doesnt attract thieves
Thanos Glove is a convenient mob control weapon and even better if you play as tank
Finglerless is only good for Rogues but shit because it attracts enemy attention = No Stealth, which is important for Rogues
Cartoon is just useless and annoying after a while
What the fuck are these called?
i need more of these threads, they're fun
mspaint threads
CYOA is the term (Choose Your Own Adventure) there's always a general for them on /tg/, check it out
"Welcome user, kupo!"
>break nerd's glasses and bully her
The one true option
These CYOAs are the fucking worst. Do they ever generate any original content? user drawings are better.
How much to recruit the Moogle merchant?
I will take two trusty daggers and the teleport stone
1 million gil, kupo!
I said Im not posting.
At least not until other drawfags contribute first
human companions are so dull
i want more robots, animal and monsters
Demons yo.
Who the fuck cares about drawfags, they're all attention whores who are only surpassed by tripfags in terms of fagginess
I don't give a shit about drawfags, I only care about the content they make.
Time to grind like a madman then.
This. But also
This. But also I hate giving them attention, so I'm kind of stuck in a loop.
Pitch me some cool companion ideas, vee
>Robot companion that is mostly hollow, can wrap itself around you to turn into armor/exosuit
>Giant stag/hercules beetle, can flip around opponents and be used as a mount
>A sentient bearded vulture
Holy shit, talk about being entitled little shits.
Get free shit and STILL cry like a bitch about it
living wrench that can fix anything, but hates being held by men
Nerd she's cute and useful, also fuck adventuring just let me open up a shop with her yo.
>Anonymous drawfags
>attention whores
This doesn't really pan out.
if i can teleport inside enemys and make them explode via teleportaion, then the teleport stone is all i need
All of them post their social media
>what are (You)
>a beholder or just a bunch of eyes, can see enemy attacks coming but needs eye drops
You can only pick 4.
I want to use all of my picks on the shopkeeper
I remember this one. It's busted.
Literally all you need is Deception and Assasination.
a giant, axe weilding ghost that so coincedentally happens to be the keeper of time, trapped inside a ninjato (basically a katana with a straight edge instead of curbed edge).
sadly, if one loses grip of sword, the spirit wont be able to help you or summon itself
even worse, if someone manages to take the sword from you, they will be able to use the ghost, even if it tries its hardest to resist
use Assassination on the shopkeeper then steal the other 11 skills
Bag of tricks
Phantom presence
Rape shopkeeper then run away
Yeah, free shit no one asked for. It's like giving someone a copy of Fallout 76 for free and then saying "BUT ITS FREE" when they refuse
The ones which I can have sex with
I feel like that's a reference to something that I dont get
XM. Always bet on the mysterious nightmare. How bad can it be.?
Hello [drawfag], I am asking for art of [character], thanks
>that entire post
So you have like 70 IQ. Got it.
I love them if done right, but if they make the game easymode then fuck them, also nerd all the way gimme dem secret loots goyim
10 Exdeath and one Trusty Dagger, please.
None of them do.
I just want them to have good AI, the most OP and helpful abilities/items is meaningless if they sit in the corner playing with their own spit
green, stats are for fags and she looks like a huge bro
Pick three.
forgot pick related.
had this thought for the last year or two
but yeah im a slut for weaponized companions (stands from jojo, the egyptian skeleton and eliza from skullgrils, etc) and was like o shit i like bionicles and so, yeah
You are literally the most retarded poster in this thread.
These threads are for OC, you fucking dumbass.
Dont like it? Fucking get out
my fucking nigger you have some patrician taste
armored, cosplay as guts
How do you defeat a boss who wields both Light and Dark and has no weakness?
Nothing. I don't use companions
LIfelong warrior friend
Gunslinging loner
and either nameless r&f soldier or ancient steam night
You can only get 3 this time.
Wow, Nakama sounds like the shittiest choice possible
call him a centrist
heres a more funner twist
>pick 3
>the rest are trying to kill you
pffft good fucking luck
Dwarvern Engineer, Paladin and Pig druid
I will take an instaculi and strongest potion
Give the homunculus the strongest potion, he can surely handle them
I'll take Lifelong Warrior Friend, Undead Warrior With Amnesia, and Nameless Rank and File Soldier.
Sad that the thread got archived, because i made a image and i could not post it
force her to chug the strongest potion
Orc looks like a fucking chad, going with him
>implying you can replace me that easily
Now I feel bad I don't know where this is from
oh shit I didn't see three, I guessLifelong warrior friend and Perverted archmage too, ultimate saussage fest
Bag of Tricks
After Image
Ghost mode activated.
yeah, I'll give you 1000 GIL for your shirt
I want to FUCK that nerd
Where are the drawfrens
Steam Knight, Dwarven Engineer, Gunslinger Loner
No lewds! Kupo!
a wizard turned into a mimic who will help you greatly at the end of the game if you find the spell that can turn him back, but otherwise is just there to sometimes eat your money and help with stealth
Use the Twilight element to btfo him
Im waiting for other drawfriends to post first
Sentient attack helicopter.
50 daggers, I'll smith them into armor then sell the armor back until I can afford to buy everything in the shop
>he takes a little tax of off every single bit of money you make so long as you have him
>if you cure him he returns it all, plus interest
That's cool user, I like it.
basically this
ehh none of the OP characters are very appealing, I prefer monster designs.
fine, 2500, or I'll take my business elsewhere
vixen, undead and steam knight
>those eyebrows
i think i love her bros...
suck his dick
What is the opposite of somethings?
literally invest on void powers
or go apeshit and kamakaze yourself with the power of chaos (also the opposite of balanced power)
sure you killed yourself but hey he was an asshole. also bonus points if you kill other people with you
Only 2 now fuckers. Choose wisely for your holy one!
Post more pink girl
>claims to be a priestess
>has a fucking pentagram above her vag
>tfw had the love dovery vanilla porn the artist made of her
I lost it
It's because she was cursed as a child by a horrible demon.
I believe it's in here under the Alchemist folder.
im expecting an unholy waifu afterwards, user
>that futa one
Why is futa so hot bros?
>all of the OP's companions are useless
gee what a great thread
Dark knight with pink panties is still #1
>Comfy Adventure
Seasoned Veteran Relative
Lifelong Warrior Friend
Loyal Family Pet
>Fun Bounty Hunting Adventure
Foreign Runaway Cat Girl
Orc Troublemaker
Androgynous Cleric Kid
Ancient Steam Knight
Undead Amnesia Warrior
Gunslinging Loner
>Waifufag Adventure
Amazon Huntress
Realigned Villainous Vixen
Female Law Enforcement Paladin
Pick Nerd just for scanning secrets, prefer utility companions so I can do the fighting myself, wont choose Miniman because I want more bossfights. On a second playthrough I might go curse and do some weird memebuild shit that breaks the game
Can copy almost any enemy and summon it, but only 1-3 summons at a time based on their power/rank, can be bypassed at higher levels.
Is also playable, while still being a companion, by copying himself
>A lil' mimic dude who cam ambush foes for high critical damage! But you gotta feed him weapons/armor/ammo/gold to keep him from getting hungry, resulting in massive debuffs.
>Moth healer who has minimal offensive capability but can heal lots, boost stats, set up shields, and more! But bright lights dazzle/daze him, causing his spells to miss often and he wields a spell that spares enemies but they give no EXP or Gold
>A dude with a slot machine for a head that is the DEFINITION of RNG. Slot,, dice rolls, matching cards, selecting cards, wheels of fortune, all causing good or bad effects!
>Eyeless fluffy dude who wields a giant sword and does big dick damage, but he can't see! You have to manually mark enemies in order for him to land his attack, but he hits HARD. You also get to hold his hand while walking with him.
did you make more goomba art
Heavy hitting heavy metal kings. Servants in heaven, and emperors of hell.
isn't that fourth companion just the swine prince from darkest dungeon, functionally?
An old, beaten up paladin-esque warrior who's secretly-not so secretly a skeleton. This becomes extremely apparent as his holy magics and spells always hurt or debuff him when he uses them
Sorry Im just reposting art from yesterday
Yeah, Swine Prince but playable.
Perhaps similar to Swine Prince going mental when Wilbur is attacked, maybe the fourth pal uses a similar wild strike as a counter when you're hurt.
It tends to not land but he deserves an A for effort at least he cares about you
it's ok btw i love you user
Choose your power, Yea Forums
pls tell me youre the drawfag who came up with the princesses from the Yea Forums easter event last year
Given the Filenames, probably not.
But the guy who did draw those pictures is the one who did the Easter stuff.
thats what i fuckin thought
why wouldn't you pick black dog?
flashlights exist
goldcreature because he seems like a neat little fella
Hello, Drawfag here.
Yes I did make the princesses. Then I was busy all day long, that part made me so sad.
At least people enjoyed them
its a shame i doubt we could have something like it again :((
are you ever planning to bring them back?
>are you ever planning to bring them back?
I dont think there will ever be a chance for that.
Just be happy with what happened and treasure the fun memories. Im sure next aprils fool will be fun
I like purple, I'll take purple
Not him, but Will they at least send a postcard on April 1 this year?
>pick little tard
>throw him at people
>fucks em up because big ass sword
>pick him back up and do it again
I don't know why you'd choose something else, even a retard like him would know to smack someone he's thrown at if you tell him.
>gets mad at you
>becomes aggro
>can't explain it to him
I didn't think of that. Still, I'd rather take him than the others. Maybe there's a pacifying spell or something I could use so he doesn't flip shit.
Pick three.
Shield girl, blob and whip girl. Just have whip girl do all the damage at first while shield protects the blob as it levels.
You have to pass a speech check to convince her the slime isn't evil.
I'll take the slime, limited caster out of hopes for an event later down the line, and the ranger.
I wonder how well limited caster would pair with magic golem.
I'll just take the last 3.
slime girl is the best unironically
other than her pick demon girl and whatever the blue demon thing is
I like her
Worth it. Even if it doesn't work out I'm fine with taking 5ever to kill everything, cause holy girl is the cutest.
Slime is pervert?
My bad, forgot the skindentation
Slime is very pervert.
I fucked up an had two frames the same color so the rainbow slime had a stutter.
Yes I have fucked up multiple times at this point, sorry.
where's the fat art for Nerd?
That a boy or a girl? Not that it matters much to me but I can't tell.
It's fine my dude. Your gals are adorable.
Sexless slime body though the body it's mimicking was a girl.
Flying Demon girl for dps
Slimebro for obvious reasons
Shield Gal to defend slimebro
Body is genderless, but the character is male.
flying demon girl, crystal girl and BB girl
Black demon
Orange shield
mini man and get goldcreature later on. curse isnt worth it if its a 4 man party. nerd can probs just [talk] later in the game when it matters
Alright which one of you fags is lying?
Dante Must Die
>Seasoned Veteran Relative
>Lifelong Warrior Friend
>Gunslinging Loner
The character is a human Male who got stabbed to death.
He was reborn as a Slime in another world with super powers more or less.
He ate the body of a dying girl and gained a (blue haired) form of her, but younger.
Neither of us is lying. Rimuru got isekai'd into a slime, which is a sexless creature and he stopped feeling sexual attraction or a real tie to a sex at all.
Some time in he eats the body of a girl (to end her suffering because she had magic fire cancer) and then uses her likeness from then on, so whenever he's a human he's a very cute girl.
Well that's confusing. But if they can be a cute boy and a cute girl I can't complain at all.
They are freqeuntly very cute.
You make a convincing pitch. What's the source?
Whipgirl for area control and being Christbros with
Musketgirl to scout for defensive position
Shieldgirl to protect Whip and Musket
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken / "That time I got reincarnated as a slime"
Normally I would suggest reading the WN first since those are generally better but this is a big case of the LN/Manga being fairly different storywise from the WN and much better. The anime's decent but nothing much better or worse.
It is incredibly generic for an isekai, but it's not really bad or anything. I enjoyed reading the WN for the most part up until it got bad and to my knowledge the LN just straight up removed the bad parts and didn't end up getting bad.
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
Isekai anime that has 1 episode left this Season.
It's okay. Not great.
*Muffled STAB EQ in the distance*
If I were to shill a similar series "Kumo desu ga, nani ka?" / "I'm a spider now, so what" is similar in premise but I enjoyed more than slime.
Though that was the WN version of slime, maybe something really good happens later on in the LN slime.
Does not currently have an anime but has one coming this year.
I also agree with this.
>What do you look for?
"Will it shut up?"
"Will it use items wisely?"
"Can it do ranged dps?"
"If it physically follows my character how is the pathfinding programming?"
>Offered selections
>Nerd won't shut up
>Miniman can be killed
>Curse means no allies and edgy plot
>Goldcreature has randomized buffs
I'd rather pick none of these but the least problematic is Goldcreature.
Ah I've seen some pics of that spooder. Now I know the name, so thanks.
If for some reason you care about her staying pure spider she doesn't.
That one's not official but there wasn't an official art of her drider form for a while, this one is official though.
Huh, neat.
"Stupid fence sitter."
Purple Knight, Flying Demon, and Black Demon.
Team Evil represent.
I like party members like DA:Os Sten who constantly challenges your decisions. So tired of every single NPC felating me and telling me how Im always right and the best at everything
My penis
Her mouth
I think you mean "her penis, my mouth"
Both demons and the orange knight
what happened to the artist
Gobbo, Blobbo and Crystal Girl
From what I understand, he was just too much of an egotistical twat for people to keep working with him.
>breeding season
The Bro Quest people, at least.
Schwig/SPurple doesn't work well with most people.
Also, Broquest was like 95% Idea Guys + him.
>idea guys + egotistical artist
a disaster
Idea guys tend to be pretty egotistical too. They'll go to bat for the most inane shit.
>idea guys
They don't matter, they're useless sacks of shit.
Anyway, that's why Schwig left.
Idea guys are the people in a project that sit around saying "wouldn't it be cool if X" with no practical input on how to go about implementing X, or any ability to implement it themselves. If you tell them something's unrealistic, they'll say it should happen anyway because it's such a cool idea and if it gets cut out then they don't get to feel like they're contributing.
>go to breeding season
>ended in both creator and artist blaming each other
Breeding Season is a case of "it doesn't fucking matter who was in the wrong, shit wasn't getting done and everyone was unhappy."
I have to wonder how Cloud Meadow or whatever his new one is will crash and burn.
How do you undo the curse?
Actually, better question. Why would you undo the curse?
You already know the answer, user.
Powdered unicorn horn-laced condom that is made from a queen slime's flesh used in the fucking of a hydra.
I thought it was going to be one of those ironic curses where sucking her dick would remove the curse, just as she was learning to appreciate the feeling of having her dick sucked.
I'm fairly sure that's how the original thread went down, yeah.
what was the thread
Trying to find it now, actually. It's been a fucking while, so I can't recall any specific keywords to narrow my search, sorry.
>he promised 6 images later
oh damn
they forgot to put this in the mega
For me, it's the Imp.
That's cause the guy who was maintaining it vanished.
You know, I don't recall if those ever got done or not. I don't think so.
Cause I remember asking a few times subsequent.
We did it guys, a drawfag showed up
Would cuddle.
it's even worse since the artist never really has a site to begin with, so you literally can't find anything
literally just throw it out then
>so you literally can't find anything
Art is a fleeting thing. Is it better for all to revel in the old and mire themselves in what was or to embrace the present and gaze upon what is?
There was this from the first thread.
>always want to draw for these threads
>no drawing tablet
Guess I'll die
Probably curse of solitude because doubling your skill cap would turn you into an absolute god of death late game, although not being able to access the games economy in any way would be kinda shit.
Tbh probably that blue blob nigger because putting in work for a good reward tickles my balls
The fingerless gloves, if someone bullies me I can kill them
Smokescreen, acrobatics, deception, and backstab
Lifelong warrior friend, gunslinging loner, and dwarven engineer
Instaculi, monster vial, philosophers stone
Greater miracle and God’s kiss
The doggo
Blue guy all the way, rifleman, and idk probably that transforming devil nigger
You could pick up a Huion or something. They have some models in the $20-$50 range that aren't bad.
>grab nerd by pigtails
>kick her stomach in
>glasses fly off
>nerd is now subdued
Just do this whenever she starts being annoying
give me art requests
fuck thats kinda hot
a walking gun with sunglasses
Draw Team Evil
a waifu
Beached Skellyfish and smug* Diver Princess.
You can't see she's smug, but it's implied by a triumphant stance.
annoying girls are cute as long as they aren't dating another guy.
I agree.
Drawfag when
warrior friend, time mage, loyal doggo. if you chose anything else or even worse go for a pussy ass healer you're a faggot.
spam star spells. nothing is resistant to star.
What about another star?
fuck you that's cheating. It's not like boss monsters have star spells anyway
>0.2 image to post ratio
Disappointing for this kind of thread
There is literally no downside to Optus. The taboo should also include wastefulness, i.e. you have to eat every last bit of food whether it's expired or not as long as it doesn't make you sick, and like you can't throw away anything that isn't broken
Time Mage, Engineer, Steam Knight.
Time Mage turns Ancient Steam Knight into regular Steam Knight, Engineer keeps him running while he slays evil.
Since I only need the Mage for one spell, after that she can die in a pit where all knife-ears belong.
Three copies of Dick-Ass Thief, please.
Original or Remastered?
Draw every character in the whole thread all together
How about give me one character from each cyoa? That wont kill me as much as drawing everyone would
That would actually end up trivial, since there are really only three character-focused CYOAs in the thread:
That being said:
>Nameless Rank and File Soldier
>Church Inquisitor
>choose nakama
>12 satisfying lives
>on your last life, only your pet left
>remember the good times you had with your friends and your wife
>only memories left now
Would you off yourself? you'd leave your pet behind but you might just want to get on with it at that point
Orc Troublemaker
Not-So-Spoony Bard
Suave But Dubious Devil
Runaway Foreign Catgirl
Experienced Warrior Girl
Ancient Steam Knight
Experienced Warrior Girl
Lifelong Warrior Friend
Nameless Rank and File Soldier
Shield Maiden
Hell is Cool
The Shield Maiden buff has casualized Blob runs too much.
These are all shit, gimme some good characters.
god doesn't exist
Wouldn't stars just be a facet of the light element thus rendering them useless because of his resistance?
God I wish i could draw
Rainbow slime and devil
Miniman so I can power-mog him.
Heroic redhead, Hell's cool and Blobbo is the best party no matter what.
purple pls
>ctr;+f 'imgur'
>only 2 results
Step up your game, you smalltime bunch of horny monkeys.
To be fair, zero drawfags showed up for this thread.
There's been at least three from what I can see.
Yeah, and only 1 drew something lewd
i wonder how many people in here are ex vermin fags
Greater Miracle and Sacred Bond, yknow why?
Get a religious waifu. Love her. Pray together. Both take this shit.
If either of us die, we can resurect eachother. If we pray together we can do almost anything. Rejuvenate, heal, create food, bless and more and since we can literaly just do it as long as we go enough faith, the sky isnt even the limit, Heaven is.
Cute kuuderes. Anything else and I don't care.
Blue demon, black demon, and blob.
I just chose the ones I thought looked the best, I don't care about the stats.
hunter with whip
hunter with rifle
wanted theif
I dont
Supreme taste
Yeah no, imgur is literally r*ddit's default image site. Go back to pl*bbit please
Go ahead and post your porn directly in the thread then, faggot. Unless you can evade you can go ahead and fuck off for three days while the thread gets deleted.
Fact of the matter is, whenever these threads happen, the artist always posts the hottest shit to your boogeyman site so mods at least tolerate this wank.
I'm gonna draw this and post it later. Disclaimer: art quality will be poopy
Goldcreature, I guess? I don't really like any of these guys.
see Fingerless, obviously.
Acrobatics, Bag of Tricks, After Image, and Phantom Presence. Switch After Image for Deception if Phantom Presense makes it N/A. I'd probably just use these skills to play around, maybe get someone to believe i'm a ghost.
Runaway Foreign Catgirl, Amazon Huntress, and Gunslinging Loner.
Dead Man Chugging, Fast Man Pot, and Monster Vial for fast and heavy damage, or Instaculi, Strongest Potion, Philosopher's Rock just to fuck around.
Resurrect and Greater Miracle. I could get people to believe I'm Jesus!
Black Dog.
Nakama. I'd like to end up in a Lemonhope situation, where I travel the world, and after I've traveled for a long ass time, I just go back to where I started in my first life. Tired, jaded and back again, satisfied and melancholy. Tugs at the heartstrings just the right way.
I'd turn my back on the gods. Since I can't die I'd become a god killer.
Not existing
Holy mother of sauce please.
>No matter how many times you bump and save the thread from page 10 you are doomed to autosage
>Keep bumping thread in hopes of art
>No one comes
'Tis a saddening life
does it stay quiet and will it not draw enemy attention? basically, can i pretend i don't have a companion at all? modern AI is too shit for companions to be any good
Take the bottom left poison and chug it
Who's got the villaness one? She had quite the lips on her.
Nerd if I have a bestiary so I can fill it with all the facts and info. Bonus points if it works as a model viewer so I can see their animations.
Blue demon so I can masturbate to it.
Crystal girl
Hunter girl
Dark Knight girl
best fucking lineup
Time mage, Drunk Monk and Huntress. Self can be whatever for all I care
that shit is dead and infested with namefags now
didn't it end with a rape
when will there be a bf version of this
Original, Remake and Remastered :)