Now that the dust has settled, is it the best battle royale?

now that the dust has settled, is it the best battle royale?

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Yes, but the genre is still bad

>is this turd the smelliest?
Probably, who cares

Respawn are going to slow and apex is losing traction.

yes, it gets boring after 50 instead of 30 hours

>Not on Steam
>Chinkshit General

Yeah, no. Sorry. Also

>Best Battle Royale

I didn't know Best of the Worst was worthy of an award.

Yes but they're quickly fucking it up by not releasing content, the only reason fortnite still stays relevant and games like PUBG die cause of the constant stream of new stuff. this battle pass they're about to release will either strengthen or kill this game

It's basically PUBG 2.0, ruined by the Chinese, even on NA servers it's unplayable because of them.

Why does Respawn have such a large defense force? Say one tiny bad thing about the game and they jump on you

This. One new mediocre weapon, no word on battle pass + content release. Likely delayed because of an exploit to get Apex Coins for literally a launch command that takes 3 seconds to copy paste.

Dropping the game out of nowhere worked, now its time to talk and show what is up ahead.

Are there any white men in the game?

Back in my day games launched and never needed constant updates

Fuck off zoomers

It is but they couldn't be slower about updating it, still feels like a beta.


I feel like I can only play battle royale games in such limited doses before it gets boring to me.
Ten minutes of looting and camping for potentially only 30 seconds of action just isn't super appealing to me.

Honestly, FPS' games in general seem to kind of suck these days, or maybe I'm just losing interest.

It's the first BR I can enjoy, however the netcode is utter thrash and it will always be filled with cheaters due to being a source engine game. Right now most of the issues with the game are technical rather than the gameplay in itself.

Respawn's gotta act fast because the clock is ticking.

Where the FUCK is battle pass?

the game is alright for the first dozens of hours, after that its impossible to play without friends
>q up
>go skull/swamps/slums
>get peacekeeper/r99/wingman
>didnt get them? lose
>q up

every match is the fucking same, whats the point of having 20 weapons if 3 are actually useful

They never needed constant updates because the games had to actually ship in an acceptable state. Games like Apex can be launched filled with bugs and imbalances these days because little retards like you will eat it up anyway.


Survival mode in Division is the only Battle Royale game that wasn't complete shit.

Sounds like you're a shitter m8, the only unviable weapon in the game are the pistols and the mozambique, everything else works just fine

I too miss the days of UT99 and 2k4. I'm glad Halo is coming to PC though but that's still months off.

this game is by far the worst to play with randoms on, I don't know when the fuck the PC community got so shit, did fortnite make kids buy pc's?

I like it but I went to Titanfall 2 since it was on sale to see how it is. Now Apex is too fucking slow for me.

bugs ok, but you're delusional if you think old games were ever balanced well

what fps do you play these days senpai?
i bought a ps4 to play with my sister and COD4 was free, im enjoying it desu but i miss shit like what you said and the community around it, also FUCK valve for what they did to team fortress 2, commuinity is dead p much.

Played it for like a week, got bored and uninstalled, better than fortnite but it's still BR so it's shit

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i win 1 in 3 games i play usually, and i have about 1400 kills on bang and 1000 kills on pathfinder
if you actually think a guy with a flatline has the same chances to win as a guy with a r99 does youre mad (assuming they are the same skill level)

Only f2p garbo like apex and warframe sadly. Other than that I mostly stick to SP games now.

try titanfall 2, it has great movement and its pretty fun

Wait, aren't all guns similar in terms of damage? They just have different spray patterns and shooting modes, right?

no, some deal way more more than others, but whats important is firerate
has the highest fire rate, you dont even have to aim, it literally kills faster than a peacekeeper somehow
deals 45 on a basic hit, thats 5 shots to kill, unless you shoot for the head, and if you add a skullpierc. thats a literal 2 shot kill. oh and its basically a sniper if you add a scope to it
is the least evil of the 3, but if youre not trash it wont take more than 2 shots for you to kill someone, the only disadvantage is that you have to be close to them

R99 requires many pieces to surpass the flatline, flatline also does 2x damage on headshots, so it really depends if the r99 has the extended mag or no, because if it doesn't, the flatline is superior

yeah i assume theres attachments on the guns, it requires a blue mag and a decent scope, thats about it

>titanfall 2

ded game

I still really enjoy Blackout solos

Apex is ugly and bland as fuck with no staying power. I'm pretty sure it's just gonna drop off from here on out.

>playing a bunch of rando matches
>several keep going off on their own and getting killed, most just are shit otherwise
>meet these two really nice randos with mics
>we have great communication and coordination
>we win the match after an extremely heated final circle
>they both send me friend requests after the match
>ignore them

why am I like this

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3000 players is just enough

I'm the same way. Maybe you fear the commitment that comes with meaningful relationships? You may also fear loss, which is always possible when you have something you value.

The other thread got deleted for whatever reason, guess discussing video games is not cool

game is filled with cheaters to the brim worse than pubg ever was

I added 2 guys and we play together a lot, and let me tell you that i end up angry most of the time, so don't worry about it too much

>doesn't mention a 4k damage medal

i mean just admit ur garbage then lol

1400 kills like wtf u played for 1 week congrats?

>assuming they are the same skill level
So be better. Problem solved.

I didn't want to believe the shitposters but the game is fucking dead after one month just like they said.

So for those of you that played Titanfall 2

Is BT still alive in Jack's helmet?

>no word on battle pass + content release.
There was word literally yesterday, the battle pass has been known to be this month for weeks, and the game was shoved out the door early by EA anyway
Take your head out of your ass man


titanfall 3 when ;_;

It's really Reddit in this thread.