Is God of War "up there" as a series? Like on the Zelda, Castlevania...

Is God of War "up there" as a series? Like on the Zelda, Castlevania, Metal Gear kind of level where people who are long-time video game enthusiasts have a true love for the series and consider it part of the "video game canon" or whatever the fuck that would be.

Or is it just another Devil May Cry or Tekken kind of game where it's an "eh didn't change my life" experience

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>Implying it's on the same level as DMC
Fuck off with your 9 hours of cinematics

Devil May Cry's a lot closer to "up there" than God of War is


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Played through 1,2 and Chains of Olympus recently.

It's decent, but not "up there".

hahahahahah fuck no
God of War almost singlehandedly ruined the entire genre it was a part of, and anybody who actually plays action games considers it bottom of the barrel trash.

The West literally cannot into fucking action games.

Absoultely, although it's position is completely undeserved, games like Castlevania, The Legend of Zelda and Metal Gear were breakaway titles that defined an entire approach to gameplay, and often improved the gaming landscape as a whole. God of War was a cinematic action game with a large marketing push and an exclusive that tapped into a market of loyal fans, it's current position wasn't achieved at all in the same way that the other mentioned games did.

In terms of sales it's lightyears beyond DMC, parsecs behind Zelda and about neck-and-neck with Castlevania
But Kratos was the closest thing Sony had to a mascot for a few years for a reason

>games that got their reputation, acclaim, and success through repeated innovation and excellence
>game that sold a lot of copies because it had the biggest marketing campaign for any video game ever made at the time
Down to having a fucking 30 minute infomercial on Spike TV

God of War is mass market trash. Reminder it came out AFTER Devil May Cry 3 and Ninja Gaiden, the two best games in the genre. Reminder it came out the same year as Resident Evil 4, a gigantic innovator.

Its just a fun button-mashy action game series. Not as complex as something like dmc or ninja gaiden, but ive always enjoyed the franchise nontheless. I love the settings, stories, bosses, weapons, and general edginess. Not for everybody though. GoW 4 is completely different frok m the rest, but still a great game. Start with 1 if youre inrerested.

God of War is a decent button masher but it's not particularly noteworthy and it certainly doesn't deserve like 7 games.

Secretly this thread is also about debating every game on the list I made.

GoW 2018 >= GoW2 > GoW3 > GoW1

God of War 2 and the new God of War are both really good games, 3 is pretty good and 1 is as well, but 1 suffers due to its awful platforming bullshit and it has some tedious bosses and encounters

The series shined on its atmosphere and the brutality of its combat ,like the mortal kombat of hack and slash

>Reminder it came out AFTER Devil May Cry 3 and Ninja Gaiden, the two best games in the genre
And yet said series tripped on themselves so...

I don't consider it a GOAT series but the original trilogy was still a great one. Wish they didn't butcher it with four.

If you use reviews as a metric, which Yea Forums is inclined to do, then yes they have all scored terrifically.

desu ,I dont want to sound contrarian but speaking on having fun , 4 was the least fun for me...

god of war 2018 is the 5th or 4th greatest game ever made. it's already better then 2 of the franchises you have listed there

Neither, it's a bland attempt to do a character action game. Think Onechanbara or WET, but vastly more popular because of advertising.

Its because of the story or graphics right?...
I didnt really enjoy it,it wasnt very fun for me(Not a contrarian,I think Remake 2 and DMC 5 are the best ones on ther series)

That video is bs. Every other video you look up says the game has 6 hours of cutscenes I have no idea where this guy pulled another 2 hours from.

Metal Gear isn't even one of the first stealth games, the first was Wolfenstein, not Wolfenstein 3d, the original 2d Wolfenstein that no-one played, as far as actual gameplay goes Metal Gear isn't actually important to the stealth genre and never has been, it's key features are it's stylistic approach to presentation, and it's storytelling, it's stealth gameplay isn't even good, with it's main failures being forced boss fights and it's poor level design and limited options of approach, this doesn't mean that the games aren't bad, they are good action adventure games with nice stories, but they are sit stealth games, you're unironically better off with Sam Fisher or the original 2 Thief games.

Castlevania is a long lasting series with a rollercoaster of quality, Rondo of Blood is objectively the series best title but that's not due to excessive quality, it's due almost entirely to the series dropping that style of gameplay shortly after Rondo of Blood. The most famous entry in the series Symphony of the Night oozes quality but poorly embodies the gameplay goals of the genre, which it unfortunately makes up half the name of. The series has never at any point been properly made the leap into 3d, and at this point it's safe to say that it never will.

The Legend of Zelda is a series with such a long lasting and enduring legacy that almost no other series of games compare, at least 4 times the series has managed to completely reinvent itself and in doing so completely change the landscape of gaming. One of the most confusing things for the series is it's distinct lack of copycat games, almost none exist, in spite of having multiple double digit sellers, there are entire series that have sold less than that with far more copy cats.

4 is the best realization of the series core goal, it's the most cinematic of all the games.

Yeah I’d say so, it’s not quite as good as DMC, but you can’t button mash on the high difficulties, you’ll get your ass kicked. The first 5 games anyway are all classics, and the atmosphere and story are excellent. The story should’ve ended at 3 with Kratos dying to spite the gods one last time.

Devil May Cry is closer to those other series than God of War. It's still a series most people, even those with a passing knowledge on gaming, recognize, and original Kratos is still a gaming mascot, but stuff like Zelda might as well be on another plane of existence when it comes to long lasting.

I do hear of people returning to the original GoW trilogy often though and the PSP games are pretty highly regarded too.

I got the game recently. I don't think it was the best of the year by far but I've been wondering why do people call it walking sim? Cinematic bs aside, the game is quite challenging. I started on hard and had to turn it down to normal and even then it gets occasionally difficult.

I don’t think the original 5 games focused on being cinematic all that much they all still had loads of boss battles and chaining together combos with different moves and some puzzles too.

The game besides the Baldr fight starts off really slow. It’s a good game on the whole but it should’ve been faster paced and more open early in the game like a 3d metroidvania.

>I've been wondering why do people call it walking sim?
because most of those people never played it and just meme for ez (You)s
this applies for almost all meme criticisms on Yea Forums

I'm not saying its not on whatever list of most recognized/beloved series, just that it's not even in the top 10. It's fun, I still go back to the first one on my PS2, Kratos' ever lasting anger was endearing. I haven't played the most recent since I don't have a PS4, but even if they make 20 more games like the reboot, with Norse mythology instead of Greek, Kratos being more calm or at least trying to be more calm, etc, people are still going to think of Kratos as the original trilogy, not the more recent one.

God of War often gets hate because it's the bing bing wahoo of hack and slash action games, but I'm okay with that. Like other genres, you can have simple, arcadey games as well as deeper higher skill ceiling games. Honestly fuck the God of War haters.

old god of war games hardly had any cutscenes.

ironically enough God of War on ps4 is longer than DMCV even if you remove all the (very few) cutscenes and forced walking sections.

I personally wished it ended at 3 with Kratos spiting the gods one last time by denying them power

Both Devil May Cry and Tekken have a great legacy.

God of War not as much.

None of those games you listed are "up there" with Zelda doofus.

>One of the most confusing things for the series is it's distinct lack of copycat games
There used to be a lot of the 2D Zelda games, but never the 3D games so much. But it's kinda hard to make a Zelda clone, you need iconic characters to make it work and it would need to stand on its own.

>There used to be a lot of the 2D Zelda games
Zelda clones, I mean.

>Thinks Zelda and metal gear is life changing but tekken isn't
Wanna know how I know you don't actually play games

Yeah. I get that there's no way they'd ever let the guy really die or the series to just end, but I wish they had ended that way, as a final fuck you to the gods. Maybe Athena could then bring him back as a fuck you to Kratos to segway into the reboot.

So when are we going to get a God of war game where it turns out Kratos was the Roman soldier who nailed Jesus to a cross and them impaled him with a Spear?

A lot of games follow a similar formula to the Zelda games though. Part combat, part exploration, part puzzles.

that's dumb user

I wish they had the balls to go through with using Christian Angels after the Norse gods are all killed off, not even because of any edgy humor or anything, but because biblical depictions of the angels are cosmic horror as hell.

>why do people call it walking sim?
They do this to deride the game and anger fans. The series is deservedly hated because of it's position in the action games genre, it's the current alpha male of the genre, yet features comparatively simplistic gameplay, is balanced more towards story telling and spectacle and doesn't respect the genre it exists as part of.

That's the stated goals from the developers, from interviews of the first game, the cinematic approach has always been a key aspect of God of War, it's a marketing first series of games after all.

I could probably think of a few if I tried but they are a significant rarity, and as you stated there are almost none in 3d. What's even more confusing is that Zelda has now redefined it's formula which is far enough away from the old formula that a gap now exists within the genre, a gap that no company will ever bother to fill for some reason.

Only ever on a shallow level, this thread is about God of War, another series that copies Zelda gameplay systems, at least partially, but it also does such a half assed job that no-one bothers to mention the similarities.

is this a list of series that started good and became mediocre? because all of the ones you mentioned fit that description

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The original plot of the god of war series, from the start, intended for it to be about the Gods of war all killing their respective pantheons and then the 3 surviving ones being the 3 wise men that go to Jesus's birth.
From the start it was never intended to end at 3, the devs always wanted it to go on after the Greek God's death. Just they kind of fucked up with Kratos being so iconic, since they inteded for there to be a different God of war for each pantheon that you play as (So they originally would have had you playing as Tyr not Kratos for killing the norse pantheon, and whatever God they'd wank to the god of war for the Egyptian pantheon when they get to that)

>whatever God they'd wank to the god of war for the Egyptian pantheon when they get to that)

Short answer: no. Long answer: fuck, no.

Putting GoW in the same bag as DMC and Tekken is a joke.

That would have been a bold move, something SMS are not capable of doing.

>it's only 6 hours, it's okay

The first game's ending heavily implies Kratos remained god of war for posterity though.

I never was a big fan of Zelda so maybe I'm missing something but I think a lot of games take notes from Zelda. Maybe not a 1:1 but then again, the usual case with ripoffs is that people will just buy the original one.

Try button mashing any of the first 5 games on hard, you won’t get far they’re just as much action games as DMC and Bayonetta. The gameplay is deeper than many think.

Source on that? Sounds interesting.

>a gap that no company will ever bother to fill for some reason.
I mean it's not like it's easy. It's like saying you could just copy Mario or Pokemon, many have tried, many have failed. Not only that but most companies aren't willing to risk it for new IPs, a big open world game probably costs around 50-100 million to make. Then there's the marketing budget. I think the crazy thing is how many risks Nintendo took in the beginning, they created so many franchises when they made the NES. Zelda, Mario, Metroid, they were all different from each other but they all worked in their own way. Nowadays companies would never take risks like that, it costs too much nowadays.

Probably will skip Tyr as "dead" and go to Susanoo for The asian pantheon and Montu for the Egyptian pantheon. There's 4 symbols on the prophecy in Tyr's vault (asian, egyptian, Greek and celtic, which I assume is for the norse one), so they could concievably have 8 more games ahead of us, with the Shinto gods and egyptian ones.

>marketing first series
What does this even mean? The first 5 games were mostly gameplay and not cutscenes.

Fuck, forgot image.
hell, the image even kind of looks like a "following a star" kind of image.

Still don't understand how the fuck different mythologies can co-exist. If the universe came into existence due to the different realms colliding and the yddrassil tree existing, then how the fuck does gaia and kronos and all that shit fit in?

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This is why GoW should’ve stopped at 3, the ending was perfect.

zoom zoom

Kratos is ''up there'' as an easy to recognize character and that's about it. GoW itself was mostly known for Gore and Spectacle, not for its gameplay merits like Zelda, Castlevania or MG
GoW: Ascension was proof that, once the gore and the spectacle grew old, its gameplay wasn't enough to keep it interesting. There's no ''true love'' to be found from the fans since the majority of them were applauding the genre switch with nuGoW.
I personally like the original trilogy and have no interest on ever playing nuGoW, but even I considered the genre switch as a good thing for the IP.

No. The earlier games are a product of their time (I'm saying this as someone who loved the first game on release) and nu-GoW pulled a lot of punches and was just set up for a sequel.

I played them all and remember them fondly. The characters, story, and setting are all excellent. I even thought the fighting could be incredibly complex and stylish if you wanted it to be. Great series.

It'll never have the same mass appeal or recognition as the games you listed. Games like Mario with inoffensive characters that don't on murderous rampages will always be the top. I'd consider the GOW series more significant in gaming than most games (not DMC), but it'll never be a household name.

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Kill yourself, The video game tier officially goes like this in terms of legacy
> Mount Rushmore
Legend of Zelda
Final Fantasy (Past)
Super Mario
> Top Tier
Panzer Dragoon
Resident Evil
Phantasy Star
Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil
Dungeons & Dragons
Mario Kart
Super Smash Bros
> Mid Tier
Dragon Quest
Mega Man
Street Fighter
Grand Theft Auto
Xeno Series
Splinter Cell
Gran Turismo
Donkey Kong
Silent Hill
Star Wars KOTOR
Harvest Moon
> Low Tier
Devil May Cry
God of War
Prince of Persia
Sonic (2D)
Dead or Alive
Touhou Project
Deus Ex
Virtua Fighter
> Shit Tier
Assassin's Creed
Elder Scrolls
Kingdom Hearts
Call of Duty
Sonic (3D)
Fire Emblem
Star Ocean
Final Fantasy (Current)
Tales Of
Mass Effect
The Witcher
Tomb Raider
Mortal Kombat
Dragon Age

causality is malleable. All different religions exist in their own "zones" of truth in the world. So long as you're in a territory of the gods, their rules become law, and the others gods "laws" cease.
When you kill the god's of that region they die and atheistic laws of the universe take priority.

To be fair only DMC1 was really groundbreaking in terms of innovation, the rest in the series besides 2 and DmC are just really good games. And hell DMC has RE to think for it’s existence.

>it's six hours so it's bad
How much did MGS have? Are they still good games?

Resident Evil should replace Metroid, Resident Evil innovated survival horror, third person shooters, and VR games. Metroid is obviously great but didn’t innovative much since it was a mix of Zelda and Mario and Prime wasn’t the first to do metroidvania style fps games.

>Tetris not on the list

>The most profitable franchise of all times
>Not Mount Rushmore tier

>anyone who doesn't hate modern games must be a zoomer

>no Pong, Pacman or Space Invaders also

Nah, they innovated plenty! Now instead of a quasi dyke giant woman who's borderline emotionless, we got a great and fully emotionally fleshed out, realistically sized girl who's playing out how a normal human woman would react in a situation of being thrown into a world filled with horrific monsters.

Storytelling evolved.

Don't you mean DmC2?

People love Pokemon more for the Anime, not the actual games as their are held to a lower standards then Zelda, Mario, Metroid & Peak FF were

Metroid literally created it's own genre that spawned hundreds of new games every year. Resident Evil is amazing but had two horrible games that ruined it's legacy before they innovated & fixed it, whereas Metroid literally only has had one bad game & the rest were all amazing

Actually, Castlevania 1 is the most popular of it's series.

No it isn’t, SotN is

>people who are long-time video game enthusiasts have a true love for the series and consider it part of the "video game canon" or whatever the fuck that would be.
What the FUCK did he mean by this

>like on the Zelda, Castlevania, Metal Gear kind of level
Its not even up there in its own genre

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>Panzer Dragoon that high

I love the series, but come the fuck on. It barely has a legacy and will be completely forgotten in another 10 years. It also had almost no impact on the gaming industry.

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What the fuck is this thread

Who played ANY God of War game and thought "This is it. This is what I play videogames for."

If anything the most recent GoW was indicative of a trend certain developers are desperately trying to push where "cinematics" and "emotions" are tantamount or superior to actual gameplay.

Fuck this thread.

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Panzer Dragoon Saga is literally the most beloved Non SquareSoft or Nintendo game of all time, everyone who played it calls it a timeless masterpiece.

I love PDS, but many haven’t even heard of it.

Unrelated but I was disappointed by the music in the new God of War. It does its well enough but it's like the music in some summer blockbuster, just there to fill the dead air. I miss the original theme.

Taking notes and copying gameplay conventions isn't the same as making games like Zelda, it's the structure of dungeons, it's the emphasis on puzzle solving, and the way that equipment works, creating a

Yet it's still lacking anywhere near the same levels of Nuance of either of those other games you mentioned, and most of it's combat doesn't feel as well thought out or balanced like other action games, take move assist as an example, when attack Kratos will move towards the target because the game would rather players not think about their positioning and give them a smooth experience, but it's so faulty and poorly implemented, the game guesses who you want to attack so it isn't consistent. The games are rife with shit decisions like this because it's developers only seek to immitate without actually understanding what they should be doing, it's high concept shit with no room for nuance.

It's obviously not easy but many developers have copied other less successful formula's to great success, you are in a thread about a game that is an example of this right now.

When the first thing in your design document isn't the gameplay but the setting or the spectacle you are marketing first. This is a common problem with western games where gameplay systems are relegated to a footnote often using another game that has successfully built these gameplay systems as an example.

I'm sure Symphony of the night is the most famous, but CV1 is probably the most popular

Tekken 1-3 maybe. Everything else is completely forgettable.

Nah you're a fuck

That's because they only released 50,000 copies, which adds to it's legacy even more

Sorry but as someone who loves my heritage I can't get behind "angry bald marines murders every classical god in vulgar fashion".

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It is for me

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>Panzer Dragoon Saga is literally the most beloved Non SquareSoft or Nintendo game of all time
I know you're a bleeding heart autist but it's not even close to holding this. God of War is more liked by a larger audience who praise it to high heaven, the game will be remembered, and about as fondly as Panzer Dragoon Saga, but not for the right reasons.


>God of War on ps4 is longer than DMCV even if you remove all the (very few) cutscenes and forced walking sections
Congratulations on not getting the point of a DMC game.

I never played it, had only heard of it, but that's not really a good sign. ET being buried in the desert also adds to the legendary status but not for the positive.

They take elements from it , but there's very few and far between games that are as close to Zelda as something like Street Fighter and KOF are to each other.

3d Dot Game Heroes
Ax Battler: Legend of Golden Axe
Illusion of Gaia

are three that come to mind, and only 3d Dot Game Heroes truly feels like a Zelda clone.

Being le stylish weebbait?

>Dragon Quest
>being mid-tier
Holy hell, that should at least be top-tier

>Deus Ex
>being low-tier
This list is retarded.

Literally the only thing they'll remember Metroid is for how many times they jerked it to Samus

Then what would you say makes a Zelda clone? Or a game that heavily uses Zelda as its main inspiration?
This is not meant as an insult. Games inspired by Dark Souls wear that influence on their sleeves, most going as far as using bonfires, and Dark Souls itself is heavily inspired by Zelda, but what makes a Zelda formula?

Mastering the combat system to the fullest and looking good while you do it.

You're insane and your placings are all over the place. Resident Evil above Street Fighter? come the fuck on

This is correct, that award probably should actually go to SoulCalibur

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Glad we agree
No substance other than pretty eyecandy for the sorta fag that goes to hot topic, like all games born form Kamiya's brain

Nor Doom or any kind of MMORPG

RE4 is more iconic then Street Fighter 2

>People love Pokemon more for the Anime, not the actual games
You cant be THIS retarded
>muh journos
Oh wait you are

The amount of vitriol towards the series in this thread is actually quite reassuring to me. I thought we were more far gone than we appear to be.

>complex combat system that encourages using every tool at your disposal to get the highest score
>no substance
Glad to know you're retarded.

compared to gow, dmc is practically a strategy game. gow is shallow as fuck

The original God of War is the only kino series out of all those you mentioned

Is service of gay weebshit, why should I care? Does anyone care about what's going on as you play DMC? Might as well go play chess then

Are you ESL or retarded?

Metroid is so hilariously overrated and overemphasized. It's not even a top 5 Nintendo series, much less a top 5 of all time.

>more people love PDS than SF 2, KOF 98, SC1, Metal Gear Solid, and RE2.

>thinking that perfectly fine post was written by an esl
I don't know, are you?

It's fucking hysterical how a new IP like Splatoon not only gained more popularity in a couple years than Metroid who has been around since the NES

I get the feeling none of you have actually played any god of war games

>why play sports games just do actual sports

>Is service of gay weebshit, why should I care?
>Does anyone care about what's going on as you play DMC?
What does that even mean?
>Might as well go play chess then
It's like I'm seeing a string of non sequitur statements.

To be Zelda clone, and I am referring to mostly the original LoZ and AlttP, you need a few things

>top down perspective
>nameless, unspeaking protagonist
>light on text
>large overworld with many holes that lead to secret areas or dungeons
>dungeons involve keys to locked doors and ability-granting items to advance
>limited usage of non-functioning key items to advance
>character does not gain strength through experience, but instead exploring and collecting health and item upgrades
>non random enemy encounters
>boss at the end of dungeon that is based around ability obtained within the dungeon
>some sequence breaking is allowed, dungeons can technically be completed in any order as long as you collect ability items
>limited amount of speaking non-hostile NPCs, zero, one, or two towns.

Games like OoT can somewhat fit into this category, but there are few games that directly copy its formula that has a lot of this in common. Star Fox Adventures would be one.

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So franchise breakdown
> 1. Zelda (9/9) (3 Games Per list) (Most: 4)
> 2. Chrono (8/9) (1 Game Per Inclusion) (Most: 2)
> 3. Metroid (7/9) (1 Game Per Inclusion) (Most: 2)
> 4. Mario (79) (1/2 Games Per Inclusion) (Most: 6)
> 5. Final Fantasy (7/9) (1/2 Games Per Inclusion) (Most: 2)
> 6. SoulCalibur (6/9) (1 Game Per Inclusion) (Most: 1)
> 7. Metal Gear (6/9) (1 Game Per Inclusion) (Most: 2)
> 8. Resident Evil (5/9) (1 Game Per Inclusion) (Most: 1)
> 9. Castlevania (5/9) (1 Game Per Inclusion) (Most: 1)
> 10. Panzer Dragoon (4/9) (1 Game Per Inclusion) (Most: 1)
> 11. Street Fighter (4/9) (1 Game Per Inclsusion) (Most: 1)
There, here's your actual tier list.

All that combat is in a weebshit game, so who cares how good it is?
>What does that even mean?
There's no emotional attachment to anything going on in DMC and I doubt most people even know the characters' names, because it's a pure gameplay experience with gimmicky visuals over it to appeal to faggots. There's no notewortht music or atmosphere.
Since the gameplay is all it has and people defend how """complex""" their fucking vidya is they might as well go play a real game, (hence chess which actually requires the use of your brain unlike DMC regardless of what its fans would tell you). The reason you won't play chess is because vidya has other aspects than simply gameplay that please you, but DMC fails at all of them by being a gay game
Yes, good question.

I guess it's more complicated of a formula then I first thought.

It was for a time. Around the late 90s to early 2000s when Super Metroid became a cult classic in NA when Millennials started playing it via emulators in massive numbers. People reading this thinking "NOT ME I PLAYED ON A REAL SNES YOU ZOOMER FUCK". Stop lying. I know you did play it on a real SNES but you played it years on from its release and probably -after- you had played it on ZSNES. Admit it. Admit it!!

Then you were super hyped for Metroid Prime and it delivered on everything and more. It was one of the greatest games in history the year it was released. If you were a a teenager who had been playing games since the late 80s or early 90s.

But after the mid 2000s Metroid started to fade, and then Other M really put it in the cultural doghouse.

Maybe it can come back idk.

More sales. Far less penetration into pop culture.

dmc has good music and atmosphere. it's a complete package unlike gow which only has presentation and no good gameplay.

It's clear you're just a shitposter who can contribute nothing of value to a conversation. Good night.

None of this counts for anything. I thought we all knew this by now. These reviewers are all show business, giving the right game the right review because it was supposed to have a perfect score. Because if they didn't they were hung.

Throw out all of professional video game reviews in history, it's as valid as Lance Armstrong's championships.

>dmc has good music and atmosphere
Maybe, if you swallow cum.

>Far less penetration into pop culture.
Nigger there's conventions in Japan about Splatoon what the fuck are you smoking

I accept your concession.

1. Ocarina of Time (99) (Nintendo) (N64)
2. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (98) (Neversoft) (PS1)
3. GTA IV (98) (Rockstar) (PS3)
4. SoulCalibur (98) (Namco) (Dreamcast)
5. GTA IV (98) (Rockstar) (360)
6. Super Mario Galaxy (97) (Nintendo) (Wii)
7. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (97) (Nintendo) (Wii)
8. Red dead redemption 2 (97) (Rockstar) (Xbox One)
9. GTAV (97) (Rockstar) (Xbox One)
10. GTAV (97) (Rockstar) (PS3)
11. GTAV (97) (Rockstar) (360)
12. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (9û) (Neversoft) (dreamcast)
13. Breath of the Wild (97) (Nintendo) (Switch)
14. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (97) (Neversoft) (PS2)
15. Perfect Dark (97) (Rare) (N64)

Journalist & Main Stream publications are solely responsible for public perception. They are incredibly important

so you have awful taste then.

Then why do people care more about what their favorite youtuber said? At least the youtuber plays the game.

no only normalfaggots would say that shit, you arent one right OP?

If that were the case then TLOU is one of the most influential games of last gen and God Hand is worse than shovelware like Imagine Babies

Hasn't been true at all for the last 15 years. Was never really true before that.

>2. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (98) (Neversoft) (PS1)
This is why lists like this can be safely disregarded.

No, no get it right. God Hand is obviously on par with masterworks like Cory in the House: The Game!

Nice try underage, THPS2 is basically a perfect game

THPS is amazing though

first 3 games were good. nu male kratos can fuck off desu

I'm going to call you a westeeb because you praised a western game. Westb? Weestb?

The God of War series were fun, over the top beat em ups until the Devs that made the game got high off their own farts and turned it into a movie series.

why the fuck does THPS2 have a 97 in metacritic anyways? 3 is better and I think it has a 95 ro soemthing
even then why would you consider metacritic as an actual source of vidya criticism?

Zelda is a shit tier franchise anyway. No Zelda game can hold a candle to the new God of War. It's probably the pinnacle of action adventure gameplay with masterful storytelling and the no cut camera is a welcome addition that bridges award winning cinematics with bold, brazen gameplay. Unlike trash like botw (wHaT iS a StOrY) and other Zelda games (jAnKy GaMePlAy Is GoOd 10/10)

Did you get lost on the way to Reddit?

It's not worthy of a perfect 10. Vastly overrated by people who play it because of their lifestyle interests rather than because it's a good video game.

Nostalgia and insecurity by skaters who want to point at the game having glowing scores as a method of validation for their hobby and culture. The game is a 10 if you skate, an 8.5 at best if you don't.

i really like god of war a lot but putting it on the same tier as franchises that defined entire generations and/or spawned all-new subgenres would be reaching like a motherfucker. on the other hand castlevania and zelda have been around for over twice as long so who knows how it'll compare in the future.

Well, here's the thing: Hades died in 3 and the souls of the dead were all over the place because they had nowhere to go.
But in 4, everything on the region was cool (until valkyries stopped doing their work, anyway).
Seems like they only affect the region they govern, so if Gaia or Poseidon die, only that part of the world will be affected by the change and will probably readjust itself later, when the people stops believing about those gods and myths, when they stop fueling their lingering power with faith and go back to the laws of the man.

MGS is an absolute garbage series and Kojima is the biggest hack in the industry. In like 30 years of existing MGS has had three good things: revengeance, phantom pain in-mission gameplay, and that dumb snake eater song.

I don’t skateboard at all, I love it because it found an innovative way of stringing together combos without being a fighting game and having excellent level design with loads of secrets and having a soundtrack that fits the time period.

God of war just a basic hack n slash with little to no dept behind its combat, it was designed to be the DMC to people who hate playing video games.

>it was designed to be the DMC to people who hate playing video games.
I like both series, where's your God know?

Leddit spergs would buy Link's Awakening Super DX Ultra remake on the Nintendo Switch 7 for $60 with no additional content.

Why even ask Yea Forums‘s opinion anymore? It’s pointless to even argue, if you believe it’s part of the greatest series then it is, if it isn’t then it isn’t. I personally think half life is dogshit but I know most of Yea Forums loves it.

God of War 1 was better than any DMC game could ever hope to be
God of War 2 was also better, but not as significantly
God of War 3's only real value was as fap fuel, and God of War 4 did to the series what Shadow Fall did to Killzone, which is what Germany did to Poland in 1939

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No. Even at the time, it was considered a big step down from its contemporaries. Dad of Boy was very popular, but only for a short time. It's not a series with any sort of longevity or history or even a particularly unique style to set it apart.

What people ususally don't see is that God of War doesn't try to go for style points, like DMC, Bayonetta or, to a lesser extent, Ninja Gaiden, but about surviving difficult fights efficiently, while they let the fancy stuff for cinematics. In fact, it should be compared more to Ninja Gaiden than to DMC.
GoW is a series of serviceable, short games that are fun to play, and to speculate about the story so far and what's next. They're no masterpieces, but I fail to see what makes people so mad about them.

About how big they are, probably as big as DMC or Castlevania in terms of fanbase. Certainly not as big as Metal Gear or Zelda.
And barely above Legacy of Kain and Ninja Gaiden.

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>legacy of kain
Nigga it barely has a fanbase anymore, it’s a cult series at best

i would personally place street fighter, mortal kombat and megaman in top tier, and also i would place god of war and Halo in mid tier, also fallout and uncharted in low tier

Isn't a new one being made?

Fighting “games”

>it found an innovative way of stringing together combos without being a fighting game
that's great, but it doesn't really make it one of the best games of all time.

i don't understand the hate for fighting games, can you explain it to me?

>Legacy of Kain
meme game made famous by EGM because the devs were buds with the magazine staff.

It's unfortunate to see we're dwindling in quantity because the last real game released was 16 years ago.
However you feel to paint it, the first games were pretty good on their own merit.

Castlevania isn't "up there"

There's not diverse enough gameplay. It's all button mashing and learning combos. Game after game. Street fighter, mvc, mortal kombat, ki, Injustice, fighterz, etc. Sure they're all “different” but if you've played one, you've played them all

Well that is a good point yet that doesnt mean they are all shit, they are fun to play from time to time

>There's not diverse enough gameplay. It's all button mashing and learning combos
And platforming is just jumping

Grand theft auto should be GOD KING tier

Also this, anyone can reduce a genre to its basic mechanic in order to make it look stupid

The main theme is great!

GOW 2018 has 8 hours of cutscenes...

Think we'll ever get Christian mythology? I'm looking forward to Satan being depicted as Good like loki while God is the villain.

Original God of War games are shit & people liked them for visuals & how cinematic they were, there is a reason they changed genre's & Judgement bombed

The new one is okay, but it's generic as hell, Dark Souls/cinematic gameplay, Last of Us style story, looting/rpg mechanics, a UI that looks the same as 50 other games

It's alright but it doesn't have that same sense of scale, like you're about to go on an epic trip of violence.

not even close

Your right it’s several level above shitty ass DMC.

You sound like a nerd who thinks Bioware RPGs are the pinnacle of diverse gameplay. Fighting Games are unmatched when it comes to creativity, player expression, intelligent decision making, and emergent metas. They are only button mashers for people who lack the intellectual capacity to appreciate them.

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You sound like a grumpy old man saying "all video games are just pressing buttons, where's the fun in that?"

in what world is gow better than dmc? they're fun but are only good for a single playthrough.

>metroid prim trilogy
>MGS trilogy counted as 3 separate entries
is gamefaqs run by literal retards? either include compilation games or don't. preferably the ladder.