13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim


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Never heard of this but buying it based on OP pic


can't wait

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Wasn't this cancelled?

There is no combat in the prologue?

I kinda want to avoid spoilers but at the same time I want to keep looking at dat art.

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Nope, Dragon's Crown was the one that was almost canceled until Atlus saved it.
Atlus is also the publisher for this one.

>no actual gameplay
Aaaaand not buying it. I can look at ecchi or hentai (better and free I might add) anytime I want so this is obsolete already.

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I'm moderately insterested still, but now that it has been confirmed the game is pretty much a side-scroller visual novel, does it have any chance of being praised for its gameplay like Muramasa, Odin Sphere Leifthrasir and Dragon's Crown were? I would hate it to see 13 Sentinels being passed up as a niche game due not having the gameplay factor on its favor.

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what is this game
is george kamitani involved in it

There's no combat at all.

Mecha drama with 13 teenagers, looks like Vanillaware is making the bizarro Dragon's Crown, no gameplay, all story.

How does 13 sentinels even play?
I've seen absolutely nothing but that girl walking through an empty city.

Yes. It's Vanillaware's Bokurano

Yeah, so this is Vanillaware selling out and taking out what little fun their games had. I hope this company stays niche and the game flops, they deserve to fail.

It's ok, user. Not everything is made for you.

why are the white panties of school girls so magical

Wow, what did they do to you to wish them to fail?

They are making a Mech Visual Novel. How fucking boring. Vanillaware visuals are like half the reason I play their games. The other half is the actual game which by your information this "thing" fails to have.

>does it have any chance of being praised for its gameplay like Muramasa, Odin Sphere Leifthrasir and Dragon's Crown were?
It's a visual novel, so absolutely not. The story and art will have to carry it. I really liked Odin Sphere's story and how all the paths intersected, so there is hope for it. The long development time has me worried, though.

>tell Yea Forums it's a point and click visual novel
>no one believes me

who's laughing now, you h*cking nerds

There's something that could be gameplay of sorts, don't assume the game is just a walking simulator just yet.

Attached: 13_sentinels_maybe_gameplay.jpg (1366x727, 285K)

>who's laughing now, you h*cking nerds
Me at you.

I don't care, I get to see pantsu.

The funny part is what little story there is a litteral dumpster fire.
You know how stories with time travel end up being too convoluted to follow, like terminator genisis.
Imagine that happening 10 minutes into the game.

>Visual novel
well that's disapointing considering it's Vanillaware but people liked Muv-Luv, depends on the final product I guess

Bokuranofags can only think of it for mecha drama? For crying out loud, that thing doesn't have a mecha for each children nor it spams across years for starters.

Terminator ended with T2.

Oh, I just remembered, it was the Vita version that was cancelled and the game was indefinitely delayed

I hope the "hurp it's a VN and not an action game" anger calms before release. Vanillaware threads were once the comfiest shit, if they become "hurr why didnt they make this an action game" for the next few years that'd suck.

>visual novel
I see character models and a world that seems alive at least, not just static fucking pictures and text.

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Pilots aren't naked anymore. Snoy claims another victim.

There's a map transition to mecha battles though, so there could be some sort of strategy-like segments.

They already shown dialogue choices and decision making of some sorts. It's basically a play-it-yourself anime

The pilot you see on the prologue is not her current self, I won't scream CENSORED till I see the actual teenagers being altered inside their mech.

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Completing the prologue demo released in Japan today reveals this trailer at the end. Presumably it's the game that Vanillaware were recruiting artists for a couple years ago.


They have already shown them naked

I guess nothing will come close to the sexy designs Dragon's Crown had for a long time. Sad!

Wonder what it is? Didn't George say a few years ago that he'd like to have a crack at a more traditional JRPG? Could be a Grand Knights History spiritual successor akin to Grand Kingdom, maybe?

Why do Vanillaware threads barely get any posts at all unless it's just waifu circlejerking or complaining about SJWs via that Jason Schreier thing?



They did before, but with minimal news, the only time the threads pick up is if people can fake some drama about them, like when people insisted Sentinels was delayed due to censorship (which there was no basis for the claim of).

Yea Forums is just like this now for anything niche.

Is canceled?

It's a VN:

I stopped caring when they cancelled the Vita version.

I'll start caring again in 2 years when they port it to PC or Switch as a "complete" version with the additional story paths they cut in the first release.

snoy snoyyyyyyyy*fart*

I like vanillawave and Visual novels but this thing is going to fail so hard it's not even funny

For taking at least 6 years it better be Zero Escape/Umineko levels of intricate and layered, otherwise I'm not bothering

Welcome to the club.
t From Software fan who likes a majority of their games outside of dark souls

>It's a shitty VN
>It will bomb like a motherfucker
Serves them right.
This wouldn't happen if they were a Nintendo's third party. Muramasa, by far their best game, was made with Nintendo supervision.

>Muramasa (wii)had sold 47,000 units by November 2009
Muramasa (vita remake) Within the first month following its release in Japan, the game topped 100,000
>Odin Sphere Leifthrasir Debuts with 95k Copies Sold in Japan

>buying games

Week one Bayonetta 2 sales in Japan, as shown on the 4Gamer website, suggests the game managed to sell about 39,000 copies.

By comparison, the 2009 original was reported at the time to have sold 138,000 copies during its first week in Japan, split between 93,000 on PS3 and 45,000 on Xbox 360.

Woeful 101

The game sold 5,258 copies in its first week in Japan[29] and reached 22nd place in its first week of the UK sales chart.

>It will bomb like a motherfucker
>VN in Japan

>xbox game outsold a wii game in japan

holy kek nintentards

You forgot
>VN in the Mecha genre in Japan
It's like he doesn't even know

Vanillaware threads get posts when an actual game has been just released or there is plenty of hype about it, as there were some plentiful threads during Dragon's Crown days and when Odin Sphere Leifthrasir was released. Aegis Rim doesn't fit neither criteria at the moment, a mere prologue demo won't generate any heavy discussion.

>Umineko levels of intricate and layered
300 words to convey someone looking at a watch is not intricate, it's pretentious bullshit to make your college assigment have enough words.

Japan hasn't been a relevant market in almost a decade.
They're almost South America tier.

Japan has let it go of conventional games, not visual novels, they still sell to its audience.


You do know that in Japan different devs need different numbers to break even. Very few of them need to breach 100k to break even. 25-50k sales is closer to their standard. Then you have Compile Heart and Game Freak who need like 10k sales before they start making money.
A bomb means it didn't make them money. Not that it didn't sell bloated AAA numbers.

Don't worry faggot, California will do its thing once the final game comes out.

>For taking at least 6 years
It only took 3 years if the now revealed release window for Japan in 2019 still doesn't get a delay.

Also the demo shows a trailer for an unannounced game so who knows if they were working on that along with Aegis Rim

Should've ported over Muramasa or remade Grim Grimoire

>This wouldn't happen if they were a Nintendo's third party. Muramasa, by far their best game, was made with Nintendo supervision.
Do you have any idea how videogames are made or how VW has been doing them?

>its been 4 years since the initial reveal
i just hope we get more of that S-tier music

>Nintendo fans claim that they'll save the Valkyria Chronicles series
>Valkyria Chronicles 4 not only bombed on every platform, but sold the worst on the Switch

>Nintendo fans claim that a port of Dark Souls would outsell all the other versions combined together
>It barely sold 400k units


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>games come out once in a blue mood
>art's nice

>or remade Grim Grimoire
Grim Grimoire was an obscure game back then, it would be an obscure game now. This mecha side-scroller visual novel has better chances of being more popular than Grim Grimoire just for George Kamitani's art alone.

She better not the biggest the game has to offer.

>Muramasa, by far their best game, was made with Nintendo supervision
Nintendo didn't have a single thing to with Muramasa, spouting bullshit to assist your narrative won't make it true.

Does it play like the Monkey Island remakes or something? What is this crap? I expected some mech action game or something.

Attached: Screenshot - 3_13_2019 , 5_34_02 PM 13 Sentinels English Live Translation Part 2 - YouTube - Google (1285x664, 1.8M)

Can someone post a decent quality pic of the delinquent girl? One of the main characters, ponytail.

She's cute as FUCK holy shit.

Thats only part of the gameplay. You could also talk with NPC in Muramasa but it was more simplified.

>I expected some mech action game or something.
Honestly since the reveal 3 years ago all they showed was the characters around, shouldn't have expected anything else.

please delete this im trying to get a narrative going

>company unwilling to talk about it openly
>releases a paid fucking demo where you can't even transfer save data
>it's just a VN
>huge development time, obviously rewrites or restructures or something
It's not going to be great. There's no way a VN can take as long as that, even at this level of visual quality. I'm sure it won't sell well outside Japan, either, and I'm not even sure about in Japan.

This is a paid demo (around 8 dollars), something the nips had to buy to get a feeling of the gameplay wouldn't hide much of what one will get in the whole package. Going around talking to people will be at least the focus of the game is about.

>company unwilling to talk about it openly
>huge development time
Welcome to Vanillaware, newfag

>it's just a VN
Wrong yet again. Three strikes and out

I don't care I want a remake of it already

>There's no way a VN can take as long as that
The genre has its share of "Duke Nukem Forever" situations, and those are just the usual VN with pics and text. Even if it is just walking around Aegis Rim still boast the usual Vanillaware animation and artworks,

Adventure games like old Lucas Arts titles tend to be a lot more involved than VNs and can include puzzles, mini-games, and other shit. The problem is Vanillaware has basically zero pedigree for these kinds of games and I can't say they've written any particularly compelling stories in their games. I mean, fuck, look at the premise of this damn thing. It's a bunch of Japanese high schoolers piloting mechs. BORING.

>Welcome to Vanillaware, newfag
Looks like you are the newfag here, even Dragon's Crown troubled development due the publisher dying on them had the full disclosure on what the gameplay was about on reveal.

Odin Sphere is very very good as far as videogame stories go. Some of Muramasa's DLC are fine too.

>Wrong yet again
How is he wrong? Vanilaware put this for sale, it isn't free, so a paid product to introduce people on what the final game will have will definitely have almost the full scope of its actual gameplay, if all it has is the characters walking around and talking to people then the final game will be mostly about that. No one hides mechanics in a paid demo, Ground Zero was just a few years ago.

>releases a paid fucking demo where you can't even transfer save data






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>intricate and layered
it was literally dumbed down from the Infinity series

Is it naive to hope that there's going to be more lavishly drawn food--stuffs?

Attached: Odin-Sphere-Leifthrasir-Cooking-.jpg (1920x1080, 350K)

You don't just walk around and talk to people in those games though, they are action side-scrollers.

It's a high-school setting, it will obviously have the 13 characters eating something more modern.

It's VW for god's sake of COURSE there's going to be good food.

It's a Volkswagen?

So are we getting it? Or is it Japan exclusive?



Just kill yourselves already niggers. They already called it an adventure game and all the trailers didn't have gameplay "action" because they were literally showing the adventure gameplay.

They called Dragon's Crown and the like Action RPG's.

Any jiggle physics?

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We are getting the full game, dunno about this paid prologue, the localization was announced a while ago but it has no release window yet, the japanese version only got a release window for this year 2019 just recently.

Yes, on this girl at least.

>They already called it an adventure game
Adventure game can mean several things outside Japan, only them insist in calling visual novels as "ADV" games. A western media coverage should clarify it further.

That's what I thought. They might as well make it a pre-order incentive or a digital download if its not included in the full game we're getting. But this is probably being too hopeful.

That's some huge ice cream.

This prologue is so short though, barely dives in the story of 4 characters, I don't think it will impact the full game in any meaningful way.

For you.

I fail to see why this "prologue" was paid content, it's literally the story introduction, even VN devs have free trial versions of their stuff.

So how many people are going to die? There's no way the whole 13 protagonists will make it alive by the end of this tale.

Clones, time travel and nanomachines are confirmed. A characters death won't mean much when there's plot shit like this.

Your favorite ones will die. The shitty ones will continue surviving.

I'd rim an Aegis.

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but if shitty ones end up being my favorites?

Maybe you can save them depending on your dialogue choices?

>Clones, time travel and nanomachines are confirmed
Plenty of sci-fi that has all that and death still happens, like Star Gate, it all depends if Vanillaware wants drama or not, and they have done plenty of drama in their games before.

It's the same situation than Ground Zeroes. Long development time means funds are running out, studio needs to put something out to get some dough quickly. Just look at the amount of collector shit this "prologue" had. They are abusing their fanbaseto make up fo their incompetence


same situation as*

>It's the same situation than Ground Zeroes
Technically GZ could pass up as its own mini-story out of Phantom Pain, what I've seen of this Aegis Rim's prologue is quite literally the begininng of the game though. Comparing them makes sense in the financial standpoint but it will make the Aegis Rim the worse out of the bunch with so little content.

>developer of some of the best 2D action games of the last decade and prior
>"lol it's a VN"
I expected nothing and am still disappointed.

>but people liked Muv-Luv
What year is this? 2010?

It still has all the stunning animated artwork and characters walking around in a 2D plane though, can't really call that a "visual novel". Removing the action they are so famous for is a dubious decision but it definitely has not been reduced to still artworks and text rolling down the screen which is what a visual novel would be.

I wish we were back in 2010

Muv-Luv being jerked off went beyond 2010, I still remember some lone threads just last year.

You're also on Yea Forums though, nobody in the general populous or even Japan really gives a shit about it anymore. Moved onto two different franchises since that have all eaten and over taken each other.

people liked muv-luv until it moogy officially disowned it and moved on to the next japanese only visual novel

right now he thinks evenicle 2 is the pinacle of turn based combat and has storytelling blending the best of nier and planescape

The English Vita version came out last year, so vitagen finally played it.