Entire Halo series is now on PC but not on Epic

>entire Halo series is now on PC but not on Epic
>multiple devs confessed that making their games Epic exclusive damaged their reputation and regretted the decisions (Phoenix Point and Hades)
>people creating epic accounts only to get the free games and purchase nothing from the store
>Microsoft bonding with Steam
Not even a year old and its already dead

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Other urls found in this thread:

store.steampowered.com/search/?term=call of duty

>multiple devs confessed that making their games Epic exclusive damaged their reputation and regretted the decisions (Phoenix Point and Hades)
please post source for this

The absolute state of Valve fags, jesus christ, get a grip.

>>people creating epic accounts only to get the free games and purchase nothing from the store

The absolute state of Epic fags, jesus christ, get a grip.

Seconded. I thought Gollop was overjoyed for selling his product for 10 cans of honey.

>multiple devs confessed that making their games Epic exclusive damaged their reputation and regretted the decisions (Phoenix Point and Hades)

[citation needed]


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I want sauce for this too

seething epicfag faggot

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Thirded, I'm in favor of games to being released on all platforms, and I want to feel giddy.

It was a pretty shitty strategy

If you aren't being paid by someone you need to find another way to spend your time m8.

>multiple devs confessed that making their games Epic exclusive damaged their reputation and regretted the decisions (Phoenix Point and Hades)

Can anyone fill me in on this? What did the devs say?

>only 3% refunds on Pheonix point
>Even if EVERYONE charged back, they would still be making profit

L M A O, steamdrones trying to change the narrative, can't wait to see you cry when Gabe revokes your game access til you buy more hats and Shartifact cards.

here's the Phoenix Point thing
I don't see them regretting their choice

hey epic games
how goes the no halo for you timeline

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Epic is pretty fucked really. Their big money maker is dying and their store is going to crash and burn. They made their billions on the BR fad and if they are smart they will pocket the money and run while they can

Satisfactory is 10/10 though

don't forget epic has bribed ubisoft to remove disivion 2 from ALL other storefronts after march 15th so you can't even get a uplay key anywhere else. for a company that's trying to break the "monopoly" you can't get much more hypocritical than this.

what's a epic games?

>>Even if EVERYONE charged back, they would still be making profit
epic is subsidizing distribution not paying for devs next game. a charge back + a fine a $25 per charge back (in the US) aka making much negative dollars

>Even if EVERYONE charged back, they would still be making profit
That just means that Epic threw a shitton of money their way. Not that an insect like you would understand that.

This shit happened with Microsoft and Discord aswell. Both of them have exclusives aswell but nobody mentions that for some reason.

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Said valve drone making a thread about them

Can I get the egs and download slime rancher, then like it to my steam account and not use the egs at all?

>Whores regret being whores and blame Epic to save face and act like they regret it while counting their money

>People are pissed that a giant corporation is trying to moneyhat a monopoly in the PC space that has traditionally been completely against this shit.
I'm happy that gamers as a consumer group are finally wising up to this bullshit.

>They are rich
>Game is finished, for everyone to enjoy
>only people that lost are really mad steamdrones who refuse to not support a monopoly (aka 3% of funders) and steam erp trannies who would not have bought the game anyway.


Microsoft have exclusives that they themselves developed and if they want to sell their own products through their own store that's fine. Nobody uses the windows store though. As for Discord they can fuck off too and stick to being a chat program.

Epic Fail!

3 months and already dead you mean. Fucking kek. This is absolute justice for selling out to chinks.

>gamers as a consumer group

Please, the only place there is hope for people to not be braindead corporate apologists is on PC, and even on PC consumers can be fucking retarded

It's kind of telling that the Tencent Store can only moneyhat mediocre indie/AA games.

there is no source. In fact, on their discord, Gollop's company revealed that Epic basically paid them enough, upfront, to keep them solvent for *years*, and that even if literally every person who pre-ordered or contributed demanded a refund, they'd still be in the black.

I really can't blame them for making that decision give that kind of shekel

I backed PP and played all the builds. It was honestly shaping up to be a fantastic game. I pulled my backing though not that it matters.

>I really can't blame them for making that decision give that kind of shekel

I can. They knowingly lied to their people who actually kept Snapshot functional for the last two years (since Gollop himself said they approached Epic with the idea of exclusivity)

Every other dev that has released their games on Epic do regret it though because all of those games have bombed completely. They haven't sold any copies. And that will still be the case with Phoenix Point as well. What good is keeping a studio alive if no one is buying and playing their games and their reputation is completely destroyed? He's a greed driven retard who killed his game and his business, there's no point at which this choice hasn't ruined them.

> citation needed

Love to see it crash and burn just like the Microsoft store. Some people may call me a Valve drone, but Gaben is the guy that truly cared about PC gamers since the beginning, he deserves all the success he got. They keep improving the service when they don't even have to anymore.

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Steam is the fucking good guy.
Microsoft and Epic are shitheads that just try to get you into their stores with spywares with money, Steam NEVER had to paid for exclusive titles, they just offered a good service.

>Steam is the fucking good guy.
Steam and GOG. And both platforms had games taken from them because of Epic

It's amazing, I fucking hate Steam, but after using the Tencent store for the UT alpha and the free games they give away, I'm convinced that Valve is legit one of the only major publishers/platform owners that isn't complete fucking cancer.

MS is putting Halo on Steam though, so that's pretty cool. The Windows store and W10 itself both failed so MS is finally trying to reach people where they are.

I think that's amazing, that they include DirectX12 on Windows 7 and they also should put all their games into Steam, it doesn't matter if they ask for an Xbox Live account, specially if they have crossplay. I wanna see Gears and Forza Horizon on Steam too.

>The Windows store and W10 itself both failed so MS is finally trying to reach people where they are.
i wish they would put forza on all the stores, not just steam everwyere, uplay, epic, origin, etc. all for everyone. its a fun racing game that more people should play, it doesn't belong in win10 app store hell, its sad.

You forgot to account for chargebacks, people who's refunds are stuck in prosessing because the service they offered for refunds is shit, people who were holding back just in case gollup grew a brain during the AMA, and gollup just straight lying like he already did.
Notably, those first two points were actually asked about during the AMA, funny how they went ignored.

>Steam is the fucking good guy
>bans rapeday
Think again. The only good guy are your seed peers.

>bans rapeday
does this game even exist outside of mockup screen shots??

I thought it was fake but it's apparently real, and beyond shit at that. Some guy was posting screenshots from his pirated copy a few days ago


It's shit through, the renders are really ugly

I kek EPICfag needs to go back to China

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>The only good guy are your seed peers.
While that might be true Rapeday was an obvious troll "game"

I really don't want to support Epic, but I really want to play Satisfactory.

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I don't understand why people think the badly modeled scenes would be fucking fake. I mean there is like a trillion videos of such quality featuring retarded scenes like that game. Although its mostly monster rape when animated.

I guess everybody who makes those videos are trolls too? Bad porn exists and it is being made and consumed.

china on suicide watch, its beautiful
get a grip dude

phoenix point man said that he knew there would be backlash and hate, but you know this and asked anyway

Then wait a year, Epic doesn't have any true exclusivity contracts.
Well, that's one option.

pirate it and buy it on steam next year

It's early access on Epic store so waiting a year for the steam release will only improve the product. Besides its also $30 despite being in EA.

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I know, but it's a whole year, and then it's not even a sure thing that it will come out on Steam.

No co-op on pirated though.

Pirate it while you wait for the Steam release.

>Get proven to get fucked over by Valve
Jesus fucking christ, you fuckers are retarded.

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My only annoyance is that *none* of the games released on Epic have released any sales numbers. Not just vague speculative remarks "were doing great actually", but actual numbers

You pulled those sales numbers from where? Oh your ass. I see.

No, it is a guarantee. These retarded greedy devs that took the Epic deal are already chomping at the bit for next year to come sooner so they can get back to Steam and actually make sales since none of them have sold a single copy.

They don't even have vague speculative numbers, they brag about how well the Non-Epic versions are doing but remain completely silent on epic sales.

of course not because there's no transparency, only false narrative and and meme war.

Because the number for all of them is zero. No sales at all, they have all bombed entirely.

>Steam is the fucking good guy.

>30% sales cut, and changes it only when their monopoly is threatened...and only for games that sell AAA quantities.

>Some devs have offered to reduce the base game cost since they earn more per sale on the epic game store

Steam is not the good guy senpai.

Steam is the (extreme) lesser of many evils. It's shit, but it's the best option by leaps and fucking bounds.

it never gets old

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>charges consumers and developers more

>best option

Get that gaben cock out of your mouth.

There's zero sales because you're looking at the Steam chart

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>muh porn games
you people are just sad

At least Valve doesn't bail out game devs who fail to sell their game. Shitty devs don't deserve any money, so Epic bailing these faggots who can't make good games out just encourages devs to go full Producers on the game's development. They can put in as little effort as possible and still make a profit because nobody bothered to buy the game anyway, and then we got Springtime for Hitler in video game format.

Anonymous man on 4channel has been spotted riding moral high horse.

brave card to play when epic is bribing ubisoft to remove division 2 from all third party stores and removing price competition

if I have to pay 1c more per game to keep my money out of chink pockets, I'll call that a win.

AAA games cost 60 USD no matter what platform it's on. You fucking retards have the problem solving and number skills of the wage gap roasties.

I love that trannies are pushing Rape Day as "this is why you should be offended" while not understanding that your average Yea Forums degenerate is offended at being offered such low effort garbage in the first place

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getting mad about porn games is sad
it's a good thing honestly to allow them on steam but games like rapeday don't belong there

>Epic gets some indie scam from some has been

>Steam gets all the Halos and DWARF FORTRESS

Wrong. Steam is entirely pro-consumer and they go well above and beyond to help devs make sales. They are the good guy. The devs need to suck it up and understand that those fees are the cost of doing business. The ones that complain are just indies who don't realize how much money they are already saving by not selling physical copies of games at retail like the big dogs who have to pay for manufacturing, packaging, shipping, import and export fees and taxes, stock fees at every retailer, etc. One flat 30% cut on Steam is literally pennies and is for the sake of convenience and all the tools the service provides for supporting the game with servers, updates, the workshop and connecting with consumers via exposure on the front page and discovery queue and forum tools.

Steam is not a monopoly, you have no idea what that word means. Get fucked Epicuck.

>have epic, steam, origin and uplay all installed
imagine caring

Dumb Chink doesn't even know how to Carlos.

Every digital distribution charges 30%. Epic has to charge a processing fee because they're running at a defecate with their lower cut.
The Epic Store is anti-consumer as fuck.

Epic won't even keep that 12% cut once they start adding more and more games along with similar features that Steam has. They still refuse to add in consumer controlled content because devs cherry pick isolated instances and disregard the fact there is tools in place to protect them. Entitled devs are on the rise.

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>Game is so bad that you need chink welfare to survive
lmao even the devs themselves knew the game would bomb.

>Too retarded to Carlos correctly
Why am I not surprised?


>The devs need to suck it up and understand that those fees are the cost of doing business.

Get your head out of your ass.

Look, I don't want another fucking storefront either...steam is getting cucked with or without epic games.



>Blizzard Launcher

>Bethesda Launcher

This is not epic's fault, this is literally a trend that Valve has fucking ignored for years and continues to not give a shit.

If Epic didn't do it, someone else would.

Maybe you should play something that is to your Satisfactory?

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they mean publishers

Why not? Hypocrisy much. Rape is a genre of porn, it's like torture bdsm, so what are you being such a killjoy for? Let the people have what they want, you censorship fascist nazi fuck

>get MCC yesterday
>get dwarf fortress today
Feels good man

Complete bullshit, post receipts immediately or fuck off.

I had my wallet out for Phoenix Point but decided to hold off because >crowdfunding meme
The game looked more and more of a janky randomly designed clusterfuck the further along it got and now this

>All this Valve shilling
You know they were actually successfully tried by our High Court for shady business practices and arrogantly tried to weasel out of it, don't you?

The only publishers that have taken this deal were koch and ubi looking to maximize profits. The other ones were all praising EGS for not giving the community the ability to speak.

Do you have a source for that

It's laughable how Epic shills need to pretend players give a single fuck about what happens to devs.
They could charge them 90% for all I care.

t. trump supporter

No, it's just laughable that Epic came here all mighty bribing devs and they are getting their assholes destroyed.

>t. dragon dildo supporter

How about the owner?

But consumers are charged less on Steam than on Epic. Stop making up blatant lies about Epic being better for the consumer when anybody can see it's not.

Metro Exodus reduced the base game price by 10 bucks for releasing on the epic game store, so it directly affects the player, but you wouldn't be able to see that with gaben's gut blocking your visibility with his chode in your mouth.

Huh? You're the one who wants censorship here. Dont be mad that you're being retarded

Oh no.

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Imagine a world where Trump isn't president, how shit would that be.

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I mean valve also cares about the smaller communities a lot too.
They support the Linux community with steamos and proton and other Linux tools, even though Linux is a small userbase.
They support the VR community with good hardware and games even though VR is niche.
They support the VN community even though no mainstream gamer is into them.
They support the international audience by having games from around the world supported as well as many language support.
They support Indies alot but not putting a "you must be this good/funded to be accepted" which many read as 'any old shit game', and while often true, can really mean the world for a small company who can for very little publish to steam.
They supported the stream-to-living-room and stream-to-phone gamers even though most of us are pricks about latency.
They support the modding community in general so much so that a core part of the platform is the workshop.
They supported people who wanted an alternative controller, and while it is a meme on Yea Forums it's a great controller and everyone I know likes it for it's purpose.
They'll never be twitch but they still support the streaming community with broadcasts, which are great if you want to just tab over to see some live gameplay in-platform before you buy.
I don't know guys. If EVERYONE at and tangentially involved with Epic wasn't an absolute smug shit nosed prick backed by the money of the worst company for gaming's future tencent, I might be inclined to support just the games of the devs I like, but it seems like everyone on their side is just being petty and smug and rude and dishonest

Steam does literally the same thing.

do you really think Epic and these devs wouldn't be constantly bragging if all these games were doing well?

>Metro Exodus reduced the base game price by 10 bucks
That's really nice.
Too bad I could have gotten a CD Key for $30 if it was on Steam.
Since it's in Epic's, there's no way for me to buy CD Keys.

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>inb4 lol who cares about shitposters


I don't blame them for removing it. There is a very small minority of people who want it and a very large majority of people disgusted by it.
Nonconsentual sex is not a joke.

>censorship fascist nazi fuck

wtf I love Epic™ now

>devs expressed displeasure with it
>lol no they didn't

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>released game is on sale at retailers

>comparing it to unreleased pre-order prices

It was on sale at the Razer store and others for less than that before Epic stole the game, plus it doesn't have regional pricing so it was over twice as expensive for me.

who cares

Yeah and when it was on Steam I could do this with every game. Now I don't have that ability since Epic removes all 3rd party sites from sale.

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But that's wrong? The fee is both completely fair and the standard. Origin and Uplay both sell third party content on their stores with the same charges. Bethesda and Blizzard don't sell anything not made by themselves so they don't even matter. Epic are anti-consumer and have set up every dev they paid for failure because they will make zero sales there and have no tools with which to support their game or engage with their community. Steam offers all of this and more, there is no better place to sell a game because that is where consumers are and the only hope it would ever have of getting exposure. Epic is like a gas station pretending to be a shopping mall right next to a Target. Pathetic doesn't quite cover it and no matter how hard you whine and bitch and drown in denial does not change this fact. Steam was always going to win without doing a single thing because Epic never stood a chance, they weren't even a player on the board. And it only two 3 months for them to lose.

Devs suffering will either be irrelevant to us, or it will bring us benefits.
It will never be negative for players.

Why don't you faggots shut up.
I went to PC partially to avoid console war faggotry.
Now you fags are bringing it to PC when you can literally download both platforms for free.

Oh wow look at that, it costs more on Epic's store than it did to get it from a 3rd party when it was a Steam game.

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>2 hours
>still nothing
OP is a stupid cunt

nice try shill

Devil May Cry 5 came out 3 days ago and it's at $30.
Meanwhile, Metro can only be bought for $46, because there's no keys since it's on Epic's store.

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>downloading Epic's Chinese spyware
okay this is

>Epic basically paid them enough, upfront, to keep them solvent for *years*, and that even if literally every person who pre-ordered or contributed demanded a refund, they'd still be in the black
God this industry fucking sucks

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>large majority of people are disgusted by it
>gets offended that people don't want trash futa porn games all over steam
I apologise for wanting EVERYONE to have their own style of game, I guess....

Lot of good it did them considering it bombed completely. The irony is that it is a good game and would have been one of the best selling games so far this year on Steam. That 30% cut isn't looking so bad to them considering all those """savings""" can't take effect on zero sales.

You completely missed the fucking point.

Game companies are leaving steam wholesale. You can't play battlefield, titanfall, fallout 76, call of duty, destiny, anthem any blizzard game, on steam.

Those games are trash, but the point is multiple large companies are leaving steam because the 30% cut is too steep. Epic isn't doing what other companies weren't thinking of doing already.

If Steam changed their cut people wouldn't be so fucking desperate to leave steam. This is Valve's doing, not Epic's.

Are you referring to that EU mobile only processing fee? Because that is not the same thing.

>Valve engagimg in shady business practices is fine so long as it's in a cointry I don't care about

They don't care about sales since Epic's exclusivity deal is a minimum sales guarantee, which means they won't see any money from sales until it hits the threshold.
If you want to give the devs money it's actually better to wait and then buy elsewhere.

I suppose the years of bitching about EA ruining devs is completely meaningless now then?

Don't worry, the Epic shill will now go back to talking about how great it is to suck publisher cock.

they're very vague in that link
what exactly do you mean by "shady business practices"

How much money is Epic giving these devs? I know they can afford it, they probably need to fucking spend money on shit. What are the epic guys salary at this point?

No bullshit, has any Dev ACTUALLY released sales numbers from epic? I'm legitimately curious what they're like

Hades was one of the few games that looked interesting to me during the game awards, but I lost all interest since it was an epic store exclusive

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You don't realize how lucky we are that steam is the biggest distributer until you're forced to use literally anything else (besides gog of course). Gabens philosophy of just making it as easy as possible to buy games with no bloated shit is genius and works fine. Not to mention valve atleast attempts to innovate with the money they get from steam, sure the steamlink and controller weren't huge but the Vive and steamvr are 100 percent innovative tech, you'd never see epic do anything with their money but buy up more Devs for their walled garden.

store.steampowered.com/search/?term=call of duty

Reminder that Epic literally is chink spyware.


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No, back then there were good developers.
Nowadays there aren't, they are all scum who deserve failure and who produce nothing but garbage.
Even the Japanese fail 99% of the times.

Most likely under NDA, any store is like that.

Epic, who made their money for most of their companies life from scraping engine fees from every Dev using their shit? How much have they given to developers, as a number, vs how much have they taken from developers, as a number

How the fuck did you get that out of me complaining about platform war faggotry?

Did you quote the wrong person or something?

And Steam is DRM.

Who the fuck cares.

This. Other than just Tim Sweeney flaunting about "games have been doing better" without giving any numbers, and considering those are affected by console sales, I want some numbers.

Link Black Ops 4 on steam.

jesus fuck that's a lot of DLC

This. You nailed it. Steam has literally done nothing but good for both game consumers and the community and the devs who make the games. They have literally added every single requested feature on both sides like reviews, refunds, forums, mod tools and the workshop database, the discovery queue to help shine a spotlight on lesser known games, etc. And they are repaid for their efforts to help both consumers and creators by whiny cucks who think they shouldn't have to spend money to make money. All the devs who took Epic's deal are greedy losers with no faith in their own products or are too lazy to just advertise for themselves better since Steam is already going above and beyond the call of duty to do that for them. And they are all being met with zero sales to show for their shortsighted faggotry.

Misleading consumers about refund policies. They didn't get fined 3 million dollars for vague allegations.

Nigga say black ops 4 next time or don't be mad you get proven wrong.


Pheonix point devs said that every backer could refund and they'd still be in the black. So more than 2Million since that's the amount backers paid.

it's a shitty visual novel made with 3D models

>Misleading consumers about refund policies.
what exactly? I don't remember there ever being a problem


Pcbros and xboxbros unite

EA, Blizzard, and Ubisoft didn't try to leave Steam because they couldn't afford the cut, they just wanted their own slice of the pie and all tried creating their own failed versions that only function as launchers for their own games now with no illusion to the fact that they are competing and have not succeeded. Not the same thing at all and now you're just being purposefully obtuse to spread a false narrative because you're a retarded shill.

Literally arguing over semantics, Call of Duty is giving up steam, the old games are still gonna be there but anything from here on out is abandoning ship.

Are you gonna blame the epic game store for that? Or Steam refusing to change their cut?

Steam isnt even done taking the biggest shit on Epic
you thought Halo was bad?
just wait

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Imagine if Microsoft releases the Gears of war franchise on Steam with 2-judgment.
I can only dream of another way to spit on Epic.

No. There are no sales numbers for them to release, EVERY SINGLE GAME on the Epic Store has bombed entirely with zero sales. No one is using that garbage store, literally no one.

>implying PCchads care about this crap
have THIS instead

Jesus, how much did they get paid?

What are the chances they will just run out of money trying to convert everyone to epic

Neither, it's a developer choosing to self distribute their game. You know that's a thing that's been happening forever right?

Not even meming, but when that game comes out on pc, I think it will sell like shit. It looks so fucking boring.

It was toward Australian users at a time when Steam's terms of service explicitly forbid refunds which violates Australian consumer law. As I recall Valve tried to weasel out of it by saying they don't technically do business in Australia (oir storefront is in USD) but that was deemed obvious bullshit by the court.

>Neither, it's a developer choosing to self distribute their game. You know that's a thing that's been happening forever right?

You do realize nobody is holding developers at gunpoint to release their game on the epic game store? If you want to talk about freedom of choice, the devs can do whatever the fuck they want.

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You can't fool us OP, you glow in the dark nigga. Just buy fucking adspace already.

Reminder valve gets a fuckload of money from Alex legends

Not if Sony finishes buying Take Two/2K soon, then it will never be on PC

Correct, they can. In the same way I can call them sellout bait and switching liars who I don't trust. It's good having these freedoms.

If you don't have nothing to show then just hide it

I still can't believe a competitor of Fortnite runs on fucking source engine. Refined pottery

I will only consider Epic to be good if they actually hold up on their promise to help break Steam's "monopoly". That means, in addition to making exclusives to their store, they help out other storefronts. That means they must share their entire library with GOG for starters. Show me that you want to improve competition by helping one of the best online vendors. You are not allowed to hog games for yourself if you truly cared about competition.

There isn't a single thing you shills can say that would argue how this would be a bad thing.

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The Ebin store is truly one of the most inorganic things to ever hit the PC space. I wonder how long this meme will go on for, Ebin is getting lots of money from zoomers on Fortnite so they have some money to blow, but eventually they're going to have to give up money hatting literally who games no one gives a shit about because it's doing anything and they might as well be flushing their money down the toilet.

Has Valve even fired a single shot in this "war"? They could've fucked them over with Metro already by not honoring any of those preorders.

Steam is 100% the good guy for me, the consumer.
I don't give a fuck about Epic being the good guy for devs because devs aren't my fucking friends.
Most of them are outright antagonistic, and as such I PREFER them getting a raw deal if it means I get a better one.
And not a single EGS game has come close to the savings I see on third party key sites.
Pic related, got DMC 5 for ~$40.

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As if refusing to pay a larger cut of your profits has anything to do with trust.

Pretty much all the devs that said they are going epic exclusive have offered full refunds.

Stop being petty, you're just mad you can't play those games on steam.

If it's all about the cut than how come devs aren't flocking to Discord with it's measly 10% cut, which, just in case you didn't know, is lower than Epic's 12%? Under your logic they'd be awash in the forlorn AA and down budget titles since literally only the cut matters so they just go where the lowest one is.
If it's all about the cut why did Microsoft give up having literally 100% of the sales for every copy Master Chief Collection in exchange for 70% on steam for some of them?
If muh 30% is all that mattered steam would have hit a standstill and died basically as soon as a better deal arrived. Turns out that providing infrastructure that both benefits the devs and attracts customers is a good thing for a game's sales, and a lot of devs are willing to pay steam for these added sales.

No I'm being petty because I backed the game and was promised A, then got told I'm getting B or to fuck right off. So I'm fucking off.

That would only fuck over Steam itself, not Epic.

The Virgin Epic
>engages in underhanded exclusive tactics
>has to pay millions to no name indies to get any games on the store
>no one buys games, sustained entirely off zoomers playing fortnite

The Chad Steam
>doesn't care if you buy your game elsewhere or even get a key they get no income from
>gets the iconic Halo and Dwarf Fortress without even trying
>store supports the company's hat simulators

>Microsoft bonding with Steam
gabe newell and his fellow co-founders of valve, now gone, all became millionaires from their work at microsoft.
there was always a bond between them.

I still don't get why people defend Epic store. It's literally better as a consumer to get games on steam. They're five times cheaper, moddable, and doesn't have dogshit interface

Only reason to defend Epic is if you're a dev, but discord store offers a better cut so what the fuck is the point?

Attached: 1550633182210.jpg (641x602, 65K)

>10 cans of honey
is this a reference to something or an adage, because I like the sound of it, but have never heard it before.

People are acting worse than children over this. It's just another storefront doing business as usual and people are freaking out like its the end of the world. "Gamers" are truly the worst.

How about just not selling it on any of them and not having to deal with shitty DRM anywhere?

I honestly think its consolefags taking advantage of this and creating platform wars within PC since console wars are a blight in this board

From all these times I have not seen a single actual argument supporting Epic without MUH COMPETITION because this is meaningless to a buyer

Attached: 1464893471779.gif (230x268, 1.22M)

You just named a bunch of shitty, greedy devs/pubs, one of which literally just fired 800 people so they could prop up their bottom line (inb4 "b-but they were just getting rid of the shit" the fact that they hired "shit" to begin with means that they're fucking incompetent).
Is that your argument?

>If it's all about the cut than how come devs aren't flocking to Discord with it's measly 10% cut

Because visibility matters, and the epic game launcher has people flocking to fortnite nimrod.

>If it's all about the cut why did Microsoft give up having literally 100% of the sales for every copy Master Chief Collection in exchange for 70% on steam for some of them?

Because from all the storefronts, Windows is probably the worst one in existence where they lose 90% of the sales for selling exclusively on that platform; see Quantum Break. They lost a shitton of faith by making it a Windows 10 exclusive store and have never fully recovered from that damage.

>If muh 30% is all that mattered steam would have hit a standstill and died basically as soon as a better deal arrived.

Pretty much everything EA/Activision/Bethesda is gone from here on out, are you going to assume nothing else is going to leave Steam?

I read earlier that FIG contributions + pre-orders on Gog and Steam amounted to a bit above $2 million. So that + some change I imagine.

lmao you made us RISE UP and now you tell us to sit back down? Get fucked and tell Stacy to get fucked too.

Stopped reading there. You can't even compose one single sentence without violently lashing out and attacking others. That just shows that you are arguing in bad faith.

GOG did it better by actually doing something steam can't do. DRM-free

Epic has nothing that separates it from steam. Just downgrades

Tell me why I should buy games from the Epic store thst dpesnt offer 3rd Party Keys compared to steam that does offer it? I can get new games on steam 20-30% cheaper than the store prices. Meanwhile ebin store charges me transaction fees.

Honestly, part of me thinks that it's the "if it's good for the dev, it's good for the consumer" mentality that Epic keeps pushing that causes people to defend them. And in csase you're wondering, no, that's definitely not the case. In fact, it's the other way around, what's good for the consumer is good for the developer. The higher dev cuts don't actually provide any benefits for consumers.

Spacewar doesn't care, you can play coop just fine

>Stopped reading there.

What the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums then, dipshit?

and the fact that pulling your games from steam caused so much rile and refunds only shows that there's no fucking way this was "good for the developer"

dead game and dev
dead franchise
>fallout 76
lmao call me when Elder Scrolls 6 or Bannerlord what comes sooner
literally dead after bungie left Activision
oh my god you are just joking right? atleast post some good games

>but it's a whole year
The tiers are set to be dripfed over the next few months, so the game might actually be complete with the Steam release.

Attached: 1540953422025.jpg (1024x768, 118K)

So is the Epic shills' only argument literally that Steam is bad because it doesn't suck publisher/conman developer dick hard enough?
Do these niggers think we're consolefags or something?
That shit don't work here.

Attached: 1340952551040.gif (510x546, 873K)

Except, y'know, Steam.
That place where devs regularly talk about how many units their games sold, and where every single game has an active playercount that can be seen in real time both in the Steam client and on Steamcharts.
It really is sad that Steam is literally the ONLY platform that gives playercount numbers.
Even fucking consoles don't do that anymore.

Even if a storefront did everything better there would still be loathing gamers grudging anything different until they are old and dead.

and on top of the fact that Steam brought in workshop to support games further only proves this

And no, the whole paid mods thing was Bethesda's idea and a bunch of faggots on Nexus. That's why they made Creation Club

Shills. Yea Forums is one of the most popular places on the internet and Yea Forums is one of its top boards.

There are unironically marketeers for pretty much every platform and market on here shilling their shit or defending it. In the case of Epic it is funded by Tencent which has its own army of shills.

Sure there are people will defend it to make people mad or maybe they are actual bootlickers but for the most part it is shills. Make no mistake Yea Forums is full of them. Be it for Steam, Neptunia, Outward or gaming news sites which post articles here to garnet hate-clicks.

He's making shit up. The ony thing any dev said about the deal is the Phoenix Point people who said something to the extent of "thanks to Epic bribe we could refunds everyone pre-orders and and the studio would still be in the black for years, so suck my dick poorfag"

Steam's sales data is also under an NDA, it's not very strict though and they allow you to release combined or non-exact figures and they don't seem to care about the random indie blog with detailed data.

I'm just mad that it's not on GOG anymore, I like my game having no DRM of any sort.

I still see no argument why as a consumer I should give a shit what a developer does. Devs arent my friends.

steam has the least worst DRM honestly
it's not even a requirement, tons of games just don't have DRM

The guy is retarded, no stores do NDAs on unit sales, hell they give that information out themselves which is how we get sales figures to begin with. If Epic does for some retarded reason enforce an NDA on sales figures it's more fucking draconian than we already think it is.

steam allows drm free games

That's because you're not a based console gamer.
On consoles we suck a mean dick because we know that if not for our consistent corporate dicksuckery we would be irrelevant as a platform.

Woah, hold the phone lobotomite
>charges consumers more
Explain this one to me

Attached: 1550520893932.png (500x365, 67K)

What is the most jarring and really points out the shills are the are ALWAYS on about Steam. Not a fucking peep about Blizzard or Origin.

They pretend that GoG doesn't even fucking exist because it destroys every argument being made.


consoles are literally hardware DRM

I don't even think it's shills, you'd be surprised how horribly autistic most of the children on Yea Forums are, especially the consolefags.
I'm sure it's literally a handful of autistic NEETs spamming around the clock for (You)s.

The pre-order price was a flat 10$ lower than the standard retailer price.

And we're not talking about a temp sale, we're talking a permanent price drop.

Not all devs do that however, and apparently eurocucks get cucked out of the deal because they are cucks.

They got like 3 or 5% transaction fees

Shills, I mean the only other reason I can think of to defend Epic is if you're on their bankroll or are getting money from them. I can understand disliking Steam but Epic, unlike say GoG, does nothing in separating itself from Steam and does everything far worse, at least Steam has actual features in its client and never bribed third party devs for exclusivity.

Steam does this also so it doesn't mean shit.

>we're updating the confidentiality provisions to make it clear that the partner can share sales data about their game as they see fit.
No it's not.

>tfw started pirating again because of Epic's bullshit
I've already downloaded Metro Exodus and I'll grab Phoenix Point when it comes out.

It literally doesnt retard.

Meanwhile, on GMG, almost 2 weeks after release.
And stop trying to pull this "Eurocuck" shit, chink, here in America it's still a worse deal since there are no third party keys.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-13 Dead or Alive 6 PC - Steam Game Keys.png (271x473, 72K)

So you're telling me the number one chat program used amongst the target demographic for video games isn't visible? Especially since the epic store wasn't a thing when it started so the fortnite crowd was on discord, among many other crowds.
So you're telling me that doing things consumers don't like and losing their faith actually effects sales? And that customers don't like being forced to deal with an inferior product just to play the game on it? Wow it's like this all applies to epic as well!
Be honest with me here. Who other than EA/Actiblizz/Beth can afford to make another storefront, especially of fucking MS can get there's to stick? Unless you think they're gonna all flock to epic despite the fact epic can't get anyone bigger than That One Series Slavs Like to leave steam for them, and can't get anyone to agree to a permanent leave from steam despite all their talk about how much better they are for devs?

I think they were never clear on that before so people just played it safe, it's kinda lame that no one bothers releasing this data though.

I don't know what you're referring to.

Same. Finished downloading last night and I'm gonna start it up tonight

you know the whole epic thing is weird.
it really encourages piracy of all their exclusives since the devs get payed anyways. if a game isnt selling up to an agreed upon point epic will pay the devs the difference to make up for it.
there really is no reason to even buy any of their exclusives since the devs wont loose any money. only epic will.

Attached: 1543072445992.png (217x197, 8K)

>Trying to shift the blame onto nebulous 'consolefags' as if shills are not fucking rampant.
I will concede it could be generic shitposters, but trying to slap any particular label on them is only shitposting in turn.
Do your part and dont allow a single inch of wiggle room for deflection.

Attached: Smol.jpg (183x352, 23K)

>The pre-order price was a flat 10$ lower than the standard retailer price.

Stop being an idiot that only buys directly from the storefront and you can easily pay $45 for new games. GMG, Fanatical, Gamesplanet and so on. Epic actually made Metro more expensive for any customer that's actually savvy about buying PC vidya

I wouldn't want free games from a stillborn store front.
When they go under within a year or two you'll lose access to them anyway.

Yeah I think the intent was always that it was okay but legal jargon can be a minefield so unless expressly stated companies will always err on the side of caution, which is to be expected.

You horribly underestimate how autistic some of the NEETs on Yea Forums are.
Trust me, as someone who clawed his way out of that hive at the ripe age of 15, these people are genuinely fucking insane and will literally shitpost around the clock just for (You)s.

I never actually thought of that. The whole argument against piracy is that devs don't get the potential sales. With Epic, that doesn't apply

Attached: 1489803529171.gif (720x404, 3.83M)

literally everything everywhere is on sale weeks after release regardless of platform I'm talking about the base pre-order price.

>number one chat program

Discord labels itself a game platform, but literally any community can use it. The users it has doesn't fully represent gamers, hell most discord servers are just straight up fucking porn.

>Wow it's like this all applies to epic as well!

Except epic doesn't go upfront telling you playing their games is impossible if you have a slightly aged OS.

Not sure what your last point is, the Epic Game Store is an option for people who can't make their own store front, not sure where that is a bad thing.

Piratechads win again.
Epic subsidizes my vidya just like buyfags while buyfags seethe and are FORCED to give their info to the chinks like the good little cucks they are.

Google steam spacewar and be amazed

>Except epic doesn't go upfront telling you playing their games is impossible if you have a slightly aged OS.
Yeah, they just refuse to be played on anything but winblows due to them refusing to support linux and shutting down the client automatically if it detects wine.


Nigger, even pre-order prices on GMG are lower than on Epic.
Fuck, even one of their big "exclusives" (but not really exclusive) is cheaper on GMG than it is on EGS.
It's fucking hilarious honestly.
Stick to consoles m8, you have no argument here.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-13 Tom Clancy's The Division 2 PC - Steam Coming Soon.png (271x578, 114K)

>Valve literally turned PC gaming into a glorified console where everything is now tied to some sort of DRM or account and there's no such thing as physical copies anymore

holy mother of reddit spacing

I like mlp far more than is reasonably accepted in polite company.
Trust ME when i fully realize how autistic people can be towards particular subjects.
All i'm saying is that pinning a particular label on them only invites further shitposting by providing easy ammo.
It is not an inherant trait of the consolefag to support this shit, they more than likely do not care what shit happens on PC, precisely BECAUSE they are consolefags.
Its shitposters being shitposters, do not treat them as human as their only goals are (you)'s and people getting visibly mad.

Oh cool, so where are my physical copies on Epic's store?
Oh, what's that?
There are none?
Oh, then fuck off.

>Still no source

Steam shills utterly BTFO

Are you implying Epic doesn't do that?

Attached: 1528524663955.webm (640x360, 1.99M)

>Steam invented DRM
Spotted the 18 year old fornite zoomer

>glorified console
What does that even mean?

fuck steam! I love chinamen! lol

Attached: 1549210139399.png (645x729, 131K)

Dont forget UPLAY gives you a 20% off coupon for 100 whatever points, so if you have any uplay game you can get it for 20% directly

>Phoenix Point
>regretted the decision
u wot m8

They basically said they got so much fuckin money from epic that every backer could refund and they'd still make a profit.

*dabs on tencent*

Attached: 1552412302824.png (1280x1380, 1.48M)

have you ever done a chargeback? the devs could absolutely dispute the charge with the CC company and you would 100% be on the hook for it since they gave you a valid refund path.

There are absolutely no Fortnite players on PC, therefore no Epic launcher users. Stopped reading there you lying shill.

I'll still be downloading it when Phoenix Point comes out.

Yea Forums=btfo

Attached: pheonix point epic rpgcodex.jpg (1476x645, 225K)

>minimum sales guarantee
So they will never see any money from sales, might as well just pirate since 100% of it would go to chinks.

>We knew our fans wouldn't be happy, but we got paid alot of money. It doesn't matter if they buy the game, fuck them.

You actually can't do that here in Massachusetts.
Since, y'know, we're not a state run by corporatist fucktards.
>Defective merchandise must be accepted for return, regardless of any policy, and you must be given the option of a repair, replacement item, or refund of the price.
And you could very easily argue that not being given what was originally advertised when you purchased a product makes it defective and improperly advertised.


What are you talking about? Now we can pirate ethically because the dev already got paid by Epic and it's significant enough that Snapshot apparently doesn't need to worry about continuing to operate for multiple years

Privateers win yet again. God bless the King and the Commonwealth.

a few games on EGS have sold past their minimum guarantee (including Metro and soon-to-be Satisfactory), so Epic hasn't had to pay those companies anything. there are a couple games they will have to pay out though. more will be announced at gdc

Attached: 1552430208764.jpg (640x480, 61K)

What does that have to do with Satisfactory?

You're gonna try and argue discord doesn't have a massive gamer demographic when basically every PC game above poverty level has an official discord server?
Nah, instead epic hides it's massive security holes.
My last point is that devs aren't chosing epic over steam despite how much better it supposedly is for them. Clearly, courting developer love at the expense of the customer is not worth it to the devs without a major bribe beforehand.
Your original argument was that steam is dying because everyone is leaving, but you have no evidence to support that despite the "better" alternatives existing for some time now. When something actually better than steam comes around, then maybe you'll have a point. But not right now.

Attached: jlTZQT9_d.jpg (640x337, 28K)

>a few games on EGS have sold past their minimum guarantee
[citation needed]
And don't post those articles about the physical console sales, if you do you're a shill.

you're agreeing with my post that you can't issue a CC chargeback? they are giving you a refund of the price, you will never win a chargeback dispute in that case

Then they aren't a game developer if no one bought their game and they still profited, that's called a money laundering scheme. And frankly that sounds like a complete lie anyway, the overconfident tone will be gone when they sell zero copies.

>Epic basically paid them enough, upfront, to keep them solvent for *years*,
This means there's no guilt in pirating then. They clearly don't need the money now.


Hell yeah man. Fuck Eastern MA stop stealing our water

>crash and burn like the Microsoft Store
The Microsoft Store didn't crash and burn, it fizzled out like a spark. Nobody cared about it anyways

there are no public numbers now, don't have to believe me but some of it will be announced next week

Not even, they went to epic.

The phoenix point community is having a shitfit right now. Everywhere. It's entertaining to watch.

It's pretty much one dude, and I'm pretty sure he's paid. I mean there's console war faggotry, and other people who hate steam for realistic reasons, but those reasons pretty much never align with what the epic store is offering. Dude made at least 7 fucking threads yesterday.

If they are not offering you what was originally advertised you can 100% issue a chargeback regardless of their policy here in MA, and you WILL win, because we have actual consumer protection laws here.
>I don't have any citation, just trust me bro
Jesus christ.

>but some of it will be announced next week

You're implying they'll announce this at GDC, but absolutely none of Epic's presentations at GDC have anything to do with the Epic Games Store. It's all related to Unreal Engine

Not true at all. Metro and the rest have all flopped entirely and have made zero sales.

Shill. You have nothing, which incidentally is also the same number of copies those games have sold

>Fuck Eastern MA stop stealing our water
But user, think about Boston, they need all the gibs they can get their hands on.
Fuck the rest of the state, not like there aren't ~3 million people living outside of the greater Boston metro.

I'm not even into Xcom style games but I might make it it a point to pirate phoenix point, because instead of not caring about pirating now I can feel GOOD about it! I liked wasteland 2 so hopefully this is the same but just with a mission structure and sci-fi instead of apocalypse.

Attached: 1525391821601.jpg (281x397, 55K)

All these DRM wrappers are shit but I really want steam to die because their obnoxious drones are all retarded console migrants who literally have no concept of the PC being an open platform.

steam is more a good thing for pc gaming than bad and if not that then it is at least neutral
i think steam has made pretty much fair judgements about what games it allows and the sales are great
it also allows people who arent familiar with pc gaming an easy way to start
however steam is straight up DRM and has become a social media platform of sorts and that is fucking gay
epic however has done nothing right

Attached: 1458679629965.png (500x357, 254K)

>I'm not even into Xcom style games but I might make it it a point to pirate phoenix point, because instead of not caring about pirating now I can feel GOOD about it
jesus how stupid do you have to be to think something like this

play it if you want to, pirate if you want to. but to pirate something you don't want to play just out of spite? that's a whole other level of retarded

>everyone complaining about Epic trying to close down PC with their forced exclusives
>wow fuck you drones, can't you see this is a good thing??

>it also allows people who arent familiar with pc gaming an easy way to start
That's not a good thing.
In fact, that's one of the bad things about Steam.
The less retards on PC the better, they can fuck off back to consoles and phones where they belong.

Steam is completely open platform you sad sack of shit Epic shill

And before you call me a shill, fuck Epic, fuck chinks, and fuck conman devs who make their games exclusive to a shitty storefront, I'll be pirating all their games like I've already been doing with all the EGS exclusive games.

the fact you bring up exclusivity when such a thing does not exist on the PC means you are exactly the type of stupid console migrant steam drone I'm talking about

>In fact, that's one of the bad things about Steam.

Fuck off. The dark ages of 2004-2013 where almost all publishers considered the PC a dead platform aren't something I want back

Come back when epic publushes it.

>Tfw you refund your $1000 Phoenix Point backing

Attached: refunded.png (365x309, 9K)

They literally laid out in black and white during the AMA that they approached epic for money.

Fuck outta here, you mean 2009-2013.
PC gaming was in its golden age from 1992-2005.

China will grow larger.

>the fact you bring up exclusivity when such a thing does not exist
Uh, what are those exclusivity deals Epic is paying for then? Why are you not ok with one DRM wrapper but ok with the DRM wrapper that enforces exclusivity?

i disagree because it brings more games to the pc market
devs see steam's large audience and release games on pc
i do not however want idiotic children shitting up my multiplayer games
but i only play old shit so i have nothing to worry about


Epic shills BTFO

I'm sorry user.
Hope you buy yourself something nice.

Attached: Modern life.jpg (500x470, 27K)

Nope. It was a fake project made by Epic and Tencent as a false flag. When the story got picked up by all the gaming media sites, you'll notice that all of those articles are hit pieces against Steam while praising the Epic store. It wasn't a real game and Epic bought the press on top of it to spin in their favor a controversy of their own design.

It's thanks to Steam bringing PC back to relevance that we're finally seeing a large amount of Japanese support on PC

>It’s illegal for a salesperson to make false or misleading statements about a product or a service or withhold any information about it in an attempt to convince you to buy it, to sell merchandise "as is", to try to pass a used product off as a new one, or for them to try to sell an item using what is referred to as a “Bait & Switch” tactic.

>Bait & Switch occurs when a salesperson:

>Refuses to sell a product they advertised and makes claims about its quality or the offer to dissuade you from wanting to buy it;
>Claims they have sold out of the product (and did not note that supplies are limited in their advertisement);or
>Refuses to deliver the item within a reasonable period of time.
>Most of the products for sale within a retail store must be price marked. The cost of a service, such as make-up application or clothes tailoring, must be displayed or discussed before you agree to it.
>The salesperson cannot misrepresent the price or claim that it is reduced or offered for a limited time only, if it’s untrue
>The store must honor the price in the advertisement, even if it is wrong, until they correct the misrepresentation using the same advertising medium and/or by corrective signs in the store.

Wow, a part of the US that isn't completely cucked when it comes to consumer protections, what a surprise.
Still doesn't hold a candle to most Euro laws.

What foolishness propeled you to back it with that much money?

This thread looks like it is in mighty need of anti-Chink sterilization.

No, it's like 40% finished and he said he will work on it until he dies or money runs out.

Nah we're still at about 42% done.
The steam (and itch.io) version is just a shiny new tileset, some new songs, and workshop support for $20 to pay for cancer treatment for toady's bro. The free version will still be available and updated as normal.

>exclusivity does not exist on PC

Then what do you call what Epic is doing buying up exclusives for their shit store no one will ever use? Fuck off

I'm not ok with any DRM wrapper. The fact remains none of them have exclusivity because all these shitty wrappers and launchers can run at the same time, be installed on the same HDD, cost $0 and do the lock you out from using each other. You're a dumb faggot consolefag who think PC games = steam

I really, really, REALLY like old X-COM.

Attached: 1514271193146.gif (168x225, 6K)

>valve gets the biggest shooter since half life on its platform
>epic gets some shitty open world shooter
Fuck Chinks, fuck the CPC, and FUCK the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-14-01-25-40-029.jpg (1066x118, 43K)

Oh okay, yeah its been years since I played, I'm glad even if its not finished toady still continues on


Attached: curiosity has just kill killed you.png (1134x597, 858K)

>All these DRM wrappers are shit
>but I'm perfectly fine with installing all these DRM wrappers, here are some bullet points to make them attractive to you!
At least stop pretending to care about DRM freedom, shill.

And here you are refunding the game and still got it you dumb scalie.

OwO what this?

It goes beyond that.
By removing their game from Steam and GoG, Snapshot Games violated Massachusetts law.
Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do about it if you aren't someone who both backed the game and lives in Massachusetts.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-13 The Massachusetts Consumer Protection Law.png (842x715, 75K)

Same, I'm getting it ASAP if it comes to Steam though.

Steam IS PC gaming and they have more than earned the right to that position. They have saved PC gaming more times than you can count and done more for PC gaming than any other company period.

Well you can either install the wrappers or pirate the games so I don't really see what your argument even is. The fact is that exclusivity doesn't exist on the PC.

what part of the crowd funding campaign was a bait/switch? I keep seeing people say they were promised a Steam key, and from what I say the dev says you'll still get one when the game comes out on Steam

no where in the crowd funding website says the Steam key you get will be available when the game is launched, and the backing tiers simply list "digital download" as the means of redemption without specifying a store

Attached: steam.jpg (1169x431, 144K)


You ever been to UMass Amherst? Wanna /soc/ it up? Please no sex.

>Will sit around and wait for it to come to Steam like a good little buycuck
God you "people" are pathetic.



I'm fine with steam dying if I can buy a game direct from the Dev off their website and launch from a .exe with no launcher. That would require those devs investing in network infrastructure to support a store front though which will never happen.

>advocate pirating the game instead of dealing with any DRM wrapper

You're not even trying at this point.

Same, as a fan of their other games I look forward to the Steam release. But not before. They also don't really deserve my money anymore though because of this so I might just pirate it when it leaves early access.

That's not what Bait and Switch means at all... you're getting the same product for the same price. That's some mental gymnastics you're performing. It says exactly in the screenshot what bait and switch is.

What is going on in this photo?

>You ever been to UMass Amherst?
I'm sure he has if he likes drunken riots and artisan vagina interpretive dance about the oppression of women and the beauty of fucking your dog.

Do you have a legitimate mental disorder?

So after Phoenix Point used people as a bargaining chip for an exclusivity deal with Epic, thus going back on their original terms with backers, we just chargeback (because fuck giving bank info to another 3rd party) and pirate since DRM free?

Yuck. Figures that pile of human garbage who is already in legal trouble for embezzling from two different companies would take Epic's payout. Borderlands is literal dogshit anyway though, so good riddance, I hope this finally kills Gearbox.

The law violated in this case is not "bait and switch" advertising, it's misleading advertising.
They advertised that the game would launch on Steam and GoG, they also advertised that backers would receive a Steam/GoG key on launch, this is no longer the case, thus they misled consumers by not actually providing what they originally stated they would (a Steam/GoG key).

never gonna happen because the nature of games is so complex these days, regular and frequent patching is inevitable and they need the infrastructure for automatic incremental patching that the launchers provide

Yup. Take all the money back and pirate this trash. Let this faggot and his company burn. They are finished.

>They advertised that the game would launch on Steam and GoG, they also advertised that backers would receive a Steam/GoG key on launch,
Not on the Fig page, at least according to

You're the one defending DRM wrappers.

How did I defend DRM wrappers?

buy me a game richfag

This was changed, the original kickstarted specified that the key would be received on launch.
That is no longer the case, so backers who backed the project are no longer receiving what they were promised, which is a key on the game's launch date.
This violates consumer protection laws in MA.

I just heard about this one a few days ago, got really excited about it, then learned they were going Epic-exclusive. Really bummed me out ... I was looking forward to playing it but I won't use the Epic store.

>the nature of games is so complex these days
Read: Modern developers are incompetent

You got any source on that? I'd genuinely like to see some proof that people were actually promised what they're claiming.

Offering a steam key a year late isn't the same from the law's perspective. Also Steam workshop was an advertised feature which of course does not exist on epic. And Linux and Chinese customers are totally screwed despite the advertisements saying they'd get the product they paid for. And there's no way to get a DRM free version now despite Gollup insisting having to install and update through Epic isn't DRM. And just a reminder, advertising these features for day one and not delivering on them until a year later is a bait and switch under the law.
It could be argued that any other features on steam and gog that epic doesn't match were part of the bait and switch, but the above is all definitive.

Better hope those physical shipments take a year to arrive then.

Attached: file.png (551x130, 16K)

I mean, I doubt they're "finished". But they pissed in my eye and I don't appreciate it.
I'm just wondering if there's more I can do or if my part is done.

>and they are repaid for their efforts to help both consumers and creators by whiny cucks who think they shouldn't have to spend money to make money. All the devs who took Epic's deal are greedy losers with no faith in their own products or are too lazy to just advertise for themselves better since Steam is already going above and beyond the call of duty to do that for them. And they are all being met with zero sales to show for their shortsighted faggotry.

On top of this GabeN is merciful. It is entirely within his power to ruin every single one of these developers who jumps ship to the Epic Games store. All he has to do it cut them off from Steam permanently. The Epic games deal is temporary. These games will sell like crap and while the tencent dollars may last for one game if Valve refuses to do business with a company it is basically done for. Despite their betrayal, GabeN is willing to let them come back without even having to beg.

Ah ok, this is some actual guarantee by them.

>Implying I don't already live in Amherst as a local
>Implying I would ever want to meet college kids from current-day Yea Forums

>australian court
>literally kangaroo court

If Steam is pro consumer why do they continuously allow publishers to wipe older or pre "remaster" versions of their games from the store just to force people to purchase the newest version?
If Steam is pro consumer, why do they not test older games and ensure they are working on modern OS like GOG does?
If Steam is pro consumer why did they lead the forefront on paid mods, lootboxes, early access and DRM?
If Steam is pro consumer why did they trojan horse an always online DRM system and storefront into their most anticipated game?
If Steam is pro consumer why do they force you to agree to a ToS which states they can and will share and sell your data to third party partners, or else lock you out of your account with no way to download any game you have purchased since they offer no version of offline install?

>>Implying I don't already live in Amherst as a local
My condolences.
At least it's not Springfield.
Or Holyoke.
Or Chicopee.

>If Steam is pro consumer why do they continuously allow publishers to wipe older or pre "remaster" versions of their games from the store just to force people to purchase the newest version?
It is not up to Steam to decide whether they want to sell something or not. A developer has every right to pull an older product if they so wish. What are you going to do, force them to sell something?

It’s real as in it exists and can run.

No patreon no hentai foundry, no commissions, even gurochan’s sickos have no idea who this dude is.

There's no coming back from this. They just took a shit on their entire fanbase who are now all refunding their purchases and donations. Their game won't sell a single copy on Epic and the people they burned won't buy it down the road when it comes crawling back to Steam and GOG. Their reputation is permanently destroyed over one short term payout, so even if they survive long enough to make another that won't sell either. Wasn't worth it at all, they shot their own horse in the head while riding it and then broke their necks in the fall.

So you're fine with developer decisions unless that decision results in them deciding not to sell a game on Steam?

I'm actually fine with it, all it means is that since Epic is going to pay them they don't need my money and I can happily pirate everything they make from then on.
After all, they can always crawl back to Epic and ask for another cash injection.

This is a ridiculous point to try and make and I really hope you're just trolling. Why would epic give a minimum sales guarantee to a game or believed wouldn't sell? I imagine they wanted to see everything that was made so far and see specific plans on how the rest would get made. Otherwise they are just throwing money around randomly which no sane company does.

Even if you did back this and live in Massachusetts, you'd still have to fund the lawsuit long enough to get a win, and if you managed that you'd walk away with refund+legal fees at the end of it. Not worth it for most people unless you're Rich and just want to make news sites report about the devs getting charged.

But user, the thing I was saying I was fine with *was* the developer deciding *not* to sell a game on Steam. Are you okay?

>No sane company
>Chink funded spyware program which is trying to muscle its way into the international market
They have money to burn.

>Why would epic give a minimum sales guarantee to a game or believed wouldn't sell?
So they can try to get people to use their botnet?
Are you retarded?

Lends all the more credence to what
was saying. A false flag made by Epic.

Think you're being a little dramatic but it'd be cool if that were the case.

Only like two of the games they promised this shit for have actually succeeded to meet the sales figures promised. I'll let you figure out the rest, retard.

>blaming Steam for things that are left entirely up to devs and publishers

No argument, as usual

>Why would epic give a minimum sales guarantee to a game or believed wouldn't sell
Because the whole strategy is gobbling up market share through exclusivity, they're operating at a loss to expand, it's what any sane company does.

>there are apparently 25 million epic shills on Yea Forums at all times
>all the people flooding into these threads to spam "chink botnet tencent backdoor shill" are absolutely not paid valve shills

What's wrong with Eastern MA?
t. Eastern MA user

>No company that is directly financially connected to the Chinese Communist Party would just throw money around to exert dominance

>blaming Steam for things that are left entirely up to devs and publishers
Like what storefront to sell their games on?

This is exactly what insecure, tiny dick Asians always try to do to overcompensate, kek

It's 100% their fault right down to the ground of the matter, for Christ's sake. PC players repeatedly complained about the fragmentation of the market on Origin and, to a lesser extent, GoG. In the past ten years, I've never been able to convince anyone to join me playing a game that came with its own launcher either.

Then they did the most moronic thing and brought the worst part about consoles into the equation: Third-party exclusives. Why would you try fracturing an existing platform (PCs) with third-party exclusives? That's so retarded whoever thought of it should not only lose their job, but also be blacklisted from the industry.

I bet Gaben doesn't even care enough to bother banning them
This is his blessing and also his curse

Ask Sweeny himself. He thinks that by having exclusives and a 12% cut customers will come to him no matter how terrible the service is. It isn't working for him so far, but in his mind he thinks that if he just gets the right game, maybe two, he'll be golden for the rest of time.

They are literally LITERALLY funded by the Chinese government. Epic does not give a fuck about games it is just a vehicle for the Chinese government and nothing more.

>you'd still have to fund the lawsuit long enough to get a win
Thankfully this state isn't a corrupt Republican shithole so the actual suit is unlikely to take long if there is 100% proof that people who were expecting a Steam/GoG key at launch were misled (they were). Not to mention there are provisions allowing attorney fees to be at least partially subsidized in consumer suits.

Attached: Consumer protection in the US.png (1013x3432, 235K)

>>multiple devs confessed that making their games Epic exclusive damaged their reputation and regretted the decisions (Phoenix Point and Hades)

Please sauce me on this. I want to cum tonight.

Let's not pretend they're not spending a lot of money on guerilla marketing stunts to tarnish Valve, everything they do is to hurt Valve rather than make themselves more appealing
To think in 2019 I'd actually be defending Valve. This is the worst timeline.

fuck chinks and fuck deng xiao ping ding

>tfw I make epic vs steam threads to start console wars on Yea Forums

And he will be. Do you think people installed Steam because of its wonderful feature set, reliable servers, unintrustive service and amazing vomit green color pallet or because they wanted to play HL2 and had to? Your post is literally retarded, if they get the new Elder Scrolls and/or GTA, Steam will go full meltdown mode.

The most ironic thing about that is Consumer protection laws are the lowest in the states with the highest concentration of minorities.

>why did they lead the forefront on paid mods, lootboxes, early access and DRM?
Bethesda was the one that wants paid mods and since Steam backed down from it, Bethesda has been trying to push it's own service since.

I genuinely can't wait until next January when all these exclusivity deals end and we find out that the only sales all these devs make end up being on Steam when they launch there, but still flop because people moved on or are holding grudges. It's going to be hilarious watching their desperation unfold, like a hundred men lost in the desert dying of thirst fighting over a single mud puddle that may or may not just be camel piss.

No that was me! You don't get to take credit for MY work, cuck!

>A game made by Valve is a steam exclusive

That's because many minorities are generally subservient to their corporate masters.

Thank you for that wonderful observation brainlet, now try figuring out the actual point of the post.

>if they get the new Elder Scrolls
and just like that Todd would coup de grace the modding community

Tim saw Steam get absolutely trashed for 5 years and make it to the point now where people are falling over themselves to defend it. He's not trying to get everyone to switch over in an instant. But in 5 years a lot can change, and they have the money to prop the store up for that long.

The other thing is that Tim also knows that even if he released a store that's a duplicate of Steam, he wouldn't even have 10% of the market because why would people switch launchers for the same thing when they already have Steam? The number of innovations possible in a store/game updater isn't significant enough that even if they had new tech, it wouldn't be enough to sway anyone. The only way Tim can get people onto his launcher is by offering games that they can't get on Steam.

It's not good for us but it's easy to see what they're doing. Tim's not an idiot.

Ya seething bitch? Gonna make another thread tonight for the euro cucks

Neither of those will happen. Rockstar just a week or two ago took a subtle pass at Epic saying that for future PC releases (implying RDR2) they will be staying where the customers are (Steam). And Bethesda will either continue just using their own shit tier launcher or come crawling back to Steam for the workshop support. If Rage 2 flops, it will be back to Steam. That game being exclusive to their launcher is the test run for future releases. In any case, no major games and developers will ever go to Epic because they know there are no sales to be made there.

Tim is absolutely an idiot. He just happens to have infinite money thanks to being backed by a Foreign power.

>the epic game launcher has people flocking to fortnite
Yes, to Fortnite. And nothing else. Assuming you're also not forgetting 90% of Fortnite players are on consoles and mobile, and not on PC.

Can we just agree and admit that the Epic launcher is really just a chink ploy to get their programs onto your computer?

They absolutely do not have the funds to prop their utter failure of a store up for 5 years. It will be shut down before the end of next year. Fortnite is going to be completely dead in a few months and they haven't sold a single game on the store. They already lost, it was a complete money sink and will never come close to paying off.

Why do they call it the master chief collection when it's not even including all games with the master chief in it?

you damn right i'm pissed. Faggot ass user like you who couldn't bait their way out of a paper bag taking credit for my work.

You can't honestly believe this, right? Fortnite just weathered one of the biggest game launches of the entire year and has almost completely killed it in less than a month, and on top of that is still hitting new peak player counts. Fortnite is the new Minecraft and even if it drops from the top spot on Twitch people are going to be playing it for years, especially with creative mode.

If you live outside the US or Israel, there's an extra processing fee which raises the price. Some countries ended up getting charged up to double the price they would have paid on Steam during the move to Epic. Technically Steam has to deal with those processing fees, but Steam generally eats those so the customer doesn't worry about them. Epic's CEO cried about how the 12% they bragged about is unsustainable and pass the extra charges onto the customers.

This isn't even counting the fact that you can usually buy Steam keys on places besides Steam for cheaper than you could get it on Steam anyways.

>and on top of that is still hitting new peak player counts.
No it's not.

bros... Steam is closer to a free market than anything else. Bitch about the flux of shitty indie games all you want, but being able to see shitty indie games is a blessing in itself. No regulations from the man is how our storefront should be; we get to control our content with the filters given. No regulations from Chinchin is how we like our freedom

this is what I think with how they are giving the free games

No user, having a free market is bad, my corporate masters told me so.
By the way, I'm a "liberal" because I support faggots, nevermind all my corporate shilling and publisher dicksucking (looking at you Calforniafags).

Good for them. Sounds like they don't need my money, so I can pirate their games without guilt.

Are you an unironic retard? Do you have any idea how much money Epic makes purely off of engine licensing deals? They pumped millions upon millions of dollars into Paragon over 2 years, and they never even gave a shit because it was a side project for them, now they have Fortnite on top of that. Do you know the second highest grossing game of 2018 behind fortnite? PUBG, which runs on epic's engine which means they get a cut of every single dollar it makes.

australia steam
>exodus on steam 69.99 aud
>epic price 69.99 US.. roughly 99 aud

>They pumped millions upon millions of dollars into Paragon over 2 years
You mean that game that they stopped development of a few months before Fortnite came out because they couldn't afford to support it anymore?
Y'know, like they did with all their games that weren't Fortnite?

Lying shill or just delusional and out of touch? Fortnite's player numbers have been consistently and steadily dropping since November or December of last year and have not once gone back up. And that trend is increasing exponentially. The fad is over, people are moving on. It will be completely dead and forgotten by the end of the summer at the latest.

Pretty shit attempt I made but w/e

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Do not trust Microshit!

Alright, I've been seeing this online a lot lately (even outside of Yea Forums), do MAfags really hate Califags?

>game dev no longer needs paying customers in order to make money on the game they made
The logical decisions seems obvious: if they don't need the money, don't pay

Yeah, and I'm sure they will love just dumping that money into an endless blackhole for the rest of time. Get real kiddo, the Epic Store is a massive failure and there comes a certain point where they will no longer be able to keep dumping money into without getting a single cent back. It has already been decided, they already lost and it has no future.

this is the only point that is bullshit, everything else is true
halo on steam was the final nail in the coffin, sweeney the swine chinkshit slave on suicide watch
i love how swine sweeney says OH TENCENT ONLY OWNS 40% OF EPIC I AM BIG BOSS
remember when people was saying BLIZZARD STRONK INDEPENDENT COMPANY NOT DOING WHAT BOBBY KOTIK WANTS? look at blizzard now retarded niggershits
epic is doomed to be chinkshits slave and sweeney is a massive retard

It's not just MAfags, most of the country dislikes CA, usually for different reasons.
Personally, I hate them because they swear up and down that they're "liberals" when in reality what they really mean is that they're "socially-conscious corporatists" which is a much more accurate descriptor.
They use social justice as a bludgeon to defend their corporate masters, and for that alone they are a cancer on this country.

based, its only fair to milk the subhuman insects chinks and the swine sweeney

Surely he isn't so stupid that he didn't realize that a 40% share is controlling stake if he himself didn't own the other 60%? Because Tencent is absolutely in control otherwise, no other single shareholder has any say.

Most bottom bitch conservitards don't realize that Cali was ruined by transplants from the rust belt back in the day, and they pretend that it's not still a largely red state held hostage by a couple metropolitan hives inhabited by criminals and shitskins and (surprise) more transplants
The whole country watched this once great state get run into the ground and now it's going to happen to them.

he pretends he did not realize it
he knows full well how fucked he is but right now he thinks hes a messiah sent to fuck steam
in 2 years he will be irrelevant and probably out of epic, but with lots of money

No, he's not an idiot. He's a greedy, sneaky, lying cunt with a taste for 1 inch chink cock. And with all the money he makes, he buys woodland to do God knows what in.

Cheng pls

>hurr whats the difference between a public and private company hurr

>people creating epic accounts only to get the free games and purchase nothing from the store
Yep, that's me

Attached: 123321.jpg (1000x851, 98K)

it will end up in the same way

wait so i can play Metro for free? Or another game albeit through another account?

>console gamers can often buy multiple consoles
>PC gamers can’t install another program
Why are you fucks such entitled fucks?

>wait so i can play Metro for free?
Yea, it's called piracy, pleb.
Because I am the consumer.
Don't like it, fuck off to consoles and hock your cheap shit there.

>just install 20 store launcher clients bro

>Oh wow look at that

Attached: 1552475461955.png (859x908, 89K)

its annoying and you cant trust them

You get a free game every 14th day. Worth the login.


I agree though

this is the easiest way to spot someone who was introduced to PC gaming post-steam, and is probably underage

I've been playing games on PC since Heretic, and I also hate Epic.
I will stop hating and shitting on Epic when they provide physical copies, and not a moment sooner.
So far, the only major storefront with ACTUAL physical copies on PC is GoG/general DRM-free.
And yes, if I had to choose between Epic and Steam, I'd choose Steam every single day of the week.

Not Metro, but Epic Store gives a game for free every two weeks. There's a Slime Rancher for free right now, there was Axiom Verge and Thimbleweed Park last month. It's time-limited offer but games added that way stay on your account.
It's not working in the way of "create a new account and get a random game free", but it would be sweet deal. Utterly hijacked and exploited by hackers, but sweet nonetheless.

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What's funnier about this is that Epic always knew their place but that changed with Fortnite. They knew they only stayed afloat because their engine is magnificent but they completely lost the fucking ball with Fortnite. I mean, for fuck's sake, the game was a complete asspull and the biggest stroke of luck they ever had, not even Unreal Tournament (which is a decent game by the way) had garnered this much attention. They now think because their ass was kissed by a fucking leprechaun that they have what it takes to make it in other areas. Serves them fucking right for canning UT4's development for a shitty game. Fuck you Jew Games.

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Nobody cares about shit that happened years ago. Steam has refunds now, that's all I give a shit about

why was this post deleted?

that's how I feel too
is epic is gonna pay for the sales they don't get why should I buy their games?

So you're saying i can just pirate their game and then buy their game when it's on a >50% discount when it's exclusivity expires? sounds rad to me.

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remember to leave a bad review

>The Windows store and W10 itself both failed so MS is finally trying to reach people where they are
fucking kek
>they gave the system out for free to everyone that asked, including pirates
>they forced it on some people with automatic updates if they weren't savvy or quick enough to cancel it
>surely this will bring us a lot of users for our windows store!
>it was so shit everyone stayed with W7 anyways
corporations being way over their head is so funny to me

Attached: fucka yu.jpg (750x738, 37K)

Console exclusivity is shit too you corporate cockmongler.

Isn't Mass a commonwealth, not a state?

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Steam really is well written. It takes very little memory and never does anything to slow down your games.

Attached: 1549388023395.png (1214x828, 134K)

Whoever made that forgot to add the ~60 MB UnraelCEFSubProcess to Epic.

I didn't see a single person shittalk GoG since it released years ago