Friendless girlfriendless jobless neet with every current videogames hardware

>friendless girlfriendless jobless neet with every current videogames hardware
>have accumulated 2k dollars
>feel the need to spend them
>the only thing that comes to my mind is a new PC
>mfw I already own a more than capable PC

I mean, yeah, 16 threads and 32GB ram would be ok with a sweet cube case and a kick ass heatsink, you know, all that neat stuff...but I also know that the more I use my current PC, the more my future new PC will be worth, and the earlier I buy another one, the earlier it will lose its worth

what should I do? I hate having spare money on me, I don't know how to describe the feel

Attached: Koala.jpg (1024x768, 771K)

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Buy gym membership
Go to a doctor that some gymbro who uses tren recommends.
Get tren , good food, some good clothes , a haircut.
Be a sickcunt.
Forget vidja.

Attached: zyxzz.jpg (1068x566, 44K)

I already lived that life to its full extent and had a blast, after 5 years I crashed pretty hard and now I don't want anything to do with people, solid advice though

Give that money to me, Im a neet like you but I dont have any cash. Plus im in a shitty third world shithole, so with only 2000 dollars I can get a lot more of my currency. I would be extremely grateful and Id probably befriend you and suck you off so you wont be friendless and girlfriendless forever (im a boy tho)

Oh shit bro.
Get a therapist best decision I ever made.
Don't take their pills tho.

send me a pm bro we can set this up bro

already did(also literally had sex with my melisa mendiny look alike therapist and had to go to another one), I'm feeling ten times better now, it's just this thing about money, it makes me anxious and shit and it goes away ones my finances lower again

So where did that money come from?


invest or at least save it

Mandatory. The conclusion for all neets:

Holy shit i'm in the same boat as you but instead of 2k I only have 1.5k


my parents give me some money every month and it's been a while since I needed something so money started to pile up and up and up

people do not deserve to be helped

invest in what other than a new pc?

you are a cunt but I lol'd, I risked that shit when my family thought I was lazy instead of having a health problem

fuckkkkkkkk, how do you deal with it?

>how do you deal with it
My family isn't entirely too rich so basically I just hold on to it until we need money for groceries or stuff like that
How do I deal with being a neet - uh, depression once in a while followed by inspiration

Why do you deserve to be helped if you are as as good as people who need charity?

>isn't entirely too rich
why the fuck did I put it that way
we're bad off most of the time, lower middle class. Not enough money to be well off each week but apparently too well on by the government to get any support

Just do some coke and buy a gun, loser.

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>>have accumulated 2k dollars
>>feel the need to spend them
Consumerist cuck.

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Put it into a mutual fund I guess

>invest in what other than a new pc?
stocks, bonds, index funds, retirement account

because I'm a good guy and you can perceive it

I'm not depressed, quite the contrary

you don't understand, or maybe you do and I don't, sure I was better without money and making it with what I had, this will be my last computer btw, never asking for money again, moneyless is the key of it all, I always knew it inside of me

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Don't spend your "spare" money you fucking retard. Throw it in savings at least.

How do you know charity people ain't good?
Just because you say it , doesn't really increase your value at all as a human, actually, some people who need charity might have more value than you as a human, so why not charity?
Face it man, you are worthless, but I hope you're on your parent's will so you don't die from starvation.