Why didn't you play BLUE REFLECTION?

Why didn't you play BLUE REFLECTION?

Attached: 1552472034500.jpg (1920x1080, 883K)

>softcore porn
>no gameplay

I can name a dozen games that do both better.

You literally can't. PWNED.

I'm not a weeb or closet pedo


x-com 2 modded
skyrim modded
escape from lab underground
Degrees of Lewdity
sims 4
Soul of Phantasm
MA: Andromeda


Attached: O6YSBFU7a6OlkPtgB0C36SHA053naxLQC8G4yI0fX2Q.jpg (842x609, 105K)

xenoblade chronicles 2
Artifical Girl 3
Witcher 3

>No fart scene
>"W-why didn't you p-play it?!?!"
Gee, i wonder why...

I started yesterday, and I love the music, but the game is pretty bad. I hope it gets better.

because you can't fight'em

Attached: Screenshot_Hexen_20190312_225857.png (1920x1080, 1.34M)

>nude mods dude XD
You don't understand what makes shit like sexy you underage 3. Again, PWNED.

Yah my fellow redditor...fuck those racist four channers and their attraction to adult female anime characters

just having people be naked doesn't make it porn

jrpg is one of the worst genres there is when you have experienced crpgs since the 90's.
That shit feels like being treated like an infant, it physically hurts.
Unless it's a straight up porn game I will not bother.

>you underage
>fellow redditor

Trying way too hard to fit in, newfag.
But really kill yourself kid

>Steam store page doesn't even show any gameplay for what is ostensibly an RPG
>$60 game has an $80 season pass consisting almost entirely of outfits

Absolutely no part of this looks like a good purchase.


No because i'm not a pedophile

What's the gameplay actually like?

Attached: 1551212469303.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

A girl I liked played it and I think it turned her on, granted I'm pretty sure she was bisexual leaning toward lesbian.

Attached: Swap underwear.webm (854x480, 2.93M)

Look's good enough, can you skip or at least speed up the animations though? As someone used to Wizardry-style dungeon crawlers having to sit through those long ass animations is really going to get on my nerves.

I've been here longer than you've been alive, child. Get fucking OWNED.

So you're just a normal pedo then?

i kind of want to play it, but i want to buy it at a cheaper price. how much are key sites? steam was like 36 on sale

>can you skip or at least speed up the animations though?
no! haha

Nope you can't.


what even is this game

Is Hexen actually any good? I've been looking at doom-likes lately because I wanted to play something similar, but I got around to playing Project Warlock recently and holy shit was that game a terrible mix of horrible level design and zero challenge that it almost completely killed the motivation to find a good doom era style game.

It's like Persona if Persona had an all female cast and instead of Persona you were magical girls fighting demons.


i'm all in.

I'm waiting for the switch port