It's tough for me.
Anybody has been able to cure his videogame addiction?
Yeah, stop playing.
Just put the controller down lmao
yes since i started HRT i go to sleep at 8 PM and wake up at 9 AM , pretty refreshing
get a job loser
1. Get a job
2. Start exercising at the gym
3. Meal prep your meals for 3-4 days
4. Go for a minimum 1 hour walk on weekends when you don’t work
5. Force shutdown your PC at 9pm and get quality sleep
You’re welcome,
Would legit drive me to suicide faster than permaneeting as an alcoholic would.
There is just nothing out there that would be cooler, more interesting and more exciting than games. I feel you.
The only thing that would be able to top games would be content of games happen in reality. But as long as this doesn't happen, there are just games.
>Meal prep your meals for 3-4 days
That's a meme. You should do OMAD everyday.
>knowing which type of food you will crave days in advance
Not him but this shit wouldn't work for me. I eat something else every day and it's always spontaneos what I decide to eat. Currently eating Yakisoba with duck, earlier today it was spaghetti with salted anchovies and it will be something completely different tonight at 3 AM.
permaneeting will do too. it just takes much longer to realize which way you’re headed.
What a bunch of meme garbage
If this "works" for you, you never had a problem.
I'd murder to be able to fall asleep on normaltard hours.
Even as a little kid I never went to bed before 11 PM, I always hated other children who got tired as soon as the sun was setting. Just enjoy nightlife bro, the morning is for faggots.
You lack constitution and dicipline, you will die bitter about it too if you don't change that soon
Unironically nofap
Day 22 here, women and sex have become an obsession for me. It has become so important that I am losing interest in video games since I know there are dozens of social hobbies that would be tremendously better at somehow improving my odds to meet/fuck women
ie; I think I'm gonna take salsa/merangue dance courses. That way I can either meet/fuck women that will be taking the classes with me, I could meet/fuck a women a woman while commuting there (I take the bus and metro) and finally, once I have good dancing skills I could very easily go to dance clubs and meet/fuck women
There is also a local barcade in my city
I'm seriously thinking about selling my xbonex/ps4 and all my games, and allow myself to only play video games over there. I figure I could go one night a week, spend $20 or so. I could meet/fuck geek women there, and if I go every single week, I'll probably befriend the staff ("new me" on nofap is more social) which is very good when you want to approach a qt geek
Also, I am hiring pictelated prostitute this weekend because I'm way too horny
you cannot be saved. accept that you’ll always be a loser.
Sure thing, you dumb nigger
I routinely spend 2+ hours trying to fall asleep, just because normaltard job requires me to be there before noon
Just get a job and become a taxpayer
Consider yourself lucky if you are into real people at least. 90% of all motivation speeches don't work for me because they are, to some degree, related to sexuality in some way, be it a good job or whatever. But since the only "people" I was ever horny for were 2D or game characters I can't even do that. There was just never a single real human being I was attracted to or masturbated to in my 30 year long life. Therefore, only games and anime can fill that void.
>nofap works
>women women women
yeah it definitely works. you’re so fixated on fucking a woman that you’re willing to give up your hobbies just to get your microcock wet.
nofap crowd is as bad as anti-vaxxing schizos.
Then get fucked and die bitter
>give shitty tips
>they're proven useless
>le kys!
just stop playing bro
>no fap
It's funny because that's literally how these beta cucks work, usually only after finding a bitch though. They always give up their hobbies after meeting her because she feels offended seeing them enjoying games, or basically anything they don't like themselves.
I am actually proud of my two best male friends who dumped their gf because of that. Now they're still playing games and we go out drinking together and have a lot of fun.
I don't find video games interesting enough to warrant an addiction.
seriously name the last two games that really made you go "woah" and look at the period of time released between both games.
I'll be sure to think of you and how you're struggling with the most basic shit when I fall asleep at 10pm user, good luck you shithead
Stuck on this step:
>1. Get a job
All my apps get ignored. Two places wanted to followup then ignored me after the first email. Finding a job is bullshit
>you’re willing to give up your hobbies
Only video games. And let's be real here it's a terrible hobby. It's a humongus waste of time that promotes loneliness and drinking
Just a friendly reminder to hide all pepe/wojack threads on Yea Forums for a better browsing experience. Thank you for your time!
Muh addiction faggots are as bad as muh gayming fatigue queers.
Just get your shit together.
You should be finding a coping mechanism instead of whining.
No need to get mad
Just learn from your mistakes
I must cure my porn and cuck addiction first. I cannot stop posting my fiancee naked or taking my dick on Yea Forums or /s/.
The only way to beat vidya addiction is to sell all your vidya shit and go a few months finding a new hobby. Otherwise you'll just be playing all the time still. You don't tell drug addicts to take small doses every now and then, why the fuck do you think it will be different with vidya?
You know, the key to falling asleep on normaltard hours is to actually go to bed at the appropriate time. Yes, if you try once to go to bed at 10 PM having woken up at 2 PM, you probably won't succeed. You need to actually stick to a regiment.
Not everyone can work on the schedule you have. I'm not even a NEET but anyone aside from "life schedule" autists can understand this doesn't work for all people. Having a job is the most universal thing but the rest are just lifestyle choice things that only make you happy, not others. Get context, idiot.
i only play on the week ends. how are you addicted? how do you find the time? hahaha
get a useful hobby like programming or art and devote your time to that
>I'm willing to give up video games to be less obsessed about women
>Is still obsessed about women
Glad to see you're making the correct life choices user
I got my job after getting an email offer wrongly sent to me that I followed up on. You just have to show initiative. And, for the love of god, don't do retail.
>hiring a prostitute
You're not addicted to video games you're using it to cope with your shitty life and your life will still be shitty without videogames.
where do you live? i would like to hire this piece of ass too.
I've followed up on all the emails sent to me, even asking politely if they were still interested after a few days of no response, only to still be ignored. I just don't know why they bothered emailing me in the first place if they weren't actually interested
Apply for goverment neet bux with some bullshit mental disease, it's the best course of action
Just get a job and then you’ll be far too tired to think about how miserable you are.
I actually wouldn't even play games, I just want to explore space, bros. Why wouldn't this world let me?
>right eye is significantly weaker than the left
>have glasses with a stronger lens to compensate
>if I'm even a little bit tired my right eye "gives out" and gets blurry, even with the glasses
>without them I flat out can't see colour
>can't play most videogames because eye is clamped shut and my depth perception takes a severe dive
I just wanna enjoy videogames.
I'd rather be addicted to video games than pay money for sex. How can you even enjoy it when you know she's just there for the money? May as well fuck a doll that makes moaning sounds when you force your dick in.
The bad thing is that all of my friends who work feel like shit all the time. They are also heavily depressed and burned out, it's pretty shit. I wouldn't have expected this because they were never like that before. I only kills every will I might have had to search for a job. I am the only one who is still somewhat happy.
I have a labour job so that's step 1 and 2 combined. I also work afternoons so my "dinner" is the same thing every day. Small microwaved dinner, 2-3 pieces of fruit, 2 "cups" of jello or yogurt, a granola bar smack and some secondary food item, probably leftovers from weekend dinner. I 100% need to go out for a walk and will probably do that in a bit today, and I need to work on getting more sleep. I probably sleep for about 6-7 hours.
This is much harder to do than anyone claims. First off, no psychiatrist is gonna give you a blank check for free NEETbux for life. You have to go through multiple evaluations a year, and they specifically look for people that are trying to cheat the system.
I'm sure that plenty of people a year DO cheat the system, but it's certainly not easy to do.
At that point you must go in person and ask. If you have the credentials and bother them that much they'll probably hire you so long as you do it with tact. If they say no then ask why not and utilize that feedback for other job interviews. Being good at bullshitting communication, written or spoken, goes a long way. But if theyre stringing you along like thst it's not a good sign of how thst company runs itself, you have to make concessions, yes, but thats a red flag.
>I also work afternoons so my "dinner" is the same thing every day. Small microwaved dinner, 2-3 pieces of fruit, 2 "cups" of jello or yogurt, a granola bar smack and some secondary food item, probably leftovers from weekend dinner.
That sounds pretty unhealthy user, you should learn how to cook.
But you can indeed get neetbux with stuff like irritable bowel syndrome which doesn't even display any symptoms. Just keep going into doctors complaining about pain until one diagnoses this. Goverment gibs aren't that hard to take you just need to get past the bureaucracy
How can you be addicted if every new game is shit or a copy-pasted idea from 20 years ago, you must be 14 or a fucking turbo brainlet
>waste of time
everything is a waste of time.
>promotes loneliness
you’re wrong. check out coop games genre. if you own a console you can do couch coop which is even better.
sounds like a personal problem. see then you’re doing something wrong. go to an employment centre of some sorts where they vacancy help you look for a job. you probably smell, or dress poorly, or have no marketable skills that employers look for. fix those first.
do not do that. just balance your time better between fun and work.
yeah you can. you’re just making up excuses for yourself to not go through with the positive changes to your own life.
also, all of those things are universal. i’m not going to spoon feed you anymore because obviously you’re one of those people who dug too deep of a hole for themselves and can’t get out, not even if you throw em a ladder with simple to read instructions.
Because they're basically mules being made to fill the pockets of the elites. The elites literally earn more money from the workers' work than the workers themselves do simply because they were born into money.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Video Game Addiction Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
I started exercising but I began feeling drained and I looked constantly ill and tired. Maybe there's something wrong with me.
Oh yeah, all the online job ads specifically mentioned
>must not smell
>must not dress poorly
and I've been checking the "smell" and "shitty dresser" boxes this whole time. Thanks user! I can tell you're a smart, talented individual with impressive critical thinking skills.
job =/= misery
your friends need to find better jobs that don’t make them depressed.
>get depression
>no motivation to play videogames or do anything really
>no more addiction
try this one simple trick
this but unironically, I just play old games from time to time
It's possible to get disability from IBS, but that's pretty unlikely. Also if you start going to multiple doctors and are clearly trying to get a disability diagnosis, most good doctors will simply report that. Yes, government gibs aren't THAT hard to get, but they are hard to keep a hold of. They have every reason to want to stop paying you after all.
Yup. Replaced it with drugs
Most people get jobs through nepotism. If you aren't any of the following:
1. Someone born into a family with good jobs
2. An attractive female who can sleep with the managers for positions
3. An extremely socially adept person who can make friends with anyone and win people over to the point of them offering you positions
You're not getting anywhere above a shitty retail job that you get after hundreds of applications.
you probably pushing yourself too muc or don’t get enough sleep to recover or eat poorly or all three. it’s a balance you need to figure out.
Is it bad if I only feel like shit with eight hour's sleep compared to good with four or five hours napping?
- learn programming
- learn to draw
- read books
- learn electronics
- learn an instrument
- learn a second language
- learn systems automation
- learn to paint
- go to Yea Forums
You forgot number 4. Know someone in your chosen field who you can get you in
Or just pick a low-skill labour job like a warehouse where they will take literally anyone because the drop-off is so high.
You can just become apathetically bored of vidya, killed my addiction in a month.
Yes, by having higher standards.
You didn't follow step 1, user.
>excuses: the thread
That's pretty much just a diluted version of number 3.
>got a job
>cut off all interactions with my friends
>lost my interest in vidya
the only fun i have left is driving my shitbox and listening to vocaloid music while driving
i'm addicted to been comfyu and vidya is at times comfy, pardon the mem e
Who anhedonia here?
>no fun
>play vidya because it's less un-fun than lying and doing nothing
>help codelets dev vidya, but never get enough motivation to dev myself
>look forward to nothing except dying
Just play games your trash at. I basically go AVGN after a few miniutes and turn off the console. Really made me uninterested in games.
obsess about something else
I dont even have fun playing video games its just something thats the first thing I do everyday now
>cut off friends
may i ask why? this was single handedly the most stupid move you could have done.
get involved in your community - i started working in my local church and met a lot of cool people with connections. an ex-navy dude saw my decent work ethic and hired me full time with bennies to change light bulbs, replace ceiling tiles and fix door knobs at his company. went from helping old people, setting up lunch and dinner tables for events and just being handy to having a full time maintenance job in just over two years. met lots of nice older women too who made sure i ate well, got plenty of leftovers from events and parties which meant i got to bank a lot of my food money i earned. i'm not even super religious, just a friendly fellow looking for work. no formal trainning and now i got 40 hours a week at medical facilities and law offices.
Games are so fucking garbage nowadays that it happened naturally
If I remove vidya from my life I get left with nothing.
i realized that they weren't "real" friends
when i stopped playing vidya with them i realized that i have nothing to talk with them and they also couldn't talk about anything other than vidya
they also never bothered to go outside
it was the right move for me and in 2 weeks i'll finally move out of my town and i'll finally will be alone for the rest of my fucking life
Instead of playing video games, spend more time on Yea Forums. That's what I do. I wish I could go back to being addicted to video games.
You do realize your monitor is flat, right?
That's unironically the worst "hobby" one can have. This place is designed to degrade your mental state over time.
>he doesn't have a round monitor
I play 3D games.
>Sleeping early
>Slowly getting more social
>Stopped eating junk food
>Still feeling like shit because it took me 20 years to go from complete failure to slight underachiever
Fuck this gay earth
lol loser, video games suck
how old are you? I stopped getting interested in videogames as I hit 23-24. Maybe its due to my job, I just can't get into turning on the desktop for videogames getting home.
But for real, try getting into a niche hobby like painting.
This worked out for me if anyone doubted this. Nice people will come your way.
Noose yourself
ALL "do and eat this and that and do it at this specific time" kinds of advices are always borderline esoteric bullshitery anyway. It's like those retarded vegetarians that tell you you become happy if you stop eating meat. Out society is just as retarded as it was 500 years ago. Simple things like that don't work because problems are individual and caused by actual mental and social problems, not some bad spiritual vibrations or whatever.
I have a Yea Forums addiction. I browse 5 different boards around 8-9 hours a day
You look like you're addicted to drinking and shitposting, which are far more difficult addictions to break. Video games tend to fall out of favor naturally when you realize how boring they are
Waking up before the sun is life kino. Fuck waking up when it's light out though
Not him, but at some point I just become an hero on social media when most people are actually opinion shover, both on the net and meeting IRL. I still keep close friends that I can socialize and very treasured people I knew.
And it does gave me more breathing room, I felt more relaxed. Though I feel more reserved before getting into knowing someone and close, with how polarizing the society has become nowadays. So Yea Forums is the only place I can cope, vent to be a dick, to express, or to know an user without prejudice, long lasting repercussions.
Started working full time after graduation and obtained a healthy and loving relationship.
Only game so far I'm interested in this year is Division 2. Got a Switch last year, perhaps 100 hours in total played on it.
I'm 27, help me I'm becoming a functioning and happy adult.
trying to switch games with drawing, but drawing is hard and I suck at it like everything else
It's okay you'll be back in a few years when your gf fucks you over and you're trapped in a job you hate
>Slows your body's metabolism to a grinding halt so it holds on to everything you give it up
>Gain 20 lbs
Kek, okay.
keked so fkn hard to this
You're supposed to do keto with it, dumbshit
I'm doing the meme /fit/ diet of white rice, chicken, and broccoli every night. Is that good, Yea Forums? I cook the chicken in a skillet and I make the rice on the stove. I cut up the chicken into strips.
This is a video game addiction rehab board. No one actually plays video games here.
>ALL "do and eat this and that and do it at this specific time" kinds of advices are always borderline esoteric bullshitery anyway
Not really. Most depression is called by bad reward pathway programming, and while it may differ from individual to individual, there are usually very common culprits: junk food, drugs, masturbation, media overconsumption, etc
As evolutionary machines, we were made to work very hard for a small amount of reward at the end of it, that impetus driving us through our lives. All of the things listed above trigger a huge dopamine release which is unnatural, and when you overstimulate yourself, all normal things seem sad and pathetic. You can get back to a blank slate but it involves stopping all the shit you know you shouldn't be doing
im trying to force myself to play video games nowadays
I like both. Waking up before the sun and going to bed at 2 or 3 am. I really hate the time after 11 AM and before 6 PM though and would spend it sleeping if I could.
EVEN HARDER KEK. Jesus, user. OMAD AND KETO?!?! Please tell me you don't do Crossfit. That would be the icing on the cake.
How do you even accomplish OMAD without keto/low-carb? I can barely make it 12 hours if I eat high-carb.
You sound like someone who thinks the food pyramid is good nutrition.
you sound like someone who thinks the earth is flat
Flat is justice
But Earth is unjust
This is the dream
nofap or lessfap are great but doing it for the purpose of getting pussy is retarded. Muh energy levels
Guide to lessfap:
Do you feel like an unmotivated piece of shit? Do you have no confidence when you look in the mirror? Do you struggle to concentrate for shit? Stop fapping, fap again in moderation (only when you really need to bust) when you don't feel like shit
>Actually still believing starvation mode is a thing.
Non anons fault you are a retarded faggot
>Do you feel like an unmotivated piece of shit?
100% of the time!
>Do you have no confidence when you look in the mirror?
I avoid mirrors so that I don't need to see the reflection!
>Do you struggle to concentrate for shit?
I daydream for literal hours, especially when I'm supposed to be working!
>Stop fapping, fap again in moderation (only when you really need to bust) when you don't feel like shit
Already doing that
How many of you are refreshing this page waiting for (You)s
You're all addicts
Your body is meant to conserve energy when food is unavailable. It does this by lowering metabolism (starvation mode). How would we survive as a species otherwise?
>criticizing modern vidya for being derivative and uncreative while using a derivative and uncreative meme
Sasuga zoomerkun
I'd eat like that almost every night if I could. Love white rice, love chicken, love broccoli. Would probably switch meats up every day, though.
>How would we survive as a species otherwise?
By evolving photosynthetic cells and abandoning the need for food. The trees got it right, animals are a failed experiment. Eating each other, wtf is that? That's not progress, it's just stupid.
>not planning out your nutrition intake for maximum energy efficiency
not going to make it
that guy on the right really doesn't belong
I feel you, I just can't do late nights anymore so I replace my nighttime with really early morning. Wake up at 4 or so, have around 5 hours to shower, wash dishes from night before etc which takes no time at all and do whatever I want until 9 or so, then go do a job and get back home around 2. I love it desu
What am I supposed to do instead of playing video games?
I pad my vidya with programming not to run out of either too fast.
I haven't created anything that I could call mine, but at least I didn't get bored as fast as I would with vidya+F5 all day.
Left looks like one of the Bogdanoffs if they were tall and ripped. No wonder he had to get that physique to feel attractive.
as a senior in highschool/ sophomore in college approaching my aa, games have a hard time grabbing my attention like they used to. only a couple single-player games have actually interested me to the point of completing them. I mostly do a shitton on school work, a job on top of that, and a girlfriend who works with me at said job. think i'm doing pretty good for myself tho, multiplayer games are a great social activity btw
>working with your gf
I don't see that ending badly at all
If the weather wasn't so shitty I would be out going for walks all day everyday like I did last summer.