ITT: Scandals Time Forgot

Sony fucked European PS2 owners when it came to DVD.

If you used SCART (Most common type and highest quality european TV connection before HDMI) to connect your PS2 to your TV instead of the Composite cables Sony gave you then there'd be a vomit green filter on the screen. This was to fight DVD piracy, they were afraid of people recording high quality rips using SCART so they forced you to use the blurrier, shittier Composite cables if you wanted to watch DVD's.

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Sony's biggest scandal is not making Ape Escape 4

Remember when playing fortnite on ps4 would make it impossible to use that account on other consoles, remember the psyop Sony pulled off to draw the controversy to the lesser issue of crossplay
Remember how even people who saw the real issue failed to realised epic was complicit

I'd have to to with Driv3rgate.

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eurofag here
Never heard of it and my cousin was a bootlegger for PS1/2. Hard modchips came out like a month after launch.

I remember Sony doing online passes for their games, meaning if you bought it used, and the previous owner had used their pass, you couldn't play online.

I guess this shows what an impact social media and sites like Yea Forums had in the meantime. Couldn't do that today without it causing waves.

King trying to claim copyrights on the word Saga.

How is it a scandal when they provided a composite cable with a scart adapter in the box?

Nintendo of America and Europe used to enforce a strict per-year 5 game limit on third party developers in the NES days, meaning that companies needed to establish their own shell publishing corporations to bypass this limit. Konami is particularly well known for this, having a number of well known "excess" games respectively published in NA and Europe under the Ultra Games and PALCOM labels.

I'd have to say, this really is one of the most heinous scandals involving reviews.

It's like shipping a PS4 and making you use blurrier, shittier HDMI cables (I know they don't exist) if you try to watch a bluray on it. It's scum supreme.

Sony revealed they were just as bad as microsoft in the anti consumer department but microsoft took the majority of the flack because they presented theirs first. Both companies are looking for a chance to strip your consumer rights away.

that never happened though
t. actually had a PS2

I'd say Gerstmann getting fired because he gave an actual review of Kane and Lynch is up there with this and people wonder why others are skeptical and claim paid reviews for AAA games.

You're missing my point. They provided composite cables along with a scart adapter, so you weren't limited in any way. You were still using the composite cables if you use pic related, and weren't limited in any way to which devices you used as a result.

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Speaking of PS2 video, what the fuck was so hard about making games at least 480p that so many devs avoided it like the plague? What a pity when the PS2's progressive scan is absolutely gorgeous but its interlaced video is absolute ass cancer. I know you can force progressive scan with hacks or cheat devices, but it's still retarded.

You could buy 3rd party Component Scart cables retard, which many people did

third party shit is never guaranteed to work, that's your issue. they provided everything you need to have a working system.

You probably don't know anything about video inputs if you have to actually ask this question. It would be the equivalent of selling you a sports car that can't go over 40 MPH because they are afraid you are going to break the law and race in the streets.
Basically they sold you a product and nerfed it so hard because they were afraid people were gonna pirate, and the difference between composite and SCART is massive. We are talking about a crisp clear image compared to a muddy, washed out piece of shit.

Attached: Comparison.jpg (2750x1350, 1.98M)

Sony using salesforce
eventually nintendo jumped on that if you look on one of their tweets

getting the original hardware is too much of a hassle, what is the best filter to use to emulate a CRT? (or combination of filters)

>third party shit is never guaranteed to work, that's your issue. they provided everything you need to have a working system.
Fuck off you corporate asshole licking faggot

Sony PSN credit card fiasco.

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Not a scandal but remember the HD-DVD vs Blu-ray "war"?

That PS2 demo disc with Viewtiful Joe 2 that bricked consoles.

Sonic Xtreme's doomed development, particularly whenever Yuji Naka/Sega of Japan got involved. SoJ's hatred of whitu piggus that work on their franchises is nothing new, they basically sabotaged Xtreme. I would almost hope that Mania's success has made them blisteringly furious if that didn't doom any chances of a followup.

I don't know, I play on original hardware, but there's probably someone here who knows or try /vr/
inb4 emulation vs. og hardware autist war starts. I don't care if people emulate.

warhammer online subscription system bug billing you for 1000 times the original amount

Between this and the Kane and Lynch thing I am deeply confused over why corrupt games journos only became a big issue that people started caring about en masse around 2014.

I think if the 360 had shipped with a built-in HD-DVD player Toshiba might have had a chance at making HD-DVD the standard, at least in America.
Sony might do all kinds of shady, anti-consumer shit, but selling PS3s at a loss to get Blu-ray players into a bunch of households was a pretty good move.

Basically this was a strip game under the pretense of a cringy quiz game, and one of the filmed girls got upset that the footage was used to promote the game without her knowing. This prompted the discovery that, RUH ROH, she was only seventeen at the time that footage of her was taken. Obviously they had to stop selling and promoting the game.

Attached: 220px-The_Guy_Game.jpg (220x305, 31K)

>Actual soldiers and veterans wanted the game to come out
>Got cancelled due to soccer moms and politicians that didn't even know what the game was trying to do

Those news reports on the game by ABC and FOX News still make me fucking furious.

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Anarchy Reigns got delayed so SEGA could put it on their next investor report or something. Effectively killing the game before it even came out.

What was it?

nintendo had TWO price-fixing scandals a little over a decade apart:
nintendo also fucked over the company that developed donkey kong for them, got sued and ended up quietly settling with them out of court:


It actually wasn't a "scandal" but it probably should have been.
Nintendo fucked over the britbongs who made Star Fox and the Super FX chip for nintendo. Those devs were working on SF2 which Nintendo promptly cancelled, then while they were working on their Yoshi game (which eventually became Croc) Nintendo kicked them to the curb meaning Nintendo kept them around to develop hardware, didn't allow them to sell games, and dumped them like old trash when they were no longer useful. The company literally went out of business because they were unable to sell any games for such a long time.

Nintendo had Gunpei killed.

tl;dr - It was going to be SWAT 4, except set during the second battle of Fallujah in 2004 and with survival horror elements. The dev studio got help from countless soldiers and civilians that were in the conflict to make it as realistic and accurate as possible. Media spun in into a story about how some people were making a game out of a recent battle for fun, Konami got scared and stopped publishing the game.

Attached: fallujah.png (1686x576, 131K)

Earthworm Jim HD re-using fanart without permission.

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One of the many reasons I don't trust mainstream news outlets.