Just admit it, Yea Forums, this game is an absolute masterpiece

Just admit it, Yea Forums, this game is an absolute masterpiece.

Attached: Devil-May-Cry-5.png (1200x630, 485K)

Other urls found in this thread:


are you falseflagging or do genuinely think its perfect?

Not with that art direction. And gameplay is getting too much into style over substance territory, to the point AI starts becoming so weak.

>PS2 Devil May Cry 1 352.668
>PS2 Devil May Cry 2 309.279
>PS3 Devil May Cry 4 212.373
>PS2 Devil May Cry 3 183.208
>PS4 Devil May Cry 5 116.202
>PS3 DmC: Devil May Cry 115.438

Now show me the digital sales

fuck off

Around 200k copies on Steam according to steamspy.

>Sales are indicative of quality
>Implying action games ever sell well

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It's a great game but it has a lot of flaws. I will wait for after the Vergil dlc comes out for my final judgement.

what's your end game

The question is: does a masterpiece have to be perfect? And is perfection even possible? I think the answer to both is no. So DMC5 could very well be a masterpiece, yes. It's the closest to it in the series in my opinion. Time will tell.

>does a masterpiece have to be perfect?
>And is perfection even possible?

What would you even call perfect? The ol' Tetris example? That one is frankly bullshit because Tetris HAS been improved on over time. There's a ton of different versions of Tetris. Are all of them perfect? Is there such a thing as "more perfect"?

To be honest perfection is just an ideal and doesn't exist in reality.

>What would you even call perfect?

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no, bloodborne is still the best action game this gen, but DMC 5 is good too

Pretty sure steam spy hasn't been accurate for a long time.


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Bloodborne is not an action game, nor is it better than DMC5.

Sigh... Fine... But only because you demanded nicely

Why is Dante's Majin form so dummy thicc?

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Ok I admit it

so what the fuck it is then, not RPG for sure. It's better than dmc5

Must be the RE Engine, he got it from Leon.

>What would you even call perfect?
While it may not be my favorite game ever it's a legit 10/10

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there is not a single thin that would make dmcv better than bloodborne, if first stage can be beated literally eyes closed and proper difficulty settings are locked behind multiple playtroughs, then even nu gow is better.

>It's better than dmc5
Certainly not in gameplay.

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Yeah fuck off

>cant switch styles during combat

>le more difficulty = better meme
Soulsfags are literally cancer

The combat is definitely better in DMCV. I love BB, but as far as it being an action game goes, it isn't as clean or polished as the combat in DMC, nor is it as varied and indepth. It also isn't that difficult, not that the first experience difficulty matters, everybody knows the real fun of BB is in base-level runs anyway. I don't think DMCV is a better game overall, but the combat is definitely better.

>What is the style switcher mod


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Might not be precisely accurate but it's definitely not going to make 3 million copies on Steam like some fans were expecting it to sell.

yes it is, and at least it has proper difficulty available from start

>this webm
are you fucking implying you can't do the same shit in this braindead clicking simulator dmc5 is? This game is all about stunlocking shit out of enemies.

you literally can unlock every difficulty level from the start retard

I got into these games months ago so I can be objective with no bias or nostalgia for these games and DMC5 is the best game in the series.

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What happened Capcomshills?

>le I enjoy killing literal harmless dummies
b-but it's fun!

>are you fucking implying you can't do the same shit in this braindead clicking simulator dmc5 is?
Show me one boss fight in DMC5 that is won by mashing a single button.

>V sucks to play and a few changes would make him a billion times better
>Environments are samey and boring for about 80% of the game (This was a problem in DMC3 too but 4 had just the right amount of variety for a game like this) Hoping the DLC fixes it)
>Lady and Trish went from being side characters to pretty much worthless. A DLC with them would be cool
>Most of the bosses are really fucking boring
>Too easy to S Rank missions even on SoS, hoping DMD changes this

It's a really good game but I'm a bit disappointed in the lack of variety

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>have to mod the game for it to not be shit
Is dmc3 Skyrim of DMC?

there isn't one in bloodborne too

sorry, there is in DMC5 the one you fight with V

>Environments are samey and boring for about 80% of the game
Miss me yet?

Attached: DmC.jpg (1478x1106, 710K)

V was a mistake, no fun and confusing as fuck
The "story" and "dialogue" are terrible
Whoever thought fighting with motorcycles as weapons was a good idea should be fired.

Also game is too short. DMC is a decent game, but much like REmake far off from a mAAAsterpiece.

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Well, environments and the Limbo thing in general were arguably the only few good things about the reboot, so that's not saying much in its favour.

>there isn't one in bloodborne too
Refer to

>absolute trash "puzzles"
>half of the enemies are shit
>half of the bosses are shit
>no styles switching

you can beat every enemy and boss in dmc using just one combo.

DmC wasn't a bad game, it was just less complex than the originals and had a dookie story. If it came out as Angel Will Scream or something like that it'd get the same critical reviews but with a whole lot less snide game journalists

Videogame "Journalist" here, yeah shit on me my profession is a meme.
I just want to say that I agree, a lot of the time when I'm playing some recent release and I'm just sorta bored. The game's okay, it has nice graphics and solid mechanics, but there's no real passion there, you know? I'm mostly on auto-pilot, wondering why the hell did I pick videogames as my future.
But every once in a while, a good release comes. And it all comes back to me, that feeling, that passion, and then I know, I remember why. "This is why I love videogames", I tell myself, and I know everything's going to be okay.

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Doesn't Yea Forums already love the game though?
There are some people who should probably replay DMC3 on here before they claim it's better, but other than that the game's lived up to the hype


Stick to fortnite, zoomy.

>beating up poor defensless enemies is better or fun.

yah maby if you are shit at vidya games.

The story was absolute garbage. I wanted something kino like DMC3, I got some shounen anime-tier bullshit where they waste away a cool new character so that fans can cream themselves over the reveal of their favorite cool katana man. The ending feels like it has no stakes or consequences, they just fight and then everyone is just alright with each other, Vergil killed like millions of people in not London and Dante talks with him like he's just some normal bro.

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no it isn't , it's a good game

end already fucking brainlet he was lucky she tried to attack him every time after stagger, and he took her 1/5 hp it isn;t even second phase you are trying too hard.

omg DMC fanbase is very cancerous

try again

Attached: samefag.png (365x128, 4K)

>shounen anime-tier bullshit
sounds like you got your DMC3

I've beaten mission 20 with an S, and I've gotten more kills than Vergil during the credits, how the fuck do I get V's dumbass EX costume.

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>not that the first experience difficulty matters

of course it matters, who wants to get game spoiled fast using easy difficulty

you get trough hard moments because you want to see rest of the game. people dont might even play trough games multiple times.

No, not even accurate in a general sense. Steam changed the default privacy settings awhile back and Steamspy is just wildly inaccurate now.
It just places games into tier ranges based on their all time high player counts I'm pretty sure.
Steam spy says 5 sold "200,000 .. 500,000"
It says monster hunter world sold "5,000,000 .. 10,000,000"
The ranges are ridiculous. It's basically just guessing.

>The game underperforme-

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-13 at 11.53.18 AM.png (1562x230, 42K)

>I got some shounen anime-tier bullshit
So you got something like DMC3

Doesnt matter

It's a great game with flaws.
But honestly, I feel like a faggot saying this, like if I had to play it cool and dumb down my enthusiasm in order to fit in.

It is not perfect, but it is an incredible, it is everything I wanted from a DMC sequel, and I hope the industry looks at it and take notes.

>The story was absolute garbage

This. There's literally nothing memorable in dmc5 story. Nothing. Also ost is shit


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>PC launch

there is 70 000 000 people who owns ps4, and that thing is only for playing videogames.

People who played DMC during it’s PS2 releases probably outgrew video games. It sold less because nu-gamers prefer retarded BR games.

>Moreover, from the perspective of promoting our digital strategy, we cannot ignore the growing installation base of the PC platform. The percentage of sales for the PC versions of our titles has been increasing each year, and as such we will work to grow sales even more on this important platform.
Capcom says otherwise.

>While we have been driving our digital strategy in earnest since the 2017 release of Resident Evil 7 biohazard, we made significant progress on this strategy with last year's Monster Hunter: World, as the percentage of digital sales of the title exceeded that of physical sales.
>as the percentage of digital sales of the title exceeded that of physical sales.

You could easy beat every enemy in DMC just spamming blue rose and it would look just as shit

So why do no other Demon's come to get the fruit? Why only Goliath he feels really out of place in comparison to the other bosses.

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No, steamspy isn't accurate at all. PC MHW didn't sell 5 million copies despite steamspy saying it did.

all true statements

None of them were stupid enough to think they could take it from Urizen. They kinda make it a point to say that Goliath is an idiot and has absolutely no chance.

I would regret paying money for this.
Level design is one loooong tunnel, music is shit, story? the fuck is even going on? i'm not replaying previous 4, graphics are inconsistent.


Capcom is too retarded and killed any relevancy DMC had by releasing half a game after its most acclaimed instalment, killing it with a reboot which ousted the core fanbase, and leaving it on a limbo for years.

It's not a matter of fans growing old, older people still play games. Capcom killed all the momentum they had with the franchise.

Can I get this in orange and blue? Great, thanks!.

>replay mission 13 a bunch of times and get paired with a lot of creative and tryhards
>the creative dantes or neros often throw me an enemy and taunt while i do some shit or finish an enemy with a buster
>received 11 gold orbs because of my performance

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Give me a source and full context for those numbers, such as the week end of when they were counted for.

During the credits kill all enemies as Nero before the time is up. I think.

Supposedly these are week one sales, completely disregarding that DMC5 hasn't even been out for a week yet.

what exactly is good about this game?
combat alone isn't enough

it has pacing issues, too many cuts to black and stops in interactivity. otherwise it's great

shut the fuck up, you people are annoying

>what's good about this vidya game
>gameplay doesn't count

fuck off, retard

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I never outgrew it.
If anything, we’re what’s left of the franchise.

I love Nico!

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Easily GOTY
Let's see how Sekiro hold up

Its fucking garbage only incels on Yea Forums and tranny from resetera play it.

Literally bombing in every country

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Probably game of the generation for me tbqh.

This or Bloodborne.

Bad writing, the only problem with DMC5 is the story. It is clear they started the game thinking of making it a dispute among demons to change into ressurrecting Vergil

will Tendies ever recover?
they are just non-stop shitting on great games their Fisher Price toy can't handle

Came to post exactly this.

Why do people like Kingdom Hearts so much? is it the Mouse attactrion ?

more people like kingdom hearts, genuinely, than people who like DMC

tendies samefagging


do you actually think you just can come into Yea Forums and say thi is masterpiece?

even witcher3 and Botw will get their asses waked her and you think your solid 85 game will hold up.

Are you serious? Sekiro is going to pound this casual garbage. From have made the best combat system of all time and Sekiro is going to be the perfection of it.

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so only gameplay, everything else is shit, ok

>Switchfags having to wait till the end of the year to be relevant

Why Yea Forums is shilling this gams so hard?

Lmao soulsniggers

>God tier OST
>Nabokov tier story
>Best art direction of any game this gen
It's a masterpiece in every category.

Nincels are seething so fucking hard holy shit

because it's fugging great?


Attached: DMC Animation Comparisons.webm (640x650, 602K)

>waaaaaah my skinny wite boi won't be in the sequel, this game is shit - everyone who didn't like it

typical morons who don't know how to use Exceed

>Playing DMD
>it's fucking brutal
>get to mission 14

wish me luck Yea Forumsros...

The only objectively bad thing about DMC5 is its fucking ranking system.

I can't believe how easy it is to get an S-rank in this game. It's all because of that insane 0.2X modifier you get for not using continues. The final scoring requirements for your overall performance is otherwise so barebones. It's possible for you to only get A average scores during combat sequences, but so long as you didn't use continues you'd get an S-rank. They should change it to be more like DMC3. If you spend too much time in a mission, you get penalized. If you get hit too much, you get penalized. If you don't collect enough red orbs, you get penalized. S-Ranks no longer feel like a symbol of accomplishment anymore. Why is it that you only get penalized for using Gold Orbs? There should be way more penalties.

Hell, you can die on DMD and STILL get a fucking S-rank. I've been watching Shirrako's playthrough on DMD, and this is exactly what happened to him. DMD difficulty in DMC5 is still properly challenging, but it would have been so much more challenging if the ranking system was more demanding like in previous games. Otherwise, yes, this is close to a 10/10 game.

S-rank material should look like this: youtube.com/watch?v=W0u1n1IZ5Rw

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And since when Yea Forums cares about quality? I see games get hated on over the stupidest thing, but for some reason this is getting a pass?

i think only last GOTD nominees will be sekiro, and maby cyberpunk and death stranding if they even come out

so far its
Dark Souls
Witcher 3
Fallout new Vegas
Red dead Redemption

dmc3 had a better ost

Speaking of OSTs, is there a MEGA link for DMC5's OST yet?

Itsuno: I really wanted to make DmC2.

Attached: Savage.webm (908x514, 2.96M)

You forgot Hollow Knight.

>I see games get hated on over the stupidest thing
those are most likely assblasted Tendies

Attached: fuck you.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

so how much this game recycles bosses.

>goes from A to S
Yep, that's how it worked in every DMC game. Are you retarded?

>but for some reason this is getting a pass?
Because it's the first DMC game in 10 years and it managed to exceed expectations, unlike a certain other entry in a certain other series that released not too long ago.

>there are people who didn't know v was Vergil right from the beginning
How was it not obvious?

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i really, really hope it's a bait

Why are you responding to the same bait webm that has been posted non-stop since the demo days?

Not as bad as 4.

Man, JYB's voice acting in this fight was spectacular. You could really feel Nero's pain and anguish in his lines with Vergil.

It's DmC-tier in how low the threshold is between rankings. The game is good, but you have to be willfully ignorant to not see the blatant DmC influence on it. Nico is so bad that she might as well have been a scrapped DmC asset.

it in indie category with

Hotline miami
Lisa the painful
Binding of Isaac
Darkest Dungeon

what is cucker 3 doing here?

>they both have short hair nero is literally donte

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>what's the GOTG doing there?

They should have given players the option to sell Gold Orbs, because Faust Hat is a money drain. I have like 30 of those orbs I'll never use.

Its much harder to get SSS in DMC5 than its to get in DMC3.
A single Drive, Royal Release or DTE in DMC3 can get you to SS or SSS

You have to get Nico to praise you, and have Dante taunt Vergil.


You know about the only complaint I really have for this game is the bits where you can summon nightmare to reveal an area, which was never explained I don't think. There's the area in the shipyard to have him bust through a wall, and the one in mission 9 where you're supposed to just summon Nightmare to attack the Qliphoth tumor on the other side.

how the fuck are you suppose to beat vergil with nero in sword of sparda mode? i beat him with dante after a few tries without using a golden orb but after half an hour with nero i just said fuck it and wasted two.

My first DMC, my bro bought it two days ago and i wasn't very hype, i even said it was shit. But damn just finished 3 hours ago and it's a great game, with a very good gameplay and great realization.
Totally agree with it, the end was so shit.

The first SSS I got was with V checkmating 2 death scissors in quick succession.



It is an absolute masterpiece

>>no styles switching
>that's somehow bad

Yes I do ost in nu-nu-dmc is lacking

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Urizen is probably the most recycled but mostly because you aren't even supposed to finish most of the fights. Goliath, Artemis and Cavalier Angelo are fought a second time, but all in one mission by V. Vergil is fought by Dante and Nero.

DmC's level design and those that praise it wreek of "just learned about color theory"

It was cringe trash.

>enemies are designed
That implies they had some thought put into them which is not the case.


Attached: Jackpot.jpg (2560x1440, 276K)

Faust hat is also a fount of red orbs, you fool. You should be getting back more red orbs than you spend.

>le jackpot XDDDD

well im not going to vote that but it has to be there because of cd red fanboys like this

You NEED devil breakers, when he's at like 20% he has almost 0 openings.
Breakage and open his ass up user.


>People are trying so hard to defend DMC3 they're going to shit on style switching.

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I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks the bosses are boring.

you're not a fan of DMC

man, i can barely get one free charge from the sword.

im looking at the video and holy fuck buster arm is insane. thought it was just normal devil arm but its even stronger.

>denies it being cringy anime shit by proving its cringy animeshit.

You can get SSS on V by button mashing. It's not a real SSS

Nostalgia drones aren't people

The difference is that DMC3 wasn't cringe like 5 is.

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Imagine this fucker shows up in Bloody Palace

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With Faust 4, you piss orbs like a fucking waterfall. It also does shitloads of damage, granted, but it's pretty fucking hard to get those orbs back when you dump 50k for a single move.

>No switch port
Do you honestly wanna play a game whit shity 2004 controlers, a game that you must buy in fisical cuz online is overpriced and 30 fps,
Switch has low graphics but i bet my balls you can low the textures resolution and archive 60 fps easily.

Never noticed how similar the two look

Any DMC veterans here actually mastered the Exceed/Max Act system?

How do you go about practicing? I understand that it's supposed to be similar to a rhythm game, but in rhythm games, there are on-screen indicators for when exactly you should press buttons, but with Nero's sword there isn't.

>Not cringe
But in all seriousness you're being a nitpicky faggot over little bullshit, the story in DMC3 was in fucking tatters and you're merely romanticizing the hype for the Vergil fights completely overshadowing how fucking dreadful most of the game was.
The regular enemies are trash, no style switching, some weapons aren't even fucking viable.
If you can sit here and actually claim to enjoy drudging through DMC3 on DMD to get to the one fight that's worth a fuck, you're just proving to everyone you're a god damn liar.

>some weapons aren't even fucking viable.
Such as?

Attached: Devil May Cry 3 - Nevan Combo.webm (800x600, 2.86M)

you just have to practice in the Void until you get comfortable with it. it helps if you've played DMC4

I'm hot, tired, and can't find any demon women anywhere


Cool punching bag webm, dude. God, 3 is so shit

>Any DMC veterans here actually mastered the Exceed/Max Act system?
No, I just rushed my way to the dante missions, same as I did with 4.
cope faggot

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Does Nero's fuck you trigger always trigger once every start of mission 20, or is it a one-time only?

not him but dmc is cool if you are 12 and the coolest thing back then was heavy metal and eating pizza, i loved dmc at that age and started to play it when RE CVX was released. today i need something more.

I haven't received a single gold orb and I've beaten the game twice.


The regen is only there for the first try

>mfw I died despite that

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>today i need something more.
yeah more dicks because you're gay and don't know shit

why is it allways in dmc webms when you fight against enemies and say combat is good the enemies doesent fucking do anything?

On mission 15 I saw a blue orb fragment on top of that whole "punchline course" near the secret mission.

Was I supposed to do anything with that, because I just did a level 3 High Roller and jumped up to it instead.

Because the only enemy worth a fuck in that game is Vergil 1-3 when you figure out A&R get countered by Stinger

gay yah for sure, but me not knowing shit is a big fat lie, i actually know pretty much about videogames.

nah, i can think of quiet a view flaws. I dont even like it as much as 4

you don't know shit about games faggot. tell me what the "coolest" game is now

Just finished the game. What's the best mission to repeat if I just want to fight lots of enemies to practice combos and try and do crazy stylish shit? or is that the DLC that's coming?

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>or is that the DLC that's coming?
Yes, wait for Bloody Palace.

i hope you use Exceed with Nero

Lmao people are still trying to pretend they dont look alike. You get out of this echo chamber and just show any two people a picture of them and see what they say. I showed a friend and he thought they were the same character lol

Mission 13 for now, Bloody palace soonish.

>this clip of someone bad at the game refutes you
damn, guess its all over for me

4 is trash.

thanks. will you be able to earn orbs in bloody palace to unlock moves? or should I farm them elsewhere?

Now that I think about it, DMC5 never had anything particularly gimmicky or bullshit like Blitz. There's like, Fury I guess.

It's great but V is no fun to play as and Dante is still clunky to me. I was never a fan of the "styles" to begin with because they're massively unbalanced. Swordmaster is still the best 90% of the time and Gunslinger is still completely useless. I wish they'd just work Trickster and Royal Guard and Gunslinger into Swordmaster somehow.

Mission 13 for farming orbs.

Because it's a game about combos, not a fighting game.

4 is the best one along with 3

>juggled mid-air enemies
>doing anything
Are you brain damaged? Did you even play a single DMC or are you here just for shits and giggles?


If you think for 5 seconds that webm had anything to do with skill you're delusional.
That is the most egregious case of poor enemy placement I've ever seen.
"Okay man, I got this room, but like, what if, we put 1 knight and 4 Blitz' in there"
"Wouldn't that be extremely difficult since you can't even attack the blitz' directly unless they're shot? and the rest are spamming lightining?"
"Who cares"

Attached: 1544646480087.gif (332x215, 1.99M)

4 is literally unfinished. 5 is just a refined version of 4. There is no reason to prefer 4 over 5, other than contrarianism.

5 > 3 > 4 > 1 > DmC > 2

That is some serious cope there friend. You could have just said 5 is your first DMC game, we wont shame you (too much)

nah. 4 has more characters, more combos, better weapons, better bosses. its perfection in the series. keep denying it go ahead but it has always been true

One was my first one you tryhard prick.
Sorry you feel the need to be contrarian at every step in your life to feel special.
No one considered 3 anything more than "That game that's decent but worse than 3, before and after 5 came out, insect.

>its perfection in the series.

Attached: Devil-May-Cry-4-'Combat'.webm (1920x1080, 2.65M)

FUCK the DMC3 ranking system and FUCK punishing me for exploring levels that clearly have secrets around in them to find.

>the cringe dialouge of 5
>Dante having zero weight to his moveset
>the enemy design blending together in forgettableness
>same issue with environments
Absolute sheeppilled

>No one considered 3 anything more than
4 I meant 4

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lets see you do that then.

>mash x or y
>mash x or y


I can afford to buy and play both, just like I'm going to be able to afford to buy Ace Combat 7 and RE2make too.

Haha, wageslaving is still terrible, though.

Anybody know how to get the lightning attacks from King Cerberus aside from the charge attacks?

>Dante having zero weight to his moveset
Yeah man the instant Stinger in DMC3 is totally different from the instant Stinger in 5.
The rest is subjective cope by the way.
5 has style switching AND isn't half a game

Came to post this.

*claps* you can waste money? amazing!

4 is good enough on its own desu. It might be "weaker" than the rest of the series but its not 2 and its still fun to play. Plus it has Lady, Trish, and Vergil.


"coolest" definatly Hotline Miami.
Story? silent hill 3 and mgs2 got pretty multi layered and interesting story telling.
World design and characters goes to Dark souls, Bloodborne or Lisa the painful.
Ninja gaiden and nioh and god hand for combat but waiting for sekiro.

REmake and Oddworld abes odyssey are both one of my alltime favorites.

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>Buy things he wants
Are you actually brain dead?
Sorry we can't all be poorfaggots and participate in tribe wars because we can't afford shit

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I'm only on mission 6. Is there literally a boss for every single mission?

At least wasting money is healthier than shitting on games you can't afford.

>i dont have a rebuttle
well man, thanks for trying atleast

>Is there literally a boss for every single mission?

>yay i can waste money fuck you you're braindead!
jesus christ

Exploration is for your first playthrough. Every subsequent playthroughs should be about maximizing efficiency in your routing through the level. You don't need to explore anymore since you've already done that in your first blind playthrough. Having a time limitation for each mission would make DMC5's ranking system so much better.

Here's what the rankings should be based on:

1. Damage Taken (because you can't be stylish if you're getting hit a lot)
2. Red Orbs collected (so you don't skip enemies)
3. Style combo (obviously)
4. Time (so you don't play passive against bosses)

>unlike a certain other entry in a certain other series that released not too long ago

>Game has the best gameplay in the series, even 3 is shitter shattered at the mere mention of "Style and switch"
Get fucked, cope harder

>Poorshitter throwing a tantrum
I thought you were just a shill but you're actually just some poorshitter that's angry other people have more money then you.

Attached: 1549377892007.png (467x529, 469K)

>17 year conclusion
>ends on sequel bait while heavily advertising a gacha
>forced happy endings for all at the detriment of the plot
>things just happen with no explanation or reason
>dropped plot points
>no FF characters despite them being important since KH1
>no stakes, most villains just become good guys
>constantly recapping the story throughout the game
>terrible worlds with nothing to offer that you explore for no reason
>most worlds are just gimmicky and soulless recaps
>13 year wait
>tons of bugs, cut content, visual errors, unreal 4 engine, reused bosses, a bunch of shitty remixes, final boss doesn’t even have a unique theme, messy loops and songs, you only hear the Scala theme for a few seconds, terrible box art, pointless extra playable characters, broken gameplay (Roxas, Ultima, Grandmagic, etc), shit story and forced unnatural dialogue, flashy zero substance combat, withholding content to release it as DLC, and overall a rushed experience
>less content than PS2, PSP, and DS games
>Fans and critics agree it didn’t live up to the hype
>Most outlets that wrote negative reviews didn’t give a score
>Foreign paid shills reviewing the game as perfect
>Even with the critic score being inflated on PS4 it’s at best a mediocre game
>Lowest user score out of any KH title released to date
>Critically reviewed lower than KH1, KH2, and BBS
>Reached lows of 78 critically and 6.9 user score
>Not a good KH game, let alone a good game

What do you think?

Attached: 1552242320493.png (1280x672, 384K)

For a while now, I've been hoping that a playable Vergil would have a feature where his hair would fall during a high style rank, and his next taunt would have him swipe it back.

Attached: LankyShoddyBedlingtonterrier-size_restricted.gif (464x368, 3.81M)

KH3 exceeded my expectations. Only people with shit taste deny it, and that game is waaaay better than DMC5 by level 1 combat alone.

>you're throwing a tantrum xD
if you want to throw money away, go ahead kid.

Attached: 1550424375866.gif (268x185, 1.43M)


I disagree, getting hit already massively reduces the style meter so it should already be baked into the style system. And I never liked balancing red orbs collected with time limit. Actually I take that back, I'll accept the damage taken limitation, but I want the rankings in DMC3 back, because they were discouraging. Then again I don't like replaying games 5 times like DMC3 seems to want you to do.

You must be retarded or something.

It's the second worst DMC, not counting DmC obviously. Shit story, shit OST, decent gameplay, awful art style, everyone is ugly as shit, all the moments that are supposed to be cool are just shit instead, because everyones facial expressions are really fucking strange looking. V's existence is just a giant mistake.



show me one webm where enemies actually hit you and fight is hard where you have to crowd control and go for smart positioning. hell even nu gow knows how to do that.

>the cringe dialouge of 5
Agnus exists.
>Dante having zero weight to his moveset
Balrog alone has more weight to it than any other devil arm in 4, my blind friend.
>the enemy design blending together in forgettableness
They actually returned to the gitty gross designs of 1-3 instead of le wacky scarecrows. You have phenomenally shit taste.
>same issue with environments
The only memorable environment in 4 was pic related. For the wrong reasons.

Attached: .jpg (512x384, 73K)

4 has a grand total of 3 decent bosses.

nu-GoW also has better combat than DMC5.

Attached: GoW Combat Trial.webm (600x338, 2.86M)

This is the part where most retards realize combo vids are impractical as fuck because they're not useful for actually beating regular encounters.
And cutting down 90% of the enemies and doing a combo on the last one isn't practical.

>hell even nu gow
Right, so your punching bag comment is more about DMC in general than 3, good to know.

>Gunslinger is still completely useless
I'm glad I'm not this retarded.

It also has the best boss in the entire series.

Attached: Angelo_Credo_render.png (1560x1200, 1.23M)


4 has a grand total of 1 good boss (Credo) and the rest are shit.

>slow-mos everywhere just to add more emphasis on the EPICNESS
Kys my dude

Too bad he's like the only boss in the game that doesn't get a refight.

Every time I've seen a combo video where someone uses Gunslinger most of the video is actually just them hitting shit with melee weapons and occassionally throwing a charged shot out there.

literally every V fight is about crowd control and positioning what the fuck

Remember when DMC games used to have environmental variety?

Attached: Ruined_Church_DMC4.png (800x450, 606K)

Gunslinger has always been good.


Berial is okay. 5 has way better devil arms too while we're at this game vs game discussion.

>Show me one webm where someone was not playing the game very well

do I need to explain to you why people typically down upload that kind of thing? Go watch the streamers played the game before it came out. Those guys sucked, and had their asses handed to them nonstop.

Kalina Ann is super useful at least in 5.

>Credo is the only good bos-

Attached: Devil May Cry 4 - Bael and Dagon.webm (852x480, 2.86M)

DMCV had libraries, theatres, the demon tree, underground subways, even what seemed like rural areas, you just can't tell them the fuck apart because of the color scheme

yeah and then you dont need to fight, becuse summons do that for you.

Your opinion doesn't matter because every single line you say is pure plebeian zoomer shit

I feel that with V I put in the least effort when it comes to combos and trying to vary as much as I can and I always get SS/SSS in combat. Dante is the perfect balance of thinking and getting SSS and Nero always feels like you really need to work for it.

>go from a port town to a volcano to a ice mountain to a forest to a castle and back
That shit made NO SENSE inb4 it was caused by the disturbance from the Hell Gates, fuck off kid

So I'm a bit unclear.

What the fuck happened to Sparda? Did he die when Dante and Vergil were kids? If so, who killed him?

oh god he literally just stands there as enemies are flooding in

>See an enemy
>IT'S MY TURN NOW BETTER FUCKING STYLE ON THIS NERD who cares what else is still spawning :^)

fucking retard

>when one webm alone proves that DMC4 is better than 5

I do. I just played 5 today.

5's only culprit is the samey colour palette. You go from city streets to hopping from sunken building rooftops dockside, to a boss fight in a ship yard, to sewers(tm), a comfy library, to hellscape informed by 3's hell aesthetic, then a bony top of a demonic tree. Just Nero's M8 goes from ruins of a city inside a tree, to organic reddish environments, to winding blue hallways to wide open, necrotic boneyards that leads to Urizen.

I can't see how anyone would defend 4's environment variety when not only did they suffer from the exact same flaw of a samey colour palette but on top of that the latter half of the game revisits all locales from the first half. What drugs are you guys on?

The game is crashing on M17 right now, not sure what to do about this.

Nope. People will play an enjoyable game regardless of difficulty.

>What drugs are you guys on?
It's called the "shitposting" drugs. It's par for the course for a good number of people who frequent this board.

>Did he die when Dante and Vergil were kids?
>If so, who killed him?
How he died is never explicitly mentioned.

Also V at first was pretty eh but then O got used to it and it was fun but after learning it properly, I find him not very fun. Rest of the game is Amazing. I take the point about environments and agree but ultimately it doesn't take away from the godlike gameplay. Story is meant to be cheesy, campy and OTT, as set dressing, it kept me going.

>Your summons get stomped and you're stuck waiting for them to respawn unless you get closer
>Your summons are weaker because you're not giving them support by sticking close

nothing personell kid

>want to play the game with only 2 weapons in both devils arms and guns slots for Dante
>can't unequip Dante's sword or E&I at all and forced to always have them in loadout
What the shit is this?

Attached: 1452554597999.png (200x295, 118K)

>Demon magic did it


Whoa there buddy, you must not be a big fan of anything fantasy fiction.

Finish Sons of Sparda. Literally apologize.

>This one guy in the thread SEETHING over 5 and dickriding 4.
Damn, I'm glad I'll never be this pathetic in my life

Attached: 1547714913356.gif (350x270, 2.93M)

Yeah, I'll get that one too.

3 million copies in digital alone lmao

>taunting on v is a legitimate strategy so you stop wiggling like an autist while doing your combos
what a fucking meme of a character

Attached: Devil%20May%20Cry%205_20190313015754.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

How the fuck do I fight these guys as Dante? I'm on SOS difficulty right now and all I do is just spam Stinger in DT form, but I always lose like 3/4ths of my lifebar to their teleporting bullshit.

What is the pattern on their teleports?

Attached: DMC5_Fury.jpg (1920x1080, 131K)

DSD alone is more complex than any 2 weapons from DMC3 with the style switcher mode.


I don't wanna fight the retard user's fight but I do feel autistically compelled to point out that you can revive your summons by calling in Nightmare. You really don't have to be close to your summons either, if they're in danger you can recall them by dodging (backwards to bring Griffon to you, sideways to bring Shadow over).

Feels good to be a 3/5 chad. 4 is combo fodder tier.

The real question is, how the fuck do I get the model viewer?

The level design was better in DmC

DMC5's style and atmosphere was more coherent throughout the game. The team had one objective: get to the damn tree through Red Grave city. Made it a lot easier to write the story too I'm guessing

Anyone know how to fix crashing in the game, or had any experience with it?

After getting rocked by them in every encounter so far I'm pretty sure you're intended to parry them, Aerial Rave is helpful as is prop/shredder.

He said the summons were fighting for him, implying he used the devil trigger autobattle mode, so i doubt he's summoning Nightmare immediately

Bloodbourne isn't an action game, it's too slow compared to any of the others. It's got a great setting but so does DMC5 with the demon tree and how it's growing spreading. BB has better lore and score, DMC has better environments (excluding the Hunter's Nightmare) and equal environments overall.

Gameplay wise, you can't really compare them, the sheer demand necessary to run play SoS nevermind DMD in DMC5 is nuts.

Go to the library.

It's gonna reach 5 millions

Too few bosses I think

yeah if they are casualls. action and adventure games must have challenge and if there is none the story is better be really good. you can play movie games and walking sims for what any reasons.

Easy God tier

Attached: tier list beat em up hack n.jpg (2090x2118, 1.1M)

I feel like Itsuno can be a bit defensive sometimes, even though he seems like a swell guy. In that recent interview of him and RE2's director, he insisted that DMC4 went as planned despite being underbudgeted, even though it's clear to anyone with a brain that it's incomplete.

> I wanted something kino like DMC3, I got some shounen anime-tier bullshit
So you got something exactly like DMC3

The problem is that the aesthetic is incredibly monotonous, especially for the latter missions of the game.

>The shredder that holds enemies in place while you're in DT, and winding up for real impact.


Stop the baiting please

Literally look at any bad gameplay on youtube. fuck, why would people upload/save videos of people playing the game badly? That's retarded.

To get a charge you WIRRR like almost a second after the hit is done. To get the perfect one you have to WIRRR at the exact frame where it hits.

>God Hand
>Not in god tier

Attached: DevilHand.webm (720x480, 2.83M)

Use Cerberus' ice shield thing, it auto parries him.

Is DMC V boomer core?

Aside from gimping the games style rankings it is
This is what makes V the hardest to play casue you actually have to use strategy and have some situational awarness while you maneuver him,use cat and bird to atttack, and golem for crowd controll if you get overwhelmed.

Even if you use the DT to empower summons, it costs spare change, and between White Gainer and the book, being empty on DT and having both your summons down will be rare. I still agree that you need to position yourself as V, but definitely not in the thick of the shit, hence why so many of his summons' attacks knock back/down enemies.

It's going to easily beat 5 million, those were digital sales and not hard copy sales plus it's been out for only 5 days.

I think that he just won't put down another Capcom product. Both as a show of respect, and because it's just bad business.

God Hand remake in RE Engine when

I don't think a masterpiece is synonymous with perfection, and while the game has clear shortcomings, but it sets out to create the greatest combat system in any video game to date and in my opinion, they delivered
So yeah, I think it's a masterpiece

Attached: 1552129655290.png (534x520, 343K)

>AI getting weak
You didn't play anything besides the demo? Also what's wrong with the art direction, enemies look horrifying again and it looks realistic while still being stylised with amazing particle effects.

Where does God of War PS4 and kingdom hearts fall on this.

I'd settle for a current gen remaster, at this point. Just have it run at 60 FPS, add in a level select option and HD textures and I'm good.


I can nitpick like crazy about Bloodborne's flaws here and there, but I still think it's a masterpiece. Same with DMC5. A masterpiece doesn't have to be literally perfect.

How to air guitar with Nero, or did they take it out?

nu gow is totally graet tier

I'd define perfection in a gaming sense as something that is self-evolving. Because anything static is innately going to be outdated by greater things in one facet or another. While something that evolves itself or offers the potential of pushing the system to unseen and nigh unlimited extents will never be truly outclassed. Given the nature of DMC's combat, it is arguable that it touches upon this manner of perfection.

GoW4 is at the top.

Attached: GoW Combo.webm (580x326, 1.97M)

Where's wonderful 101, Korra, and Transformers Devastation?

Nu god of war is great I agree.

Dante´s Inferno is at least OK tier. Also Bayo 2 is better than 1 for gameplay. Story is weird and I believe one needs the other for a full story to make sense. Last, raise godhand to god tier

>actually reasonable posts ITT
get the FUCK out

It's in the game, I think it's an S rank taunt. I think it's pretty rare, I only saw it once or twice within 31 hours of game time.

It's right on the slash, and slashes have a visual indicators.
Really though you need to get a feel for it with certain combos.
or just mash exceed and pray

He's a Capcom man through and through. If you look through his history, you can see he eats Capcom's shit with a smile.
>makes DMC2 despite the fact the game had only a few months of development left
>makes DMC4 immediately after finishing DMC3:SE even though he wants to do something different
>DMC4 has its development time halved; Itsuno has never publicly complained about this or bitched at the studio and always says DMC4 was finished as planned despite the fact that's impossible
>Dragons Dogma is an abortion because they rush it and we can see good ideas in it
>DmC is an absolute mess and he literally has to teach game designers how to design games but still insists it had some 'cool' elements and makes sure DMC5 has a few, tasteful nods to DmC to make it not seem like they're not the short bus kid.

Guys been shat on his whole career, never complains.

It's a masterpiece but it can't be perfection with that ending/twist.


You might say it's a masterwork

They're not fair to compare really. DMC5 never set out to have a ton of lore and be a super interesting setting to read about with cool motifs while Bloodborne was never meant to be as fast, option rich or reaction time demanding as DMC5.

I still can't believe how hard they dropped the ball on the story. DMC has always had really cool lore that could make for some really neat plot points and 3 unironically has a well executed story, but 5's is straight up trash. There is really no defending it.

>4 ever comparing to 5 when it doesn't have DSD.

Attached: 1540149293207.jpg (274x386, 22K)

>fast, option rich or reaction time demanding as DMC5.
But that's Bloodborne, not DMC5.

why is nu gow never talked about here, comabat needs huge amount of positioning and smart takeouts or even some scrap mob enemies can turn into fucking bosstier enemy if they buff themselves,

>there isn't one in bloodborne too

>why is nu gow never talked about here
Yea Forums already made up their mind on it before it even released and declared it a movie game.

I mean it's fine for the first half? The build up to it was great but making V and Urizen the same person was dumb. The Vergil part just can't help feeling tacked on. I was super disappointed when the leaks first came out and it lowered my hype but I still wanted to give the gameplay a try. Having done so, I don't give a shit anymore. Sure, the ending is a shame but I enjoyed most of the story and all of the gameplay, with good music, cool looking tough enemies that get even better on higher difficulties and some fucking amazing bosses.

>ever coming close to having as many options on hand as fucking dante
i dont know why you're trying to put 2 good games agains eachother but thats an extremely retarded statement

New GoW is not even a hack and slash, is closer to a fucking RPG

KH 3 is a fucking JRPG

fast, option rich or reaction time demanding
dmcV is none of these in starting difficulty unlike bloodborne.


I'd say the only thing I didn't like about Nu GoW were the one-button skills activations with cooldowns. I guess it's understandable why they did it that way (easier to understand), but imagine if you could have all the skills at all times.

You can't even jump in Bloodborne user. It's a good game with good gameplay but comparing it to DMC is like comparing BB to a turn based RPG.

Included only games i have played

Because the weapons are basically the same and most enemies are incredibly samey. There's little variety with what you can do in the game and also, the story is absolute shit.

There's just not a lot to discuss when so many other games do what GoW tried to do better.

>You can't even jump in Bloodborne user
you meant to say, you can't jump high and do gay combos.

I was lucky enough to witness some actually decent threads about norsegod's gameplay and theorizing about the sequel but considering Yea Forums's hateboner for sony and games with a cinematic feel there's only so much discussion you can have before it turns into a shitshow

That's what I hate the most about the game, the fact that no matter how you level, the most prominent upgrades you'll be getting is the power and cooldown reduction of your runics, forcing you to spam them mindlessly cause they stunlock everything

>can't even jump
Mission 13 is all of those things. This isn't even comparing apples to oranges, this is comparing salt and leaves.

You don't jump in BB because the game is not designed around jumping, it's a deliberate choice from the devs, just like DMC games alternate between corridor-arena-corridor-arena and you can't jump out of sheer drops. Do you even know how game design works?

As much as I like the flashy combat, having to constantly rev the sword to do optimum damage is very tedious. The gun charges I can give a pass as you don't need to constantly shoot, but the sword fighting is fundamental.

The auto feature helps, but using it ruins all my combos and makes me do things I don't want to do. Would be nice to have an auto mode just for the sword revving and gun charges.

>Hasn't played wonderful 101
Damn user you're missing out

Attached: 1529328946383.jpg (485x653, 42K)

Can't even jump. Combat isn't 3D. That already means the level of complexity is crippled in comparison. You can't compare the games, they're too different.

I wouldn't consider it straight trash; using V and Urizen to personify the internal yearnings, tensions, and apprehensions of Vergil is an interesting approach to exploring his character, but it's certainly underwhelming in a number of ways as a straight narrative.

gameplay 5/5
writing 4/5
plot 3/5

verdict: It is a DMC game

Switch port when?

Attached: Wonderful 101 - Pure Platinum.webm (711x400, 2.77M)

*looks up from my Switch game of Overcooked 2 with DMC5 idling in the background *
Oh yeah, I'm truly assblasted, yep.

user do you know you can rev while attacking

Attached: 1552340254659.jpg (1200x653, 527K)

what's the difference between writing and plot I'm a brainlet sorry

Yeah I managed to partake in a couple of actually decent threads away from console war faggotry during two weeks after nu-gow launch
The next game has a lot to fix and improve upon from the 2018 game though

I'd agree with this utterly. It's a splendid sequel and exactly what the series needed to get back on track in terms of characterization, character interactions, and especially gameplay.

yeah you can't jump high and do gay combos, but you can still jump. combat is 3D.

It's good, but a bit too conventional (level design and such). It's also huge performance hog. Those are two things they could still improve on though.

Witcher 3 combat is literally, somehow, worse than Bethesdashit.

Let that sink in.

i beated dmc first stage literally eyes closed because game dont give me proper difficulty

this is bloodbornes first non optional boss.

You don't understand, lack of jumping means the combat isn't in three dimensions, it's in two. That immediately cripples what you can and can't do in the game possibility wise. Never mind the fact you can carry more than two melee/range weapons and swap between them.

>he literally has to teach game designers how to design games
That part never ceases to baffle me.

Like, the concept of "easing" (or "modulation", as he calls it) is such a basic staple of animation for adding weight to your animations. Yet nobody at Ninja Theory seemed to understand this concept that he had to teach it.

Attached: 1_X4Gv0HrS_JopQHQlT3KLqA.gif (528x282, 102K)

He uses a charged breaker (limited supply) in the most ideal spot for that specific ability and goes up.... 1 rank. We get it you dont play videogames but at least try retard

Attached: 1550948492500.gif (200x200, 3.89M)


Writing refers to, well, the writing of it all. How events are handled and portrayed, how characters interact and develop, etc; plot is the story premise.

v/ is so fucking retarted sometimes, well atleast they know what bloodborne is about.

>no aerial enemies
>no enemies that can knock you into the air or you can knock into the air
>can barely jump if you do 1 attack type with the saw or sprint and roll
who are you kidding

>Whoever thought fighting with motorcycles as weapons was a good idea should be fired.

Are you the same guy from Kotaku who said that nobody wants to fight with an electric guitar that shoots laser beams?

T-thanks I get it user

Pleb spotted.

Attached: God Tier Witcher 3 Combat 2.webm (853x480, 2.69M)

You can see that with Vergil in particular; I don't think Itsuno worked on his design because none of his attacks have any weight or punch to them.

>wait years for kh3
>it's terrible, even for an osakashit game, my soul is darkened
>Yea Forums is shilling hard for capcom
>"Guess I'll get dmc5, I liked 3 a lot when it came out"
>most fun I've had in years, dark soul is now full of light

I'd like to thank all the faggots on this board for giving me a whitepill.

Attached: DljsbsiXcAA0Gbk.jpg (336x506, 34K)

Honestly that's irrelevant because you literally cannot compare them on that, you have to consider the entire picture. BB focuses on exploration, combat, using items, atmosphere. DMC focuses on super crazy stylish combos that require big brain, it's like comparing a scissor to a mug, they're completely different things and this discussion makes absolutely no sense

>i beated dmc first stage

Attached: 1286539096953.jpg (257x196, 8K)

>Whoever thought fighting with motorcycles as weapons was a good idea should be fired.
Reminder that they've wanted to include a motorcycle weapon since 2

>shounen anime-tier bullshit
Thats exactly what DMC3 is

He cashed in a Breaker charged move. The game is rewarding him for skillfully spending a limited resource

air is literally safe space in dmc.

>wait years for kh3
>it's terrible

I'm sure you meant Vorgil

you don't do those things because they aren't programmed in the game. they are useless

Get Ace Combat 7 too, it's terrific

>he insisted that DMC4 went as planned despite being underbudgeted, even though it's clear to anyone with a brain that it's incomplete
I don't think he's lying, he straight up says it was "planned" that way because of the smaller budget. For years I've always heard these rumors that Dante was supposed to have his own levels through hell and unique bosses and enemies yet I've never seen any concept art or interviews from the developers that went over any of this. Just look at all the shit we got of what didn't make it into Dragon's Dogma, meanwhile I've never seen anything like pic related for DMC4 besides some devil trigger forms.

Attached: A6LMFVy.jpg (960x720, 90K)

It's worst than dmc 4 but at least it's not DmC

>The next game has a lot to fix and improve upon from the 2018 game though
yeah absolutely, for me it felt like it wanted to be too many things at once. Now they got the foundations down, it's up to them to improve upon them.

That was the point I made earlier yeah. They're totally different games.

The gameplay is pure kino
The OST is good
The story is ass

>William Blake stand master twink is not fun

Fuck outta here

V is so god damn boring to play as. The finishers and summoning Nightmare is kinda fun but he's otherwise just "mash buttons to SSS".

>It's worst than dmc 4

Attached: DPD51FbV4AABWOh.jpg (651x711, 57K)

bats, nidhogg, artemis, vergil, urizen(s), mallet island trio, green empusa and anterronae say hi

Omg someone who knows

Both KH and GoW are hack and slash

someone please post the urizen vocaroos

Is this you?

Attached: a guitar that shoots bats is lame.jpg (1163x1011, 123K)

I like the idea of a grimdark twink poet summoner on paper but he doesn't feel good to play as. Also, why does Gambit (i think that's the name of his finishing move on downed enemies?) sometimes not work when you're in the air? Like he'll just sort of move in place but he won't teleport.

Masterpiece? Absolutely not. Is it fun? You bet your fucking ass it is.


I outright skipped the English voices, doesn't sound like I'm doing myself a disservice.

Ironic that you post that considering DMC5 is the easiest mainline DMC to get SSS in.

The cringe dialogue is forever a part of DMC.

I don't care about your opinions.
I'm waiting for TheGamingBrit to say whether 5 is better than 4 or not.

>DMC5 is the easiest mainline DMC to get SSS in.

Attached: Devil May Cry 2 - Boss Fight.webm (632x474, 2.77M)

DMC - Action/hack and slash
GoW - Action/Adventure
KH - Action JRPG

The first level is also a non-level "how to play" and a force fail boss. To boast about that is like saying you finished mowing the lawn right after you managed to turn the lawnmower on.

Fucking THIS
The only thing there is for now is youtube full of shit quality rips straight from the game
Where is the official OST Capcom

Attached: 1550430368094.png (245x316, 84K)

Charlie said he isn't doing a video on DMC5.

it had nioh tier enemy variety but too few bosses, good thing was even when there was reskins and same looking enemies they might work very different ways, like exploding and fast running versions of draughs,using surroundings and the way enemies gained level up if you didint finish them quikly enough was really good.

SSS is insanely rare though (except as V), it's actually a challenge to get now. Sure S is easier than ever, but SS and SSS are harder than ever

This has always bugged me. People always talk about how dmc4 is incomplete. By that logic any game that has concept art of any kind is incomplete. I didn't follow the development for the game when it came out. When I played it, it felt like a complete experience to me. All the extra stuff they supposedly "planned" is basically concept shit. If you want to talk about the game that REALLY failed to measure up to its concepts we can talk about Bioshock Infinite.

While you can pretty much beat all of DMC2 with ebony and ivory, you won't SSS it that way.

user, where did ya go?

>this is bloodbornes first non optional boss.

Attached: 12-14.webm (640x360, 1.3M)

>Nico is so bad
Can you put into words why you dislike her? I think she's great and I even dislike real life rednecks.

>mediocre gameplay that is inferior to its predecessors
>absolute masterpiece

Ironically, DMC2 is the only game in the series where I still have trouble getting S ranks. I don't why, though.

so 1/3 of the 10h game is actually challenging? i beated every dmc game when i was kid and never i did die over 20 times to any boss, i died literally 100 rimes to orphan. hell i died to nu gows double boss 40-50 times

DMC3 > DMC5 > DMC1 > DMC4 > DMC2

This it the objective truth.

to fap

How the fuck did you get him down that low without him transforming

Came here to post this.

>Other opinion

The combat is bad and the enemies die too fast. It's not smooth enough to fully transform combos and the enemies are all dead by the time you've gotten a C rank.

I really don't understand Gunslinger. It does literally nothing: no damage nor style.

Yes, doesn't make it any less tedious.

I parry locked him, you can do that with every humanoid enemy.

>i died to nu gows double boss 40-50 times
Really? What difficulty were you playing on?

Damn. Nice job.

>doesn't make it any less tedious.
I mean it kinda does by definition. Reving during combos takes no more time than a non-rev combo and the action itself quickly becomes muscle memory.

so when game gets challenging, the start was so awful and easy that i was ready drop it.

How is 3 better than 5?

DMC4's environments looks ass

4 > DmC > 5

haven't played the rest

The prologue is less than 10 minutes, cool your ADHD.

if you can beat any games first stage blind on a first try there is something really wrong in that game.

I think you should play for more than an hour bud.

You cherrypicked a real fucking awful webm to try and argue that TW3 has better combat than a stale dog turd, cause fuck is that a fresh mound of rabbit pellets.
It's always funny to me how enemies in "games" like these can never do anything to you. Like you're this fucking fairy godmother with a bag of arbitrary tricks up your ass, but all the opposition can do is just light attack light attack light attack light attack.
There's nothing worse than action combat against waves of punching bags whose only possible advantage is if you willingly up the difficulty to increase their light attack damage by 5,000%, which is A-OK game design because LOOK, LOOK! WE'RE AN RPG! WE CAN HAVE SHITTY GAME DESIGN BECAUSE WE'RE AN RPG!
The Witcher 3 has terrible fucking combat, and half of that lies in the absolute non-threat that every single enemy in the game is, with the same fucking hitbox and piss poor size scaling.
The game tries to pretend its clever with its methodology of dispatching and weaknesses in the same way BotW tried to pretend its puzzles are clever.
Like nothing is ever used in a different manner. You've killed one mob of dumb fucking humans you've killed 'em all. Killed one enemy weak to Quen, guess how you kill the other one monster weak to Quen? Like you're Sherlock Holmes or something, deducing from the fact that an enemy staggers from the backlash and is too fucking stupid to have another attack because his moveset consists of light attack that is weak to Quen and vaguely unique attack that is also weak to Quen is some fucking amazing gameplay experience meant to inspire the player to believe he's not a brainlet playing a game made by a group of faggots who wanted to do anything other than make video games.
Get your fucking head checked, Polack. CDPR aren't video game developers, they just play one on television.

basically the jokes are good and the individual scenes are well written (in the DMC way of also being campy and sort of bad on purpose), but the framework sucks

I liked that Nero's devilarm 'hookshot' mechanic gets used during the Artemis fight. I don't remember: was that ever used during bossfights in DMC4 or was it purely used in the the """""platforming""""" sections in between fights?

tl;dr i win

Sounds like you've never tried double Kalina Ann on GS.

Also, Faust hat's neutral style button + hat trick absolutely destroys people.

Give me god of war. secound hardest difficulty turned into cake walk after the lake was drained first time. im really glad that nu gow had really challenging difficulty from the start.

It's pretty clear Nero carries on as the spiritual Donte
His character is basically Donte but less whiny and bratty

Is it possible to play V's levels as dante/nero with that character select mod?

That entire webm uses less than 20 button inputs, just stop. Witcher is Arkham tier.

Fuck you.

BotW's puzzles were clever. Don't blame the game for you being a brainlet.

Attached: BotW-BombBalloonSkip.webm (852x480, 2.59M)

>Spam same 3 hit combo over and over
>SSS rank
>Red and Blue enemies that break any and all momentum of the combat

Attached: Smile.png (810x1038, 1.09M)

Donte literally copied Nero though, even down to how he plays. You've got it backwards.

It was also used in the Sanctus fight.

it's not arkham tier. witcher 3 has fun gameplay.

I beat Witcher 3 on the hardest difficulty just spamming the shield spell and heavy attacks.

You'd think for a retard who enjoys Dialogue Trees: The Game, you'd be a little more versed in actually having a conversation.
Fuck off you movie-watching fuckface. You wouldn't know a video game if it lifted its skirt and bent over backwards for your limpdick.

>tfw never played a Lucifer Can Weep game
Is DMC5 a good starting point?

>There's nothing worse than action combat against waves of punching bags whose only possible advantage is if you willingly up the difficulty to increase their light attack damage by 5,000%
Whats amazing about Witcher 3 is that laziness doesn't even work because you can just throw quen on yourself all day and not give a fuck about anything

This is the first game in a long time i actually was happy to play, i absolutly love everything about it

So does Arkham.

Attached: Batman Arkham Combat.webm (960x540, 2.86M)


you can't instakill like that in witcher

Not as good as Kingdom Hearts

i dont think puzzles where clever, the mecahnics where clever because you could broke puzzles with them.

V's bosses require you to be at range for 95% of the fight so even if you could it wouldn't be fun.

Just about all of the fan service and hints will be lost on you, but yes.

>is the FIFTH game in a beloved franchise a good starting point?
What the fuck do you think, zoomer? No. Start with DMC1.

No I know
Tameme thought Nero was Dante and watched a few DMC4 cutscenes to serve as a basis for Donte as a character.
But DMCV Nero is closer to Donte as a character than DMC4 Nero was. It's clear they wanted Nero to be like Donte for the DmC fans (all 20 of them that reviewed it). Hell he even looks more like Donte now

Why don't you post a webm of the actual puzzle, then, instead of the console version of noclipping?

DMC 5 is an AMAZING game, but it's way different than the previous games, in terms of puzzles etc etc, i'd say better to start off with DMC3 and 4

Start with DMC1, it's still fun to play.
Then just go in production order.

>Whoever thought fighting with motorcycles as weapons was a good idea should be fired.

This is precisely the kind of thing that makes the game fun.

>Puzzles were clever
>Posts webm of a guy breaking the game to skip the puzzle
What's your endgame?

No, start with where it all began.

Attached: Devil May Cry 1 Combo.webm (320x240, 2.78M)

>Whoever thought fighting with motorcycles as weapons was a good idea should be fired
So "fun" should be made illegal now? Do all video games need to be shitty walking sims now?

DmC is at least good tier, especially if you're going to have shit like god of war in there. Clarity my ass. You should put the best versions of each for best representtion. Like Razor's Edge is no simple special edition and changes the entire game, it's at least good as well. You faggots and your tribalism.

>DmC is at least good tier
Hello, Tameem!

Attached: DmC - SSadistic.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

> 4> DmC > 5

Shitposters don't even try these days

Attached: 1552504796340.jpg (750x750, 108K)