All their games are at least 8/10 if not 10/10

Attached: Supergiant Games.png (416x240, 42K)

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Prove it.

Why are you describing Retro Studios user?

Bastion, their very first game, already stood out others. Set in a floating, colorful landscape and with a comfy narrator voicing your every action (even saying the exact number of times you fall down in a section). What really made it stand out was it's story with an ending full of emotion and for its soundtrack Darren Korb mixed genres to give it a unique feel, the soundtrack would win best original score and the game would receive many other rewards in indie categories.
Transistor innovates on the turn-based genre. It's real-time isometric like Bastion but with the ability for your character to pause, plan out actions and then instantly perform them. This unique take on turn-based removed down-time and instantly garnered praise. Like Bastion it also had a wonderful story and soundtrack. Still accompanied by a narrator, but instead of an old storytelling man it is a young soul reacting to events alongside you in a stylized cyber-city slowly begin taken over by uniform machines. The story touched on themes of individuality and democracy framed around a beautiful love story. Again the composer Darren Korb made up a unique style for the game which again gave it a unique feeling but this time the game incorporates the soundtrack as you play a Singer who has lost her voice.
Pyre is the single most unique game I've ever played. It is a mixture of a visual novel and a sports game. That concept made me put off buying it for a full year instead I gave it a chance. It is lacking in the gameplay but it makes up for it through a wonderfully written world and story covering your quest for freedom from exile. it also has the most comprehensive soundtrack in any game. Every single character has their own theme song. Music is reactive to your actions, with more instruments begin added as the "ball" of the quasi-sports game called Rites reaches the goal.
Hades is not yet finished but from what I've played in early access it will be just as great as the other 3

Attached: supergiant.jpg (1200x696, 184K)

>All their artistic assets are at least 8/10 if not 10/10
ftfy, gameplay is nothing amazing

Attached: Rucks.png (200x224, 63K)

Anyone tried the new patch for Hades? Where to find the new characters?

For bastion and pyre I'd agree.
Transistor was great with the crazy amount of ability combinations you could make and Hades is basically a perfection of the isometric action-rpg.

It's random. Thanatos appears randomly in any given chamber and then you can see him at the House. The Fury sisters each will sometimes replace Megaera.

Cool. Thanks. Lost my 10hrs save thanks to SSD failure and no cloud save in epic shit store

I like all of them except Transistor.
Never before have I been so annoyed by that constant disjointed narration every 5 seconds.

yeah Epic Games store is cancer, almost put me off from buying it. In a better world they'd have just used steam.

Is Hades exclusive to Epic?

Favorite indie devs by far. All of their games are amazing in every area, from story to gameplay to music. I'm waiting a bit on Hades but very much looking forward to the finished product nonetheless.

Bastion is 10/10, transistor is okay, Pyre has great writing but it felt like a slog once you get like 3 quarters through and theres less dialogue and more just playing the meh sportsball game

Unfortunately until it fully releases next year, yeah.

What was wrong with the Transistor narration? It flowed perfectly.

Yes. I'd say just pirate it until it release on steam next year.
t. someone who bought it

He's not. He's describing CDPR

You're going to try to find ways to ban people from Hades if they're racist on twitter, despite Hades being singleplayer only.
That makes it a no buy from me, regardless of your game's quality, because you're holding it hostage behind your extremist politics.

i'm just waiting a year. fuck the chink

I always found their games to have neat but underdeveloped gameplay, all coated in a way too thick pretentious narrative that never really grabbed me because it's all flash no substance, the stories are lacking but told in a way that can grab you if you turn your brain off I guess. They're okay but I don't care if I never see another game from them again.

I agree.

the fuck are you on about? you should be mad about them caving in for tencent yellow money.

Their games are v ery basic gameplay wise

Money is a rigged game and it's been a rigged game since the 1820s. I can't blame them for that, because you can't damn well escape the entire financial system.

they just copy japanese games,its generic shit

>the stories are lacking
How so?
Their stories have great substance and world-building. A lot of the world-building is in the background but its all there. Pyre has a full book in it filled with lore. Transistor and Hades have codex entries. There's a lot of substance and a lot of style.
Bastion has this mystery behind the calamity which unravels over time and has all these various factors going into it.

Bastion was a shit game. Regret buying it and putting the 6 hours that I did.

I still think Transistor has the most beautiful art style in gaming. I'm honestly surprised how they got so many unique talents that work so well off of each other.

Hades is their most appealing game to me. You lost me by praising Transistor though.

transistors gameplay is eh tier
but the soundtrack is god tier, literally one of the best osts in games

I prefer Pyre's inky style. Though Transistors cutscenes were beautiful (with one exception). One thing I love is how their art improves with each game. In bastion you can see how some animations look a bit funny, some models are weird. But it gets better and now the character design in Hades is outstanding.

Attached: 20181207031609_1.jpg (1920x1080, 170K)

>Shilling for SJW devs
oof and yikes pilled

They're carried by good music and Jen zee's amazing art. Shes the real hero. She was just starting out in the industry and they happened to pick her up.

For me, it's the futuristic Klimt-inspired art that does it. It's a mix I never would've considered but it's gorgeous.
All their games have an amazing art style, but Transistor just stands out more to me.

Attached: a5ba3d221c281f004f492ac3e6540746.png (830x826, 1.6M)

None of their games are 10/10, but I do love their games and agree with strait 8/10s.

I think I'm the only one who liked Pyre the most.

I wonder how old she is considering she didn't have any other credits outside of Supergiant.

Super giant games is pretty much the best example of how good visual design, writing, and music can elevate a decent game into a great game.

Transitor can have some cool gameplay, but I agree 100% on the music. The first time I ever heard 'we all become' I knew I was in for a good time.

I wouldn't say they're all above 8/10 but they're not lacking in talent or inspiration for sure.

Even though it has the worst gameplay. I do like Pyre the most. The best art, characters, story and soundtrack.
I guess I see Pyre less as a game and more as a story which is pretty iffy because it is a game. But what does it matter when its a story as great as this? What other story will sing out the choices you made?

Attached: PYRE.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

Bastion 5/10
Transistor 7/10

>It flowed perfectly.
Like piss.