i'm not sure if that whole thread is memeing or not but check the dates on those tweets man
I wouldn't buy it. Not because of the Epic Store, I'm one of the few people on Yea Forums who don't mind them, but because I just want Gearbox to go bankrupt already.
>Console master race
>33% yes
>those fucking reply say they will buy
How? How can these people be this braindead? Are they that willing to give their info to the chinese for a stupid meme game?
looks like we win again epichads
>buying games from Randy Pitchford
ill check it out 5 years from now when its on sale for 5 bucks. maybe
I don't know but it feels like they suit Epic's library better
Better than buying USB thumb drives from him.
I wouldn't, no.
What did you expect from Twitter turbonormies, of course they’re brain dead.
>USA collecting your information GOOD
>China collecting your information BAD
Imagine somebody still being on the cel shading bandwagon.
rusty pitchfork is such a weak minded noodle of a man.
Valve is a private company. Its not run by the Chinese government like Tencent, which owns 40% of Epic, is.
Further, its not so much that "USA collecting information is good" as it is "USA collecting information is the lesser of two evils." If I HAD to choose a country to collect data on me in order to play my vidya, I'm choosing ANYONE but China. China is the absolute last country you want to give any data to.
With Burch gone BL3 might become the best of the post-BL1 games, hopefully they unfuck Tannis who went from a lonely and traumatized scientist to a complete sperglord with narcissism
And hopefully kill Lilith too
I won't buy it any way, like how I never bought the other two despit going for as low as 1.49 USD.
I mean, besides turning over to the Epic Store thing, he's already a kind of a bitch. This should come as no surprise.
Fuck Randy.
Won't be buying it anyway
I would be surprised If Gearbox did not pull a dick move like this
>Seriously thinking Valve doesn't sell your information to other people
Try reading the ToS retard
I don't care enough about meme lands to go out of my way to purchase it. But then again, I wouldn't be buying it a full price, maybe at $30 for the complete edition, or at $15 for base game
I haven't gotten ads for mobile hentai games in my fucking house mailbox.
I wouldn't play it if it was DRM free and given to me.
Borderlands is a steaming pile of garbage.
nigga you get free porn and insider info
Steam so i can pirate all dlcs.
Not him but you clearly didn't read his reply
Either that or youre a fucking idiot
The deflection is strong in you.
This retailer exclusive shit is fucking cancerous, nobody wants to have to use multiple piece of shit launchers just because they're interested in some specific games.
Not going to buy it in the first place.
Borderlands 1 entertained me as a simple enough coop shooter.
Borderlands 2 and PreSequel were both unpleasant overall. I doubt the new one will be much different from the path they took which made the shooting and skills far less enjoyable. I have other coop loot shoot games to satisfy me.
becomes steam is the worst fucking thing about pc videogames and destroying it should be everyone's priority
Because making sure everyone uses a Chinese owned launcher with a fraction of the features sure is a better alternative.
I wouldn't buy Borderlands 3 regardless of the platform so the answer is no.
>Console master race
still better than fucking stealing 30% of what the devs should get. steam is a fucking parasite, creating nothing, too to change their digusting outdated laggy ui
Randy Pitchford can suck my fat nuts.
Learn how to speak English properly you fucking shill.
Xi Jinping = Winnie the Pooh
>Wow you are STEALING money from developers
>Uhhhhh nevermind those 5% we take if you use our engine, unless you release specifically on our platform
>it will sell like shit on pc
>Randy will blame it on pirates
ching chong nip nong nong
literally why not steam and epic?
If its an epic exclusive im not getting it, simple as that.
>alt tab in epic store game
>game crashes
>can't ctrl alt delete
>can only reset pc
Boy i sure can't wait to not play 99% of new games, because they all will be on epic store this laggy piece of shit
hello there fellow failed indie developer
how are we doing today
Dont buy from epic
ignore epic games
shit on epic store
fuck china
this borderlands is fucking shit
Means I can buy games for a cheaper price, I'm not paying more than the necessary, so fuck off ruskie.
>32% yes
>all those retards saying "its a free launcher why does it matter?"
What is with Americans and loving to suck corporate cock all the time?
Borderlands 2 is a fun game if you turn down the dialogue volume.
Epic store is finished
Where's the "I'm not buying it" option?
>Not buying something you want because of store loyalty
Why? If you were walking through a mall and saw a shirt you want, would you say "wow, thats a nice shirt, but I only shop at Kohl's"
I wouldnt buy it even if it were on steam. I still havent beaten 2 because it's a chore to play.
Taiwan Square money
>Mfw reading the comments.
Should rephrase, "I'm not buying Borderlands 3 in the first place"
no fuck that.
i already have steam,origin and battle net
Still falls under the answer "no".
>thinking the 30% would go to the devs and not the publisher
>31% - Yes
And Yea Forums was making me believe everyone universally hates EGS
>mall analogy
Almost as bad as food analogies.
Now here’s a real question, why do you want exclusives in the first place?
I honestly don't give a fuck about the size of the developer's cut. It's their problem, not mine.
When they decide to incovnience me to increase their cut they make their problem my problem and I'm forced to solve it, usually by deciding to ignore their game.
How hard is it to grasp?
These fucks buy developers. What makes you think they can't buy some comments?
I mean, I wouldn't buy it either way because Borderlands sucks and Gearbox is a cancerous blight on the industry, but no. As much as I hate Gearbox I still have the energy to hate Tencent just as much.
>hating epic is loyalty to valve
Fuck off bugman
>steam is a fucking parasite, creating nothing
friendly reminder that some devs made 60x of their usual sales during steam sales and that other devs had their best days of sales a year after release due to steam promotions
So because of that cringy third option the results are 68% No.
Good. Fuck Winnie.
Do you really need to censor plastic tits?
Doesn't that just show how little Steam helps for 99% of the year? Switch ports tend to massively outsell Steam.
this but unironically
Why are people so desperate to defend the Epic store
Like I get that devs get a bigger cut of the profits but why should I, a consumer, care? Epic's store is so much fucking worse than Valve's from a consumer standpoint. It's fucking baffling to me that people have corporate cock up their ass so hard that they care more about what benefits a faceless company than what benefits them. The only pro-consumer argument I've seen is that games are cheaper but from what I've gathered that's barely even true with it only affecting a small number of games by like, five bucks, and even then everyone only buys games on steam when they're on sale anyway so it's basically a moot point.
>Wanting Maymaylands 3
because most people aren’t as autistic as you
Third basically means no but for reasons other than the shitty store so Epic will interpret this as positive reception to their store.
user, they aren't people. They are bugmen.
>store loyalty
What kind of stupid drone are you to have any "loyality" fucking epic? Also no!
I wouldn't accept a free copy on any platform.
Would you play it if your futa MILF elf mommy promised to mating press you?
>dude borderlands is good
is there a more reddit opinion here?
I still can't get over how well this image encapsulates an entire generation of people.
As an indie dev I can categorically say that my game would be better if I had 20% more money to spend on it.
I wouldn't buy it at all.
How this pedo still making games?
Zoomers weren't the only generation to mindlessly buy things they don't need.
No that's gay.
How would you know if you've never tried it?
I wouldn't buy a Gearbox game no matter what platform it was on, so I guess my voice is pretty irrelevant to them.
Hey man it's like fun with friends and stuff alright??
Too bad your game is probably shit and you don't deserve a larger cut anyways. You think the Undertale fag is bitchimg about the cut? Go, cause he actually made a good game that sells unlike most of you untalented faggots. Go ahead and put your shit game on Epic, you`ll get 100% of the profits from the 8 retards who buy your crap.
Seems like this requires an account on a website that'll ban you for racism.
Hard pass.
Not gonna buy it on epic store, i only take free games there and if it's on steam i'll probably buy it on sales
Steam has my games and achievements, i won't leave
Based, indie shitters should fuck off
Pay pigs BTFO. I love seeing the Valve drones squirm, I never wanted Steam to begin with yet the Valve drones refusing to boycott is why digital distribution has a monopoly on PC.
Anyone that has ever paid for digital distribution voted with their wallet for this because you voted with your wallet for the developer to make as much profit as possible with the least amount of effort even at the expense of the game. DLC and micro transactions are a bad thing yet no one is bitching about that, just proves that Valve has done irreversible damage to gaming and has brainwashed people.
Perfect opportunity to start demanding DRM free physical releases, whether it be on flash drive or disc, but everyone is too busy praising le gaben. Fuck Valve and fuck Epic.
Who says it's not the voice of experience.
How can Epic even compete?
>its only on Epic for the first year
>zoomer-Yea Forums will still rage
it's not liek you fucking faggots are gonna buy it on Day 1 either way
Nobody who's undergone such a procedure would leave with a bad impression.
>people defend china on Yea Forums now
I wouldn't take Borderlands 3 if they were paying me to play it.
>31% is good
This is a poll directed at people who are actually still interested in Borderlands 3. Those people are already mentally retarded and desperate, and are still questioning Epic Store.
Don't really give a shit. 95% of my purchases are jap games nowadays, and they will never sign a deal with chinks. Waiting a year for western shit is no skin off my back
That's what they all say. Until it happens and they can't escape the nightmares.
b-bbbbbbbut it's fun with friends
not an argument
I would rather my own country collecting my data than the fucking enemy.
This was the only good thing about this entire shillfest: I get to play the finished product as soon as it leaves the Chinese marketplace.
The irony of people saying they don't care about how much money a big publisher gets and then bringing up other millionaires to defend the claims.
I give Valve thousands of dollars a month, why am I bad for wanting to keep more of it to spend on the games?
The Epic Store is a fucking cancer on PC. Even Microsoft is putting their games on Steam, hopefully that helps to kill the chinese shitheads faster.
Chinks and chink shills aren't people, user. They are not dissimilar from insects.
>would you buy it on Epic
They're not really people, don't forget that Yea Forums is a huge place so they have paid shills to advertise their shitty store. I know absolutely nobody who likes the Epic Store, and I bet no one does.
I mean, I'm probably not gonna buy it regardless, but oh well.
I don't want to get Borderlands 3 at all, in fact I hope Gearbox and Randy die in a raging fire.
Epic Store is genuinely a blight.
If you are so worried about the money, sell your fucking game through your own web site. Then you can have 100% of the proceeds. You'll only get 1% of the sales you'd get on Steam, but hey, at least you don't have to share it with big, bad Steam, right?
Satire. But selling through your own site is still way better than selling it through Epic Store from a consumer perspective.
i'd buy nothing
isn't itchio pretty well known in indie circles? If an indie dev really doesn't want to go the steam route it seems like the best alternative to me.
Reread my comment you dumb shitter. You also don't understand what irony is, or you're stupid and think I'm defending steam when I'm just telling another dime a dozen indie shitter what's what.
While I agree, Itch is a strange place in that it's more freeware games than purchaseable games and has a certain, albeit minor, stigma against paid games. Something along the lines of "Why would I buy this when I see 30 other games for free?"
Sun Hui Chao will know what youre playing and will use it to plan an invasion into continental US
>Buying USB
>'Free' porn
>people will give money to Randy "ruining teens like Colonial Marines" Pitchford without hesitation
>Epic offers me loads of money for Borderlands 3 exclusivity
>decline, Steam has a way bigger Borderlands playerbase
>Tim Sweeney calls me up and offers me exclusive access to his cp collection for BL3
>DF comes to steam while literal trash gets off steam
i don't see how this is bad
I will never buy a game on epic's store, I'm not giving more money to those cunts and funding more fortnite bullshit. Never.
Not on steam, I'll get it on PS4. Checkmate.
Tienanmen Square Massacre
I bet you 20 bucks that Randy is stupid and greedy enough to not release this to steam. The moment he'll see a 20 million dollar offer, he would cum in his pants.
>drm free isn't enough, it has to be on a disc
Wasn't he involved in some scam or something? like some guy that was living in his house stole a bunch of money from him?
Ew, borderlands not on pc feels like shit.
I'll pirate it either way. And that's only if it meets my conditions for me to give a fuck about it.
Gamers are retarded plain and simple
Suckers for Bethesda, bioware, ea
eating up lootboxes, dlcs, paid content streamer whores and yearly rehashs like there's no tomorrow
Idk about that. Anthem, fallout 76 and BF5 sold way less than expected.
Randy had to have lost whatever remaining brain cells he had. If Microsoft determined that keeping MCC as an MS store exclusive wasn't the best idea, how in the fuck does he expect to make more money of of bl3 of all things by keeping it epic exclusive?
I wasn’t even going to buy it if it was on Steam.
>He doesn't want to see Jack team up with orange man
>Randy Pissford in charge of not being a constant fuckup
How absolutely retarded would you have to be to split your audience by going epic store exclusive given how autistic PC users are about steam?
the only good thing about epic is that devs get more money which really doesnt matter to me, so just sell the game on both and let me buy it where I want
It's pretty simple.
If it's an epic store exclusive, then it's probably so trash that the consumers would kill it with reviews and refunds.
Which would be actually a good thing, so I won't have to play it
>wow, thats a nice shirt
>Made in China
>no refunds
>only available at this one store
>thousands of dollars a month
link your shitty games. what kind of indie dev has 10+ games on the market that aren't complete shit?
>Borderlands 2 and newer use Steam's online infrastructure and tools to offer multiplayer features
You think they'd just drop that and program their own shit and maintain their own servers when Valve does it for them as part of the whole package?
Hello resetEra. Still mad that Valve won't ban (((offensive content))) I see.
Using the default RPG maker assets does not make you an "indie dev" faggot.
>stealing 30% of what the devs should get
I have never heard anyone who wasn't a dev give a single fuck about 'what devs should get' until this Epic thing. Either you are a struggling shitty indie dev or a shill, or maybe both
I can't fathom referring to a nation you aren't directly at war or conflict with as the enemy. Looks like that propaganda budget is going to good use.
Bow down to China faggots. They're here to stay.
>epic doesn't have halo
haha no
>to stay
stay go
>30% yes
i would be more than ok with this industry crashing and burning at this point
You mean the propaganda about "Visit China" and "Buy Chinese made goods"?
China is not our friend. They actively sabotage our economy and businesses. Despite all the Russia talk it is China doing most of the hacking into banks, government agencies, financial services etc. a couple years ago they traced a particularly malicious attack to a building in China run by the military.
Tencent is just getting bigger. Every second they're literally printing money and eating up companies.
>laggy ui
Someone needs to build a better PC.
Let's weight the options here. On how many platforms would Gearbox stand to lose most money. If voted yes on Epic exclusive they would sell less copies but still get a higher cut than usual. Remaining console exclusive you'll get the usual BL crowd. Hard to say bc Randy's so snaky he always manages to break even.
>I can't fathom referring to a nation you aren't directly at war or conflict with as the enemy
They're not?
This can't be happening. Stop.
I miss when PC games weren't tied to any online server platform whatsoever.
Remember when you could actually go to a physical store and pick up a physical PC game, that actually had the game on it and not a key code for an online server platform?
Chinamen are evil, user
>Remember when you could actually go to a physical store and pick up a physical PC game
And then you download the crack anyway because swapping discs is unnecessarily tedious.
How could you say such a thing? You'll lower your social credit score if you aren't careful.
I bet you used Chrome to post this