This is the best jrpg

This is the best jrpg

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That's not Chrono Trigger

That's not Terranigma

That's not Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Thats not Final Fantasy IX.

>no Riesz
Shit party.

That's a funny way of spelling Skies of Arcadia.

Not the best, but one of the best, yes.

That not breath of fire.
It also aint Grandia and it sure as fuck doesnt look like Lufia or Suikoden.

it's honestly not even a great action rpg
having coop is nice though

That's not FFVII.

Actually kill yourself

That's not Resonance of Fate.

My nigga

I gave up during the lion cub trial

That's the most overrated jrpg.

>hold down the attack button for auto combat
>occasionally press the tech button
>keep party from using anything past lvl1 techs
>use some heal items and spells every now and then
Most of the game in a nutshell.

FF9 isn't even the best of its own series.

That's not LiveALive.

>Hear this game is the shit
>play it
>can't get used to the janky combat
>pick the most OP character
>set him as AI
>watch him rape the shit out of every enemy
>get carried through the game

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That's not Dragon’s Dogma.

That's not Legend of Mana.

This but also Earthbound

The Last Remnant is the best JRPG ever made.

That's not Breath of Fire 3

Excuse me but you seem to have misspelled SMT Nocturne

Or even in the Top 5 of its own series.

look, I liked it, but I like my rpg's with a strong overarching story and strong characters. Plus, why have so much crafting depth for a combat system that doesn't utilise it?

That’s not Pokémon blue

Only good thing is the art, story is totally forgettable and the game is super long and super grindy

also acceptable. Did you pick Squirtle?


Chrono Trigger
BoF 3 and 4
Mother 3
Live A Live

Only people who disagree are brainlets.

is consensus that Mother 3 is better than EarthBound?


That's not Dark Souls

Terranigma is more action than jrpg you double nigger

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I wish I had more time to play this again, anyone know of any good longplay ? I prefer silent but if it's a real good letsplayer I can deal with it

All pretty based desu

Mother 3 has a better story and combat imo but it’s also much more linear and missing the Americana vibe of the first two games. It’s a matter of opinion really.

i think people like the idea of earthbound more nowadays. the way it plays vs the much more streamlined/accessible jrpgs of today makes the game kind of hard to play.

mother 3 has much better gameplay with the player-driving quirkiness of earthbound. and theres actually a story that cant be summarized in two sentences.

And which character is that, user?

A-Asking for a friend...

>sucks at absolutely everything that makes an RPG good
>the mess of a battle system somehow manages to loop into being enjoyable, probably due to the extreme amount of fumbling by the developers
>OMFG best RPG for hyper-intellectuals

Nah, you're just a kid who found a turd with glitter on it

Unironically one of the worst games I have ever played, and its just more proof that nostalgiafags overhype everything from their childhood.
Seriously, how can an RPG be this braindead yet infuriating to play?

Give your reasons for these claims.

this, earthbound is the most overrated JRPG by far

Reminds me of Breath of Fire 4 but while you get nothing but dreamlike whimsy from SD3 in BoF4 the game just leads you along with it's bright happy chliche jprg world until you reach magic chernobyl and then everything goes to hell and never recovers.

desu most jrpgs have terrible gameplay, but the adventure makes them worthwhile, and SD3 is a hell of an adventure

honestly boys if we talking about battle systems, grandia is probably the best jrpg series. I also think that mana games are more action than rpg, especially SD3 where half the stats and abilities don't work so its just an unga bunga button masher

>sucks at absolutely everything that makes an RPG good

Stopped reading. Also, I'm guessing the combat system was just too complex for you, so you're just calling it a mess with absolute no reasoning as to why it's a mess.

Yes. Then replaced that fucker with Gyrados.

This but also you’re a faggot zoomed who probably prefer MOTHER 3 and EarthBound is a masterpiece

gameplay and story wise, mother 3 is leagues above. earthbound only scores points for quirkiness and a somewhat more original premise.

Among zoomers who are easily impressed by predictable “muh feels” plot twists? Sure.

are there any JRPGs that include ARPG elements?

Great taste.

Also great taste.

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Is there a SNES game with a longer OST than this? Earthbound is the only thing that comes close.

It's really fucking good by the way. Some autistic Japanese nerds played with the SNES sound chip in the 90s and made some absolute masterpieces, like this:

I heard Grandia was incredibly easy. I guess I'll try it when it comes to Switch

There are a bunch buddy. Secret of Mana series, Tales games, Star Ocean, Rogue Galaxy.

Haven't gotten to this one but I hope you're right since I loved the first

Terranigma's not a JRPG.

That’s not EarthBound.

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That's not Romancing SaGa

It's not the best by any measure but I still love Wild Arms

Gen 1 pokemon is literally just a bunch of stolen Dragon Quest and Mother concepts thrown together.

Yeah, some SNES games sounded really amazing. I guess it largely depended on how much space was reserved for samples. Look up music from the SNES Waterworld, it’s unreal.

I tried playing Seiken Densetsu 3 translated recently, it really feels shitty and broken.
>go read about stats, which to pick for each character
>luck is useless because crits are broken in SD3 and never happen anyway
overall the game just feels less polished than Secret of Mana

And that’s why they’re still the best designs. Now we got fucking ice cream cone Pokémon.

I think people admire it for its ambition.

Extremely memorable OST.

I actually liked that Earthbound had less story, probably because 3's prologue dragged for way too long for my tastes
You're right about the gameplay though, an Earhtbound remake with 3's graphics/mechanics would've been perfect

As a kid it felt like a grand adventure, there was really nothing like it. Playing through with several characters and seeing their backstories overlapping was very cool. It definitely didn't age well, but it's fun enough to play.

I also was getting the impression they reuse some of SoM's locales. I got past the dwarves cave at the beginning of the game, and I could swear I have seen that location in Secret of Mana. I played that game way too long ago to remember everything about it, but I got a massive deja vu there.

Yeah, it's just got a certain charm I will always love. I can't remember if it was 2 or 3 that was my favorite. I think 2.

Whichever one had the recurring lizard-men bosses and the girl with the eyepatch

What are some RPGs that veer from the typical 'save the world' plot?

I honestly can't think of one

do you consider Mount & Blade Warband a RPG?

Tactical RPGs are a good place to look for this, it's usually about wars and other conflicts rather than just Evil Villain Man wants to destroy the world

2 is a very gutted version of the original. Most threads you'll find are just filled with waifushittery.

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holy fucking based. seiken densetsu 3 will always be my favorite game. the soundtrack, the enemies, the day night cycle, EVERYTHING is absolutely fucking PERFECT. beat this game atleast 6 times (its been a while). also, duran is BASED, and fucks angela at the end!!! kevin's cool too.

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What would be the point?

I like Dragon Quest V but wouldn't put it up for consideration as the best.

>Tactical RPGs are a good place to look for this, it's usually about wars and other conflicts rather than just Evil Villain Man wants to destroy the world

"Saving the country" is functionally the same thing as "Saving the world".

besides, most tactical rpgs end up having a plot twist that the secret mastermind behind all those wars and political conflicts was some ancient evil bent on taking over/destroying the world.

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yeah well shut up idiot

>What are some RPGs that veer from the typical 'save the world' plot?
Ultima 4 and Planescape: Torment are some that I come to mind.

They're very rare, obviously.

reminder, if you DON'T think secret of mana 2(seiken densetsu 3) ISN'T the best jrpg ever you are both CRINGE and...i repeat, AND, BLUEPILLED.

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there are plenty of other stories you can tell. off the top of my head i'd love an RPG that solely dealt with revenge or redemption, kinda like Cecil's arc in FFIV

I don't know how you can stand the game when it's so ungodly slow and filled with zones that are annoying as fuck to drag yourself through.

i can play that game all day and still never be bored. i fucking love it man!

As a kid, the branching class system really stood out to me.

its not that hard but the battle system is kino as fuck, child of light pilfered that shit shamelessly but its a good game because grandia battle system

>child of light pilfered that shit shamelessly but its a good game
Not really, ecause they removed the most fun part of Grandia's system: real-time movement. CHild of Light plays like just another boring menu-based jrpg.

Shadowrun Dragonfall
Legend of Grimrock 1 and 2
System Shock 2

it was ok but the battles were downgraded compared to the former game, with really little areas and an horrible "fight mode/ walk mode" constant switching that cut the immersion a lot.I really wish it stayed more "arcade", even though I know it would have tedious collision moments like in the older game again.

>mfw using warp shoes in grandia games
those shits were so dope, especially in grandia 2

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Stop being an autismal shit for one. If you hate the heroes journey you probably hate racing games for having vehicles.

probably werewolfbro

>Shadowrun Dragonfall
>Legend of Grimrock 1 and 2
>System Shock 2

Never played Grimrock, but Dragonfall (dragons returning) and SS2 (shodan attacking earth) both have plots that threaten the fate world of the world, so I don't know WTF you're talkiong about.

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>Stop being an autismal shit for one. If you hate the heroes journey you probably hate racing games for having vehicles.

False analogy, since there are plentu of heroes journey stories in say, literature that don't revolve around saving the world or even a country. Besides, heroes journey is also not the only way to tell a story.

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>resonance of fate
literally quit the game in the combat tutorial

FFIX is the best Final Fantasy. Even Sakaguchi agrees.

A pretty integral part of an RPG is progression. Logically, as you progress from slaying rats, you will eventually slay something very important, like someone that wants to destroy the world. If the game started with you killing rats in the sewer and ended with you fighting your boss at the office that might make a cute gimmick but it wouldn't really feel like the true progression one sees when playing an RPG.

The dragons don't threaten the world, but if you eliminate them some "terrors you cannot describe return", but killing them just destroys Berlin, which is a positive thing if you ask me. Now I don't remember the threat to earth of Shodan posed.

Fucking this. SoM is my all time favourite game (nostalgic reasons), and I've played through every other mana game, good and bad. SD3 just never clicked with me, and I feel kind of bad because I always wanted more mana, and SD3 is held in such high regard. Its a weird feel.

These haters have shit attention spans user. It's really the only explanation.

best jrpg is the c*nny game

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It has nothing to do with my attention span, it has to do with an ARPG of all things being slower than molasses and controlling worse than its predecessor for no fucking reason. It is one of, if not the slowest ARPG on the SNES and its gameplay doesn't do shit to make up for it.

In the 'bad ending', those terrors are explicitly stated to have reduced the world to be an apocalyptic wasteland and wiped out the vast majority of humanity

does king's field 2 count as a jrpg? I fucking love the shit out of this game, I think it dumps all over the souls games in atmosphere. Playing it on emulator at double speed also negates much of the flaws of the game

fukkin masterpiece

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>it has nothing to do with my attention span I just cant stand taking my time with things
user I have bad news for you: it is in fact your poor attention span.

The game speed doesnt bother me.

Considering the last time horrors did anything they fucked shit up so bad that everyone had to go full Fallout and pack themselves into sealed underground cities built by dwarves for ages to wait them out just to survive, I don't know what you expected.

>and then everything goes to hell and never recovers
Are you talking about the tone of the story or does it just plain start to suck? It's hard to tell from the way you worded it.

Final Fantasy Legend. You're trying to find paradise.

>Final Fantasy Legend
I fucking loved the enemy sprites in this as a kid.

I don't give a shit what does or doesn't bother you because I play games much slower than SD3 regularly. The difference is that they make up for having slow gameplay by being interesting to play instead of broken, boring, and arbitrary.

Anywya you should play both Legend of Grimrock games, if you like some real time grid based dungeon crawling.

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Sure but the ride is worth it
Subjective. Sorry that your poor attention span robs you of the joy this game can bring.
Ok now you're just being a fag.

>Sure but the ride is worth it
Not really.
>Sorry that your poor attention span
You want to beat a single Wizardry game before you accuse anyone of having a short attention span?
>Ok now you're just being a fag.
Yeah, that's why the game has spellcasting counters on tons of enemies when spellcasting isn't even good when they don't exist and has enemies that will open up with defense ignoring AoEs that deal more than your entire party's max HP, right?

user my uncle introduced me to Wizardry with Wizardry IV. You can stop trying to pretend you're better than anyone just because your attention span sucks and you hate a cool super famicom game.

Honestly getting pretty funny how much you irrationally hate a good game.

Illusion of Time

You don't understand what makes for a good game if you think SD3 qualifies at all.

FFXIII and XIII-2 revolve around saving a specific people, not the world

Actually I do, and we would probably find many things we agree on. You're just being dense.

A game can still have issues and bring joy to the player.

for once OP isn't a fag

Great dungeons. Dynamic difficulty. Beautiful graphics and music.

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Jrpgs can be action look at tales, star ocean, ys

those graphics look insanely generic

What sucks is I remember seeing this in Electronic Gaming Monthly growing up, and I was actually really excited to play it, but I never saw it so I figured it never came out, or I missed it.

Then as an adult realized it was just Japan only, and some gameshop owner tried selling me a Japan copy for like $100.

>t. adhd zoomer

Not when those issues include being brainless to play to the point where buffing, holding A, and/or using consumables will deal with most everything except when the game arbitrarily decides to fuck you over with full screen instakills or counters.

That's not EarthBound.
I refuse to believe everyone posting EarthBound is doing it unironically. Anyone who likes the game knows it's carried by it's good writing and setting. There are plenty of game-mechanic flaws that, while still a fantastic game, keep it far from the title of best jrpg. I should specify that it's my favorite game though.

Based on a comic from '90s Xmen artist Joe Madureira.

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>late game you're forced to charge all your attacks or deal shit damage
>everytime you go to a new zone you'll get 2 shotted until you buy new equipment
>you need to pause the game everytime you want to cast magic
>lol story
It's a ok JRPG but far from the best

Earthbound is a tad overrated. Its text driven shit gets on my nerves.
>status effects are conveyed by multiple lines of text
>instead of condensing the clutter when multiple party members are affected, they repeat "__________ is not feeling well. __________ got a cold!" up to four fucking times
>Chrono Trigger and FFVI
>status effects are quickly conveyed by visual effects on top of the character(s) affected
Mother 2 does have some cool ideas overall such as the rolling HP and the unique setting, but people keep giving it a pass for some shitty design decisions such as the ones I pointed out.

Extremely based and magentapilled

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based and Kevinpilled

All Mother games are shit. Suikoden 2 is the best jRPG ever made.

*drops mic*

yeah its a bit bland design wise and the music is by jesper kyd so its all ambient shit, but the game is actually pretty good, I'd say a solid 7 honestly

I think you mean suikoden 1 and 2, because they really should be played together as if its one big game because it basically is.

>less polished than secret of mana
>secret of mana
are you insane? I like SoM but the game feels like its held together with glue and polish is not one of its stronger points. Hitboxes are ridiculous, boss fights devolve into spell spam, the game clearly has parts that were unfinished.

I guess, but 2 has polish that 1 lacks so it could be perceived as the more prototypical of the two.

Well at least criticals do work in SoM, they don't happen at all in SD3 according to guides I read

>late game you're forced to charge all your attacks or deal shit damage
Other way around, the level 2 and 3 techs are worthless because they don't do more damage than a level 1 tech while taking ages to build up, can't benefit from sabers, and don't double tap like Kevin and Hawk's level 1 techs either.

Are you? The game plays far less fluidly than SoM and even SoE do and all of those problems are still a thing in SD3 except instead of spell spam it's level 1 tech spam.

3 is much more polished. The problem is Magic is still a piece of shit due to it pausing the game and enemies having infinite MP (So take a guess what happens if you say waltz into a group of enemies who all know magic and are out of sync with eachother))

SoM is literally "spam magic and level 1 attacks" the game. The combat system is a broken mess in that game, too.

its believed that due to how simple it is to re-enable crits in SD3 that they were removed to make it so that physical characters aren’t even more broken lategame and so that you don’t randomly die early on. It would be fine if they remembered to actually make Kevin’s crit booster spell do something else.

Agreed, and that's not even getting into everything wrong with balance.
>Ness's time alone at the beginning is literally the hardest part of the game
>inventory management
>pray and mirror are useless (except the former at the end)
>most of Jeff's inventions are useless, making him the bottle-rocket/heavy bazooka guy
>condiments are worthless, I'm convinced they were put in as a joke
>the game is so fucking easy mid to late game, like holy shit
But God damn, where the game hits, it hits hard.

SoM has trouble registering multiple physical attacks at once.
Magic does suck in SD3, agreed.

Except SoM's movement isn't hamstrung by the game making it move at a crawl and attacks come out much faster and have less recovery.

That's not Barkley Shut Up And Jam Gaiden

I too like SD3 but tbhfam I have greater love for SoM even though its a worse game in every aspect.

>SoM has trouble registering multiple physical attacks at once.
So does SD3. It will literally lag the game if too many attacks are going off.

SoM's attacks are hamstrung by the charge system and a completely behind-the-scenes accuracy mechanic that's out of the player's control. Thus, your best course of action is to never use charged hits, slog your way through dungeons with level 1 attacks, and then finish off the boss with magic spamming.

>better story
>forcing its undergrad political ideology down your throat

SaGa Frontier except for T260 scenario

Do you have to play the Seiken Densetsu games in order or can I just pick the one that looks good to me and go?

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actual best was posted right here

>Xenoblade 2
Good joke, fag.

It's a great game but it's far too slow-paced.
Animations take too long to play out, there's a huge wait time between actions and enemies take very little damage. I like it otherwise, some cool mechanics on the party's skills.

If it's so good why does Reimu smell like ass?

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Ok we get it. You saw the Game Over screen a lot. Still, the game is a cool game and I dont regret playing it.

post your most recent squad.
Last time I finally tried Duran/Kevin/Hawk, it was amazing.

I played Duran/Kevin/Angela but I kinda dropped it, I got a little bored.

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that's why I bench her most of the time and bring out Satori instead.

It's about the same speed as Chrono Trigger if you press 'B' as soon as the combat ends.

One of my biggest issues with SD3 is that enemies and especially bosses are set to automatically counterattack higher level techs. For bosses, it can easily kill your team.

Outside of that, it's a really fun game. I really love the music and how pretty much anyone can be the "main" character.

Bless Neil Corlett.

And spells, and don't forget the stupid as fuck ninja enemies that can decide at literally any point to drop Split-Image Slice or whichever Hawk tech it was they used and whoops they oneshot your entire party before they were even done drawing their swords.

you can just pick one, they have a kind of universe it belongs to but most of it is nonsensical or you can just read about its loose references on the wiki. Besides its mostly just secret of mana and SD3 that get any attention. The first game is decent enough, but most of the spin offs are hit or miss

>fight mode/ walk mode
i don't understand why people have a problem with this. It never stuck out to me as a bad thing while playing it

the biggest offender is the fucking wolf enemies in the moon tower. Most other instances I have never had trouble with but those guys can just suddenly decide that you die.


it was so overpowered that it got boring but I still soldiered on. I think I sort of tune out on SD3 nowadays though because ive played it so much already

OP is one of true and absolute Patrician Taste.

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Because when you play it after SoM it feels like you're moving through molasses and the AI isn't bound by it either.


thoughts on the Secret Of Mana remake?

>remake a game with great sprite art but somewhat messy gameplay and well known cut content
>do very little to improve the gameplay, fuck up the graphical style, add no new content
i am so fucking mad

And you're not a retard.
Oh wait, both of those statements are wrong.

Not the best one, but I agree that it is the most underrated jrpg ever.

Where is the new Secret of Mana style game, that doesn't have pause for casting spells and using items, and you have plenty of hotkeys to use with today's gamepads? Today you could assign so many hotkeys for items and spells/skills that you could have a game thats based on SoM but with full real time combat. Then add co-op and maybe even co-op + internet co-op at the same time, why not. Fuck remakes, just come up with an improved take on this top down action RPG genre.


Mother series, Live a live, octopath traveler, FFs pre-playstation 1 era and the likes are hipster tier.

I havent played mana but that sounds somewhat similar to some games in the ys series

I haven't played the more recent Ys games, only Origins and the first one

It's not even the best SaGa game.
And end up saving the world(s) from God because it turns out God is a bored, sadistic asshole.

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That's not Star Ocean 2: The Second Story

Bravely Default too, that game is fucking overhyped garbage.

I have never been more disappointed with Yea Forums.

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Good thing your opinion doesn't actually matter.

You'll love it, it's the best JRPG in a decade.

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Never have I seen more blatant obvious padding before. It was enough for me to turn off the game and never come back. Shame because I was on the last cycle.

I used to fantasize about raping Angela in her sleep at the Inn.

Those necromancers/dark priests with their instant-healing spells are godawful and having like three at once on the screen may be the most unpleasant experience in the whole game. At least the werewolves and knights simply kill you on the spot with their techs.

Uhh I don't want this post to be the last post.

I still fantasize about raping Riesz in her sleep at the inn