Any games with complex elemental interactions?

Any games with complex elemental interactions?

Attached: 1552453370845.webm (640x360, 1.06M)

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Jesus christ

the one with the wizards
there is nothing wrong in this webm btw
i am a physicist

>hundreds of people saw this before it went live
>nobody thought it was retarded

>Troll physics

I want to hear ANY justification anyone can think of for being able to freeze lasers.

it's not real

What the fuck did I just watch

The gun freezes to absolute zero and they probably thought that meant photons would freeze up like protons.

Rule of cool faggots
Imagine taking some fucking movie about a guy with a freeze ray seriously are you kidding me

But wait,would that just freeze the air. Like not just the lazers but everywhere the gun pointed?

But when you broke the frozen lasers, the lights that emit the lasers would be unblocked again and work as normal

Tv shows are improving people's minds

What show?

Just because we don't have the technology to go that cold yet doesn't mean we couldn't hypothetically invent a gun that could shoot cold enough to freeze a Lazer in the future

What happens when the laser shards thaw?

Attached: 1518133854834.png (397x547, 193K)

look, dude. you can't post something argumentative for the sake of (fun) argument if you're just going to throw out lame, generic one-liners as your posts

Attached: eh.......jpg (533x543, 39K)

What would the energy bill be for a death lazer hallway? Why not just put in a big door.

laser stays in pieces on the ground

They shoot out and would slice you in half like fucking nothing

There's a limit to how cold it can get, and it sure as hell isn't enough to freeze light.

How do you think lightsabers are made?

Maybe in the future though it could

So this is what happens when millenials raised by social media become screen writers.

>it's not real
still works withing certain parameters though
if the dude suddenly summoned a dragon out of a fart and hopped on its back to bypass the lasers everyone would find it retarded

dude wat

There was ice blocking the light

comics are a boomer invention though and pseud science and complete retardation were always a thing in them

This is not facebook, grandpa.

The janitor comes and sweeps them up.

The Flash

there is a lot of movies from the 80s and 90s that pull off that same kind of bullshit

You're left with puddles of burnt water

Thanks. Why did it take you so long to answer?

The new season of Prison Break is really fucking weird.

No way man, you'd just have wet lasers.

Sauce on the webm, looks real good dumb shit.


No. We're a lot more knowledgeable than our ancestors we actually can be certain what's not possible.

So he bypasses the lasers by disrupting the lasers which is literally the mechanism by which the alarm is meant to go off?

but if they're frozen it's like time stopped so it doesnt count
theyll go off once the ice melts

I think these are the "cut you in half" variety of lasers, as opposed to laser alarms which just detect things. For some reason slicer lasers don't just act as both.

Considering that actual lasers are normally not visible, that there is no magical freezing gas (although a gas cooled low enough will take away heat energy from a body to some degree) and that "photons" don't have rest mass? Sure, why not.

almost as retarded as this

Attached: Taking Out Knights.webm (704x300, 2.86M)


Its Mount and Blade on the lowest possible difficulty

The only blatantly dumb parts are when the guy in a leather (?) tunic survives blow after blow from a mounted guy's flail.

Objectively false statement

Why didn't he just freeze the walls then? There was no ice left you are just making shit up.

Look up absolute zero you retard

Because freezing the beams is cooler and he wanted to show off to his colleague.

How about the fact that trained knights seem entirely unaware on how to use shields? Or how the knight feels the need to charge at a trot for every single strike he makes? Or how that dude is holding a sword by the sharp end, absorbs the impact of a flail on the sword while holding it like that, and seems to be fine?

In the future we will look back and say "hah, we were so stupid thinking THAT were the absolute zero.."

absolute retard detected

Attached: 1537426325230.png (1600x790, 645K)

Could be anything for most of those. Emotion clouding judgement, fatigue or something else. I'm not saying it would be a good explanation, but it is at least not physics- or biology-defying.

>Or how that dude is holding a sword by the sharp end, absorbs the impact of a flail on the sword while holding it like that, and seems to be fine?
This one I missed, though. I looked like he is wearing thick enough leather gloves for some reason. Now that I watched it again I agree that it's terminally retarded.

You have no idea what you're talking about

what the fuck man
where is this trash from? is it so bad its good?

>People being this serious
Must be fun to be around.

He used to know we lived on a stationary plane with the heavens revolving around us. Now people think we're on a ball flying through infinite space with no rhyme or reason. We've gone backwards.

Physics are great but what about games with elemental interactions?

Don't be too harsh on them, I'm 99% certain you missed irony or sarcasm OTI many times yourself over the years. Text is a subpar medium for conveying those.

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>no its 2
>wow you must be fun at parties huh

We didn't KNOW that, some people assumed that

Einstein BTFO gg no re

Attached: fuck science.jpg (1920x1080, 289K)

Yeah I know, been there done that. Even in my workplace people take classes on how to talk in emails.

>Or how that dude is holding a sword by the sharp end, absorbs the impact of a flail on the sword while holding it like that, and seems to be fine?
This is actually the only realistic part of the video actually. It's called half swording and it's the way you fight someone in armour, grabbing the sword by the blade and striking the enemy with the handle. You can easily hold swords like that by the blade with your bare hands, they aren't razors

Wouldn't that cause the alarm to go off? Isn't that the point of security lasers?

>Even in my workplace people take classes on how to talk in emails.
Holy shit.

No they were death lasers no security

You should know how many people get into drama with important people for no reason because they thought they were passive aggressive in their emails..

Some folks even thinks that if you dont end every sentence with a smiley face youre angry.

>falling for HEMA fags half sword meme

No, you can't "easily" hold swords by the blade and bash them around without injuring your hands

Its leagues more retarded that yours. OP's clip breaks the laws of fucking physics and makes literally no sense to anyone with even a cursory understanding of any of the forces at work. Your clip is just dumb and highly unrealistic, though still technically possible.

How is the laser going to warn the alarm if it's frozen?

Yeah, I've encountered a few of those in the later years, when I was still working in the "software development" industry. I guess people who grew up with smartphones and youtube are really different from us, who started with E-mails, chats, forums almost 20 years ago.

Mind over matter. It's going to overcome the odds by sheer force of will. It's a good, loyal laser.

melt the ice?

alarm go when laser stop

It isn't a meme and it's not from HEMA, it's from ancient sword fighting manuscripts. I literally went to school for metallurgy user and I blacksmith as a hobby, those blades are not sharp by design.

>You can easily hold swords like that by the blade with your bare hands

No you can't. Half-swording requires either having a gauntlet yourself or having a sword that's deliberately made or prepared for the technique. I doubt that knight prepared his sword by leaving the lower half unsharpened, just in case his opponent might use his sword against him.

Are there any games that has Laser as an element?

Attached: 182.png (900x807, 472K)

The ice was so cold it couldnt be melted for hours

divinity original sin and original sin 2 comes to mind also dark messiah

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>, those blades are not sharp by design.

Exactly, those blades. That knight's sword isn't one of them.

Fuck off faggot saracen scum, Kingdom of Heaven is pure kino.

HEMA is exactly looking at old pictures and taking all of it fro granted. They have fuck all idea of how things actually worked and they have a vested interest in revisionist history as a way of standing out.

You anecdotal experience means even less than theirs.

>I doubt that knight prepared his sword by leaving the lower half unsharpened, just in case his opponent might use his sword against him.
That's ~literally~ exactly how that kind of word is made its not a fucking katana. European swords are not razor sharp you can easily drag it across your skin without getting cut if you're not applying pressure into the cut at the same time, they're made to chop they aren't razors

it's closer to this

Attached: french light physics.webm (400x400, 486K)

>Masterwork rock

Once again, I'm a machinist. My career is literally metallurgy, it's not anecdotal.

meant for

Attached: big head mode activated.webm (711x400, 880K)

The same people who complained about this probably had a lot to say about Grodd and King Shark, and they were fucking wrong about all of it. Show was fun as hell, too bad about the later seasons.

Did she just chop Alex's legs off?

what if its a cold laser? it will go so cold it becomes hot again, melting tge ice instantly
and since the freeze gun is absolute zero it only gets 1 coldness point to go over

Prove your real.


Your career is not being a 13th century man at arms or blacksmith for that matter, it is anecdotal.

Yeah, a lot of my work surround talking to top people through emails. Its so freaking easy to talk to those people through text.

Then here comes the 25 yrs old who can't stop talking about personal shit for 80% of their emails..
If I start my email with "Hey, hope everything's alright with you?" They will always start talking drama, its weird. Why is people so open? I mean, I save every email conversation for later use. A lot of them have personal shit in them.

Of the Watch.

Blue lasers are cold
Red lasers are hot
It was a hot laser

Jesus how old are you?

>you can easily drag it across your skin without getting cut if you're not applying pressure into the cut at the same time, they're made to chop they aren't razors

Did you miss the part where he absorbed the impact of a flail with it, wrested the flail from the other guys hands, and then hit him back with it?

And once again, not that's NOT how those swords are made. Its a one-handed sword used in combination with a shield. That knight has no intention of half-swording at all.

God dammit I fucking hated having braces when I was young and just floating off all the time

I'm 32. Been in this shit since I was 18.

Official soundtrack:

My career is understanding how metal works and I went to school for it for 4 years. I can tell you with 100% confidence that you can easily grab that sword by the blade with your bare hands, and I can even show you period artwork of people doing that exact thing. I have scientific proof in the form of metallurgy knowledge and historical evidence in the form of people being portrayed doing the EXACT thing I'm claiming. You're the only one who's argument is anecdotal

>doesn't know what an anecdote is

>Its so freaking easy to talk to those people through text.
Used to be, you mean. Now it's not, at least definitely not on average. And then add ESL on both ends into the equation and it turns into literal fucking Hell.

>And once again, not that's NOT how those swords are made.
It literally is though and I know more about blades than you because I make them for a living

>I have seen drawings of people holding zweihanders with 2 hands therefor this dude can hold a sword with his bare hand and not get cut
>this is science

You made that knight's blade?

>>I have seen drawings of people holding zweihanders with 2 hands
Hands protected by gauntlets, don't forget.

>I went to school for 4 years to learn how to make suspension coil springs for Toyota so i know how combat looked like in the crusades
>Someone allegedly held their sword by the blade at some point so that must be how all swords were used

You're an idiot

As opposed to you:
>it's not just because I say so despite the fact I have zero knowledge of metallurgy and there's literal historical depictions proving me wrong

>they're made to chop
Just shut up you ignorant aspie.

I havnt had any issues so far, but that's because I talk to people who's job is the same as mine so both ends just want fast and easy answers.
Sometimes you end up with new people that come from working outside and now hit the desk job for the first time trying to learn.

Once had a guy who used CAPS LOCK for when the email were important. I had to call him to make him stop because everyone started to hate him for being aggressive.

I make blades for a living. I understand how metal cuts better than you. That type of sword is not razor sharp, it's flexible and slightly dull because it uses its own weight to chop rather than slice like a razor. You saying "nuh uh" holds zero weight.

>Once had a guy who used CAPS LOCK for when the email were important.
One thing I'll never miss from early '00s Internet. Although it does seem to be coming back somewhat, with the tumblr/twitter/whatever crowd.

> sword user arguing with anime user about swords
If he ever held one in his hand he would understand that swords are razor sharp katanas folded 100000 times that can cut thru spacetime.
Swords are just clubs that can cut.


Attached: thott-87r.jpg (2000x1349, 533K)

You're literally talking out of your ass right now. Now i am convinced you didn't even learn how to make Toyotas in the first place.

a 3 seconds search would have brought up a video of a guy pommeling a fucking tire while holding a shard blade barehanded

I sure see it more often now, so its probably the cause. Often from guys too.

Push cuts, draw cuts, and even just basic slicing cuts were all a thing with arming and long swords you "blade smith." And "not razor sharp" does not mean "so dull it can't cut you." For someone who is a professional you sound awfully fucking ignorant. What kind of blades are you forging, wall hangers?

Good argument. So I can provide historical depictions as evidence and also explain any possible description of the metallurgy involved you could ask for and you can say "nuh uh" and call me names. Real close call this debate was.

Reality is
>tries to freeze lasers
>looks all smug about it
>walks through lasers
>falls to pieces
>other guy is amazed

Why not just use the lipstick to burn the hole?

Thanks for proving the inherent stupidity of HEMA faggotry.

Literally just a drawing. Could be someone showcasing the technique in slow motion, could be artistic license something that is all over artwork of that period. HEMA mong:

>Oh my God! Everyone just grabbed swords by the blades and bashed them around! I'm a real historian XD!

Holding a Shardblade barehanded is a bad idea user.

Attached: 1541779000519.jpg (250x327, 21K)

armorfags btfo

You can drag an axe blade across your arm and not leave a mark. An axe can also chop your arm off. This is what I mean by not razor sharp and "dull" in this context. It's not hard to understand.

Refer to Toyota larper

>shown literal historical evidence
okay user you've proven you will not be persuaded regardless of how much evidence can be provided so goodbye have fun

As stupid as this is, I think the episode where he partners with a guy whose gun shoots "absolute hot" was even worse

Did they do mirror master yet?

Attached: 1512060318536237748.jpg (535x797, 501K)

Don't ever reply to me again

Reminds me of that Ito comic.

Here's some literal historical evidence of Dragons for you

Attached: Middle Ages looked like THAT.jpg (898x750, 92K)

Why are people denying that halfswording was a thing?

Everyone apparently had mild hydrocephalia.

Hey look! Here's actual video proof! Let's take bets, will you not reply out of shame and pretend you didn't watch or will you deny it?

How did these huge people fit into the buildings?
Any fights with the flash is pretty much retarded because superspeed is too OP to fight against

Fake and gay.

Great movie. Watch the Director's Cut if you watch it.


I'll concede that it may have been a widely used technique for ghost busting,

Thanks for conceding, goodnight

it was using food coloring for camoflage

Off topic but it's actually super interesting to realize Europeans couldn't comprehend 3d drawinf until a specific period and for some reason only 2D existed before then. The weird sizes are primitive attempts at showing distance between foreground and background before they learned 3d

Europe went full retard after Rome fell

Rome couldn't draw 3d either

>le dark age meme

you have a freezing gun what's not to get

It's not a fucking meme. Unless you happened to be a monk, as the churches preserved roman knowledge, you would have been a dumb fuck peasant or a fat dumb cunt king in a society that regressed right the fuck back. The reason the church was so goddamn powerful? They could stick a man into every court who would be able to look at every retard huffing cat-shit and wearing pelts and say "OK FAGGOTS, I'M GOING TO TEACH YOU THE ART OF WEAVING"

I'm resorting to hyperbole now but the point is the dark ages were very real. It's the fact that it was religion to blame for it, that's the myth.

Why are people so triggered by this? You can visibily see the lasers, so they are scattering off something. There must be jets of gas passing along the beam path. He just froze the gas.

Captain Cold's cold gun isn't actually ice, it just slows whatever it hits to a stop, the ice is an effect of air and vapor being stopped since something without any energy generates no heat

Still I don't know how photons could be frozen without just freezing all the light traveling around it, but at least in theory it aligns with what should be possible with the way Cold's gun works

normalfags are stupid as fuck and usually suffer from some heavy dunning kruger effect

I don't think that's how security lasers work unless that thing he used is made to specifically freezes and kill the machinery that produces the laser.

Nobody is denying that halfswording is a thing.

We are saying that the video of that guy holding a sword not meant for halfswording with his bare hand, absorbing the impact of a flail with it, wresting the flail from the other guy, and smacking the other guy back with it (all using his bare hand on the sharp end of the sword to do so) is unrealistic.

Why do you have fuck all reading comprehension?

Here have some evidence that knights regularly fought with giant snails.

Attached: 10_14_2013_snail-2.jpg (800x468, 82K)

you can't freeze photons in place because they're not just a particle
there's no location to freeze a photon in place to, they don't have a set position only a range of position probabilities

It's just that one retarded autist who doesn't want to believe shit that was actually written down and drawn.

could be wrong but wasn't that show more spy-parody than honest spy stuff?

>real world
i wonder retard

>fiction didn't exist in the old days

Is that Michael Ironside?

Its actually just you being the retard. You tried to be smart-ass about your epic HEMA knowledge when it didn't apply at all, and then you were to stubborn to admit you were wrong.

To reiterate, the point you were trying to make was that second 32 to 37 of this webm were in fact the most realistic part of the whole webm. That is what you said.

what's this from?

No you moron a drawing of something must mean that it was real

>that back pedal after getting btfo in an argument
Imagine my shock

Didn't Infamous Second Son have that? Never played myself, just remember the marketing.

How is it a back pedal? Please cite a single post of anybody in this thread (doesn't have to be me) claiming that halfswording isn't a thing.

>restart this argument with me after I was shown video proof that I'm wrong
No thanks you've been destroyed already

that's how things were. Overhead JRPGs with huge people and tiny buildings that are bigger inside are not abstractions, but accurate historical representations

>sesmic sense

They're not lasers, but shiny tripwires.

>That goalpost moving.

You kept missing the point, mate. They were clearly not denying that halfswording existed. Re-read the post chain.

it's fetish stuff

Attached: 1528555077809.webm (720x404, 675K)

more like these

Attached: guarenteed replies.gif (424x240, 2.56M)

>We are saying that the video of that guy holding a sword not meant for halfswording with his bare hand...
First you said it was only depicted with gauntlets on, then when user showed you a depiction bare handed you moved the goal post and claimed it wasn't real half swording and just fiction, then user sent you a video demonstration of someone literally having a tug-war with a sharp sword holding from the blade and you called it fake. You stupid fucking idiot just stop embarrassing yourself

>First you said it was only depicted with gauntlets on
I said that. I was mistaken. There were several anons replying to you.

Yes you were mistaken maybe that should give you a hint that you acually don't know jack shit on the topic and therefore shouldn't chose it as the battleground to wield your ignorance on

>First you said it was only depicted with gauntlets on

No I didn't.

Doesn't this series also espouse that all katanas are inherently magical?

hahaha this is just sad. You're moving the goalposts yourself. You claimed that the scene in that webm where he uses his bare hands to hold onto a sword and uses that that absorb the impact of a flail is the most realistic part of the webm. That is what you said. That is what you have to defend.