More powerful than the Xbone

>More powerful than the Xbone
>Jet Set Radio 3
>Streets of Rage 4
>New Skies of Arcadia
>Virtua Fighter VI
>Atlus Project Fantasy
>Next 3D Sonic
>All exclusive

Googlebros winning

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>wanting 3D sonic

literally 0 of those things are confirmed

>Another redditmaymay

Wow so creative guys a shitty maymay has a new hat WOOOOOOOOOW amazing man

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>wojak rehash #35011858198

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Bojacks are Yea Forums originated tho but OK, you're trying so hard BTW

Reddit stole ragecomics and then they stole Wojak. Try lurking 2 years before posting you utter faggot.

pretty sure rage comics did too, but that doesn't make them good unironically

>B...but they originated from Yea Forums !!!!1
Yeah 8+ years ago and now they are stale shit and are worse than Rageface comics by now you fucking faggot

Can’t wait to pirate them all

sorry, had to make pic related because it just works

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10/10 not even a xbone fag

impossible to pirate streaming games
that's probably the main reason companies are trying to push streaming

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>can't pirate
>you don't actually own the game
you literally are spending money for nothing

>people will fall for this pathetic excuse for bait

Just like it’s impossible to crack denuvo right

Holy shit it is so easy to bait tripfags

Please go suck start a shotgun

Cool Wojack picture! *thumbs up*

here's your controller

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big if true

I love to call out pedos so they get MASSIVELY BUTTHURT out on their fucking pedophilia

Makes me wonder how many people will "beat their girlfriend" just to see the response times when playing their Google/Amazon consoles.

Officer: We got a call about a disturbance
Gamer: I was in a bathroom. How could anyone hear?

true if micro sized

What's a google bro?

I hope it is a failure like the stupid atari box was

It's not even bait anymore, user. There's people who have entire threads dedicated to pepe and wojak being the best memes Yea Forums has ever created.

>faggot mobile shitter
>posts yet another wojack bait thread
mobile poster sitewide ban when?

Don't forget about
>God of War
>Half Life 3
>Persona 6

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Atari posting was fun though.

I fucking hate nu-Yea Forums I can't even tell the difference between bait/falseflags and people trying to convince me of things anymore. Is this what it was like for the the genuine Oldfags when they kept bitching about how shit Yea Forums was when I started using the site?

The site has always been getting worse, and it will always will until it disappears

I like it

Just remember that ironic shitposting is still shitposting and that because no one heeds this warning anymore, actual idiots came here thinking they were in the best of company to spread their moronic opinions thinking everyone would be on board with them.

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