*breathes in*

*breathes in*

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What kind of monopoly money is that

Albanian Dollar

*Breathes out*


Kangaroo funbucks
They’re usually worth around 3/4 of a dollar

>digital limited

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That's every weeb-ass JRPG with that much of DLCs, what were you expecting?

Resonance of Fate HD is actually an A-grade JRPG and costs $50, has no DLC and doesn't look like a PS2 game.

That was a port.
This is a new release, and new releases always milk DLCs, esp. AA JRPGs

>this is a new release

>paying $50 for a remaster

It’s basically just a kinda meh Persona with a really solid battle system gimmick. No reson to spend all that money for just swimsuit DLC though lmao.

It's a ground up remake on UE4.
But still, AA JRPGs always milk DLCs any chance they can get.

it's also a 9 year old game

It's also good

>Digital Limited Edition

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Anime games such as this are literally designed from the ground up to milk money from thirsty retards who can't control themselves when they see anime girls. I dont see how this is surprising, or even noteworthy. The target audience is going to throw money at it no matter what you say, or how bad those DLCs are, because it's anime and that's all it takes for them to like it, praise it, and defend it.

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Could say the same thing about western publishers like EA and their audience. Literally grasping at straws.

Is the game any good and worth a pirate?

fucking BTFO

I can't think of a single western game that is wholly based around anime waifus like XC2 or this kind of game.

You're right they're based around microtransactions to unlock cosmetics and core features that should be free.

Like Torna

Yeah and people (rightfully) shit on those games too. Just look at battlefront 2, battlefield V, and anthem. But since these games dont reach the normie public eye. Plus, Yea Forums is largely the target audience, and will turn a blind eye to the flaws of anything waifu focused. Now normally I wouldn't care except gatchas have caused devs to realize what a cashcow it is when people pay more money for a worse product just because it's full of anime girls. So you get stuff like FE or XC going from an overall pretty solid series or game with an anime style, to a waifu collecting sim that's mediocre at best in every way except the anime girls.

*breathes out*
I'm only 3 hours in but I'm enjoying the battle system a lot, it's really unique. Better than shitsona's "lmao use elements the enemies are weak against for the umpteenth time because we're too fucking lazy to make something different".

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>Better than shitsona's "lmao use elements the enemies are weak against for the umpteenth time because we're too fucking lazy to make something different".
It's a good system, it's better than most jrpgs where they just give you a flat damage boost for it

This game looks pretty fun thanks for showing me it OP :^)

wat the fug. its 20$ in my country

Caligula was by the original Persona guy so it was like a real persona game instead of Persona 5
but yeah JRPG dlc is always fucking absurdly priced. the same nation that pioneers microtransactions in gacha draw gambling levers also pioneers macrotransactions of charging $20 for ONE fucking swimsuit vanity cosmetic skin.