Post video game characters that are literally you.
Post video game characters that are literally you
>being too pussy to just tell the waitress no lettuce and no tomato
It's a bit embarrassing to be 26 and tell people you don't like vegetables on your burger, user. Especially if you're eating with friends or people in general.
And it's not embarrassing to pick them off and put them on your friend's tray?
>OP is a burger
Not surprised in the slightest
If they're your friend they won't give a shit since they know you so well. I mean, if your friend likes tomato and lettuce than it's more for him.
I don't think about your country at all.
Not at all. Lettuce has no place on a burger at all. I'm okay about other things. But lettuce fucking sucks why is it everywhere?
>Your friends will care if you say no vegetables on your burger
>but won't care if you just put them on their tray
This makes no sense.
lmao you don't have to tell people that you don't like vegetables
i swear to you, if you order a burger and go "hold the lettuce and tomatoes" nobody will even think twice about it. everyone customizes their burger in some way, but nobody differentiates between "extra onions" and "no L and T"
ya fuckinautist
Eh, sometimes you meet people who are worse than that. It doesn't phase me as much to ask for no veggies on a burger since I've met someone who literally hates anything green on food.
Yes he had genuine high functioning autism
post boipucci faggot
I ask for no onion on pretty much everything I order. Disgusting horrid vegetable.
Everything else is cool though.
Yeah, but see here is the thing, user. I don't like ANY vegetables on my burger in general.
that's fine too, nobody cares. I occasionally order burgers ketchup mustard only. in the end you're the one who is going to eat it.
I don't like anything on my burger at all, just the meat, cheese, and bun. Why do you think you're special?
Fuck you
Because in the past lots of anons told me I was a manchild faggot for not liking vegetables on my burger.
Tomatoes are a gross fruit.
That's cool, user, I'll eat them for ya. S'what friends are for, right?
The dude was royalty. Why didn't the burger place just know he's an autistic manchild who doesn't like burgers properly. Hard to believe it'd be his first time at a fast food joint, and that paparazzis wouldn't have reported him being picky many times in his life.
thats why you are fat mate
God no, not strangers on the internet.
Fucking disgusting taste. You better not be a fellow American or else I'll shoot you to death
this is me when I browse Yea Forums on Yea Forums
Well, when you collective get like 40 (You's) over multiple threads I'd like to think I must have shit taste or something. Or people just really like vegetables on their burger and think I'm a godless heathen.
That's okay when you want a burger with meat. I enjoy burgers with vegetables as well as all meat ones too.
I am a little bit out of shape but I only weigh 72kg or so, I dropped down from 85kg just by eating less
Lettuce is fine but tomatoes and pickles do not belong on a burger
Popcorn is a tasty snack!
Why does this looks like that one scene from the Devil May Cry anime?
Gay x2.
Little baby.
No name.
Weeb x2.
I agree user
>Wanting crunchy water but not something that would actually add and enhance the taste.
You can't stop me, I'll put lettuce, tomato and pickles with mustard, mayo and barbecue sauce on my burger with a side of salt and vinegar chips just to spite you
Pickles are fucking disgusting. My dad actually drinks pickle juice out of the fucking jar because he claims it's "healthy" and I just gagged and walked away.
The burger joint was essentially in a different country, so no shit they had no idea.
>Hard to believe it'd be his first time at a fast food joint, and that paparazzis wouldn't have reported him being picky many times in his life.
He actually worked in a sushi joint at one point, to mingle with the plebs. It's also mentioned that he was VERY careful to make sure the tabloids couldn't get anything on him.
t. (YOU)
cup noodle is life
I hate tomatos and I forget to tell them almost every time
Are you a pussy? Just take them off
The tomato stank infects the rest of the burger. It's not a huge deal, but you can definitely still taste it a bit, especially if its a nice juicy piece.
Not video games but this is literally me
i like to put the fries on my burger. mmmm. mayo too of course. lettuce is also very harmless and just adds "more" to the burger. mmm. pickles too, gotta have pickles. there may be room for a thin slice of tomato, if im feelin it. dont forget the cheese mhm
Vegetables are fucking good I hate fat ass americans who constantly post "food porn" that's nothing but 10000 calories of cheese and bacon. Meat is delicious but jesus fucking christ grow up and realize there's better shit out there than chicken tendies. Go and develope a more complex pallet, meat should be a small part of the dish that compliments everything else not the entire fucking meal