How do u make frens in online video games

how do u make frens in online video games

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mix bleach and copper coins in a bath tub then take a dip you fucking dork.

bumping for interest

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I get friend requests even though I never speak to people when gaming. The secret is obviously to git gud (and be nice to others, probably). It's not enough to be nice because nobody wants to play like a shitter regardless of their personality.

Git gud faget

nobody wants to play with a shitter*

From what I've heard, the key is to not use anime avatar.
Well, that and just don't be a fag.

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Don't be someone you're not. If you can't make friends being who you are, you won't be any happier putting up a facade for internet strangers to laugh at.

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shit's fucked brehs. I'll play pokemon til I fall asleep
Okay mr giga chad
I am myself 100% of the time no matter who im talking with
Hello again

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*kisses you*

I enjoy being bombastic and hype on the mic while I do really risky and stupid plays, that usually gets me one to three friend requests every two matches or so.

Friends are overrated. Being a lone wolf is where it's at.

Just be nice. Don't be autistic and don't rush it.
Don't go thinking about to do something amazing or neat which does not represent your true self in order to gain their friendship.

It's just like how to get a girlfriend.
Just be cool and normal and think of her like an acquaintance. Being indifferent really helps develop a common ground in which both of you can get to know each other better.

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From this post alone I can tell that you'll never have real friends

no. shoo
I cant do that
maybe so

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It's best to let it happen naturally, try to interact but don't rush things
You'll find some friends cutie don't worry

Don't call him cutie, it's an ironic weeb

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>no. shoo
I thought we were friends user ;_;

I cannot be kissed. Sorry fren

Why not? Are you horribly deformed?

dab constantly

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>10 years of playing online
>Only made 30 friends
At least they're top 1% at everything they touch I'm just barley decent

yes yes of course. Its best if I am alone

stop browsing Yea Forums and start playing them

Just go to a friends group on Steam and add people who say "Add me"
That's how I met my friend and he's a good guy.
Quit being so shy.

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But I'll still love you and hold your hand if you promise to be nice to me and never leave me

Literally all you have to do is be nice and don't be a fag that's it

Be good or be funny.

You don't. The reason you can't make friends online is because people just want to go to chatrooms to mess around. They're not interested in hearing your life story, especially not ten minutes after just meeting you.
That's why no one wants to talk to you. You're clingy and desperate for attention. That's why the only people who will talk to you are, similarly, trannies, or trannies-to-be, who are also clingy and desperate for attention. You're attention black holes. It goes in, but it never comes out. You're not interested in talking about anything but yourself and your autogynephilia.

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Holy shit that animegirlsniffinhairdab2 sure is deformed, I can't even imagine how ugly is animegirlsniffinghairdab1

im none of those except fag
I am no tranny

you don't

online friends are terrible, all of the ones i met on Yea Forums several years ago either killed themselves or became trannies

Then work on yourself no one wants to be around a quiet little nerd

It's been 4 years for fucks sake


Im not a quiet beta I got a big mouth Im often disliked
Heres the first one

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I like how the topic of this reply shifted from something reasonable to trannies.
This place has poisoned your mind.

Been trying to get more multiplayer games to make friends on PS4. The friends I have on my Xbox One are the ones I've had since the 360 days. Seems like people online are a lot less social now

Hopeless little dweeb

I actually like quite little nerds

Maybe be yourself and don't use buzzwords from internet forums when you talk? It literally doesn't matter if you are gay or trans or some shit. Just act like an actual human if you can. People will ad you if you actually talk.

And? Do you think that because it's 4 years people are suddenly able to get a gf/bf? I can tell you from personal experience that that isn't the case. I've been looking for a gf here for ages now and I'm still alone

I bet you also like tea and watch the lo-fi hip hop stream you little fagbag

sounds pretty based to me

Yeah probably would sound based since you're a faggot

I like tea but I don't listen to meme genres like lo-fi hip-hop. I listen to Midwest emo, punk and screamo

Try posting on /vg/ and /vp/
Tea is good. Lo fi sucks shit

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That's not very nice.

seriously. its hard to get behind the first part immediately after the second part is riddled with typical unrelatable mental illness bullshit
add me up losers

I've posted literally everywhere, there's no hope for me

Noice, you upgrade it somehow

>tfw no ABDL but way more leaning towards the AB part friends

lower your standards

I hope you get perma banned from 4channel and steam

Oh user if only you knew how low they were lol

The tranny moniker is relevant. From experience, almost everyone I know who acts that way has trooned out at one point or another.
It doesn't happen all the time, but it happens far more often than it should.
As for why, I don't know. My guess is, these guys are attention seekers who don't care about anyone but themselves, but still want to establish personal relationships. That's why every time you look at their comments, they're in some online relationship with another guy who's exactly the same, or are looking to be.
The thing is, they don't want to put in any effort. Because as I said, they're attention black holes. They just want positive reinforcement, basically just for existing. That's why they'll pour out their life story to you within a day of meeting you.
In that sense, I think comparing them to trannies is apt, and I do think there's some overlap, because trannies, by definition, are attention seekers with personality disorders who want reinforcement just for existing.
Most of these dudes already have anime avatars and more often than not anime names. They're 2/3 of the way to trannydom.

I don't give a fuck nerd
Yeah your mouth also sucks shit, your own shit out of your grandpa's cock after he's done ass fucking you faggot
Is that what your dad said after you refused to give him the suckeroni and cheese?

lower them

Might as well post it on /soc/ or if you only want to bully someone, post it on [r9k]


well idk i dont go for girls
the hell is that
mad I called your fav music shit?

I don't know which is worse, the fact that this faggot is back, or the fact that all these newfag normalniggers don't recognize him

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What's with all the high estrogen faggot posts today?

I recognise it, I just wish the mods would rangeban the fat hairy faggot for good.

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That's what your dad said when you spit out his creamy beans isn't It?
Are you retarded?

First of all stop posting anime pics you absolute retard

I don't know who he is, because to me all these anime girl steam profile posters are all the same. Is he the guy who kept ban-dodging on /r9k/ years ago, who also avatarfagged as Tomoko?

I know right? fuckin hell lad. This gimmick is barely 2 years old too now
You showed up
im hairless and skinny

Seconding this. In my teens I'd play like 8 hours a day everyday and got very gud. I got tons of friend requests just by playing the game while barely talking to people, then we'd join eachothers games and got to know eachother that way. I don't put in those hours anymore, so I don't excell at any game I play, and the friend requests stopped.
I guess you could make up for a lack in skill by being really outgoing but lol fuck that noise.

>the hell is that
It's my fetish

>ditch the kermit accent
>learn how to speak articulately
>accept their differences
>stomach their deviancy and tolerate their faggotry
It's not that hard when you lower your standards

rent free lmao

No, you're not. You're a walking failure that wants to see if the grass is greener on the other side, but you've grown too old to ruin your body for it. LARPing on Yea Forums and softcore ERP is the closest you'll be able to get, so you've pursued it for hundreds of hours.

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I've been trying /r9k/.

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Back to your retail job you stinky faggot