Why did everyone stop giving a fuck 3 days after reveal?

why did everyone stop giving a fuck 3 days after reveal?

Wonder why? Must have been the fisher price aesthetic

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We know it's a 1:1 remake of the existing game, we know what it looks like, unless they add new stuff, what's there to be excited about?

There's nothing to talk about yet.
It's a remake of a 25-ish year old game.

The only saving grace this has going for it is that it'll probably fix the cancerous item switching the original had

>grid-based like the original
>all they'll do is probably add more shit to the fishing minigame
There's nothing to talk about.

Imagine it has a different style.
Okay. Now what is there to talk about?

about how nintendo is back on track not making zelda look like shit

Yea Forums wouldn't shut the fuck up about it for at least a week and a half.

It's another fucking remake. Why should anyone give a shit? Another fucking 5 years waiting for something new in the 2D Zelda series.

Inferior remake compared to the other superior one

fifteen years, ALBW might as well be an ALTTP remake and TFH is TFH

>back on track
they dismantled those tracks a long time ago

Look you motherfuckers. This is why we can't have fuckin cool shit.

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nigga fuck you, Yea Forums had some cancerous faggot spam this fucking thread for like a week, then they changed it up with the soul vs soulless shit and then to round off this tempest of retardation with those stupid unreal asset videos.fuck off with this shit whoever going to get it will get it whoever won't.

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You know damn well that's not the case, ALBW is a proper sequel and a damn good one at that.

>nigtentards will buy this in the millions

>ALBW is a proper sequel
in what fucking world? LA and Oracles already exist, or are those not 'proper' because they don't reuse the exact same overworld and subworld?

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Why is this a switch game not a 3ds game? this is a remake of a gameboy game.

The general consensus was already decided on that it was fucking shit and that only a braindead Nintencel would waste $60 dollars on this, now we just have a few remnants of drones whiteknighting for it in threads like this.

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Imagine being mentally ill and seething just because Nintendo will have yet another fantastic exclusive to drive Switch sales.


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Are those games sequels to ALttP?

LA definitely is, Oracles depends on who you talk to

But why can't ALBW be a proper sequel? It differs enough from ALttP to warrant a new story.

Nintendo, are you serious?

My only complaint is that it looks exactly like the Mii Characters from that Sword Adventure Game you'd play on StreetPass.

They totally could have made a cute but accurate chibi link, young link, whatever. This is just lazy as hell and is going to cost $70.

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For someone who hangs around on Yea Forums, you really must not know a lot about how games are made.

>it differs enough from ALTTP
Lorule is the Dark World under a new name with the ice palace and lava dungeon areas swapped
you could argue the individual plot points are what makes them unique but both still end in gathering 7 sages to fight Ganon and wishing upon the Triforce
it's essentially a remake

>Haha it was decided that its fucking shit
>Go to YOutube
>Look at the official trailer and other videos presenting the video
>95+ approval rating

Yep its shitpost time again

>But why can't ALBW be a proper sequel? It differs enough from ALttP to warrant a new story.

Because crybaby faggots pleaded for years for a remake of ALTTP. And Nintendo went one better, giving them a pseudo-remake and great new game all at the same time.

And they still complained.

I mean I'm sure the majority of people playing nintendo games haven't played the original. May as well be a new game.

Awakening is pretty shit. Should have remade Seasons and Ages into one game then it might’ve be worth $60.

The game has many different gameplay mechanics user, who cares about the themes, do you also complain that shrines in botw are "identical"?

Yeah most likely, but then they complain that the remake "looks like shit" and Nintendo takes that as a hint that people don't want remakes, people should just stop bitching altogether.

Nintendo should hire this guy!!!

>do you also complain that shrines in botw are "identical"?
that implies that they aren't, and this is coming from someone that likes the shrine concept

Based and Hiredpilled

They are not, they share the same aesthetics.


Lack of stuff to talk about, apparently only bored kids who like to bitch about games they'll never play still want to talk about it. The rest just waits for another trailer.

If the remake looked like your pic, Yea Forums would instead bitch how Nintendo is asking more than 10$ for an "indie looking piece of shit". I guess they still do, they can just cry about the game having a different aesthetic on top of that.

>had a chance for Marin to get more porn and artwork
>ruined due to this aesthetic and how mediocre the reception will be

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>how mediocre the reception will be

These are the same plebs who thought Captain Marvel would bomb lmao

No it's far too different to be a remake

>game is only good if it has potential for porn
Stop fapping, your brain can't handle it.

If it's the same then no harm done. The question is if it's the same or if Aonuma is going to """""improve""""" the level design like he did MM3D.

I don't know anything about marvel, but people don't seem super excited for this remake. I'm probably wrong though since people eat this kind of stuff up no matter how low effort it is.
I already played the original, no point for me to bother playing this remake. So porn and such is all I have to gain.

LA has issues that they should be fixing;
- dungeon design, great, arguably one of the best for the Top-Down Games if not the franchise as a whole.
- overworld design, pretty good, like an actual dungeon the place is a winding labyrinth, suffers from a lack of stuff to do on the side but at least provides a good base for such improvements to be made.
- Enemies, great variety, could probably do with a few new ones just to throw the player off if they're returning from the original, preferably new enemies but if they have to pull stuff from LBW/TFH it's not that big of an issue
- Bosses, a fucking joke, they need to fix those bosses above everything else, Moldorm is one of the hardest bosses in the game and its the first one, the Pre-Dungeon bosses need to be improved in particular Lanmola and Armos Knight because this might actually explain why they weren't in LBW. They should remove Angler Fish, Facade and Hot Head and if they're not going to fix Genie or Slime Eye remove them as well. Slime Eel needs to be made more of a challenge and Evil Eagle needs some more attacks. Nightmare should have a few more forms optimally; Giant Zol, Helmasaur King, Mothula, Agahnim, Eyesoar, Ramrock, Veran, Gohma, Gleeok, Onox, Ganon & DehtI. Yeah that's a lot but fuck it they may as well put in some effort to bolster the relationship this game has to LttP and the Oracle Games.
- Characters, pretty underwhelming, aside from Marin a lot of characters are literally one-note, Manbo and Mamu should get more development given the player learns songs from them, Tarin, the Ghost of Angler's Tunnel & Prince Richard could also do with some character development especially if they could be used as a way to act as a deterrent towards the player completing their quest, Tarin being early on, the Ghost being mid-game and Richard being late game.

This. The only reason to bitch is for the sake of bitching itself. We aren't getting anything special, we're just getting LoZ:LA HD, which is neat for zoomers who were put off by the older aesthetic of the original.
The End.

Yea Forums should have its own board for remakes because that trend is so tired

> put off by the older aesthetic
I thought Zoomers were all about those retro 8-Bit graphics?


> why did everyone stop giving a fuck 3 days after reveal

Wow, the multimillion corporation actually looks better! By the way, I've sent a letter to Nintendo. That faggot should be expecting a C&D aaany day now! You're welcome! :^)

No new mechanics, same game. Just a different engine and different visuals, and a fucking full priced release. Everyone played the original a couple thousand times already.

Don't get me wrong, it'd be nice if they did a remake, but an actual remake. Something that has anything new that's not visual, specially when visually it doesn't look that good. This is not a fucking Yoshi game.

Well, maybe they shoudn't be charging full price for an indie looking piece of shit that's also a soft remake?

Have they actually come out and said it's a 1:1 copy?

Honestly, Nintendo's usually pretty shit at remakes the only one in memory that's made strides in fixing issues in the original is Metroid 2: Samus Returns and even then that game induced its own issues with atmosphere, bosses and power-ups.

Nope. But they have done purely graphical remakes before, I don't know. It's not a lengthy game either so adding one dungeon or two isn't gonna cut it. Maybe it's me and my poor taste, but I'd have some sort of new 3D zelda that was a remake of this. Take the BOTW engine, making the game smaller, mechanically similar to older games and shit. It'd be nice to have this gigantic island to explore.

do you actually believe nintendo would do something innovative with a game thats over 20 years old?

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While not confirmed, no Legend of Zelda Remake since the BS games has actually made significant additions to the base game, OoT and WW fixed issues by removing bullshit from the original, MM just fucked around when it got remade and TP is just a graphical update, LttP is probably the closest to a significant addition with the additional dungeon although it's also the oldest making it the least indicative of Nintendo's design process for Zelda remakes.

>OoT and WW fixed issues by removing bullshit from the original
To be honest, the one thing considered bullshit they fixed for OoT is just people being really fucking incompetent. On my first playthrough I had more trouble with the forest temple than the water temple.

It's sad that the Hyrule Total War thing looks better in comparison desu

What? No not the water level thing, couldn't give a shit about that, I meant the item switching.

I actually forgot about that one. But still, most switching was on that dungeon and still it wasn't as terrible. On older emulators perhaps, since it takes more time to go into the menu.

How do you know it's only a remake and nothing more? And how do you know they are charging full price?

Nintendo needs to fuck of with the faggy artstyles.
It was okay in Kirby's Epic Yarn, but now it's Yoshi's Wooly World and this crap too.
I know it's a babby console but at least try to make things look halfway mature.

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Epic Yarn is really purdy, probably because it actually tried to look like something instead of a shoddy craft project. But yeah everything else looks like trash.

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