>New Atelier game failed again in Japan and people throw as much shit on it as on Sophie back in day
>despite being arland bait
When will Gust learn that forced yuri shit doesn't sell?
New Atelier game failed again in Japan and people throw as much shit on it as on Sophie back in day
Other urls found in this thread:
79.99 us dollars
whats the best atelier game
>yuri doesn't sell
Why did they have to make my beloved Homura chan gay? Why? Literally how do I cope with this???
Mana Khemia
Is it even out yet
Atelier died long ago.
I can't believe the Japs turned into seething hetfags...
this is that one franchise id love to play, but the games are always so damn expensive. like lol why. these look like senran kagura/hyperdimension budget tier games. i just want to fucking play one but they always get overshadowed by games worth that price
No, it's just nu atelier THAT bad, literally neptunia style garbage without redeeming qualities, well all Gust new games are shit to be honest
More like 3D doesn't sell
Bring back 2D portraits
Koei Tecmo was a mistake
Not really, Meruru was made before they bought them out, and it still had all problems of modern gust games
While Ayesha was made after, and it's fine
I personally blame bishijou matsuri
Wtf user this game is not even released yet
If you meant the game that was out around january then... maybe. I did not play the game myself so I'm not very sure but koei should have used that plot for a mobile gacha game instead.
Ar Tonelico
It was leaked together with review copies, there even switch iso
The game maybe bad but saying it'd "failed" is a bit too soon I think.
Also it's the voice of a minor few that may not be the target demographic for this game.
Though if OP got the pre-order numbers from somewhere then maybe they are right but then it's not really because the game was bad, it was just terrible marketting.
If Yuri doesn't sell then how has PreCure managed to gross over 12 Billion dollars?
PreCure's have male love interests and boyfriends, sometimes it's even different people like in Happiness Charge
Also this
Koei has very jew prices for whatever reason.
That franchise is supposed to be aimed at little girls. Atelier is probably a bit too difficult and not very popular for them.
>generic '90 anime artstyle vs generic '10 anime artstyle
>pandering to a small, loud group of mentally ill twink faggots who wish they were cute little girls isn't profitable
I can't really take anything anti-yurifags on Yea Forums say seriously since they seem to believe that yuri in its entirety is tranny/anti-male propoganda
I can't fathom why anyone from /u/ still pretends they aren't universally hated or that anyone cares what they think?
>since they seem to believe that yuri in its entirety is tranny/anti-male propoganda
they believe ANYTHING is tranny/anti-male propoganda
Subtext isn't real yuri, but you guys have to latch on to any scraps you get so i can't blame you for forgetting after a while.
>still pretends they aren't universally hated or that anyone cares what they think?
Because it isnt true Yea Forumsesetera
Bring back Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana style games instead of this dumb kawaii uguu shit.
>that may not be the target demographic for this game.
Not him but it's a bit reaching to say that this game is even on the pirate list for anybody OTHER than the target demographic. That said it's still premature. But given the current track record, I'll hold onto my dollars
And there's another one, that they think anyone who likes yuri must be a militant /u/fag
In general certain people get so badly triggered by 2D girls being romantic with each other that they undermine whatever points they try to make in the process
Only idiots pretend that little girls acting like little girls do around their friends is secret subtext that they're gay, especially when actual romantic relationships are shown in the same series. Shippers are all retards, and gay shippers are the worst of the bunch.
Pretending you're not from /u/ or that anti-yurifags exist invalidates any point you think you made. Not even the fujos and fags in KH threads pretend that everyone telling them to fuck off are "anti-fujos".
They are all equally fucking bad and also should include self-inserters on that list.
Lesbians in nip games are pretty much entirely aimed towards straight males who fap to them and/or consider them adorable. Lesbians are one of the most common turn-ons for men.
>Pretending you're not from /u/
Thanks for proving me right, I guess
So all arlands are virgins, hope neptunia fags are happy, Gust really panders them and ignores core demographic(that left series after Sophie shitfest)
Waifufags just don't want their girl near men. They don't acknowledge yuri as actual romance. Only the fags who wish they were girls really care for yuri.
>Haha, yeah I'm just a neutral third party who hates all those anti-yurifags
Anyone defending any group of idiot shippers is part of that group. I don't know why your particular group is so fucking stupid that they think they can fool people about it.
>They don't acknowledge yuri as actual romance. Only the fags who wish they were girls really care for yuri.
That's a lot of hot opinions coming from an incel
Based discord tranny.
I specifically hate this game because it is arland bait. Their track record ever since atelier ayesha has been spotty at best, I didn't trust them to make a new arland and they can go fuck themself.
this but for you instead
Oh look, the discord trannies aren't even pretending to blend in anymore.
atelier is not and has never been yuri.
The girl literally went through death so many times for her that the raw emotional energy of it was enough to destroy the planet, I'd be surprised if she wasn't gay.
Meruru already was pretty bad though
Is the new girl an actual lesbian this time and not just too autistic to recognize lesbians or too much of a pushover to tell one to fuck off when she starts creeping?
Meruru had the best gameplay in arland and the best implementation of the alchemy system. The only thing it suffers from is flanderization of existing characters, which is a shame, but it's still an enjoyable game.
Honestly, Sophie was a boring game, but Sophie herself was super cute.
You're right, maybe you should leave so you dont get involved with them
This looks so fucking bad
>PreCure's have male love interests and boyfriends, sometimes it's even different people like in Happiness Charge
I don't think NTR is something that should be marketed towards the little girl demographic.
Being a cheating whore is hardwired into all women
Why the fuck does this series keep getting sequels? It's not good at all.
>best gameplay
>literally months of nothing to do until next timegate
Sophie was specially made for you, retard
Also all new characters were garbage
Also it was atelier game without fucking characters endings
Also it was atelier game with less than 10 endings total
Holy shit, neptunia fags like you are truly cancer
At least Ayesha felt like real atelier game compared to this shit
He's not wrong, a lot of otaku flip their shit over the girls being around men. There was some idol game last year that had a crossover with some other garbage that had males in it, and the fans were having a fucking fit. Plus you need to recognize that in Japanese culture, teenage lesbians are considered a harmless 'phase' that the girls will grow out of once they become adults and get married, so from their perspective the yurishit is just some grabass before they get dicked.
So is that really ronas kid or was she just made by Alchemy? Are people so scare that she actually got fuck by someone?
I simply hate pandering to yurifags and the way most of these girls now aren't even allowed to have relationships with male characters. It's not an occasional lesbian thing, it's often an "All these girls almost never see a man and are all lesbians."
All their games are bombed in last few years, so soon they will be closed down.
Just wait, hope it shows others developers that ruining your series to pander yuri/neptunia fags is a very bad decision.
Parents are dead, she's adopted.
Gameplay, mana khemia 2.
They need to make more games that aren't just Atelier, their best game aren't Atelier, (Atelier) Iris, Ar Tonelico, Mana Khemia, Blue Reflection, Ciel Nosurge etc.
From modern ones only Rorona and Ayesha worth playing
AA JRPGs are basically a dead franchise, man. We get like one or two games every other year, other than endlessly recycled near-slice of life tier pinky fests for yurifags like modern Atelier.
>best gameplay
>literally months of nothing to do until next timegate
You progress your kingdom you imbecile.
>Sophie was specially made for you, retard
Sophie was the worst atelier game I've played.
>Also all new characters were garbage
That is your opinion. I like kaina and meruru.
>Also it was atelier game without fucking characters endings
That's because characters finished their stories within the game, instead of just ending it.
>Also it was atelier game with less than 10 endings total
I didn't count, I didn't have a problem with the number of endings either considering I got a good amount of playtime out of it. More than atelier totori at least.
>Holy shit, neptunia fags like you are truly cancer
I played one neptunia game in my life and couldn't even finish it. Stop projecting because someone has a different opinion than you. You are neither an authority on the topic nor do you represent anyone but yourself. Get the stick out of your arse, you are not more important than anyone else in this world.
>Blue Reflection
Opinion discarded
It's 100% due to waifufag purityfags, /u/ is completely irrelevant and tries to ride off the power of a larger group. There is no yuri or imaginary "subtext" in any of these shit games, they keep the girls single because they're afraid otaku wouldn't buy the games if they weren't.
So it failed again.
7 fucking years since Ayesha, when the fuck they will learn? Are they fucking idiots?
The best Gust games had male protagainists (Iris 1, Mana Khemia, Ar Tonelico 2).
Ciel Nosurge was probably their most ambitious project since it ditched the RPG element that's been stagnant since the PS2 days so it could focus more on story and interaction with Ion.
nuAtelier peaked at Totori and hasn't changed since.
>the love live x granblue thing
Even other idol anime fanbases laughed at them for that.
Meruru/neptunia fags are still very vocal, so Gust mistakenly trying to pander them with each game
It's just weird as fuck. I assume Gust is owned by some billionaire yuri fan or something. I have tried to like these games but they are just not good.
>nuAtelier peaked at Totori
Opinion discarded
You guys do realize sales haven't changed that much right?
Fans even voted Sophie over other atelier girls.
>Meruru/neptunia fags are still very vocal
And did not realize they were loud minority even after 7 years? Can't they see the sales chart? Can't they see people's review?
Why is Sophie so cute?
You know that's nonsense. There's are entire characters who are defined by having a lesbian crush or being handsy with the girls.
There's even precedent case of pissing off purityfags in Japan, when Kannagi manga revealed that main girl Nagi has ex-boyfriend the otaku threw a fucking fit and started swnding death threats to mangaka for ruining their waifu. This all despite manga having romantic plot, otakus can't take it if their fictional girls have intimate interactions outside other girls or self-insert beta MC.
>AA JRPGs are basically a dead franchise, man.
JRPG is an AA genre, user. AAA JRPG games are the rare exceptions to the rule.
compile heart has more integrity than gust at this point. at least they don't try to charge absurd amounts for their low budget waifu games. imagine if a nep game came out with a $90 season pass.
I like ayesha
Those people are retarded and think Atelier need 5 millions sales to break even
Rorona can be excused as it's Gust's first attempt on 3d
Totori is massive upgrade compared to Rorona, I thought the upgrade for each installment will be from now on.
Then come Meruru, it's not bad, but I want more slightly serious story.
Ayesha is great, though suffer from gameplay downgrade
Escha is back to het, I only care about gameplay. still not a bad game, but Gust is stagnanting
Shallie just make me realize Gust will never improve
I don't play Sophie and the games after that.
That's typical Japanese cute girls doing cute things haha bobes xd comic relief. It's never serious and it never goes anywhere.
>hope neptunia fags are happy
What does Neptunia have to do with any of this? Nobody ever fucking looked at Neptunia and said "let's steal this demographic".
did they get based kisihida back or is it just lookalike art?
It's not nonsense really, it's only way they can create characters with crushes or assertive sexuql personality without pissing off their most important audience that are figurine buying nip nerds. You should also remember that girl-on-girl is among the moat common kinks for straight men and sex sells, even if it's just implication of potential steamy lesbianity. Actual yurifags are marginal audience.
And it's basically a dead genre, what's your argument?
>We're never going to get any cool new IPs from them like the exa_pico series because they're going to fucking die via yearly Atelier
It's even worse because in 00s MC having male rival and love interest even going on dates with him was common element in harem stories
It's even more funny because all otome datesims have female rivals even now
Girls are really less cancareous fanbase
Dude, almost every single JRPG franchise has more serious plot and stories. Why the fuck do you want to turn one of the little few franchises that try focus on other things into the exact same shit other companies do?
In fact, in recent years, they haven't been as jewey as far as DLC goes. Then again, VIIR charged you to open up more spaces in your inventory.
Gust did, Meruru, and mystery series were obvious attempts to get neptunia fanbase in
fujos are just as bad as otaku if not worse
Kishida is doing the art for this game and presumably any more arland games, NOCO is doing the art for Nelke.
reminder that Luca is the town bicycle.
>tfw no Meruru gf
Is it actually yuri though or is it that weird thing where yuri haters ironically put on yuri goggles just so they can feel mad?
>buzzword vs buzzword
>Using the same amount of budget to create another shit quality games to pander small fanbase to sell same amount of copies every fucking year
Working on gust must be boring.
So explain these games to me, for years I've seen weird /u/ baiting posts of these games but no actual definite proof of Yuri relationships beyond typical anime tropes.
Are the characters actually gay or is this just weird shipping that happens with no actual confirmation of said relationships.
I say this, only because the audience they're selling to doesn't add up to make the girls "off limits" or even "gay". It ruins the waifu transformation so to speak so I don't think this is actually happening.
Correct me if I'm wrong though.
they learned to enjoy the kt whips
Mimi isn't married in her late 30s despite being heir of noble family
Yes its poor attempt to pander pathetic yurifags
Is Atelier another one of those series you can't discuss on Yea Forums now?
You must be some kind of genius because I don't see the obvious attempt. While I enjoy both, Neptunia is the very definition of shovelware and both franchises essentially boil down to cute girls doing cute things.
You know it's done to appeal to people who get off on lesbians. Don't lie.
user, men who like yuri are yurifags. The fuck do you think they are, some kind of magical unicorn? No, they're men who prefer girls to be lesbians.
>user is actually supporting the idea of his girlfriend dating another boy
I mean, fuck the whining about exes, but that shit isn't okay either.
No its just typical anime girl friendships and girls occasionaly crushing on cute boys.
>This all despite manga having romantic plot
Well yeah, they want the girl to actually be loveable, not a non-virgin, used up slut?
Who's da hoe hanging off of Totori? Where's Mimi?
Wait, is the reason the series in the shitter because people hate yuri that much?
it's done to appeal to anyone who likes cute girls and titties.
It's just actual retards sperging for some scenes with slight yuri undertones.
It's just the same retarded yurifag mindset as seen in every other media. Two girls occasionally talks to each other, thus they're power lesbians and that's all that defines them.
It's not. More like they sacrifice quality to pander yurifags.
Not anyone, yurifags. Not everyone likes all the women being lesbians.
I can only speak from my experience, but I have no set preference for het or yuri, it all depends on the characters themselves. I'm playing Atelier Rorona right now and I think Rorona X Sterk would be cute, but from what I've seen of Totori which I'm going to play afterwards, I'm going to like Totori X Mimi.
There are some actual lesbians in every game, but it's never the MC herself. The worst bit, is that the MC is never allowed any romance. All the girls are virgins without boyfriends or husbands into their 30's.
Did you even play Atelier totori? She's one of the major characters.
Sacrifice quality how? Does the gameplay suffer because characters are gay? Honestly, I haven't played an Atelier game since Sophie (which was boring as FUCK, but Sophie and Plachta were cute). The last Atelier game I actually enjoyed was probably Mana Khemia 2.
Atelier Sophie, if you've never played any of the games in the series. It casually adds cost and slowly teaches you how traits work. The quality glitch is also nice, if you buy the disc version, don't patch it.
>sacrifice quality
Gust has always been low budget look at the ps2 games to see how little they spend on anything that isn't music.
>vague statement
That's how dumbfuck
I honestly don't recognize her.
>Blue Reflection
Now THERE is your actual and outright yuri pandering garbage. Got censored too.
>Always low budget
They have more if they didn't waste it on Blue Reflection and that shit vampire games.
you're using the same mental gymnastics /u/ uses to apply """"""subtext""""" where there is none. anime girls groping each other is basic fanservice even in shit where they are explicitly straight.
Is it Totori's sister? Wasn't that a major plot point? I never played Totori... never got through Rorona.
Someone please tell Gust to take a break from atelier for a minute
I just want more bulgarian folk singing androids desu
I like town building. Is Nelke good?
>actual and outright yuri pandering
There is one (1) confirmed gay character in that game.
It exists in license limbo so never ever unfortunately. Ciel no Surge and Ar no Surge was the best we're getting
Mir was the best girl
And she's all about MC.
They made a vampire game?
I wish they'd make an actual good rpg again, exa_pico or not.
Why the heck does she of all characters get into the group shot of the Arland Trio?
I've never met a girl who was actually into the titty anime thing. Or they're just not very vocal about it
Because she's apparently luluas teacher after she learned alchemy herself.
>Mom doesn't ever teach her daughter alchemy
>Probably off finding other little girls to teach Alchemy to
Jesus Rorona.
And the MC is not.
Blue reflection was more of an art project than a game.
Not really, it's just the games themselves are shit. They've been coming out annually with decreasing quality for the past few years, others may feel longer. As someone that liked even the more recent games I'd say Sophie was the last "decent" Atelier game. Firis didn't go anywhere even for a "comfy" game and the games following it are irredeemably bad. They run like shit regardless of the platform you play on and content/items that were normally part of late game were locked into DLC kikery. Gust started pushing their loyal fans to see how hard they could jew them and they've finally gone too far.
How so?
I thought Atelier games was suppose to be about the alchemy crafting or am I wrong ?
Do western players like Atelier series?
80 bucks for a digital only game... The jap Jews got what was coming for them
So does Sterk get the booty or not?
They are, you'll spend 90% of the time gathering materials in dungeons and crafting. Some people just latch on to irrelevant aspects to shitpost.
It's the same shitters as always, it's just now they frame everything as a /pol/ boogeyman to make it look like their shitposts are suddenly valid.
Considering the state of Gust threads. No.
>it's yuri because she's not married
So the latter then.
It's not out yet.
It sells poorly overseas.
>shipping shit
>ruining everything for everyone
Wow... who knew...
I honestly dont know where this anti yuri shit came from. 10 years ago Yea Forums embraced all kinds of gayness without inserting socio political bullshit. People loved flaming lesbians and homolust in equal measure.
Who says Gust can't have fun during development?
Where the fuck is my Ar nosurge PC port. Can't leave that stuff to rot on a dead handheld forever.
You know the answer, it's a certain three-letter board that just can't stop invading Yea Forums.
Apparently they spend more of their time holding meetings about stinky feet than they do actually developing the game.
It has always been here on a certain level, but people were better about ignoring it so shitposters weren't as devoted. It doesn't help that at least 75% of the current userbase isn't anything close to what it was even a few years ago, regardless of the board you're on.
Of course, they have no time for actual game design since they're required to shit out two to three turds every year. At least they make the most out of their situation.
False, yurifags were just as annoying 11 years ago as they are now
>90% of the game
>No one talks about the crafting system.
>People always loved the gay ERPers on Yea Forums!
Don't try to rewrite history because of /pol/ shitposting, you dumb faggot.
>I honestly dont know where this anti yuri shit came from
>10 years ago
I guess people just got tired in ten years time of watching girls being lesbians. And listening to the yurifags' endless tirade about girls being useless if they're not doing the gay.
I don't believe you.
Because discussing it gives away the fun of making the best items yourself.
What's there to talk about casually? You either do if you're playing a game and asking how to craft certain items or just google it and have your answer in ten seconds. Obviously character interaction have much more basis for discussion, it's the same as every game.
He's dumb saying Meruru was but Sophie had notably more sexualised marketing for the game compared to previous entries with Platchta's butt and labia being key points in the first two key visuals for the game.
>But the swimsuit retail chain bonus prints
Not the same thing at all.
What's the problem with Meruru? I preferred it over everything made after Ayesha.
Well, there's a trap ERP thread up right this second, and everyone's shitting their pants over yurifags here instead of directing their righteous anger there.
What? You mean her teacher is not the trio?
It was literally 8 tweets, you faggots complain about Kotaku but then read shit like Sankaku and take it as gospel.
>only neptunia fans like sexy anime girls
>their best game aren't Atelier, (Atelier) Iris, Mana Khemia
Yuri haters are mostly literal faggots, who'd have thought?
Same problems mystery series has, it's soulless pandering to the neptunia/yuri fanbase
Yuri is fine, but yurifags crying about any series that doesn't explicitly pander to them are annoying as fuck, and people are sick of your shit.
Literally no one is doing that in this thread
Blue reflection isn't yuri bait there's 1 character who's seen can be largely ignored, it's just a game about magical girls the paces itself like an anime.
really I feel like gust didn't want to make a game so much as they wanted to make an interactive story but added am rpg wait system, I'm not sure why maybe they just didn't feel comfortable making a VN.
It was a good idea but poorly executed because the gameplay lacks the depth but that's a design choice on their part honestly.
When people start trap ERPing in threads for other games or fishing for steam friends to ERP with, they get told to kill themselves. No one is going to go into a thread that's literally a group of faggots.
Yurifags are all mentally ill twinks. Who knew?
I find it hysterical that Neptunia of all franchises is being blamed for Atelier's downfall. Laughable at fucking best.
The one who gave an idea about Bishoujo Matsuri should be burned in hell.
>Atelier's downfall
Rorona was a fluke
Lesbian porn is one of the most popular genres among straight men in the world. So are you some giga chad calling every other guy a twink or just a mentally ill faggot projecting his retardation?
>No one is going to go into a thread that's literally a group of faggots.
You are defending them being on Yea Forums, therefore you are clearly a trap ERPer, therefore you are in no position to complain about anyone else
>Meruru fans also defending Blue Reflection
Really makes you think
Gust Internet Defense Force is a thing apparently.
>Came into the thread expecting some discussion or at least cute pics
>It's just full-on shitpost thread
never played a gust game besides blue reflection and still like blue reflection come at me bro
The dev studio should spent more time making a proper Atelier game instead of releasing halfbaked copy pasta every year like clockwork.
Remember when Rorona made a living pie?
>Fapping to lesbian porn is the same as getting angry when girls in fictional stories aren't gay
If you think of lesbians as anything more than a simple fetish, you're a faggot twink.
>You are defending them being on Yea Forums,
Where did I defend those faggots? Are you stupid enough to think not going into a thread that isn't about video games is defending its posters? If that is what you're trying to do to pretend you have a point, why are you so stupid?
Atelier has been yearly longer than you've been alive.
It's actually yuri now?
Blue Reflection was alright, it wasn't offending in any way and only slightly more mediocre than other Gust titles, but for being a new IP from a budget developer it wasn't bad.
So who is the father and Rorona's fuckbuddy?
It got a Famitsu score of 32 and has yet to release. For comparison:
Nelke: 33
L&S: 35
Firis: 34
Sophie: 33
Shallie: 33
E&L: 36
Ayesha: 34
Rorona+: 32
Meruru: 35
Totori: 30
Rorona: 30
Do yurishitters enjoy being cuckolded or do you fags self-insert as a girl while playing through these games? I don't think I can tell which is worse.
Hey, as a yurifag I don't like this at all you know, don't go and believe this is was yuri fans want. I definitely prefer yuri went men are around and have a fair chance as well. Otherwise what's the point?
>The dev studio should spent more time making a proper Atelier game instead of releasing halfbaked copy pasta every year like clockwork.
A proper Atelier game has been a halfbaked cooking game with Yuri undertones for ten-odd years, now it's suddenly not working anymore and Gust doesn't know what the fuck to do.
Lulua is adopted, lol
>Sophie: 33
>Are you stupid enough to think not going into a thread that isn't about video games is defending its posters?
I'm saying you are complaining about yurifags bitching about games that don't pander to them(and calling them faggot twinks), which has not happened in this thread at all, while turning a blind eye towards a thread where literal faggot twinks are literally recruiting Yea Forums into becoming traps, just because they "keep to their own thread"
Your bias is astounding and your lack of self-awareness even more so
Have you been in a single Atelier thread since 2015? Judging by your filename, I assume not
>Arland with the lowest scores on average
What the fuck.
Biggest possibility: Lulua's adopted or she's a homonculus
What people unironically want: A guy who spends his life talking to fucking birds.
Famitsu gave E&L the highest score of any of those, it's best not to think about it too hard.
The worst is self-inserting at all, retard.
>Famitsu score
>which has not happened in this thread at all, while turning a blind eye towards a thread where literal faggot twinks are literally recruiting Yea Forums into becoming traps,
You might be retarded.
>Not going into a thread that has nothing to do with a video game means you think it belongs
You're definitely a retard, as are all yurifags.
Yes? Do you have some other indicator you can offer for why the game has apparently failed?
There is no need to, the OP was a shitpost.
do people no longer like yuri cooking games?
>Motherfucker probably drank a deaging potion so he could be with Rorona.
Please just end Sterk's suffering. He's the biggest Roronafag in the world.
>ten odd years
Rorona - full of male love interests
Totori - still not gay and has her childhood friend and sterk
Meruru - neptunia style yuri bait garbage without redeeming qualities
Ayesha - no romance at all, has many good male routes like Harry and Keith
El - full het
Shallie - depends, no romance or yuri undertones, whatever you want to see
Bishijou Matsuri/Sophie and every game after - shameless neptunia style yuribait
>Came into the thread expecting some discussion
Dumber than op
Do you have any fucking idea how long it's been running? It's the longest running mahou shoujo ever.
Then I guess have fun continuing to ruin every Atelier thread while putting the blame on yurifags, in between your trap ERP sessions
Precure is THE magical girl show also calling it yuri is pants on head retarded as the most recent season has the mc literally giving birth.
Wonder If it's that one autistic spammer, he hates female mc and "yuri" too
I knew you guys were mental gymnasts, but holy shit.
Mimi is super gay, but "undertones" was the keyword here.
Mimi became super gay in Meruru at the cost of her entire character, in Totori she was barely above of Cory level
>recently got into the series and having the comfiest time
It would be nice to be able to discuss it without drowning in a sea of shitposting, but I'm happy I took the plunge regardless of that, I like it a lot so far.
>buy atelier totori on vita a few years ago
>want to take a sip and place vita on my thigh
>totori falls flat on her face
>discover that when you touch the back touchscreen the girls do silly stuff
>sit there for a couple of minutes to push totori over a few times
I don't know why I enjoyed it so much, but seeing that bully eat dirt was great.
Blame meruru/neptunia fags, they really killed series with their retarded demands like removal of time limits
Yes, that was what I illustrated by posting the Famitsu scores.
Iris, ya’know, real Atelier.
Meruru had time limits. I've never heard of any "merurufags" that said they don't like time limits. Are you sure you are not making up people that you can blame for your shit because 2/3s of dusk were god awful?
>Ayesha - no romance at all, has many good male routes like Harry and Keith
They completely fucked up by not having an ending for best boy though.
>time limits
>Game where player had nothing to do for months until next time gate
Better ruin the threads myself before yurishitter can do it
>as the most recent season has the mc literally giving birth.
I thought it was about little girls.
>removal of time limits
I thought it was alright in Firis, with the examination.
Take them away from Koei-Tecmo.
Too bad this is not case. Still like the games though.
Crafting is pretty good. Way better than Mana Khemia at least. Everything else is meh.
So what you are saying is that you are making shit up? Good to know that your opinion seems as worthless as you.
The problem with Firis was that they just dumped you with a year long time limit at the start of the game with no clue of how long anything would take to do or how much you had left to do and whether you were making good time or not, which just completely missed the entire point of how the older games were structured by time limits.
It was unironically procreation propaganda, this season is about SPAAAAACE now though.
Actual girls want to grow up, marry handsome men and become mothers. I know, it's crazy.
>he said while getting angry when girls in fictional stories are gay
Modern western women only want the handsome men part.
No one actually cares about yuri, they're ambivalent towards boring, pointless stories. People just hate retarded shippers like fujos and yurifags.
>It was unironically procreation propaganda
japan only has itself to blame for poor birthrates.
Meruru/BR/Neptunia/Sophie fags are mad because their games never had soul put in it
And it still does better than several notable euro countries, crazy
It's a decent compromise between the older atelier games and Atelier Sophie's utter lack of a time limit. Granted it could be done better, but it's a start.
It's like people don't understand that the yuribait has nothing to do with the reasons these games are bad.
They're just sub-par RPGs. You can have good yuri, you can have bad yuri, same as you can have good or bad het.
It's a shame though that Gust may see this and go "clearly it's the yuri's fault." Too bad that *still* won't save Atelier. It won't just get magically better, even if they remove it in favor of more traditional fanservice.
You keep saying this but every time a yuri hater spergs out like right now it's always about hating yuri while trying to conflate it with hating the fanbase. I mean this was the case from post 0 in this very thread.
i feel like this guy would say anything to avoid getting immigrants in his country so i remain unconvinced.
They would do better with black immigrants
Precure is for actual children not for thirsty incels and it is completely uncontested in its sector.
Why they all look so soulless?
Is this actually confirmed?
hope he enjoys the han chinese ethnically eradicating the japanese isles
What about sailor moon?
Cardcaptor sakura
prisma illya
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
is precure really smashing them all?
You act like that's a bad thing.
you say that like it's a bad thing
We are getting them localized relatively fast and much faster than before desu, so it can't be that bad.
Precure has been airing on sunday mornings for FIFTEEN years it is not even a contest.
They pander to heterosexual old man who have little girls for waifus.
Oh I am laughing. Maybe back in 2004-5 when the series was good.
based and redpilled
i didn't say it was bad or good though, just that japan could be invaded by aliens and he'd still tell people japan was fine stay away gweilo.
>Shurelia was the best girl
i wonder how many rich old japanese men actually have young girls as wives and unironically watch precure and use it to indoctrinate them.
Japan doesn't have a birthrate problem it has an old people problem.
So. What's the best song in the game? I really only know these games for their top tier music.
Where have people said anything other than "yurifags are stupid faggots"?
The soundtrack isn't out yet.
>What about sailor moon?
Literally hasn't been relevant in 20 years
>Cardcaptor sakura
>prisma illya
>Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Old pedoshit
I don't think it's even relative, 2 months for Nelke and 2 months for Lulua is just plain fast.
what old people are milking the government for free money, or old people have the best houses because everything was cheaper back then?
>Literally hasn't been relevant in 20 years
Don't have to be when the creator is a fucking billionaire.
Both, also the issue of old people living really damn long due to relatively healthier diet and lifestyles.
And that is going to influence five years old how?
Who gives a shit about that?
so basically gust needs to copy precure drop yuri shit, for friendship and seeking male love interests?
would a male gamer buy that?
wouldn't it be easy to just have a male protag in a gust game again
You have to put out new products that sell to keep money growing, imbecile.
And I just said that the sailor moon creator is a billionaire, why would she care about earning more money?
Because the original question was about Precure earning billions and its competition. l2read
Escha was shit and the beginning of the end
Precure is the DBZ for japanese little girls. Toei uses the money from Dragon Ball to fund this.
I wonder why Gust still tries to sell yurishit despite the fact this garbage is generally despised unless it comes in package with idolfaggotry and never progresses anywhere.
>Those fucking mascots at the end
You almost tricked me into watching it.
Gust doesn't try to sell yurishit and no one thinks it is yurishit except for delusional yurifags.
>precure is dbz
Don't give people false expectatiins like that.
The OP literally says "yuri shit".
The OP also says that the game failed despite it not even being out yet.
Wakey wakey
this actually looks pretty good i might watch this, just ignore the retarded shit for high speed magical girl punching.
Well it has already been established that people who hate yuri are mentally ill.
I don't hate yuri but i wish it went places or just didn't exist.
i would buy it
This. Yuribait is pointless.
It literally exist to not offend idolfaggots and waifufags.
Pure yurishit never sells well, it's one of the worst genres to get into if you actually want to earn money.
This series wouldn't go anywhere with romance regardless of orientation, the devs rely too much on their otaku niche and who knows if they'd find a new audience if they tried a different approach.
I don't hate it either, but I much more value a beautiful and loyal friendship than I do gay romance.
Didn't ar tonelico bomb despite being het haremshit?
Didn't E&L re-release actually add romantic flirting
>no dub
Straight in to the garbage
Cheer up Crew cut
Literally the most popular male atelier.
I said "this series" referring to only Atelier, nothing Gust makes sells very well so they just hang on to the small audience they have for each franchise, to the point of gachashit-tier whale hunting with things like the Lydie & Suelle $80 season pass which exist specifically because the audience is so small and faithful they're more likely to spend that much on the games.
No confirmation or anything though, right?
Logy can literally marry Escha in the plus version
I wasn't aware of that, sorry. The larger point still stands since it's been a while since there was an Atelier with a male protagonist.
The $80 season pass exists because of KT. Before the KT buyout the worst Gust had was about $30 of DLC for Rorona through Ayesha.
>Ciel Nosurge in English never ever
Ayesha is the only one in recent years that had an objective that felt like it means something right
>tfw they're going to make Ayesha game next but this time she really gave birth to a son/daughter
I didn't mean it was Gust's fault, their business model and development pipeline are definitely mostly decided by Koei Tecmo as you say.
He's best dusk and makes me want a Logy.
If she doesn't I'll make 10000 threads blaming yurifags
Sophie has the best rating in japan.
what the fuck is their model maker?
current Atelier series and Blue Reflection models are ridiculous
i don't listen to legacyfags anyway since i'm new to this series and very much enjoyed sophie!
Rorona Switch and the Arland DX collection are both rated higher.
Good for you
If you liked Sophie, give a try to the Meruru, they have many similar design decisions and same target audience.
Would be an interesting one if they made it so that MC's goal is to find out what happened to her terrorist parents and why it was that they had leave her in the care of their automaton.
This is bad advice, do not play Meruru without playing the other Arland games.
I started last month with Rorona and my plan is going through all of Arland and get Lulua on release.
Well, you are not a little girl, are you? youtube.com
I've heard from a lot of fans and weebs in general that Heartcatch is one of the best seasons so far and a recommended watch even if you don't like Precure.
I don't get what's up with you people and Meruru. I'm playing through the Arland series now on Steam and I'm about 20h into Meruru and it doesn't seem that much different from the previous entries gameplay-wise, same alchemy, similar combat, it has the development system which is nice. What are you people complaining about? Is it just the events/character interactions? I'm not too far in I guess but I'd say it's the best Arland, closely followed by Totori.
Also, Meruru is based, if she wasn't "dumb" there'd be no contest between her and Totori.
Meruru isn't dumb at all, you'll see
Why did you quote me when I wasn't complaining about Meruru?
It's some autist who really tries to blame the failure that was sophie somehow on atelier meruru.
Meruru > Rorona > Ayesha > Totori > everything else > Sophie
>Kishida Meru
Meruru is Kishida-sensei's greatest creation.
Meruru and Neptunia, for some reason.
So there is no father?
This model looks worse than PS2 shit.
No idea, but everything is pointing towards no.
But Sophie was literally Meruru without past arland cast
Mana Khemia and Ayesha
And different combat. And without time limits. And without the kingdom building mechanic. And without arland crafting system. And without an actual story.
You know what, your opinion is literally shit without the smell.
What do you guys think of sophie’s new look?
Gust needs to die or stop pumping out trash every year. Atelier could be good again if every game didn't end up feeling the same but worse somehow. I haven't finished one since Meruru yet I have played them all.
There's a guy making a translation.
Aquagon? The guy who did some stuff with the YouTube story translation.
It'll take a while, but there's a chance of it being completed.
It's funny because the new Pokémon looks like an Atelier game.
Sorry, you were the last posts talking about Meruru and I didn't feel like scrolling all the way back up to quote more appropriate ones.
I'm phoneposting right now you see
I wanna see her in Sophie's outfits
Atelier Iris 1
Mana Khemia
Why don't they just pander to everyone and give het and yuri options. Oh wait they can't, they need to pander to muh pure virgin waifu.
You mean like this? Yeah, why don't they just do it. Maybe because retards like you who never touched the franchise don't know what the fuck they are talking about, despite them putting things like this in.
Except Sterk isn't Lulua's father, and what you posted is a non-canon side ending. Think before you speak, aspergers-kun.
>still no good Precure videogames
Because then you'd complain that putting in yuri options took resources that could've gone into the overall quality of the game.
It doesn't look like Sterk actually ended up with Rorona though.
>it doesn't count because it's non canon
Neither are ANY of the """"yuri"""" endings.
Atelier series has always been shit. The Arland series was the exception, probably because it was Gust in a desperate attempt to save the series from dying threw actual resources at it.
>it doesn't count because it's non canon
Yes, that's literally what non-canon means.
I'm about to finish Rorona for the first time, is it worth it to replay it to try and get all endings? Do you unlock a CG gallery or some othet kind of tangible reward that keeps track of every ending you get?
How convenient of you to ignore the second half of the post, probably because it demolishes your entire "argument".
Imagine the extreme purityfags who got their butts blasted by this single CG.
You can get all the endings easily in a ng+ if you prepare during the overtime. (get 1m Cole, best equipment, all decorations with best effects).
All endings have a CG that's unlocked on Extras->Gallery on the main menu.
What are you even talking about? What "argument"? ALL non-canon side endings don't count, yuri or hetero, therefore the whole "my waifu is PURE" retardation stays the one solid truth. Man, you're fucking retarded aren't you?
>it's soulless pandering to the neptunia/yuri fanbase
Oh it's the Ayeshafag being a fucking retard again.
Too bad they fucked that game series up. 3 was gutter trash.
>doesn't know what context is
>will probably sperg out and say "I'm not the original guy you replied to"
>calls others retarded
Ah yes, the internet intellectual.
So I can see an ending and continue on with the same playthrough afterwards? Or meet the requirements for all of them in the same run and just keep reloading the save file at the end?
>is it worth it to replay it to try and get all endings?
Depends on your autism or if you didn't unlock the true ending. Keep in mind that if you unlocked multiple endings in a single playthrough, you can watch any of them by going back to your last save file. Save a few days before the last day to make it easier.
Also Rorona plus has a post game where you play can play an extra year and explore more dungeons, but it has a few minor spoilers.
>do you unlock a CG gallery or some othet kind of tangible reward that keeps track of every ending you get?
So I've played and finished the complete arland series and thought it was pretty fun. Afterwards I tried playing Ayesha and pretty much fell off the train from there. Are any of the other games worth playing? I am cautious since a lot of people seem to think that all of the new games are trash.
The latter. You get to choose the ending you want at the end.
Keep in mind only Rorona does this, Totori and Meruru locks you into an ending based on a priority system.
>When will Gust learn that forced yuri shit doesn't sell?
That isn't the problem with the game and you know it. It is the fact that its a shitty Gust game.
They haven't done anything good since 2015.
Imagine having such little grasp on the topic at hand. This was like talking to a toddler who's just discovered words for the first time; learn how to follow the flow of conversation before posting again.
>Are any of the other games worth playing?
Have you played the Mana Khemia games?
If not, then you should.
>I'm phoneposting right now you see
I bought the Arland Trilogy DX and I'm close to the end of Rorona, I loved it so I want to go for 100% completion using a guide on a new playthrough. I'll do one playthrough of Totori and Meruru first before going back and doing 100% on all three games and Rorona's postgame though.
>Except Sterk isn't Lulua's father
This has yet to be confirmed.
Just reboot the series but make it more nichijou and have less time constraints.
It was okay and cute
I'm pretty sure they'll confirm Lulua is a homunculus considering it fits well with the whole alchemist thing.
Yeah finished both of them ages ago and thought that they are way better than any of the atelier games I had played. I really like it when your whole team is fighting at the same time. Plus it's got one of my absolute favorite level up systems of all time. It was a fantastic idea to tie the characters strength to alchemy since I actually cared if I had everything synthetized.
The game isn't even out yet for 2-3 months. How do you know its bad? Go fucking shitpost on Sekiro threads you fucking niggers.
How did Nep succeed while Atelier failed
I'm sure they will, but it's dumb to say it like it's already known as fact.
Try one week.
Nep succeeded because it was the first anime game on Steam to cash in on the whole meme translations (Recettear did so several years earlier and met similar success but everyone forgot about it) and basically attracted an entire generation of 'ironic' weebs.
Atelier on the other hand, doesnt have any memes at all aside from in-franchise jokes that only boomers understand like Pamella and Barrels.
I think you're talking about Atelier Nelke which has yet to come out. Atelier Lulua isn't out until May.
Never played any Atelier games before, which one should I start with?
Get the Arland Trilogy bundle on Steam. It's surprisingly one of Gust's/KT's better ports.
I am happy yuri shit is getting bad rep.
Atelier needs big old fat balding virile men paired with the girls to make me buy it.
IFI actually know their target audience and how to appeal to them. KT's PR is horrendous and they're completely out of touch with the western market.
This is only for the west by the way, Atelier sells better than Neptunia does in Japan.
I think you don't realise that the game comes out in Japan before it does in the west.
I hate lesbians LOL
>I don't think NTR is something that should be marketed towards the little girl demographic
Nips would disagree with you there.
>completely out of touch with the western market
That's a plus
So, where are the spoilers then?
They sell about the same. Atelier only marginally sells better in Japan because KT actually ports their games to the Switch but for some reason IF still refuses to put Neptunia there, and with no Vita to boost their sales anymore, their games are stuck on the PS4 which has a bad rep in Japan atm.
No it isn't. KT makes shit ports because they don't care that people have standards for PC in the west. KT doesn't discount their shit, despite that people expect that in the west. KT give us garbage translations courtesy of acttil because they don't care about the experience of the west. KT give us massively overpriced DLC that might fly in Japan but sure as fuck doesn't fly here. And then KT wonders why Atelier doesn't sell in the west.
Haha, fuck off, Sophiefag.
>people have standards for PC
they don't
>KT doesn't discount their shit
They just had a sale
>KT give us garbage translations
learn Japanese weeb
>doesn't fly here
>And then KT wonders why Atelier doesn't sell in the west.
I don't think they wonder at all. KT will literally port all their games to Steam and don't give a fuck whether it sells 10 copies or a hundred. Blue Reflection just got a sequel announcement despite that game bombing really hard.
Wow, you forgot part where Rorona was fucking released before Meruru aka game where they went all out with pandering to the neptunia fans
And then came bishijou Matsuri, and all games became like meruru
>They sell about the same.
No they don't. Neptunia is consistently in the region of 20k - 30k first week sales, whereas Atelier has fluctuated from 30k to 90k first week sales, and averages around 50k. They're both low budget as far as JRPGs go but Atelier is still a league above Neptunia. It's also hilarious that you bring up the Switch as though it has any impact at all because the Switch only applies to L&S and Nelke and in both cases the Switch sales were far less than the PS4/Vita sales and in one case they were so low they didn't even chart.
You want more generic boring JRPGs?
No one from modern Arland.
The player
All games are super expensive in Japan, $80 is the norm
>Mana Khemia
Ahhh... Now that was a game series.
It's weird that they put out stuff like Fairy Fencer F and Moero Chronicle on Switch but they haven't ported some Nep games yet. Even Super Neptunia RPG is being ported specifically for the west and won't release in Japan until the western release.
>time limits
miss me with that gay shit
thank god for sophie
Switch sales of both those games were higher than they were on Vita.
>whereas Atelier has fluctuated from 30k to 90k first week sales, and averages around 50k.
That has never happened post Sophie. Look up the sales for Firis and L&S for the PS4 alone. That's your average Nep sales on the same platform.
Astrid impregnated Rorona as a joke
I want Atelier to be asexual.
>they don't
You don't. Everyone else does.
>They just had a sale
Yeah, where they discounted Sophie, a two year old PC port of a 3 year old game from $30 to $21. Meanwhile Firis is still priced at $60 and got discounted to $36. That's nothing like IFI's prices.
>learn Japanese weeb
I'm working on it.
Yeah, just look at those great sales showing otherwise. Oh wait.
>Blue Reflection just got a sequel announcement
No it didn't. Are you one of those retards who didn't even look at the link in the OP of that thread to see the article was already an entire year old? And the article itself was nothing but speculation.
Has she been finally thrown in prison or did Rorona just take the bullying yet again?
>Sophie herself was super cute
>Meruru/neptunia fags
Jesus fucking christ, you delusional Ayeshafag
>The best Gust games had male protagainists (Iris 1, Mana Khemia, Ar Tonelico 2)
Now this is autism.
>That has never happened post Sophie.
I didn't say it did. L&S was the one that dropped it down to 30k, a low that hasn't been seen outside of Mana Khemia 2.
>That's your average Nep sales on the same platform.
Neptunia sales wish they were that good.
Why do you lie? L&S sold 7,806 on the Vita and 6,684 on the Switch. Nelke was actually higher though, with 8,046 Switch sales and 4,589 Vita sales.
>06./00. [PS4] Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of the New World # (Koei Tecmo) {2019.01.31} (¥7.800) - 18.679 / NEW
>11./00. [NSW] Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of the New World # (Koei Tecmo) {2019.01.31} (¥7.800) - 8.046 / NEW
>16./00. [PSV] Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of the New World # (Koei Tecmo) {2019.01.31} (¥6.800) - 4.589 / NEW
>total: 31,314
Eh, that's not bad I guess but jesus christ. How do they even live at this point? That better than Fate Extella 2's 4k sales on the switch I guess.
Nelke is a spin-off.
Because the Yea Forums mindset of hating anything remotely cute and lighthearted that isn't made by Nintendo.
>You don't. Everyone else does.
On average pc are more shit than a ps4
>Yeah, where they discounted Sophie, a two year old PC port of a 3 year old game from $30 to $21. Meanwhile Firis is still priced at $60 and got discounted to $36. That's nothing like IFI's prices.
Game don't age so there's no reason they should be dirt cheap just because you're poor
>massively overpriced DLC that might fly in Japan but sure as fuck doesn't fly here
I know about that Article last year, but no I'm not referring to that. I'm referring to talks on /jp/ about Mel Kishida already starting brain storming about the sequel since NOCO is the one handling Atelier Lulua right now.
c/u/cks eternally
How will Sterk's suffering grow this time?
Because Sterk's suffering will never end, it can only get worse.
absolutely based and red-pilled
It's not the UK, you don't go to jail for a harmless prank
Their highest selling game in Japan for a decade was amusingly a spin off.
[PS4] Four Goddesses Online: Cyber Dimension Neptune (Compile Heart, 02/09/17) – 42,508 (New)
Wow bro, you sure showed me.
>I'm referring to talks on /jp/ about Mel Kishida already starting brain storming about the sequel since NOCO is the one handling Atelier Lulua right now.
Mel is the one doing Lulua, NOCO was doing Nelke.
This pretty much. Yuritards are just delusional closeted trannies, with minimal life experience even by Yea Forums standards.
why is the hair looking extremely shiny?
Is Lulua really his work? It looks so soulless compared to Arland. Sterk looks nothing like his past self.
He doesn't give a shit about Sterk
Yes. Why the fuck have you been pretending you know what you're talking about here?
>GUSTs only good games had a semi-VN straight romance in it
>all they do now is pander to yurigoggle garbage and make no money and no good games
Because it's NOCO's work, aka Sophieshit. Disregard this faggot's answer. He and Yuugen were responsible for making every atelier character look like candy.
People also claim Miyazaki did DaS3 despite all evidence points to him only doing supervisory work. Why would I trust this?
>It's NOCO's work
>I will deliberately ignore all official statements about who is working on which game, despite that NOCO and Mel's styles are nothing alike and NOCO would not be able to produce the character design sketches Mel did for Lulua, and also despite that the character designers aren't particularly relevant to the character modelling team and never has been
>Mel can do no wrong, so surely any designs in Lulua I don't like were actually by NOCO
You're retarded.
See It's the same shit here. They're only using Mel's name to boost sales but it's clear that this is not Mel's work. It's a far cry from his work in Arland.
>those samefaces
>E&L: 36
>Ayesha: 34
Sailor Moon Crystal didn't do very well, even when they changed the art style with the last season. No further seasons have been announced.
New season of CCS bombed.
Prisma Illya and Nanoha are otaku focused, but both are much smaller than Pretty Cure.
So you think that NOCO had time to create all of the new artwork for Nelke, a design which primarily uses character portraits rather than models like every other Gust game since Ayesha, and yet also had the time to create new character designs for Lulua, while also learning to ape Mel's style to create character design images reminiscent of his work, and also fill things with frills like Mel likes to do?
Isn't it easier to just admit that Mel's designs aren't always good, instead of deluding yourself with this nonsense?
/u/ was always hated, kill yourself /u/tards
That is not Sterk
Self inserting autist who feel cucked by non existent yuri
>Mimi isn't married in her late 30s despite being heir of noble family
Who gives a shit, especially when the nobility is abolished?
t. 2013 zoomer
>The worst bit
Fuck off, you lusty shipperfaggot.
Yeah it's pretty retarded, her and Totori should have been married by Meruru already.
Yes, sadly.
>despite all evidence points to him only doing supervisory work
How so?
Did you, neptunia/meruru cancer came here to spread another style b-team meme?
DaS3 is literally full of his favorite shit like boring duel fags, no fun anything and cinematic scripted experience
It even has resurrecting monsters until you find it's source, something that this faggot loves
I think you replied to the wrong post.
They're yurishitters either way, there's no going worse once you've hit the bottom.
It's not actually yuri.
Neptunia/meruru fags like you obviously don't care about quality of world building and jsut want their waifus to be pure, no surprise here.
>DaS3 is literally full of his favorite shit like boring duel fags, no fun anything and cinematic scripted experience
That's Tanimura's shtick. Not Miyazaki's.
This, my nigga.
How come Gust doesnt make any more games in Ar Tonelico series? Did Ar Nosurge sell poorly? Or did all the straight people leave, and only yurifags are left?
>I honestly dont know where this anti yuri shit came from
>Self inserting autist who feel cucked by non existent yuri
>quality of world building
Holy fuck you can't even be more wrong.
I'm the faggot who buys the Arland setting book just to get more worldbuilding.
Because the series is over.
I'm gonna assume it's the gay fish guy
>neptunia/meruru cancer
>Neptunia/meruru fags
Please stop with this, Meruru's character developments may have been questionable but at least the gameplay was still good, unlike Neptunia.
This looks like shit compared to the previous Arland games
Because pandering to otakus with dating sim bullshit is old news.
PreCure is for actual little girls and lolicons, fags who want to be little girls are a 1 in a million
Tanimura did des, das and bloodborne?
Wow, just wow
New low for neptunia/meruru fag
Bamco owns the IP and Gust is now owned by KT.
Ar Tonelico is in licensing hell, since the IP belongs to Banpresto, a subsidiary of Bandai Namco and Bandai Namco only makes anime games for Shonen Jump, Gundam and Aniplex.
No. The returning cast somehow manage to be the worst part of the game. Their events largely follow the same formula, and there’s really weird contradictions against established canon or the core traits of their game of origin.
Reminder that Artonelicofags are in denial that Atelier is the better franchise.
>established canon
>For a game about all the alchemists being brought together in a totally new world
Rorona ain't teaching anyone. She's too retarded for it.
They already outright said that the only one suited to be a teacher in the trio is Totori.
Whelp. AA games are really taking a massive hit in Japan. Bandai's anime games aren't looking so good either and Square Enix is really flip flopping around in terms of quality.
I bet they're the one whining about yuri shit
>nd there’s really weird contradictions against established canon or the core traits of their game of origin.
Maybe because they are fucking not same characters?
>For a game about all the alchemists being brought together in a totally new world
Yeah, they're all isekai-ed from their original worlds.
kill yourself sjw libtard
They're the same though.
>last season of Precure about motherhood is followed by this season of Precure about immigration
Shit by any other name is still NTR, user. That includes yuri for the sake of "purity". If fact, yuri is the Catch-22 of waifufagging: user's crush is a virgin, but she sure as hell won't fuck him, dumbass cuck.
So what does it contradict?
Calm down, Ayeshafag. As a fellow Ayesha fan, you're making us look bad.
It's funny they whine about it when the best ar tonelico game's plot is kickstarted by yuri autism and the best ending arguably ends with 2 of the main female characters living together since the male MC gets a different girl.
Just pirate it lol
It's so simple but yuritards turn it into mental gymnastics like typical leftards that spout /pol/-boogeyman while they probably browse /pol/ frequently and no one here is
>Ayesha is great, though suffer from gameplay downgrade
Can you explain this?
>isn't serious
The kingdom would be destroyed by Airshatter, you know.
And her aunt died just to seal it, possibly sending Gio into depression.
Crafting in Ayesha was hugely simplified after Meruru. That's the only thing I remember though.
Ayesha isn't really timegated and main point to find Nio as soon as possible to unlock post game and many endings, meruru fags got used to the handholding so they hated "came with your own adventure" style exploration
If that's the case, SoL cute girls doing cute things shows wouldn't be so popular amongst waifufags and yet here we are where stuff like Gochiusa, Yuru Yuri, Girls und Panzer, Yuru Camp, New Game, Gabriel-san and so on are very popular.
I like Meruru and I'm not defending BR, you delusional anti-yurifag.
Who are those merurufags you are talking about? I see you shitting up the thread for several hours now, I have yet to see a single one supporting your claims.
how come yurifags are even more cancerous than moebutas?
It's this guy You can also spot him in DMC threads, Sekiro threads and DOA6 threads. The guy must be fucking bored or something.
Moefags only want their girls to be cute, yurifags like meruru fags want their girls to be single forever because "muh purity"
>Totori - still not gay and has her childhood friend and sterk
lol Totori has far more chemistry with Mimi than with Gino.
>has many good male routes like Harry and Keith
>male routes
I'm sorry for your brain damage.
>Meruru - neptunia style yuri bait garbage without redeeming qualities
>missed the straight out of otome butler and his little brother character
Your bias disgusts me. Please leave the fandom.
I'm pretty Totori is asexual, just like Rorona and Meruru.
>he could be with Rorona
He has stopped caring anymore. He's now just obsessed playing knights.
t. zoomer
Do you think it's just XV-kun or ACfag shitposting?
>at the cost of her entire character
lol her character is just being a tsundere for Totori.
>>missed the straight out of otome butler and his little brother character
>who have nothing to do with Meruru and don't even interact with her in the second part of their "social links"
Apparently even their presence in the game was threatening enough for merurufags like you to call them "otome" lmao
Ah, replacing nu-Gust fags with Meruru/Neptuniafags for extra shitposting. Clever.
>muh boogyman
god damn youve lost it
>want their girls to be single forever because "muh purity"
But that's true though. 99% of anime girls stay single in a never ending summer.
His name is Barry.
Not in the gust games, at least until cancer like merurufags took over around Totori
>>who have nothing to do with Meruru and don't even interact with her in the second part of their "social links"
Are you braindead? They're literally the usual "I must protect the princess!" characters you keep finding in otome games.
They even have that gay vibe between them that appeals to the female audience.
Dating sim are boring as fuck but it works well in an actual JRPG/game.
>meruru fags got used to the handholding so they hated "came with your own adventure" style exploration
Holy shit who ever said they hated Ayesha in these threads? Where the fuck did you get this boogeyman from? And blaming it on Meruru no less?
imagine having such a victim complex that you gotta use ffxv-kun as your strawman
Pretty sure he's that guy
And yes, it's the same guy behind it all. Pic related. Every thread, regardless of topic. There's more, even from 2016/2017. Just look at these.
Based as fuck. Why are yuritards so retarded? It's dumb but what can you expect lmao
I just find it pretty cringy desu
Oh shit, chagen46? The diaper guy?
What a legend.
That's all I want to know.
>he missed the fact how in the old Atelier games where there are genuine dating sim elements, the canon route is always them not giving a shit about romance
So was the mod right and it literally is one guy shitposting?
Imagine trying to shit up atelier, a series that is already fragmented as fuck here on Yea Forums. I bet you'll have a field day starting up shit next week when the game comes out. Why, are you tired shtting on DOA6 season passes?
It would if Gust doesn't collapse first beforehand.
ive never once posted in a doa6 thread, delusional shitter
I want no romance in my Atelier because I want them all to be alchemy-obsessed old maidens.
Whatever it takes, I'll buy all KT games if I must
Maybe some people are pretending to be him but I believe the vast majority is one autistic guy, he's pretty easy to spot honestly
Totori doesn't love Mimi that way though.
You missed the fact how Marie gay friend was married to the noble in the second game
Or how Elie herself had proper fuck it all I'm out here yuri ending
But of course meruru cancer like you doesn't care, you just want your girls to be pure forever
Top kek it's hilariously pathetic, why would he even give a shit about these literal-who games. Wanting to shitpost for big names makes more sense than dumb shit like this. Grabbing straws so fucking hard it's sad
>Or how Elie herself had proper fuck it all I'm out here yuri ending
Not canon lol
>You missed the fact how Marie gay friend was married to the noble in the second game
Unnamed. Never even shown.
Schia is just used to contrast with Marie who doesn't give a shit about romance.
Hope no, br was garbage without redeeming qualities, just like their kuni series, and mystery atelier trilogy
I am just absolutely flabbergasted.
Like what the fuck man
>Top kek it's hilariously pathetic, why would he even give a shit about these literal-who games.
Because you're mentally ill, you shitpost for Ion maiden and Bombshell too
>Or how Elie herself had proper fuck it all I'm out here yuri ending
Are you that Twitter Atelierfag who talked how progressive Gust was for adding a middle-eastern yuri option for Elie, despite her not being middle-eastern and the route not being yuri in the slightest?
>Not canon lol
Elie doesn't have canon ending, you retarded meruru fag
>Unnamed. Never even shown.
And big surprise, Mimi wasn't married in Meruru despite being nomble and in her twenties to pander neptunia cancer
And then you have Lilie where she just left everyone she knew to spread alchemy. Even when she already got a boyfriend.
The Japanese fanbase loved to joke about that.
But dancer is literally arab
It's the only Elie route with romantic undertones
Fuck that, I loved how Totori only seemingly used alchemy as a means to go adventuring and find her mother rather than a life goal, shit's basically a hobby for when she's bored or needs something done.
>Mimi wasn't married in Meruru despite being nomble
Nobility is abolished in Arland you imbecile.
>Elie doesn't have canon ending, you retarded meruru fag
True ending is the canon one, where she becomes a not-gay sharing one house friend with Marie.
Lilie is a prequel though...
Atelier series is the same as Blue Reflection ?
I loved Blue and i want something similar.
Oh God you are.
Oh no I thought your kind never touched Yea Forums.
She's fucking Roman, you dipshit. She's a gypsy stereotype.
yurifags should kill themselves
Elie outright said that romance could wait and she wanted to focus on alchemy instead.
>We wuz roman empire
>yurifag defense mechanism is to strawman some boogyman who bullied them in other threads
>obvious shitposter pretend he's not a mentally ill spammer
holy shit this thread
Get a fucking life you absolute retard
Come on, they actually say that BR wasn't that bad, just because it pandered their shitty fetish, this people are insane and don't care about games they ruin