Name a bigger fuckup in gaming history

Name a bigger fuckup in gaming history

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PS3 599 price tag
Atari Jag
Dream cast handling of things post launch
Sega 32x+addons

this thread

PS Vita
PS Eye
Memory sticks


PS Vita actually sold really well and at least overseas had a shit load of cool games. Biggest fuck up of the Vita was half the good games Japan got were never translated/sold in the US

Wii U

Oh you poor Vita shitter. I always feel so bad for your kind. It's like seeing a drunk homeless guy begging for change.

this one

Attached: 3vgyInv.jpg (657x527, 41K)

Wii U and it's not even close

No that would be the Xbone owners, I mean when a failed handheld has more exclusives than a console that prides itself in its power you know you fucked up

thats pc

Virtual boy

>PS Vita actually sold really well
No it didn't


ps3 was able to recoup

Virtual Boy and WiiU. Nintendo really knows how to fail utterly after "expanding" on their previous successes.
I'm sure they follow the pattern and fuck up Switch's successor only to stike gold with something entirely else again.

>PS4 outselling XBONE

is the Buy-American spirit dead?

Sure, homeless Vita guy. Whatever gets you through the day without killing yourself. If you want to believe that PC which objectively has more games than all consoles combined is somehow lacking games, you go ahead and believe that. You believe whatever you need to so you can get through this difficult time in your life and help you to forget the pain of buying a Vita and living with the constant disappointment. You've been through rough times. No one is going to judge you for coping.

go to the catalog and see all the posts about fucking halo

The roles have reversed, XBONE has no gaems.

But at the beginning of this generation sonegros couldn't stop bragging about the power of their toy.

I dont even own a vita

Nothing beats this for singular consoles.

Neither does anyone else

>when it nearly sold as much as the ps3 and xbox 360

Thats when both consoles had fairly mediocre exclusives, so the power, however slight, did make a difference.
Now that the Xbone has no games and the PS4 has a healthy selection of exclusives, the main advantage the X has over the pro besides raw power is a 4k Bluray player

No one does.

No but Microsoft just saw to much greed in X360 and figured they had it set. They do the same time anytime they have a good idea then fuck it up.

>delay all exclusives for reasons
>make games normie trash and not what people want
>games that made the x360 worth it were milked to death
>no real exclusives that aren't on ps4/pc
>fuck up launch hard core on DRM, useless camera(even if it was neat hw wise), and price

wow they fucked themselves, at least sony learned a lesson hard

It's not like you can't get army guy shooter or amercian rugby simulator on playstation.

>PS3 599 price tag
Can someone find any reason that does not involve consumers being stupidly bad at math for why the PS4 was so successful, when it cost even more factoring in the cost of playing online during the life of the console?

Am I the only one who would prefer the up-front cost and has actively decided not to purchase the PS4 even though I did buy a PS3 because of this issue?

The reason it cost so much is because they went and stuffed a PS2 in the original PS3's for backwards compatibility. They gutted it when they realized very few people cared about it.

The real question that's needs to be asked is why didn't everyone shit on the 360 as much as the ps3 when it was just as poorly designed.
>online paywall
>payeall for hulu and netflix
>no built-in wifi needs adaptor
>no built-in hd needs accessory
>controllers need batteries

They rapidly decreased the price after the $599 units failed to sell. It was also a relatively cheap Bluray unit once it hit the $499 price point with added game playing capabilities.

>that X360 without an HDD
>had shitty memory card like 64mb
>could even be used later on as more games wanted an install base
>don't put console specific way disk scratched
>everyone I knew in highschool went weeks without it because GoW would fuck up the cooling on the system same with some other games
>got shat on because I worked all summer for a Ps3

Yes consumers are stupid and do not understand iceberg theory.
They would rather a feature-less piece of hardware with a subscription than a piece of hardware that does basically everything you want for slightly more up-front.

This is what keeps consoles more popular with parents to buy their kids than PCs as well.
They only consider the entrance fee to get one for christmas, not lifetime cost.

Thank god at least someone understands, it was starting to feel like I was in the twilight zone.

Virtual Boy
Apple Pippin

>Apple Pippin
Pre-Jobs' return Apple is such a fascinating company.

Completely retarded, but fascinating.

>hemorrhages money
>in general make absolutely retarded hardware
>end up buying jobs back by purchasing next-whatever
Pretty hilarious

I also love that when Jobs comes back, he just goes full SHUT IT DOWN, SHUT IT ALL DOWN because they were like weeks from going completely broke at that point, and then the madman went to Microsoft to bail them out, and they ACTUALLY DID IT because Microsoft were in an anti-trust lawsuit and preferred Apple as a competitor to being forced to split into two companies.

The whole situation is just so funny to me.

y'all want a fuckup?

The PS4 was successful because Microsoft completely ruined itself. It doesn't matter what can and can't do when the competition was way worse. You can't only compare it to the PS3 to a certain extent. That console launched extremely similar to the Xbox One. Tons of unwanted features, high price, and a the bad PR. Ran games worse. Console online was not really a thing back then. Free PS3 online (which was way worse than the 360 Live) wasn't such a big selling point. I remember when the X360 came out, there was only a handful of people in my country who could host max lobby matches (16 people) in Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. Getting the achievement for the same in Rainbow Six Vegas was a nightmare because internet infrastructure was really weak then.

As for the PS4 you don't really have a choice. Every console does online passes, if you want it you have to pay.

Fucking kidding me, in the console market alone there were at least 5 I can think of right now

Wii u

I mean that's not even the rest. The xbox one is doing fine and your retarded

PSP was pretty successful, and Vita undersold in the west, but did fine in Japan.

So was xbone, retard.

Because they had to sell them at a loss. For every sale after the price reductions the more money they lost. They also had to promote PSN+ harder because they needed to make the money. One of the things Sony did for the PS4 was make sure they actually made a profit from each sale.

Not even close. PS4 pulled ahead too much. PS3 actually got to where 360 was