You will never be 13 and experience playing skyrim for the first time ever again

>you will never be 13 and experience playing skyrim for the first time ever again
Just kill me ;_;

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i am very angry that there are people younger than me playing video games and browsing this board


I'm more mad about them having bad taste and then browsing Yea Forums

when I was 20, I played Mass Effect 2 when it came out. Good times. Don't fucking let us oldfags ruin your youth.

>good gaymes

oh, you're saying games are shit these days and confirming what we've been saying?

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>that screenshot
holy sh*t Nintendo hire this man...

Holy fuck I was 13 when it came out.

I played ME2 when it came out and that intro was A complete dirheria dump in my mouth with the decisions to shit on the lore and also decide to completely ignore the original plot for the entire game. If Garius wasn't one of the first recruits I would have dropped it

>he was 13 when Skyrim came out
You must be at least 18 to post he--
>it was 6 years ago

Daily reminder that people who started playing Minecraft when they were 8 years old are now old enough to post on this site.

I was 21 when Skyrim came out and I didn't give a single fuck about the game.

8 years.

>tfw I will never be 13 and experience playing Morrowind for the first time ever again

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Meant to type 7. Will be 8 years in November.

ME2 is the only good ME.

I was 13 when Morrowind came out. I lived that game. Didn't replay it since then, I remember it too well to this day.

I got the VR version for ps4 and that completely restored the magic of playing it when it came out when I was like 16 or 17

Minecraft isn't 10 years old

But user, you are 13yo.

>skyrim comes out when im 11 years old, be hyped as fuck because I loved oblivion
>still manage to be dissapointed with it even with an undeveloped brain

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Fuck, I was 21 when Skyrim came out.

Time stretches out when you get older, 4 or 8 years is nothing. Time is really condensed when you are young.
I think this is where all generational issues come from, missynchronization so to speak.

fucking zoomers

Skyrim was honestly the worst TES in the series, sure it does some things better than the other entries but the game is so fucking boring does it really matter?

No, what happens is that your life when you are young is very eventful because there's a shit ton of new stuff to you.
At your 20s, you are probably already in a routine, and the brain doesn't remember too well uneventful moments, which is why it seems as if your time speeds up.

I'm never bored though and remember everything I do. It just feels different because perspective is stretched wider, when you are 16 you just can't see back and ahead as far.
It's bullshit about "eventful younger life", I was bored to death half my teenage years.

Can confirm. I've started doing more things than wasting my time in front of a computer, and time feels really stretched. I'm 27.