What do you guys think of NakeyJakey?

what do you guys think of NakeyJakey?

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Good youtuber

he's a hotboy

No idea but that is an extremely gay name.


I like his music.

He convinced me to not get RDR2

he makes music??

This. Sounds like a game Michael Jackson would play with his guests

The hottest of hot boys.


He seems a little autistic, no offense

faggy plebbit onions guzzler

Who? looks like a fag desu

Hi Jakey if you're in this thread I love you hotboy gimme some a day sugah

he cute

he legit might be. Some of his video topics are super specific to the point of only an autistic person would like

Confirmed incel, disregard all opinions

Fuck off with your false propaganda against MJ

his videos would be better if he weren't the center of the entire thing

Wannabe Filthyfrank but on a fitness ball.


Shut the fuck up pedophile

I think freedom Planet is better than Sonic in every single way. It's like sonic with contra level bosses. Just ignore the furry art because it doesn't effect puxels.

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>nigger nostrils
But really though, i never watched his videos before and 1 day i was suggested his red dead 2 vid. A bunch of god awful “lol whacky and wild” editing made me leave after 3 min.

inspired me to start my own channel that i'm going to try not to ride his dick too hard on in style. he's just a bro making videos about shit he likes.

He tries too hard to be funny. I think his videos would be more enjoyable if he didn’t force a joke into every other sentence and let them come naturally instead.

Ugh such toxic masculinity, get Zelda's Huggie Diaper Daycare 15 instead.

King of Pop, forever innocent

awful, awful editing and forced unfunny jokes. watched his rdr2 video because it got spammed so much here, and it makes good points, but nothing mind blowing. not worth the terrible "jokes" and his fucking face right in the middle of the screen at all times

t. Kike