Objectively speaking, these are the best vidya franchises

Objectively speaking, these are the best vidya franchises

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>half are Jewtendo shit
Kys Underage

T. Seething Snoy, Nintendo has more beloved IP's then Disney did before they bought everything

>Panzer Dragoon

That's barely even a franchise fuckface, it had like 3 crummy games on a shitty console that no one besides Sega boomercucks remember (And pretends that it's good).

>All bingbingwahoo and japshit
Imagine posting this and expecting to be taken seriously

a lot of the west games may have had good installments but eventually they all go to shit or die out. Why is that?

> Seething about games solely based on country of origin
Europoors are fucking pathetic

my nigga almost all of those games are literal boomer tier

Too few memorable games to be a best franchise. Better judged on an individual basis.

Never played it but EVERY game in the franchise needs to be gold to qualify which I doubt.

Too many shit games.

Maybe if they could get rid of Sakurai. Each game since Melee has dealt with major flaws such as shit online for Ultimate.

Pretty shitty list...

Literally every Panzer Dragoon game is a masterpiece except the first one, which is saved by a remake on the PS4

>neverwinter nights

Zelda, Mario, SMT, and RE are all series that I am willing to consider for top ten greatest. None of the others have enough great entries.

Where's Wipeout? Well over 20 years, 9 games and not a single bad one, only 1 kinda meh one.

Sonic is a better platforming game than Smash.
Street Fighter is a better fighting game than Smash.

If Legend of Dragoon is related to Panzer Dragoon, you are so dead fucking wrong about that one.

Panzer Dragoon is one of those games that people pretend to like despite never playing it solely because there's absolutely fuck all to talk about in the Saturns lineup. It's such hipster bullshit

retard alert.

>toddler brain too small to see Nintendos newest games are ports/remasters

I'll say it again.
retard alert.

Fuck off Sony faggot, this is why everyone on the internet hates you

>Sonic is a better platforming game than Smash
I'd fucking hope so, considering one of those is actually a platforming game

>this is why everyone on the internet hates you
You mean Yea Forumsgaf right?

Re-releasing a game with only minor changes for 60 dollars that originally launched for 50, and then was put on a value program at 20 dollars isn't even something Activision did with Crash and Spyro, a company who's CEO is Jewish

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>Panzer Dragoon
>Super Smell Bros
lol no

>"this is why everyone on the internet hates you"
>for pointing out something stupid that a company is actually doing

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