Though no, I won't say anything that could get me identified.
I work at Blizzard ama
Other urls found in this thread:
This isn't Reddit goodbye.
what your name
I'm your boss at blizzard, but I won't say anything that will get me identified. Get back to work, slave.
Anything on the follow?
>Diablo 4
>Overwatch Sequel or plans
>New IPS?
classic july 16th or no?
when is beta?
thank you very much.
when's my promotion?
I am a blizzard toilet gloryhole boy, although i wont say anything that would get the hole identified. Ama
my deadline for planning my vacation is tomorrow. When the fuck is classic gonna get released?
Starcraft 3 when
Yeah, hi, I got a question for you. Why do you let your faggot employees make threads on this tragedy of a website? And follow up question, how many dicks must OP suck to realize he has not posted anything of meritable interest to get this thread going? Ballpark figures are acceptable.
I'm on the WoW team. Don''t know shit about the others.
No release date. We tell people when we have one.
What will the next Diablo game be like?
Whats your opinion of the oncoming 4th Reich?
>how many dicks must OP suck
No no that is my job. I wont let amateurs enroach on my turf.
I suck dicks
You're probably full of shit, but w/e, I'll bite.
Is Blizzard actually working on an Overwatch battle royale mode? Are you guys casualizing the genre even more than it already is?
no nigga
>No release date. We tell people when we have one.
How much more work has to go into classic that you dont know when its going to release? Its going to miss the summer window isnt it. Do they even have a beta date yet.
Can you explain why Blizzard games feel like shit now? Is management over there autistic? Is it the zoomer crowd getting employment over the last 10 years filling the design ranks?
are they going to redeem the garbage fire the horde turned into this expansion
also playable vulpera when
Impressive figures, I thought OP would be trailblazing in the dingus munching department. Any news on OP’s super HIV recovery after he was suspected as a victim in the “conference hallway rapist” case since he pleaded innocent and is no longer the prime suspect? Rumor has it that it happened right by Jeff Kaplan’s office.
Tell us something only a blizzard employee could know about (that doesn't identify you).
is hammond gay?
post images of your driver's license, credit card, and social security number
What do people in the Overwatch team say about TF2
It’s up big daddy Bobby’s colon. Get those gloves on and start digging.
are you a marxist/communist/socialist?
No clue.
No. We tell people our dates when we have them.
BFA was supposed to be two expansions. Got rolled into one half a year before announcement.
Vulpera are supposed to be 8.2.5 but I wouldn't be surprised if they're postponed or scrapped. The Horde isn't going to be around in 9.0 so to speak.
Factions are gone next expansion for the most part.
No, I have a job.
cool, so the horde loses the war
this expansion has been pure alliance favoritism since prepatch and last expansion was too
feels bad man
Is it true that Hearthstone and Overwatch are the biggest bilzz games currently.
I kind of feel like resubbing just to unlock zandalari and kul tiran. Is it going to take me weeks of time gated rep/story shit? if so i wont bother, but it wasn't immediately clear to me when i was looking it up since no frame of reference for what the achievements were referencing and shit.
The Alliance doesn't win either.
I mean, they tell us we're the biggest game for Blizzard but I haven't asked anyone on any of the other teams to see if they just say that to everyone?
Do you like your job?
Give me some new insight into wow classic
Will you guys ever add more depth to the classes? Maybe more rpg elements in general?
Is the current active sub below 1,000,000? 500,000?
how true is this image to you
Depends on the month. Right now, not really. Pays good though.
It's Classic WoW. I don't know what you're expecting.
There'll be increased class flavor though "RPG features" are going the way of the dinosaur. One of the reasons why Blizzard pursued making WoW Classic was so that we can change the game even further from how it was at the beginning since Classic is just a part of the normal sub.
We're at around 5m last I saw.
Let me guess, Sylvanis get's taken out but deal so much damage to the Alliance and Saurfang's rebellion that the remaining people have too work together to defeat the next big bad.
High Elves when
What did selling your soul to Bobby feel like?
Which rpg features are going away?
Is there a substitute for the factions? Instead of horde vs alliance is there something else?
>We're at around 5m last I saw.
pack it up boys, its fake news
>We're at around 5m last I saw.
It should have already been obvious, but this is proof it's LARP.
Census addons, which aren't perfect but do get CLOSE, have it at 2m or under for NA/EU.
3M Chinese gold farmer sweatshop account.
The factions aren't uniting to fight some big bad. They're uniting to prevent another Garrosh/Sylvanas incident.
Never. Blood elves fit the bill. They might get blue eyes once cross-faction play is available.
The current plan for professions is to limit people to one, though to make all gathering and secondary professions automatically learned and already fully leveled. The next expansion will feature a piece of armor that counts as chest, legs, hands, wrist, waist and feet all in one which you can level up. Talents are going to be turned into a class neutral thing with 10 choices per row, though only 3 random ones are available to you. You need to spend a new currency to randomly unlock each other option.
No replacement for Horde/Alliance. It'll only matter in Warmode. If you're in a group with someone of the opposite faction and then you turn on warmode, you'll be of the faction of the party leader. Same with BGs.
>I'm on the WoW team. Don''t know shit about the others.
You speak like a Yea Forumsirgin, there is no way you work at any game company. Stop LARPing.
Did the red shirt incident with immortal actually shake the company up?
Is Jeff Kaplan a faggot?
>One of the reasons why Blizzard pursued making WoW Classic was so that we can change the game even further from how it was at the beginning since Classic is just a part of the normal sub.
Why is it always the 90 iq zoomers who make these LARP threads.
>getting rid of most armor slots
dude wtf, id say this is fake but blizzard has been making retarded descions lately
Is it true Greymane is going to fucking die? And why do you guys think all of this upcoming shit is a good idea? I.E the "Redeemed", factions merging and whatnot? This is the third "Blizzard employee" that's been here, and the first two said the same shit is in the pipeline, so I'm feeling inclined to believe it.
>Did the red shirt incident with immortal actually shake the company up?
not him (obviously) but there would be no reason to assume this and if he larps about it he's full of shit. The immortal reveal at blizzcon was a huge miscalculation but it's pure money for the company and investors love mobile shit for asia. That's where the real money is, same way that the real money for WoW is in value added services - pets, xfers, namechanges, race changes, etc.
Immortal was never meant to be a big money maker for western countries (tho it doesn't hurt). Asia is a very very different market for games and chinese dudes wont even bother playing a game without RMT. It's part of the reason western online games often work so hard to segregate chinese players from NA and europe - not necessarily a good or bad thing but simply a vastly different "gaming culture" as meme as that sounds.
If horde was getting vulpera what was Alliance supposed to get?
When will WC2 come out on GOG?
I wouldn't know. I didn't notice anything.
They are not being removed. Think of it as an improved version of Heart of Azeroth that takes up multiple slots. For lower levels, or if you just want to wear different armor for fun, the slots are still there.
I don't know what a "Redeemed" is. And Greymane is not planned to be killed off yet.
How is employee morale? Pretty shitty I expect.
Well tell whoever thought mechagnomes is a good idea is a retard. No one wants them except for like 5 people.
The supposed "Redeemed" are Forsaken that are I guess "saved" by the light, and are supposedly going to be an Alliance counterpart to the UD. Something the other two people claiming to be Blizzard employees had said.
Internall, how is the HotS team looking? Please don't tell me they're close to actually axing the game, they've consistently been the best dev team at Blizzard so far. People say they cut the entire HotS team in half, is that true? If not, do you know how many of them got moved/fired? Esports division doesn't count, who gives a fuck about them.
Are the devs just doing whatever they want? Or are most of the changes orders from on up high?
I've hated most of what your team has introduced this xpac
Not as bad as you'd expect. I'm just cynical and tired. Company's doing pretty good despite what you might think.
The only other gnome subrace that was tossed around were leper gnomes though that's just a goblin.
Didn't read it all though took a glance at it. Kind of guessing this is the guy who was fired in September that the team made a big deal about. Not everything on that is right though, you know. Some of that shit was from the old plan when BFA was two expansions. Never heard of 'Redeemed' though. Currently they're just called Uther's Undead. Not a final name of course.
I don't know anything about the HotS team.
Worst person/s on your team?
If I were you, I would've pretended to be some other person, maybe from another department or something, whom I don't like. Double the pleasure.
Is there a contingency plan in place if WoW fails? Which it fucking will, by the way.
How much does the SJW thought police affect on what people can and can not say or think there?
When the fuck is warcraft 3 reforged getting released
>The next expansion will feature a piece of armor that counts as chest, legs, hands, wrist, waist and feet all in one which you can level up
Just for a moment I thought this shit was real until I read this. Blizzard isn't stupid enough to do something that retarded
Pretty sure they are.
Nice try, boss.
Our contingency plan is to make sure WoW doesn't fail. It won't fail.
Not at all. I remember this Mexican guy who quit because he kept getting "bullied" for being Mexican by the chicks here. This shit wouldn't fly anywhere else. Was funny though.
This is the only important question. Modern WoW is shit.
>WoW doesn't fail. It won't fail.
Well you're not doing a very good job at that. HAHAHAHA can't wait for WoW to die!
What was the overall feelings among the WoW team when Classic was officially a thing? Heard it was a 50/50 split of enthusiasm and thinking it's stupid.
Why do the devs insist on pushing content to require hours upon hours of game time, when a majority of people I know would still pay the monthly cost to only log in 3-4 times a week for raid?
Genuinely this will take 10 more years. The second it goes F2P it would have a huge burst in players.
>Talents are going to be turned into a class neutral thing with 10 choices per row
I really hope you're full of shit and this isn't true
This makes me remember a post on the old WoW forums which predicted that the game would become classless with three buttons only: attack, defend and heal.
>Talents are going to be turned into a class neutral thing with 10 choices per row, though only 3 random ones are available to you. You need to spend a new currency to randomly unlock each other option.
E-celebrities aren't WoW's life blood.
Most of the people I know don't care. We don't even play the current game.
This is something that's going to be scaled back in 9.0. The plan was to try out to see what the right balance is to keep people subbed longer without scaring them off. We went from 11m in Legion to 5m with some staggering, so that's not an amazing sign what we did was working.
How does sylvanas die?
Sethrak, yes or no?
how many actual subs are there now
below mil?
>11million subs
Extreme doubt
Hate Blizzard? Watch this.
>Having close to as many subs WoW had at its peak.
He's fake. Confirmed.
Or doing exactly what he’s told. The shill
Do any of you still talk about the lay offs?
And how does it affect the work environment because of it?
Next expansion by sacrificing herself.
Not planned as a race if that's what you're asking.
It didn't. It was just firing the literal equivalent of janitors. No one cares.
I don't believe you're actually a Blizzard Employe, but I'll humor you. Try to make it somewhat believable, at least.
What happens at the end of BfA? You said no side wins. So, what happens?
>Next expansion by sacrificing herself.
That’s disappointing
when will psi storm be nerfed?
What allied races are planned after vulpera and mechagnomes?
Who revived voljin and who told him to make sylvannas the warchief?
Do the guys in charge of writing the current wow story know that the vast majority thinks it's absolute shit?
Does the wow team even like it? Do you talk about it?
Do you legitimately enjoy WoW? What about other Blizzard games? How do you personally feel about their games as a whole? Like how it's "cool" to just dismiss them as a shit AAA company that only makes dull games for casuals and all that shit, what's your personal opinion?
Can you make Luke Perry into a npc
it's weeks of two reps for each yes
End of BFA focuses on saving Azeroth from corruption. Baine, who will be released by the Alliance, and Saurfang attempt to force Sylvanas to end the war. Though, they end up unable to prevent a major attack on the Alliance even when the world soul is being fought over. Once the battle of the world soul is over, Sylvanas steps down and tells the player that Baine nor Saurfang will ever understand what she has done or why she did what she did. Baine is elected as warchief but turns down the title and instead unites with the Alliance.
Calia's Undead for the Alliance.
"Plague Worgen" for the Horde.
The Light Mother.
No one is proud of BFA's story. It was condensed from two expansion ideas into one in the last minute.
I don't play Blizzard games. Not my thing at all. I mostly play old shit I find on newgrounds.
Need to pass out, though if there's interest I can return for a round two tomorrow. Just let me know.
Where does the Horde attack the Alliance? What are the mayor changes from this expansion to the next? Any big revamps?
> Sylvanas steps down and tells the player that Baine nor Saurfang will ever understand what she has done or why she did what she did
>Calia's Undead for the Alliance.
"Plague Worgen" for the Horde.
This is all so fucking horrible I actually believe it
sure but at least give us some proof like an original pic of Blizzard studios or something otherwise it looks fake
>Baine is elected as warchief but turns down the title and instead unites with the Alliance.
That is so fucking gay and an insult to EVERYTHING WoW has stood for for the last 14 years I actually believe it. Picture related btw.
>Plague Worgen
What's the best breakfast burrito in Irvine?
So you are part of the problem
this is actually the best question in this thread.
Upright Worgen when?
Who is the Light Mother?
>firing literal equivalent of janitors. No ones cares.
Based. Getting rid of trash to hire 120+ skilled educated devs was the right call. I'd be more pumped to create as an existing blizz dev hearing these company focus shifts.
Ben is that you
How does pipeline direction work? Does anyone on the dev team play the game recreationally? Does the lead staff even pretend to care about developer input for the front end or are they just "focus group, margins, profit"
>skilled educated devs
Why did you guys screw the pooch on overwatch so fucking bad? Who's retarded idea was it to make the entire cast move at the same speed, and why the fuck weren't they fired? How did you guys fuck up such a simple concept so badly when literally all you had to do was emulate tf2 circa 2012/13?
what month does official vanilla-wow become playable?
Can you suck my dick?
Is there any work being done on fixes for Warcraft 3? Update 1.30.4 (I think, whatever was latest) broke a lot of custom maps for which crash me to desktop both singleplayer and multiplayer.
Alright I'll play along
Why has NPC culture taken over blizzard
did you know
there are three kinds of people
those who seek strength (dps)
those who live for pride (tanks)
and those who can read the tide of battle (support)
those are the three
lmao this nigga is a QA tester for WoW, thats why he doesnt know shit about anything. we dont tell QA tards a god damn thing
Are we going back to Northrend?
Do you work at blizzard?