Filename thread
Filename thread
Other urls found in this thread:
What happened here?
What is the context for this one anyways?
Car crash with a truck filled with animal guts
>MMO devs copying WoW
nice filename, faggot
Did you fuck up?
A truckload of pig entrails after a crash
What are you implying to me
lurk more
tiananmen square 1989.jpg
This is the single worst filename thread in Yea Forums history.
Become funnier.
Real niggas get this one
>/pol/ on the background
this is to real
>the people in the car the plane clipped only got away with mild injuries
fucking christ imagine being in that car
fucking retard koreans
Give it a name
Da hell happen here?
Thats just Yea Forums, the webm.
>/pol/ literally running around in the background
who was in the wrong here?
the dog or the owner? Most dogs can live with small dogs for years
Didn't the show end with the kid getting cancer and the cat sell everything just to save him? Isn't it a time paradox considering the future kid made him?
Dogs are shit tier pets and animals.
how come it feels rarer to find Barqs over Mug and A&W
>trying to have a dog cafe
>forget dogs act like wolf packs.
Did it died
I always see this posted but never got the joke
Huskies are one of the more dangerous dogs out there regardless.
>having an ending
the fucking korean roach mother for giving birth to more korean
reminds me of this.
Someone did this.
based seething patreonfag
This one should be called Gurumin
>the weak should fear the strong
What movie is this?
nerve gas
Str vs Dex
Blazing Saddles.
FUCK I forgot about that game. I used to play the demo all the time.
Those pedestrians have the peripheral vision of a barn owl. Not the best scene in John Wick series.
The joke is how fucking absurd KH's story is.
Waht gayme
give the thread now
What game is this?
Always a favorite of mine to post
The joke is the image itself. Why exactly would 2 little chipmunks need to analyze data? Why can't Riku or Yen Sid do it? It's silly
You won't believe the ending
Castlevania: When Hector wasn't Carmarilla's bottom bitch.
The dog. Would've shot the fucker soon as i watched that footage.
>filename thread
>no name in the files
That's the kind of nutcase I wish there were more of
i fucking love this one user. Thanks for the leaf-friendly keks.
>that ending
yep koreans are subhuman no different from chinese
Cherryposting is a treasure
What the fuck? Did they replace the dog?
>all the dindu-ruffin owners in the comments saying LOOK IT'S NOT JUST PITBULLS
based and infanticidepilled
Harvey korman is exactly how i react every time i open Yea Forums
lmao, this one post saved this clusterfuck of a thread
Meh one more /hoc/ based one
whyd this get deleted but not the webm
Post the one with the discoloured fence spike
that looks like justmegabenewell's work
Ah, my favorite kind.
I still can't believe gaben is a gay furry porn artist.
nice filenames
Something's off, can't tell for sure but I'll analize the footage and then come back with some data. I'm accusing you of cheating
Same, I think most people dont bother making oc anymore since they know someones gonn profit off of it or itll be immediately added to knowyourmaymay
>I'll probably eat this bitch later but damn this bath feels nice
>tabby cat the size of an adult german sheperd
top kek
God damn this got better with age.
Nah it's too small, probably just 6 or 7 months old
To be honest I try to make OC whenever I can. Granted its shit because I suck at drawing but at least I try to make original shit and not just edit a wojak and spam it in here. I drew this some time ago on /int/.
what in the hell?
Taunting a lust in DMC 3
thats not the only issue, There is no suppressor silent enough to not be heard at that distance. Not only that, the gunshot impacts would be heard as well.
It really fucking bothers me that I know where this is from.
it's fairly well known around here even if you don't particularly care about that scene
The fuck are you on about? Its from some fucking turbo autist watching another turbo autist cheat on a speedrun.
how new r u? people post that shit all the time
why cant they just take a pair of scissors and cut them loose also this shit is some Silent Hill 2 nightmare crap
What movie is that?
Oh this happened years ago? That makes me feel better. (I've been here about a decade, but avoid autism as much as possible).
>Yea Forums filename threads
Those guys really suck.
The fake watermark is funnier than the filename
Wheelman, that game Vin Diesel got involved with.
I used to think people weren't this stupid, and then I started working at a tech support call center and people are impressively retarded.
kill yourself you fucking retarded zoomer
chibi is well fucking known because of his participation in AGDQ events
You just have to think of the stupid shit the average person does then you realise half of all people are dumber
>(I've been here about a decade, but avoid autism as much as possible).
uh huh, okay. good luck with that buddy
>you'll never see me coming!
post twitter
id fap to this
dumb nog
I heard that toner is really toxic or some shit.
Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrell. Novel and miniseries
That's what you get when you use "refilled" toner cartridges. Buy the new ones every time, kids.
You don't actually think it wasn't staged, do you?
/pol/ proves his retardation more every day
pretending to not understand simple jokes to feed your little ego is the most insipid fucking shit ever
you are pretending right
Thank you, user.
what happen
Those are man arms baby.
Most WoW clones were pretty good though, the problem is they were similar to WoW but with less content and polish so why would you quit playing WoW for them?
Were the people in the plane okay?
Nowhere is safe
>t. HP sales department
i've been refilling $200 toners for $10 for years and there's nothing you can't do to stop me
So? Do you turn your head to look at every sound you hear in a loud, crowded place?
is tkmiz the piccasso of our age?
Bioware died in 2007. If you enjoyed Dragon Age or Mass Effect you are a zoomer.
I dont use any kind of social media user, sorry.
did he died?
Sounds like it was the video of a husky violently shaking a small dog and breaking its back while the owner is in the next room.
Yea Forums is social media.
just buy second hand, those compatible toners that come from a chinese factory
where is this so i never go there
embarrassing, i thought all newfags were gone by now holy shit
Need good ones for Primal and New Dawn but Im out of ideas.
Got anything in mind Yea Forums?
the fuck i had this saved properly as a webm
ive even posted it before
what is this bullshitt
Well fuck me then
formerly somber
>Monkey see, monkey do
Not that guy, but silencers actually only reduce noise by approximately 30 decibels. The shot would still be as loud as a piece of metal being slammed full force on concrete.
lmfao literally retarded
fkn n00b
south australia
why am i hard?
I liked it better when it was named console vs pc
goddamn that nigga's got moves
>Switch port vs. others
What was it?
just some ruffhousing
i cant believe this is a fucking scene holy shit
Jesus, what a disgusthing thread, what is happening, not even some files have filenames
was he actually cheating?
>dinosaurs went exti-
That's the type of shit you shoot on site. Why is India so degenerate
why am I attracted to this
More like shlooters
Gonna give you some advice buddy, whether or not you've been here a decade, people are not going to believe you when you spout shit like a newfag
Yes, as long as he got close enough, his copy of the game would think the skip worked. Eagle Eye Nerd noticed that Chibi's angle on the jump wasn't correct and couldn't have worked normally.
>Shadow of the Colossus speedrun.gif
YOu know the rules bro
Now do the same test without the overlayed shader.
I've always like the crack interpretation that Assassin shenanigans have gotten to the point where the public are inured to them as long as no one is hurt who wasn't supposed to be.
>when you haven't cum in a week
The joke is that the whole KH franchise is retarded and made for edgy kids.
Suppressors don't render gunshots silent or even really quiet. If anything they make them sound closer to firecrackers.
Barqs has too much of a cold bite. Mug is too sweet. A&W has god tier flavor and goes down nice and smooth.
Who's the unit on the left?
>They don't get it
>Shin Megami Tensei II - Law Ending
I mean, it just worked the same for me by copying a frame of the gif and doing it in paint
I should replay that.
>tool assisted runs
>Breaker Style.webm
Dolphin gas mustard porn
Majima: Thats Rad
You see a ballsack on the neck. Surprise, you're a faggot.
post my profile then nerd
it was the eyelashes but ok.
beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Is it good?
What AI site/tool is used to make these?
It tasted the crab cakes then realised what he was eating.
my $2 to rub together is that the samll dog was being a cunt to the husky and the husky was sick of its shit
ruptured gas line or somthin?
Gang Beasts
lmao fuckin poofta
It's probably that chinese fireworks factory exploding. Happened a few years back iirc.
Yea, the pilots managed to land it in a river i believe
people think this is cool?
It is.
Good thing he was late for work
Stream where?
Smash Bros
Ew, this game looks really ugly. What Korean mobile game is this?
>the villainess joins your party
I would really prefer it if you would kill yourself
Depending on the deals the owner has they're not allowed to sell certain soda if they want to carry another specific brand. Coca Cola for example won't allow you to sell other soda EXCEPT the ones that are owned and sold by them, they literally bully you into submission
I know what game this is from and I'm troubled by it