Jade is part of Google

>Jade is part of Google
Are you going to buy Jade's game console?

Attached: jade-raymond.jpg (1280x720, 170K)

Will she fuck moot?

this woman is so beautiful she could never do bad at life. I'm sure she's insecure as fuck about something but it's in another universe so out of my reality that I'll never comprehend what it's like

she's everything I resent but I feel absolutely charmed when I look at her. She's beautiful as fuck.

Just get this thread over with and post the fucking comic.

Wasn't she at some EA studio?

I wonder if moot ever thinks about us. I miss him, bros.

>still using that photo
She's old and busted now

Attached: jade_raymond_new_hed.png (1385x552, 1.72M)

oh baby, she looks very mommyish now

Jade deserved better. I feel bad for her.

I want to play jade's console

>no comic

Someone post the comic.

>facelift smile

This woman hops between jobs more often than a Tijuana hooker. I know her kind, and she's definitely got skeletons in her closet.

Fuck this cunt for humiliating based Keifer at the VGAs. She was being a drunken retard, and clearly was boozing it up backstage.

Attached: 1552101479701.png (508x663, 302K)

>game dev

literally a vagina put on stage to sell games

These pics are older than the first iphone.

can we get an updated version of The Comic?

Wait what

I'd still pity fuck her

called kiefer out for killing muslim terrorists

I'll have to look that up I guess?

Man what a callback

What that mouth do tho

What the fuck?
Why is it so hard for women to age in dignity?
pic unrelated, a woman who didn't have herself butchered

Attached: old audrey hepburn.jpg (2000x3000, 543K)

She was just nervous. It was cute.

I can't wait to play on mommy's console

Because they no longer have dignity. Audrey was top tier fap material in her prime. I need a time machine.

Attached: mmmm.jpg (550x707, 98K)

Still waiting for that comic

Attached: 1449454576074.png (1040x648, 53K)

Holy shit that was fast

this is the oldest thing i've seen on Yea Forums this year

Oh good some 21 year old faggot thinks he's qualified to judge older people