>PC "gaming"
PC "gaming"
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this is a problem?
just because some console plebs don't like plot development doesn't mean that it shouldn't be a part of the game
that sucks, where's the size 0, size -1? size -2?
all the sizes are fine, but size 4 is the best of the ones listed
it would be size 3 if there werent so many jaggies
Less talking, more sauce required.
Why were several steps skipped between 5 and 6?
its a monhun mod
(and that's a good thing)
Because 7 8 9
>American ""cheese""
at what point do those tits become a polygonal mess
I think female character models should have more polys on the bust and behind to compensate for people cranking their sliders up to the maximum. It'd solve everything, even flat and petite sizes would look better and rounder.
>implying those mods didnt make the game 10x better for me
Hunting monsters with a raging boner feels pretty good.
Around 4
It's a mod for Monster Hunter World
That is pasteurized processed American cheese food (real name).
American cheese is a mix of Colby and cheddar usually.
Btw euro, I can go to any of like 10 grocery stores within 5km and select from a fucking 5m long wall of award winning American and imported cheeses.
Size 4 and up are for patricians. Anything below is pretty problematic.
Pedophile spotted. Yikes.
>shitty textures for best size
every fucking time
Where is size 10?
and that's a good thing.
Here, have some facts about cheese.
1, 3, and 4 master race.
longer twin tails mod guys
Can it go flatter?
I'm more interested in big tiddies
Where are you seeing this? I checked the nexus and I don't see the new option.
yea its pretty good
Was always curious about these mods but can other players see these changes? I doubt it but yeah.
>A gift like Elins somehow fall out of relevance
I wish Tera was still popular
have sex
of course not
rare exception would be games where you can modded servers, but that's not the case here
go away dumb roastie
Speaking of PC gaming, I'm annoyed. I want to build a new computer because mine is starting to get dated as I have a 10 year old processor, but I only play games that require like no graphics at all or are games from the 90s, so there's no point in me upgrading.
You can't legally call american cheese cheese. It's not cheese. You're an idiot.
>having sex
imagine being a colossal faggot
TERA 2 soon, brother.
>Tera 2
good lord i'm not ready
>if you have sex you will no longer like girls
imagine being only attracted to cartoons
if you have sex you will no longer be a retard who downloads nude mods instead enjoy the real thing
I don't need my imagination for that. And it's a good thing.
Is that an offer?
Nice, but
>low ass polygons on tits
Not PC
Have a look, user.
>Let's get one thing straight. When I say American cheese, I am referring specifically to process American cheese. The kind that comes either in individual slices from the refrigerated dairy case or sliced off of a rectangular block at the deli counter. There are many incredible cheeses produced in America—some of the finest in the world, like Humboldt Fog, Moses Sleeper, and Bent River. They may be great cheeses that are American, but they are not "American cheese."
Wrong, being a pervert doesn't stop once you've touched a pussy
holy cringe, have sex
Huntresses can't have bulky armor weighing them down
That's mental illness
how would you know since you never had it
no, that's repulsive
Trying way too hard there, dude.
US Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 (Food and Drugs), Subchapter B, Part 133, Section 169-173 (Pasteurized processed cheese), the allowed usage of the term "American cheese" for certain types of "Pasteurized processed cheese" is detailed.U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Needs more polygons for the larger sizes.
>tfw no game will ever give girls a bulge slider
Yeah it's pretty good
You better buy me a meal first.
You realize that stuff like that's in my link, right?
stop trying to steal my semen roastie
Go dilate.
Why do you care so much?
3 to 5>6>2>1
I have a girlfriend now and I fooled around with a few people when I was at university. But haha I'm posting on Yea Forums I'm a woman hating incel
cause as a fellow human being, I hate to see others fall into a delusion mindset
>Size -2
>The girl has pectum excavatum
Go dilate
its going to blow!
Size 1 is objectively the best size. You can tell the artists thought so too, because they did not even adjust the textures or add polygons for larger sizes.
Read the fucking thing I just wrote. It's two different things retard.
Average age here now is 15 and average IQ is about 79. I elucidate something for you and you go DURR NO ITS NOT
They should not let that last designation even exist, I bought those things on accident one time
They dont fucking melt
>have P.E.
>not sure if I want to meet a girl with P.E. so we can talk or a girl with P.C. so we can dock
5 > 4 > 6 > the rest
where can i get this mod?
Kevin nash was raped at gunpoint in the summer of 1992
>shilling for 3DPD
Go away fag
couldn't be farther from the truth
been married for 7 years now and will be spending the night modding an obscure game with porn assets
Isn't there a game with a bulge slider that released out recently? Forgot what it was called. There were some threads about it.
>butthurt consolefag
enjoy your 'vanilla'
liking imaginary things is a mental illness
Alright. C'mere.
I'm not seeing a difference between 4 and 5, but they're the best choices, good proportions.
Also needs a flat option.
Alright, Dr. user. I believe you.
I palyed Tera today.
you don't exist retard