Give me one fucking reason why you haven't bought it yet. Like I want you to type that shit in using the keyboard, explaining why you haven't got your hands on what is arguably the best action game of this generation.

Attached: DMC5.jpg (1280x720, 222K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If I wait a while it’ll be cheaper

I don't like action games?

Hack and slash games are boring. Tried to force myself to finish one five times and never worked

THAT'S A really good reason, not everyone has to like the same things, I hope you have a lot of fun with your favorite games, user-kun

You will after this.

I am interested in it but I haven't played any of the other games in the series...

Well I just don't have the dollar for it at the moment

I'm waiting for sekiro, have plenty of games to play anyway. If sekiro turns out to be shit i will buy this

I always prefered NG over dmc babby shit.
Too bad my series is DEAD

Neither have I, but I'm enjoying the game anyway. There's a recap video to catch up on the story, and there's enough context to figure out what's going on. The gameplay is more important anyway.

I’ve never played any other Devil May Cry games, so I don’t think I can play this one without playing the others.
Also, could anyone familiar with the series tell me which games I should play when I get to them? It’s just I’ve heard mixed opinions on just about every game in this series.

Im saving my money for astral chain and bayo 3.

>Financially supporting Publishers who put microtransactions in a single player game.

I pirated it on day one. Pretty good game so far.

Mindlessly juggling braindead enemies doesn't appeal to me. Even if it does look cool.

I suggest you play DMC3. It's a great game and it's chronologically the first.
If you like it, you should then play DMC1 and DMC4. Then DMC5.

I pirated it. Itsuno still feels like he's holding back with enemy design, especially after gravity got nerfed and enemy step got buffed. Melee enemies and some bosses still feel incomplete. SoS is more challenging with enemies having more moves but they get dabbed on so easily because of the aerial mobility. DMD is still a meme with Enemy DT. Will buy once DMD gets rebalanced and enemies and bosses get more moves on DMD.

because i already pirated it

I have bought it. It's just not being shipped yet because and Capcom are fucking assholes who fucked up supply/shipping the Collector's Edition.

Because you can pirate it for free (plus not have to suffer a 20% FPS loss due to Denuvo like paycucks)

Just got back into Tekken and want to play a season 2 character. Don't need a whole bunch of other shit to memorize right now.

I didnt buy it because I got it for free with my new graphics card

Vergil moveset is too limited

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what the fuck delete

Microtransactions so I pirated instead.

Thats because its his boss moveset, not his actual moveset because he's not done.

i torrented it for free u fucking nigger weeb

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Because it isn't MGR 2

V feels like absolute shit to play. i'm just fucking spamming buttons.

i torrented it and bought it, get fucked

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I haven't finished 3 or 4 yet, regrettably. And the HD collection is sold out for my platform on Amazon and I don't want to pay $39 CAD to buy it digitally just to play DMC3.

Because Yea Forums think the main character is cool.
And by experience, any character Yea Forums considers "cool" tend to be in a boring game where they would be an OP as fuck character in gameplay.
That and I actually got to play a bit of IV and was thoroughly unimpressed with the gameplay.
I also think Dante is a cool character though.

Pirate it then.

>i didn't buy it because Yea Forums likes it
lmao what is this post

Don't like action games very much
Played DMC 1,3 and 4 before and the only one that I really liked was 4 because Nero was a character I actually liked
Full price games cost too much

>humor seemed extremely annoying and cringey
>attacks and fighting seems cool enough but I guess I'm not big on killroom action games
I never played any of the games in the series and only took a look at the trailers for this out of curiosity because of the hype.

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I'm literally downloading it on steam right now fucklord. I'm going to refund it after I make sure it runs alright though and buy it from a shady key reseller for cheaper. SORRY.

I keep hunting classifieds but unlike RE2 normies didn't buy it. Just lost my job, so.

No bloody palace and Vergil yet. I'll buy Sekiro first. That's the high IQ move.

what happened

I'd buy a new Ninja Gaiden or Gayonetta in a heartbeat but DMC is too cringe. Wish there were a selection of action games like the good ol days.

It's a little too gay and anime-y desu.

they obviously arent your thing and there is no shame in that
Your still a fag for calling them boring though

I got metoo'd by some landwhale

Vergil is kicking my ass. It’s like the first boss that’s required me to get good at the game.

hope he is in bloody palace
they didnt spend all that time fleshing his moveset out in special edition just for that
also hope lady and trish are playable at somepoint they were very fun in SE

no really. V feels like garbage to play. i'm not enjoying this in the slightest. how much of the game am i stuck with this faggot?

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After dante you barely play as him

maybe 3 missions you get the choice to play as other characters on some missions
i thought he was weird to but he grew on me and im getting smoking sexy style with him on most encounters

Vergil's Face.


Because women look like Amerimutt trannies and Nero looks like Vorgel from DmC. I'll stick to my pure anime waifus, thanks.

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I would have by now but Sekiro took my vidya funds this month. It's going to be getting DLC anyway so I don't feel like I need to rush myself.

>Can't replay all levels as every character

Only downside I can think of.

because the fanbase is fucking autistic, like you OP fucking killl yourself.

1. I haven't played any of the others.
2. I don't have a huge disposable income at the moment.

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Because I'm dirt poor, and all I have is a Switch and a PC that struggles to play Morrowind.

1 3 and 4
1's controls are the barrier to entry but if you can get a handle on it, it's a very fun game, especially replaying it on harder difficulties once you've mastered the essentials. the sequels are more about styling on punching bags.
if you can't get into that, give 3 a try before quitting.
4 isn't essential for 5 but it's still a good game despite some problems and will ease you into playing Nero and Dante in 5

ignore 2 and DmC unless you liked the others and want to see how they compare

I tried DmC as my first DMC, and it was all right for a while, but as soon as I had to stop what I was doing mid fight to switch to the exact weapon an enemy needed to be hit with, I dropped it. like sure, have weaknesses, but immunity to anything other than one element or weapon is fucking stupid for a game that is supposed to be fast paced. I should just be able to turn my brain off and let the combos flow, not pause and open a strategy guide every time I want to clear an arena. other than that, third person action games aren't quite my thing anyways.

DmC is the worst game in the series and a travesty.

>Caring about pointless microtransactions
>When you can farm 1 million red orbs in 7 minutes

I cant buy the game again after I already bought it on PS4. Maybe when I get it on PC or if it gets some switch port in like 8 years from now but right now I cant buy it twice.

What happens when you play do you actually cringe and squint and look away when corny lines are said? How do you enjoy comedy? Just turn the volume to Japanese and turn off subtitles and make up what ever they say too your own fancy.

Cuz i pirated it

V feels like crap at first cause his attacks don't come out instantly, but remember to use back back attack as Shadow to make it teleport near an enemy, that might help you

shit PC
also want the complete version

Water heater.

I pirated and then bought it after having such a good time with it. Shit man I thought mgs5 would be the game to make me drop games entirely and getting my shit life together due to finally playing the game of all time, sadly it wasn't. This game though. I was smiling and jumping up from my seat trying to dodge and party shit. And I accidentally triggered the live action scenes which freaked me out because I thought the pirated copy was fake but I laughed and had s blast.

Even my mom and dad said I hadn't smiled like this in a long time. Every time I went to work I was so damn anxious to get back home that my boss was wondering if I got a gf or something.

I love dmcV.

im waiting for the definitive edition and trish face mod

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This game is fucking garbage. I am on Son of Sparda (skipped Devil Hunter) and just got a SSS with V by holding the triggers and spamming xy at the same time.

3 has the best story
4 feels incomplete
DmC might be very enjoyable or very meh depending on your taste
5 can also be a good starter but it has a lot of fanservice and design decisions thatr you wont find in the other games (for better or worse)

2 is bad and 1 is atmospheric but dated.

Haven't played many action games or DMC at all, will try the remasters at some point but I'm focusing on Sekiro right now. I did try the demo for 5 but I suck at it but plays well and is tight

the air combat was always overpowered in dmc i feel

you need big brain IQ to appreciate positioning and summoner gameplay.
not very common with the hack n slash demographic

Because I live in a country outside of my citizen ship atm and my card got froze because the bank is dumb and I was impatient so I pirated it and my cards unfrozen and Im not sure If want buy it now since I went through the effort of pirating.

Lost my job and can't afford purchase atm. But im living vicariously through all of you anons.

Pirate it you nigger.

Maybe he doesn't has a good PC user

Hey man, they said mine wasn't coming til April and it just got updatex to this Thursday. Hold out.

Pirated it but I haven't started it yet

I'll buy it once they remove Denuvo. Otherwise I bought RE2 so it's fine, they got my ""support""

>Give me one fucking reason why you haven't bought it yet.

~10hours of mediocore entertainment
V is boring out of place.
Leveldesing boring repetitive.
Mission 16+ just kill me zzzz

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Pirate a good PC

I'm in Canada and nobody in Canada has had any good news yet. It's still hopeful though the the Canadian customer service line has been that it's gonna ship "the week of the 11th".

Glad you're getting yours soon though. That's great news and bodes well for me too. The wait hasn't been so bad. I actually needed an extra day or two to properly beat DMC3 and earn my full cred for the franchise. At this rate I might even go knock off DMC2.

So you are bad basically? I just beat this fucking horse also holding triggers and spamming xy, (of course pressing the big faggot in to when I got max DT) and now I just had to also press A when the boss got near. This is insanely braindead. Nero gameplay was fun and I thought maybe despite these shit graphics Capcom did okay but I regret ever believing in these faggots. How did I go from Re2Remake to this? RE2 got so much right. Oh well there is still a studio that makes decent action games. Hell two with how great Nioh was.

Kek, i could run it, just not looking fancy. I'll get it someday once I'm back on my feet. Really liking V memes. What exactly does the sweet surrender do ingame?

because it's pirated day 1

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Heals you slowly

I really want to play it, it looks really cool. But I feel that I should play through the others (except 2) first. I'm jealous of all the folks that have been with the series for a while and can play it now

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My PC is pretty shitty but it can run 1-4 fine, but not more modern games like Dark Souls for example. Does 5 have a drastically different benchmark for specs or would I be okay? Don't care if I have to set it to N64 graphics as long as the framerate is stable.

How do I turn the motorcycle weapon into a motorcycle in combat? I can only swing around its pieces.

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>How did I go from Re2Remake to this?
>how great Nioh was
Ew, I think I stepped in shit. Oh wait, that's just your taste.

>paying full price for a relatively short game
>already have huge backlog
>hack and slash isn't favorite genre
>music sounds average at best
>western-influence character designs, especially the females
Pick one

ThisAlso it sounds and moves like a pump dildo.


Thinking about getting this, but I really disliked 4. I hear Dante is underused in this, again.

Is nero better now? Are the missions/levels better than 4?

Do tell

Cause I've never played any DMC games before. DMC V looks fucking cool though, don't have time now to invest into the series

My cat is sick and I can't afford it due to vet bills. I haven't played Devil May Cry in years but V looks fun.

Dante and Nero have same ammount of missions (counting those missions you can replay as other character) and Dante is a massive improvement from 4, without spoiling much from him, you can get 4 levels of styles instead of 3 now

Hey, glad to hear you enjoy it. Honestly for a while it was looking like this would be the best thing to come in my life. Other things improved prior, but I'm happy it was able to bring you joy, user.

>time to invest in the series
it's a series of short action games, you can literally pick any one and play it through once, see if it's your cup of tea

The orginal 4 was amazingly well optimized so it runs on a toaster pretty much. Try the SE of 4 first since it has higher requirements.

Its already free. Someone cracked it.

Also came free with any amd card purchase. Im sure alot bought the 580s at $100 for free re2 and dmc5.

He's not in the code at all as a playable character, someone just took the boss version and made him playable through some fuckery, which is why he only has his boss moves. People are setting themselves up for disappointment if they seriously think they're gonna drop a playable Vergil with the Bloody Palace update next month, we're months away from anything like that since Matt says the whole team is taking a break before they even think about DLC plans

Says the guy defending this garbage, where after spamming I was given a reward of fighting a stupid giant bug that is like a low budget platinum boss. This is so so inconsistent it's funny at this point.

Nero was changed a little. Now he's basically just Dante but instead of goofy charm he swears a lot, gets pissy easy and insults everyone. He's better but still just edgy Dante Jr.
>Are the missions/levels better than 4?
Well there aren't any recycled missions. But the level architecture in the latter half gets SUPER bland. It's all in the tree so it's generic red hell levels for like 4 straight hours.

Yes Dante is underused. Not as bad as DMC4 but out of 20 missions he's only playable in about 6

Legitimately, Kamiya makes better crazee style action games

As much as I enjoyed it, the way it's designed feels archaiac. You basically walk from arena to arena fighting monsters and that's about it.

>Matt says the whole team is taking a break before they even think about DLC plans
Meaning we'll hear about the DLC at E3 with a small tease. They're probably only taking April off. That's why Bloody Palace might've been "cut" too. They delayed it so April can feel meaningful and they can get a big second wave of sales from news about free DLC.

Where's the switch version?

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It's for young boys and I'm not one.

That's not archaic. That's the fucking genre. If you don't like it, don't play it. Character Action/Stylish Action is about going from room to room to fight waves of baddies.

>If you don't like it, don't play it
I said I enjoyed it

>Character Action/Stylish Action
Not a genre you fucking retard. It's called an action game

Does anyone have HQ downloads for the battle songs, or at least Devil Trigger?

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thanks user

>Character Action/Stylish Action
>Le if a game has unique gameplay then it a brand new genre
I hate this reddit meme. It's just an action game. Why the fuck would you call it anything else?

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Just spend 30 bucks on steam for all of them in a bundle. When I'm done with 5 im going to play them in order. I thought dmc sucked but after spending a hour in the void practicing moves im in love right now.

>tfw this will be canon

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>Inspired by ALTTP and Gradius
>Favorite game is Castlevania
>Devil May Cry (1) is the least coorazy
He made Devil May Cry 3.1 and 3.2, except toned down the fun with sexualization and the standard Platinum one-dimensional cast ot characters.
There's nothing crazy about Kamiya, except maybe his twitter persona.

Because if you go by "Action Game" then you end up with things like Game Awards 2014 where Shadow of Mordor wins Action Game Of the Year over Bayonetta 2.

Also, it's not a new genre. It's a subgenre. Like Action RPG vs WRPG vs JRPG vs SRPG vs CRPG vs DRPG etc etc etc

Screenshot or it didnt happen bitch

>Action series that started with a game where you explored an elaborately designed castle full of twisting, mazelike, yet memorable rooms and areas is now supposed to be about walking through a string of boring arenas full of enemies
>Character Action

Fuck man at least know what you are talking about

I havent played any DMC game and I was expecting a either a blunder or 2 month full of obnoxious contrarian fags to make the game enjoyable to discuss here. It seems I was wrong so I am gonna start with 1 tomorrow (and skip 2)

>Because if you go by "Action Game" then you end up with things like Game Awards 2014 where Shadow of Mordor wins Action Game Of the Year over Bayonetta 2.
So we should ignore basic literacy because your faggot FEEFEES got hurt? No.
>Action RPG
That's not a subgenre that's a hybrid of two genres.

DMC1 invented the genre and things evolved from there.

Get the fuck out of my face here you moron. People also always take time to tell newcomers to the older games to bear in mind that DMC1 was almost RE4 and still has a lot in common with Resident Evil in terms of design, pace and structure.

Honestly I like V as a character but his combat just feels undercooked for me and I feel like this game would be way more cohesive if it was just switching between Dante and Nero, give Dante another weapon or two to pace things better and it would have been great. Tired of Dante only getting a handful of missions, sucks that he's only playable at the halfway point of the game and V sucks up potential playtime with him

I don't get paid until next week.

>If an action game has non-shit gameplay then it should be in it's own genre
Is this bait?

>DMC1 invented the action game genre
Are you mental?

>That's not a subgenre that's a hybrid of two genres.
Which is a subgenre of it's own because the idea is used so much.

You really have to be a total fucking smoothbrain to not understand that.

Atmosphere too. Fucking love DMC1.

I hope your cat gets better user. I went through the same recently with my dog

Fuck off TGBS. Your shitty video isn't a definitive opinion to follow

>green text a bunch of cool things
>act like these are bad things
What did he mean by this

This is the first game I've pirated in over 10 years and I'm kind of glad I did because I'm not all that in to it. The idea was to buy if I liked it.

Ironically, all my favorite games this gen were all pleasant surprises (Titanfall 2, Hollow Knight, Nier). This is and Super Mario Odyssey are the only games that lived up to the hype for me.

Post them under appreciated DMC Themes
Super Public Enemy needs more love

play 3 with ws/ss mod to learn dante
play 4 to learn nero then play dmc1 for extra extra.

Holy shit you're actually mental. You don't know what the word "genre" means.

>Massacres an entire city full of people
>Gets of scot-fucking-free
Is this the power of being Itsuno's favorite?

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>Is this bait?
No it's just an acknowledgement of sub genres. Just like Kart Racing is it's own genre vs Simulation Racing or Arcade Racing, Character Action is it's own genre within the INCREDIBLY vague and broad genre of "action".
>DMC1 invented the action game genre
It invented the Character Action subgenre.

No, you're just autistic AND dumb in equal measure.

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Sorry to hear that. He's a diabetic to begin with, and he's been having diahhrea that the vet hasn't been able to get under control. His hind legs have lost their fur and he's lost a lot of muscle. I'm not hopeful but we aren't giving up on him. As long as he's not in pain I'll do whatever I can for him. On the other hand, I don't want to just keep shooting him with medicine and Frankensteining him, artificially prolonging his life.

How about "Stylish Spectacle Action" or just simply "Cuhrazy"? Does that work?

>4 isn't essential for 5
What the fuck are you talking a bout

>we're months away from anything like that since Matt says the whole team is taking a break before they even think about DLC plans

Wouldn't the break have come after the complete the actual game and not after release? Meaning they should have been on break back in Feb.


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Normally yes, but they're still finishing up the Bloody Palace mode.

I don't feel like it, the controls probably suck anyway on keyboard and mouse.

>He's not in the code at all as a playable character, someone just took the boss version and made him playable through some fuckery,
Yes he is. There's no fucking way someone could have made a custom character in literally one fucking day if it wasn't already implemented.

They're called action games

They're just action games...with really good combat.

Ugh buy a controller for 25 bucks you peasant

With your logic the term Genre if fucking meaningless then since every game that has a new idea is a new genre. There is no platformer genre there's the Mario Genre, the Sonic Genre, the Megaman Genre, ect. That's what you sound like

Why didn't Dante fuck Lady?

I never played the series, but I watched up on the story of 1 and 3 and are now playing 4, so I'll get to 5 soon!

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Fuck off TBGS

You don't get to be a genre until you have enough imitators. And you have to be new enough that you don't just easily fit into a pre-existing genre.

Soulslike games is a good example. They're a burgeoning subgenre.

He's not gay.

Just make macros and get ready to type like a madman. Even without macros Keyboard is pretty much easy mode since you get to maximize all your fingers.

>He actually wants Patty in the games

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Holy fuck you really are retarded.

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i love devil may cry, but it just doesn't stand out to me as a game series i should fall over for. i love the gameplay of bayonetta and dmc, but they don't matter to me till I play them whenever I decide to get them. and it aint worth 60

>We should limit creativity by making genres hyper specific so people can justify copy-pasting someone else's game
Neck yourself ESL

literally so easy go do that with dante, or nero, and see if you can get an sss. wait until mission 12.

I mean morrison is in, why not have a normie woman compared to the two woman-children and crazy inventor we have right now.

>Lords of the Fallen
>Salt and Sanctuary
>The Surge
The category is growing.

>a bunch of lazy low effort knock offs should be validated by having a retarded "genre" name to hide under
Nah not happening

>We should limit creativity
Genres come after the design process. Nobody is having their creativity limited unless they're doing it to themselves.

nice and wholesome reply.

play 3, and go directly to 4, and play 5. 1 should be played but it's not necessary since combat mechanics do not carry over.

Because you faggots have oversaturated this board in threads about it and the series and genre are overrated as fuck.

Vergil wasnt in control there, not his fault.

Sekito is not souls like. There are other games you could put in that list though.

If I wanted to play with a controller I would've bought a console

So now that power level are off the charts with True Sin Devil Trigger god any chance they give Lady something?

Like, I dont know, maybe being Urizen's cumrag for a month gave her demons powers or shit.

5 was pretty lack luster in area design, but it was fine. 3 is still my goat.

It was a disappointment for me and the story was so bad you literally should just skip cutscenes. Definitely not worth the hype.

She's cute.

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>he doesn't want a wild party girl that manages to be the most sane member of Devil May Cry staff

>Genres come after the design process.
No? Making a shitty ESL "genre" name only gives lazy niggers excuses to make a bland ass knockoff. Because they can just say its part of the """genre"""

You're a person that thinks we should make up a new gender every time someone feels like a snowflake, right?

nuke clear warhead gun or mech suit lady when

>That's not archaic.
It definitely is bro, Platinum games refined everything about the genre except combo tech. Those eggs and roots are just boring as fuck.

>taking awards shows seriously
What the hell are you doing mate

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Honestly if they make her a DLC character, i would like her mobilty was heavily improved, even if they add some moves she does in the cutscenes from DMC3, it would make her really fun, so basically prioritize movement with her instead of raw power

Lady and Trish are sane

The only DMC game that I actually enjoyed was the first, and that's only because it had horror elements. And it had horror elements because originally it was going to be RE4.

>Platinum games refined everything about the genre
Bayonetta 1 and 2 and TW101 are literally all just "fight enemy, move to new room, fight enemy"

He has a few moves 'playable' that he doesn't use as a boss though, at least his aerial combo, which I swear I've never seen him use as a boss.

I suck at DMC. No seriously, I'm fucking terrible at it.

Yeah but getting around is more fun in Bayonetta and all of Platinum's games pretty much, I didn't play w101 though. Bayonetta's "puzzles" were also interesting.

based retard

>Lady and Trish are sane

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not in 5 they have reached mid life crisis status, especially Lady

Does Dante knows how to cook? Has he ever had homemade food?

I pirated it.

IThe mouse works so it might actually be easier to play without a controller.

No Vergil no buy

Hot topic game for 12 yrar olds

If I'm being it honest, it looks like shit in my opinion. Almost like an upscaled arcade game, which isn't a bad thing, but I would never spend my time playing it. If that's your thing then knock yourself out.

Urizen should've been Vergil with Mundus's stolen power

V should've been a powerless Mundus.

The game should've ended with the power being struck out of Vergil and absorbed by the tree making it a colossal plant monstrosity.

Nier was better.

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What about 2?

Nier's story was phenomenal but as an action game it was completely mediocre. You posted what is essentially the only good boss from a gameplay perspective.

Ignore that second quote

>buying la creatura game


I bought and I’m glad I did, but I’m having more fun playing For Honor. Just got it for the free PSN game of last month

Dodging 1HKOs is just as fun as comboing so as an action game it was good.

Hi newfag

Does V unlock any special moves or anything post-game? Seems weird that Nero and Dante both get new Devil Triggers and he gets jack shit

meant for

Not how it works, newfag.

>seems weird the shit character is shit

he unlocks Motivation

Vergil is in though. Just not properly playable yet.

She's about the only decent girl that likes him. Shame she'll never be in the games, maybe will make an appear in the new anime.

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Any suggestions for Secret Mission 9, the one to stay in the air as Dante for 15 seconds? I can get at best 8.

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I got no free money, my workplace hasn't paid me for two months in a row now. I need to have a talk with labor inspection.

spam shoot with ebony and ivory, make sure you have the enemy step ability

Constantly use Cavaliers normal attack above an enemy hit them with the attack when you eventually float down to them and eventually it should give you just enough time to go past the 15 second mark

I did air hike > trickster air dash > cavalier moves all the way down on my first try.

Use Cavaliere and spam the Swordmaster attack

She literally calls up Dante to invite him to her 18th Birthday.

Dante seems like a faggot. Plus I don't like hack n slashes

Because Ace Combat 7.

For anybody with the PC version and an Nvidia card:
How often are you getting crashes?
Have you updated your drivers to the latest one, and has it increased/decreased the crashing?
I'm always hesitant to install new Nvidia drivers as they cause more problems than any improvements they offer most of the time.

How do I rip assets? I really want the character logos.

I'm not good at hack-and-slash games and I don't like the mission structure of DMC

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I meant to say actually appear in the game with a model and everything, sorry about the bad wording.

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>skipped Devil Hunter

isnt DH the only option aside from easy at the start?

I just did cavaliere, pistols, and trickster shit, it's not that hard surprisingly.

because i pirated it. why would i pay if i can get it for free?

I did and wish I didnlt.

Overhyped childish shit.

people used to think Bayonetta was a DMC knock off (it is) but its still good and part of the genre.

>Dante has 4 styles and a shit ton of weapons
>Nero has devil breakers and devil bringers
>V's moveset and gameplay never evolves

Was Itsuno scared of making him too complex?

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because i pirated it and am enjoying it for free.

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>I don't like the mission structure of DMC
Which is?

I honestly wish he had crazy inputs. Now, first off, I'm shit at fighting games, and I'm pretty mediocre at DMC in general. But theres so many moments where I'm just standing in place doing nothing, waiting for my minions to do shit. I wish Shadow had a circle input. Griffon should have some kind of grab move that holds enemies in the air at the cost of DT. Gimme some fucking pretzel moves. I'm so fucking bored when I play him and its so easy. Nightmare fucking sucks. He's so slow and unweildy, it feels like I only summon him for the free revive, and when I need someone to tank a boss. His actual moves are ass

It costs 60 bucks and I only have 56 in my steam wallet.

Just beat Urizen at the very beginning and you can skip a difficulty. That's what I did.

>platinum bosses
You keep digging deeper lmao

He's absolutely in the code as a playable character,

It's fucking trivial. I don't see how you could NOT get SSS with this braindead shit. The only thing this is giving me is handcramps. It's garbage. It ruins the entire pacing of the game.

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>enjoying game
>get to V
>enjoy game a little less
>get to dante
>completely lose interest in the game
am I broken?

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>I say low budget platinum boss as an insult
>You somehow take this to mean what you said

So to like V you need a low IQ, makes sense.

Play on a higher difficulty.

I have tried buying it digitally and my new card won't go through. I went to actually buy it and they were sold out.

Anyone else love V's voice? It's so fucking emotional and I love how pretentious he sounds

Fuck, I honestly wish I did that.

No, just not delusional.

I have literally never had any love for the type of action found in devil may cry games and their like. It doesn't feel cool or appeal to me at all to play those games anytime I was able to at a friend's place or wherever. So I'll never buy any of them.

Agreed. V is interesting and fun change of pace imo, but even on DMD he's piss easy to get SSS. Button mashing really does work too well for him.

Why is the bike so slow holy shit

>an entire city
Nigga, the entire incident was global. It makes me wonder how Patty and kyrie managed to survive.

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This is Son of Sparda, and it's starting fresh because as I said I started on this mode. There is nothing difficult about this. It's brain dead easy. Nero so far is well made, but V is trash and is ruining the entire thing for me. Hell it took me so long to reply because I got to Nero missions, but now I'm on V mission again and just reminded how horrible this is.

What are you smoking?

They haven't made a DMC in over a decade. Why should I trust the people that made the previous games "still got it" or even still work there?

My pc isnt strong enough to run IT.

Debating on getting a PS4 or saving my money for the inevitable PS5.

Also I already watched the cutscenes on YouTube

DMC1: bretty gud
DMC2: shit sux
DMC3: prequel = ignored
DMC4: backtrackan gaem

Yeah. I'm sure this one ones just great. Or maybe not.

Denuvo. Great game, having a lot of fun with it, but I'm not going to financially support a game that uses Denuvo while I have other options to enjoy the content.

>DMC3: prequel = ignored

They say it at the start of the game.

>DMC3: prequel = ignored
Well you already ignored the best game in the series, so just skip this one.

The devs released a non denuvo exe on the first day though

>either really fucking experienced so of course v isn't as appealing as characters who have had several games to go through redesigns or additions
>or somehow unlocked sos with nero's basic moveset and doublejump to trash urizen with a piddly 5 healthbar set and 3 dt
hmm. It's like watching those guys with 1000 hours complain how there's nothing left to do.

Prequels are never anything but fanwank garbage, with a bit of retcons as the cherry on top. Do not want.

>father and son demon hunting adventures
DMC6 plot already sorted

The hours of folly are measured by the clock
But of wisdom, no clock can measure

I jaja'ed

I'm sorry, user. Stay cuhrayzee.

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>All prequels are bad.
Only a dipshit deals in absolutes.

>Yeah, sorry

This one happens to be a video game too.

These are only funny to spics though

It doesn't go beyond Red Grave. The situation is global news, not global spread.

>Trish was literally Mundus' fuck puppet
>Lady literally killed her dad

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V was an experiment that they were constantly worrying "can we even make him work?"
If they were to approach his playstyle again in the future, they should be able to refine and add to it, especially more types of pets. They should take some more notes from Chaos Legion.

mfw he doesn't even understand this

You fucked up kid. DMC3 is by far the best in the series.

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Why are Dante and Vergil so awkward?

They both sit in the back of that rape van and Vergil will slightly glance at Dante for a second, Dante then lifts his head up from reading and Vergil looks away

>Lady literally killed her dad
And nothing of value was lost.

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Microtransactions and inflated ingame items (seriously, $60 for a taunt?) = no buy from me

It's never okay to support greedy companies

im still trying to 100% sonic cd. i'll torrent it and the rest of the series when im done with that.

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>implying dante is less autistic than his brother
Foolishness, mate, foolishness. They're both antisocial children that physically can't live like normies.

>kills her dad
>starts to dress like a slut

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They got vaccinated

What the hell was up with that design, anyways?

Geryon was killed previously, so the Cavalier bike has no horsepower.

Dante's empty gunslots are for atermis and sniper right haha?

Hey guys, I just noticed 2 things with Nero's Devil Trigger, can someone clarify?
What's the difference between pulling enemies with the trigger and pulling them with the robotic arm? Both seem to have the same distance and same limitations, attacks, etc. Am I missing something or are both the same in this?
And what's up with the Bringer Knuckle? It seems too much of a hassle to use it given that a fuck can interrupt your combo, unlike Exceed where you don't really miss out on anything and it doesn't seem to add that much damage either. Why would I want to use the Knuckle?

Also, Showdown seems much better than that other attack where you fire a giant blue X. Showdown takes less time to use and deals a good deal of damage, any reason why I'd use the other attack or is it just for the cool factor?

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Waiting for the director's cut to go on sale for

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>calling out your uncle of his first name and not addressing him as uncle Dante
Nigga got no manners

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it's a soulless game

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I mean, in one of those Morrison letters it says how fucked up in the head she is cause she had to do it, that's why her and Dante related so well

This is the comedy equivalent of a Just Release

I hope in their next game they'll make a proper multiplayer function and add PvP element, something like that they did with RE6 when you can invade other player's game and play as one of the monsters or maybe even a boss of the level.

They're both giant autists who've done nothing but try to kill each other every time they've met

>He completely misses the cig

Nailed it.


I'm not the only one who sees it, right?

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he does use them, just not on devil hunter

I just fought him on DMD and he has a lot of new shit

if you dont jump back youre a faggot

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Ninja Gaiden Black is just leagues better. Incredible combat depth, great weapon variety, hard enemies, great bosses, great music, amazing Metroidvania level design.

Too bad that game will likely never be replicated even in a Ninja Gaiden sequel

Is saving for sekiro

Unfortunately, you can see that ddan36 was just a ghost recording, so he couldn't respond, but Spikedemon60 was a live player. Note that symbol just above the name which indicates an actual online connection.

So, everyone seen V's animations against Vergil, but did anyone check if Cavaliere has Buster animations with Nero? I want to see that huge fucker getting piledriver'd

>go up to other players and taunt
>they just keep on going about their day not even acknowledging me


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what the fuck is wrong with you?

I don't want to pay full price for a 10 hour game and I don't buy denuvo games either. Go away, shill.

>tfw still no discount
Fucking Activision.


Ignore the Soulsniggers.

>Cash shop

I don't care what kind of excuse you use to justify it or say it doesn't matter. If you give money to a company putting cash shops in games you are telling that company you want more cash shops in games

>what is green man gaming

You literally never have to buy the orbs, you can just grind for them

It has more replay value than most games due to its gameplay depth.

Just do short hops off the hell antenora.

Snatch in Devil Trigger pulls two enemies instead of just one, but that seems to be the only real difference from what I can tell. It's largely there to allow you to play Nero like it's DMC4.
As for Bringer Knuckle, it's not too useful since it barely does any damage, but it can be useful to prevent knockback on moves like Streak/Calibur and the like. You can also mash it easily during multi-hit moves like Rawhide or Shuffle to tack on just a bit more damage.
The one time I had a real player on Mission 3, I ran up as close as I could and did a lvl 3 High Roller + triple jump + air taunt to the V player and he taunted back. As pointless as it was, it was fun.

1. Because I pirated it.

2. Because it's a 7/10 (at best)

>only really fun are the bosses and there is no way of fighting them without 20 minutes of foregoing filler
>still the for 20 years outdated Dante gameplay without any overhaul
>still the incongruous, unintuitive digi-pad style mechanic (which even sticks out like a sore thumb from the rest of the HUD) and weapon switching to do anything cool
>still absolutely no use of rotational stick inputs, new shifts or other attempts to flatten out and universalize the shitty combat controls
>STILL no option to disable the camera-sensitive dodging (even though Monster Hunter allows you to do it for a decade), which means you always have to quickly assess exactly where your character is facing if you want to dodge right/left/forward/backward, which is horrible
>so fucking repetitive that it's even reptitive for DMC standards
>clobbering the same three enemy types througout the whole game
>most generic locations ever and that tree literally makes up 70% of the game
>first playthrough is completely braindead and piss easy
>V's gameplay is boring and unrewarding as fuck and the game forces him on you
>Nero's arms mecanic feels clunky and unfinished, from having to buy and equip them manually for every mission to not even being able to switch without letting them explode
>cringe westaboo dialogues, story, characters and cutscenes
>Vergil not playable because Capcom Jews know that retards will gladly pay for it and that their shills will take care of it
>level design even shittier and more tertiary than before

Keep shillting, though.

It's at 6%, I got used to those 20-25% discounts. Plus, the regional pricing is fucking me up making it even more expensive than in Clapistan. Got the same issue with DMC, I bought in GMG and even their 25% off only really translated to about 10% off from the burger price.

Literally everything you said is wrong.

>Can only get in on ps4 because my pc is a potato
>It's the only version that's censored
I can't

>I don't like the mission structure of DMC
I don't understand. Do you only play open world games?

>not using them is the same as endorsing them
Literally not how it works you brainlet chicken

what does it mean

Most of your "criticism" stems from being a whiny bitch that can't get good at the game. Even after all these years you still have learned how to dodge in a DMC game. Really dude? Embarrassing.

You endorse them wholly and completely the moment you bought the game. They are normalized in games because of people like you

Mundus confirmed

>just whines instead of making an argument
>a-all your posts are just whining
Kek. Shit controls are shit controls, I criticize it and still get SSS for free in the game. Also I can just jump instead of dodging which is what most people do anyway, but it feels like shit.

Now kill yourselves, brainlet fanboys. This game is a 6/10.

>Give me one fucking reason why you haven't bought it yet.
Because I'm not a payfag.

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I didn't read everything he said but that the game throws the same stupid mobs at you from beginning to end is kind of a fact.

>STILL no option to disable the camera-sensitive dodging (even though Monster Hunter allows you to do it for a decade), which means you always have to quickly assess exactly where your character is facing if you want to dodge right/left/forward/backward, which is horrible

the trick is if you zoom monsters out of screen they will not attack you,surprised you don't even know this. some of your legitimate complaints are...repetitive

i need help with secret mission 7 please! its the one with the stupid fucking scissor enemy

still haven't beat the hd collection


I haven't played the other ones yet.

Probably they dont even know you could see other players and thinks its just AI. I know because thats what I thought untill now

is it actually censored?

I have no clue how I did it, I kept hitting its scissors until its face became red and then I shot it.

after i killed the mission 2 boss lady popped out as she does ass naked cheeks and all. im on ps4 and this wasn't censored at all.

How do I get gud?

Wait until it puts its scissors up in front of itself. Attack that a bunch and break it. Balrog is good for this.

When you break the scissors, its face will get all gross. Shoot it then for a OHKO

Wait until you see the scissors shine then wack it. After that you can shoot it.

bros the divinity statue music is so fucking good I've been listening to it with the game idle for hours now

There are around nineteen different enemy types, and higher difficulties have completely rearranged enemy spawns. How is fighting a few empusas or hell cainas mixed in with furies and lusachias a problem?

Wait for it to attack you, and when you see a flash of light on the scissors, melee it to cause a parry and make the head glow red, then shoot it.

Try to get an SSS without taking on last boss faggot without wasting time.

Just keep playing and it'll happen before you know it.

>not DMC4's Divinity Statue music

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I dislike camp

That's about the only song I liked in the game lmao. Fuck Nico, man.

Because I dont get paid for another two days and physically dont have the money to buy it now without getting slapped with an overdraw fee

>taunting on v is a legitimate strategy because it stops you from wiggling around like an autist while doing your combos
what a fucking meme of a character

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nigga for the most part I'm backing what you're saying but like pointed out

the fuck are you smokin' saying 4 isn't essential to 5? Is that a typo? I'd argue it's the MOST essential to 5 both story and gameplay-wise

low iq


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well that is some motivating footage

In what way?

I have not charged yet.

What mission is the one where you fight the angelo defenders and miniboss with V?

No, we didn't. Stop being a delusional retard.

>son fucks dad while uncle watches

Lady and Trish fart lens flare

I literally have not even thought about that while playing him

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Vergil is in code as playable character because of credits fight, just like Lady in DMC3.

>You either have to bind Griffon to a trigger or deal with not being able to use any power shots mid combo
I still hate this. I hated this on Nero and I hate even more on V. Why is he so charge dependent?

if you actually think vergil wont be playable in the somewhat near future youre out of your mind.

game runs beautifully on PS4

I'm not saying he won't, but that's the main reason.

No one wants to buy it for someone with over 1800 games in his Steam Library.

Prove me wrong.
You can't

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game gives you a recap, they aren't 100% necessary

I haven’t played any other DMC games and I probably won’t understand anything.
Should I buy it anyways? Will it be fun even if I don’t know what’s going on?


I haven't seen a real player yet but have gotten extra yellow orbs because someone thought my scrub play was stylish. I'm about to hit M13 though and that's where I hear a ton of the MP is focused at.

Not him, but they sort of are if you want to really appreciate how far the series has come. But yea, you don't have to play them if you're simply interested in catching up on the plot.

mtx are often greedy in nature and they aren't wanted by anyone in this but fuck me red orbs are easy to get as soon as you get Faust then you can farm quick as fuck without spending a dime, as in like 1 mil Red Orbs in about 7 minutes according to some vids.

I pirated it and played for 2 missions. Not exactly my type of gameplay. Resident Evil 2 was pretty fun tho and i bought it.

>dante finally clicks
>finally get good at royal guard

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it bothered me that you didnt post the full art

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13 is not a long mission but it's a good one

You are in the thick of it for a few rooms with both other characters, all 3 of you fighting at the same time. It's basically a tiny Bloody Palace cocktease

I like Vergil so i watched all cutscenes with him on youtube and wait for special edition

>Balrog in Kick mode
>I think like 4 hits to it's front (that it blocks) will break one scissor then 2 more (give it a sec to recover, maybe let it do an attack) to break the other scissor
>Wait for a sec until it's mask goes all whack and its face goes red then just shoot it once

Oh, sweet. Didn’t see that as I was posting. I’ll give it a try.

wait is BP going to have MP?

The fuck is this bulge on Dantessa

It's not confirmed but datamining makes it seem pretty likely.

It's the best part, once you realize he can attack autonomously. Your pets are reigning down a clusterfuck of blades, lightning, and giant fists while you conduct Ride of the Valkyries, your own personal symphony of chaos until you chain half a dozen finishers.

shes a big girl

Some data mining and shit says it will have it, and it would make sense to have it, but it hasn't been officially announced to have it as far as I know.

I was talking more about dropping a few floors to fight enemies as the cocktease bit.

I just want bloody palace already lol

For me?

Fuck I hope it does, that and a boss/enemy rush mode so I don't have to go through missions getting to my favorite parts.

Waiting for the Special Edition. DUH

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I doubt I can run it with 2,16ghz 4GBram geforce 920m on my fucking laptop, no matter how much it keeps surprising me with managing to run recent games.

Also don't have spare money.

Because my PC sucks dick and I don't have a console. I was planning on getting it with my AMD coupon after buying a 580 unless this game runs like fucking magic like DMC4

>hold down square/X with the left side of your thumb
>rotate your thumb to tap triangle/Y with the right side
I never found it that hard.

Depends on how you like to learn games. The plot is secondary to the gameplay so while you will miss some stuff, it's not a major factor.

The main problem is that each game builds on the ones that came before it. A lot of people starting with 5 aren't even able to avoid attacks because they don't know how useful jumping is and aren't used to the context-sensitive roll input. Not to mention that you have three playable characters, one of which adds a whole new mechanic of disposable weapons on to what was already a weird and complex character because you have to play a kind of rhythm game while you fight in order to maximize your damage, and one that has been evolving since the start of the series with new moves and mechanics getting added with each entry resulting in him having up to four melee weapons (some of which can be transformed into different types), four ranged weapons, and four styles all at the same time, plus two different DT/magic meters to manage.

It is incredibly easy to get overwhelmed and not know what the fuck you're doing because there is so much to keep in mind. Playing the games in order (2 and the reboot can be skipped) will give you a better idea of how all the basics work before adding on the crazy shit that you'll find in 5. You should be able to get the HD Collection and 4 special edition cheap, give those a shot.

Someone posts the Cavaliere OST with SPAAAARDA

See the MHW expansion strategy, which finally got rid of -G re-releases.
There is no way capcom is gonna release a SE, just a SE DLC.

Dont even need to use your Thumb.
We are 5 games in and people still have trouble with some good old basic Claw grip

I have a 970 and have the game at max settings except shadows, which is at high instead of ultra, and get well above 60fps at 1080p. The only times it slows down is during cutscenes, but even then it's only as low as low 50's. Gameplay it's butter smooth though which is what matters. RE engine is fucking black magic man, and this is easily one the best looking games I've ever played.

Never pay more than $20 for a video game.

PS: I got it for free and it rocks.

This. Hack n’ slash are braindead trash. Sekiro is a way to go

You need a hug. And a job.

>tfw missing one blue fragment
fuck i already watched the video showing where they all are and i still cant figure out where i missed it

when in DMC history did you get all wide eyed with "holy fuck I love Devil May Cry"

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Because I haven't played the first few games. I want to, but I tried DMC1 and didn't enjoy it after 30min or so I stopped playing. I like the look of 5 and I've played other Platinum games, but I can't feel justified in playing it if I haven't played the first few, no matter how good it looks.


That was too chuuni even for me

That exact scene. Or the DMC3 Mission 1 cutscene into mission 2

I barely have enough money to pay rent and feed myself because I've been off work with a long-term condition
so i'll probably pirate it at some point

It aint chuuni if the character can actually do all that shit
you also have shit taste and you smell bad

Last year when I first saw Cavaliere used in a trailer. That was the final push I needed to play the games. Ironically Cavaliere is now my least favourite weapon in 5.

I just hate his gimmick of having a lot of charge moves. I don't actually need to charge them but he has a fair few I'm confused as to why.

I'm considering just mapping a flight stick and throttle than put up with claw.

That was mahou shoujo tier of chuuni

The enemies are actual trash mobs that never attack you and are completely brainless.

its not good but it looks good

the cutscene into mission 1 in DMC3, and when Dante gets Cerberus completely solidified it

also I love throwing the Faust hat onto enemies

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>i played on human and have an opinion!
you sure do but that doesnt meant its valid

>Still need to save up 9Mi orbs before i can be retarded and toss the faust in DMD enemies (and lose 100k orbs per hit)

Modern games use player controllers to set up their NPC's. This makes them way easier to test and debug shit if they just control the enemy themselves. You can actually play as every enemy in the game, not just Vergil.

I don't like Asian games. They got bad writing and horrible visual design. Also, I don't like DMC combat system - it's too anime-like with character levitating and colorful farts erupting with your every move.

>Vergil thinks going WOOSH in airplane mode is a cool move that will win him the fight
>Instead he just only ever gets Royal-Released to the face or Suplexed out of it.
Being Vergil is suffering, for he is too much of a dork. I bet it was V saying in his subconsciousness "go airplane wooosh"

I'm waiting for all the major patches and DLC to come out, which gives me time to finally beat 3 and 4 as the SE characters.

>Orb farming mission 13 as Super Dante
Holy fuck. This is ridiculous. I thought it was insane before. But I literally got about 3 million orbs in 25 minutes.

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Vergil actually has 2 sets of files. "Enemy swap" files that are what you are talking about, and "player files" together with V, Nero, Dante, Trish and Lady, which can also be swapped into the game.
Im not gonna say he is 100% guaranteed, but they left in the ground work

For fags playing as that buggy as shit Vergil, you can cancel recovery frames with R2 and continue fucking shit up.

>Super Dante
Oh shit, are there Super Costumes after DMD?

This scene, as simple as it was, blew my 10 year old mind.

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Yes. If you beat DMD, you get super costumes for everyone. For Dante, infinite DT works essentially by constantly recharging the gauge. It neither rises nor drops when actively using DT, so you can't spam Sin DT 24/7 if that's what you were hoping for. Granted, you don't exactly have to wait long before filling the gauge up.

Does anyone know how to unfuck this save game missing shit the game has? losing 11 hours of game time sucks fucking cock.

what exactly did you do

>Give me one fucking reason why you haven't bought it yet.

I suck at these games (sometimes can barley scrape by on normal) so I am waiting for a sale

90$ CAD. I haven't bought full price game in years because of this.

>Dante rather take Alastor out the hard way
Always makes me jiggle.

just finished the game that never ends

not a damn thing. loaded up the game and its asking to create a new save file. just finished mission 11 last night with nothing going wrong.

Because AMD gave it to me for free when I bought my graphics card along with Resident Evil 2. Why would I spend more money on a game that was free?

Can I get some tips for Mission 18 on Son of Sparda? I wasn't expecting this to be so hard. Griffon alone and Shadow alone are no problem, but starting with Griffon and Shadow together, I can't find a winning strategy. Throw Nightmare in the mix and I'm fucked.

>90$ CAD
Thats like 17 american dollars.

The only ones that barely attack as the ant/fly ones, and that's even stated in the game that they're the least aggressive of the monsters, the rest will gun for your ass even on the lowest setting.


Just trickster and SDT spam.

Also, if you like to gamble, use rocket laser.

I don't buy movies so why would I pay $60 for this one when it's free already?

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>ywn comfort Lady from her past traumas

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pirates life for me


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Because I pirated it and completed the game
No reason to buy it

Is there a way to not waste Nero's first charged shot? Seems odd you can't just keep it like most charged attacks.

Gid Gud!

DMC4 Lady dresses like DMC3 Dante.
DMC5 Lady dresses like DMC4 Dante.
Therefore its safe to assume DMC6 Lady will be a bearded hobo.

As an Xboner with a laptop thats literally held together by tape I don't have that luxury.

>he still doesn't know how to fight a fury still

Amazing to think she's not much younger than Dante, yet still doesn't look more than a decade older than when she met him. Girl either treats herself super well despite the gigs she pulls all the time, or her priestess bloodline is more potent than Arkham gave it credit.

how are you wasting it?

What does mommy sandwich sex feels like?

Performing a Rainbow stores the three special shots, but Bringer charges don't stay unless you hold shoot, as far as I know.

For some reason it makes me think of Baseball.

GMG has a discount. 27% off. Just FYI.

Press the attack button (normal sword swing) at the exact same time as you release the gun button. Much easier if you have his gun to a shoulder button

I'm poor.
I actually saved up money for it.
But I couldn't find Physical Deluxe anywhere, near stores or online because third world.

Demon blood does wonders for the body internally, enough that Dante questions when he'll actually be considered old in the novel, so it must do something good externally on the skin as well.

You made a mistake.

I didn't play much of the previous games, who was that chick who invited dante to her birthday party?

>Lady and Trish are eating pizza in sexy positions and licking their fingers.
>They sound a bit startled about dante not showing up
Where they trying to summon him back with the power of Pizza and Sexy?


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>Bringer charges

Game feels boring and easy to me. The real difficulty comes from mastering all the combos which is pretty autistic even for me.

She's from the anime.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I only get like 100K orbs in like 10 minutes?

>Making an entire article about how much of a casual you are
What fucking loser made this?

Nero gets new skills to buy when you beat the game. go buy them.

Patty, a loli from the anime.

I'm broke AND I need a new graphix card

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Because I downloaded it instead.

The absolute STATE of poorfags, holy shit.
Gave me a good laugh, I'm sorry you third worlders don't make enough money.

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Is she kawaii?

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He is referring to the "super blue charge" you unlock after you beat the game and buy the skill.
You can charge the first bullet to be even more powerful, but unlike colors up (the normal 3 shot charge), there is no way to keep it stored without holding the shoot button

I was too busy trying to figure out ghost punches and if using them sparingly made me a shitter

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This looks like Gamefaqs

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You need max level Dr. Faust in order to do the big grind. The final level is 4 I think, which is 500k orbs and turns your scarf yellow. It makes a MASSIVE difference compared to the previous level.

Gunslinger speeds up crystallizing Shadow and Griffon from a safe distance. Remember to back away immediately when either of them returns to normal. In the Nightmare fight you can break the pillars for health, they're just really sturdy. As for actually killing Nightmare I just focused on spamming Trickster to remain behind him and slashed away

Buster Knuckle is like Exceed, you weave it in after every sword hit.

ugly like DmC
braindead gameplay
series hasn't progressed since DMC3 at all
beating up defenseless combo dummies is boring and insulting
plot is dumb even for a DMC title
nico exists


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Bratty kid who deeps down loves Dante, brings up the fact dante is into mommy incest, and definitely been saving herself for Dante and would rape him on the spot if he went to the party.

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I got it for free and because of no denuvo it runs better than your copy.

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I have money though
But I don't see why I would pay for something I can get for free

Because it's a choice between food for two weeks or DMC 5, and I like this game, it makes me excited, but I also want to eat.

>brings up the fact dante is into mommy incest he?

The timing is way more autistic than exceed on some moves and if you fuck it up you do a lame snatch and feel like shit. I also can't be assed to do both the knuckle and exceed at the same time, I'm not remapping. I'm thinking the knuckle should be reserved for high knockback moves for just a little bit more style factor in combos where you would otherwise need to use snatch

For memes. Kamiya is real into it though

they really had us when they said this was the best dmc game ever huh

Pretty sure I just kind of suck at Nero but S rank on DMD seems crazy hard to get without going for the no hit bonus

Putting hats on things shouldn't be as fun as it is.

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>tfw figured out exceed timing
>swapped the shooting button to left bump
>switched the actual button meant to shoot for devil trigger
>Swapped devil bringer with devil breaker
I'm like a classic nero, but with more tang. I kinda like it more than Dante, but Dante is clearly just as good, and fucks just as hard.
>tfw Vergin confirmed
>BP Co-op

I honestly miss demonic-gothic aesthetics. Fuck modern locations.

Bought on steam, refunded when the ass was censored even though I had lense flare off.

I thought japs were based

Dante used the silhouette of his hot mom as the logo for his business. It's not Trish, he had that logo long before he met her.

Really raises questions now that we've seen a fully modeled Eva in game now and she doesn't dress anything like the hooker in the DMC logo.

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it literally isn't censored though

and fuck photorealism. chubby vergil will haunt me for life

As someone who has also gone through shitty dad problems, I wasn't expecting to identify so hard with Nero. Unlike Nero, my dad isn't a badass demon weeb douche though, he's just a douche.

I like both

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Vergil is ok. But I'll never forgive them Trish.

Why does he look so much like Steve Buscemi in the second picture?

Trish is ok. But I'll never forgive them crew-cut.

>me when fighting urizen
>me when fighting vergil

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I don't know if my toaster could run it and my budget is down to the dollars a week.
Can I run it says I don't have enough vram for recommended even.
Minimum settings suck dick

congrats on your bad taste mate

I have it fully upgraded but still I do something wrong. I guess I'm not sure how to do that move which makes a ''zing'' sound and draws the enemies near you? That seem to spawn shitload of orbs? It also seems to stun enemies I guess and thats my problem since thsose lizards either spint to me or swipe me with theit tail

Virgil looks exactly like I would expect an edgy weeblord in his 40's to look.

The steam version has the same lense flare now. Not sure when it was patched.

i won’t forgive them every returning character except dante. who approved of all of those uglies?

You're full of shit.

It always goes off after Nero finishes his loadup

Go check you faggot.

Can confirm, it was here for me since day 1.

with the receding hairline and everything

But Lady isn't part demon, she was just from a powerful line of humans, same as Patty.

>waaah, why is the game judging me! Hug me, twitter mob!
Fucking journos

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Capcom's shitty regional pricing.

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got the game from one of my eboyfriends

iirc its a gunslinger ability. You need to be targeting in GS and pressing B, which will drop the hat on everything around you. then at the instant you catch the hat, press B again. This will blast everyone wearing a hat for a ton of orbs.

If you just spam targeted neutral B you will pretty reliably hit the AOE blast half the time. Just make sure its neutral B and you're not moving the stick.

Silly Baka, I still think you're the cutest 2hu


Disable DOF in the config file

Thanks friend

That's why he said externally. As in she was immersed in demon blood and goo, like taking a mud bath. Good for the pores. But no seriously, being stuck inside of a demon for a month can't have been without consequences. I say Lady is going to be rocking Artemis if she gets DLC.

As long as you played it, it's cool
pls no bully
Nero looks different but fine but Lady's 50/50

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Yeah I'm using gunslinger, but it has to be that I didn't press B immediately when the hat returned. I'll go test it right away. Thanks user!

>Depth of Field disables lensflare

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I thought it was post processing, though I guess that would disable DoF as well. What's really odd is that people are reporting that the light beam is inconsistent. They will sometimes get it, sometimes not. So Lady might have it and then Trish might not have it. It's really weird.

Alastor or the intro
>gets up from a fucking sword impalement
>shooting a fucking bike after telekintetically stopping it


There you go. This is with lens flare ON. You're just wrong, dude.

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I dont think they are actully playing in that moment, once text said staring *my steam nick* and it was just my gameplay of nero styling on roof

Retard, we're talking about Lady's ass.

>"patched censorship"

Ladys ass had the lensflare in every single version since launch. Trish's ass is the one that got censored on PS4.

All right you niggers, what country are you from and do you have the lens flare on/off. Because regional differences are nothing new so it wouldn't surprise me.
