What's your favorite Pokemon Yea Forums?
What's your favorite Pokemon Yea Forums?
Primarina and Meowstic
I REALLY like mudkips
Aggravated Iron
Are furries posting this thread daily since it always snowballs into degenerate fapbait?
Alolan Meowth for life
Yea Forums is a hive of stealth furry threads
snorlax is my favorite
Is everything "furries" for you?
I like Walrein
Replace Gardevoir with Espeon. Forgot at the time.
This cutie pie
This little guy needs to return for Gen 8
I guess Vikavolt. Made a list of favorites, but this angry bug wins out.
zoomer bullshit/10
Was scrolling by and saw this post.
I've never met another user whose favourite pokemon was Slurpuff.
Absolutely based, user.
best boi
I like Dunsparce.
Spheal is really cute
Favourite overall is Slowbro
>the artist streamed himself drawing this
>he listened to movie soundtracks while drawing
>/vp/‘s sides were unanimously destroyed when the Jurassic Park theme was playing while a little girl was fucked by a walrus on screen
Fun times. Dude has good taste in films
>when the Jurassic Park theme was playing
>while a little girl was fucked by a walrus on screen
i like beta porygon-2
Platonically, r-right?
The picture of the user I replied to is porn (obviously) and before it came out the artist streamed him drawing it and anons on /vp/ made threads for it. The artist had a playlist full of movie scores he liked and played it for him and the stream while drawing. The music came from shit like Robocop, Terminator, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Jurassic Park, and a bunch of other great films that I can’t remember. It was fucking hilarious having these grand songs playing in the back while a Japanese dude drew a hyper-realistic walrus cock going into a little girl.
its way better than what it is
>while a Japanese dude drew a hyper-realistic walrus cock going into a little girl.
I shouldn't bother with that since I'm not into loli, but oh god, that's awfully disturbing.
I like his donuts
He is my nigga forever and forever more
This is now a pokepaste thread.
Celesteela's a big girl (for me)
For battling purposes, miltank.
It's just hecka fun to don the crushing cow.
Of course! he is pure other pokemon however...
Thumbnail looks like a little cat dude being very surprised at the seal thing coming out of his crotch
The absolute best
His next work's capybara on girl. Gonna be uploaded soon.
Where can I see the full pic?