Why is the 90s artstyle better
than than the later ones?
Why is the 90s artstyle better
It isn't
because it;s older than you and looks different to what you grew up with.
CG art ain't got no soul
Why does Shallotte have the cutest character design of all of the Atelier girls?
I forgot how much 90s rpg moe fucking sucked.
Arland trilogy has great art. Die nostalgia fag
in the one on the right the women look like men and there faces look like a toddler drew them, like what the fuck is with those mouth shapes?
Anyway, the reason is that the people who drew the stuff on the left were more talented than the people who drew the stuff on the right.
Because otaku in all of their shitty taste demanded more moe characters to beat off to.
atelier games are all garbage.
i'd miss any 90s art for any RPG in generals, be it wrpg or jrpg since they were actually hand drawn and so gave a fantasy feeling even better than digital art.
at least that's just wat i think, current art for Atelier games is fine tho
Iris was the best trilogy
Both are CG you fucking mong.
Terrible opinion.
But I'm a 90s kid user.
I remember how things flipped wrongly in the mid 00s.
Less nuances, less contrast, colors are generally weaker. Everything just feel too clean in general. Older stuff also had similar problems.
>Atelier Rorona
It's not the stylistic difference, it's just more detailed.
My brother from another mother! Shallotte is literally the cutest Atelier protagonist, no contest.
RIP Nelke. Everyone only cares about Lulua.
The only person I saw caring about Nelke was some retarded Logy fangirl.
So yeah.
>12 years old pic
Kishida is the only thing that trash bait series has going for it.
his head is literally thicker than his fucking waist holy shit
>larger biceps
Her mother looks way better.
Liking one particular artstyle does not make the rest you dislike inferior. Good god, your kind of attitude is insufferable.
Left is for people who want to get immersed in a fantasy world
Right is for otakus who want to get their dick hard while playing games
because zoomers were raised from a young age to consume products and the 90s were the last era where artistic experimentation had any value
What if I want both
Contrast! I noticed sometime ago that back then people didn't really care about complemating colors so the colors pop out like crazy even if the colors themselves are darker.
Too bad, the more innocent JRPGs of old and the pantyshot filled JRPGs of today don't match well when it comes to the artstyle, designs and themes.