Who play tested this?

Who play tested this?

Attached: sonic4.jpg (1024x819, 245K)

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Me. I made it bad on purpose, as a joke.

damn pretty funny joke, user. you got me good.


If the XBLA version hadn't leaked, the game would have been even worse. Originally, nearly the entirely of Not-Labryinth Zone was a shitty minecart level. Pirates bitched about it enough to get it changed before release.


I haven't played it in ages, but I thought episode 2 was okay.

the levels are really terrible but the controls and physics are worse. the whole thing seems like it was slapped together by amateurs.

Physics, music and art direction are slightly better but the level design was built entirely around the shitty "tag" mechanic with Tails which made everything feel clunky.

real life hedgehogs

supposedly it is better. haven't tried it yet.

you would think they'd be perfect for the job.

>Who play tested this?
probably the furryfags that dwelled deviant art around the time of development

This game has no reason to even be acknowledged now that Mania did everything it set out to do but 10 times better.

the second episode is not that bad. The graphics design is not just shitty plastic like in the first game. The game is not good but its not terrible either

Is /ourguy/ right?

i have mania too, i got the sonic bundle from humble bundle a while back and i am working my way through them. i honestly couldn't believe how bad this one was. haven't tried mania yet.

Why? I'm not watching that shit.


Good old Dimps youtube.com/watch?v=FCGiEIncR7w

I keep forgetting this phoned-in nostalgic crash grab exists.