Are dog-lovers ruining videogames?

are dog-lovers ruining videogames?

It started off innocently enough with some rpgs having optional dog companions that were shite and only for those super passionate dog-fuckers playing the game. The dog in Dragon Age Origins, or Dogmeat, or the one in GTAV. Those dogs were usually only useful early on because you had nothing else, especially in the GTAV case where the dog is required for exactly one mission.

Then along came call of duty ghosts and that dumbass dog that everyone fucking fawned over like it was a new born baby. It's a fucking dog in combat armor, they could've replaced it with a robot and it would've been no different and, due to when the game was set, would still make absolute fucking sense.

Then along comes metal gear solid V, which looking past the various other flaws the game has, also has a REQUIRED dog companion. Sure, you can opt to not take it with you, but not after a good 10 hours of forced tutorials on how to get the dog which, again, could be replaced by a robot. It's just emotional bullshit. There's far better ways to make the player sympathise with a character than having them being mauled in the face by a puppy when they arrive at their home base.

Then the worst fucking offender, fallout 4, ruins a perfectly good franchise by literally forcing you to pick between being followed around by a dog or the ugliest robot from the fallout series combined with the poorest voice acting I've ever heard. For once, they actually allow you to replace the dog's functions with a robot, only for them to make the robot choice so goddamn awful. Yet, the one thing people were fucking loving about the reveal the most was the fact that we get to "PET LE DOG XD" as if we all want to play fucking nintendogs as a sidequest

is the intersection of lonely game-playing virgins and lonely dog-owners who never made friends that big?

FUCK dog lovers and dog owners. stop ruining my fucking videogames with your awful taste in animals

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Are catfags really this autistic?

How can something so big be so cute

that's a wolf though


It is clear the dog is not sexually attracted to this woman

What makes a dog attracted to women?

You just KNOW



>are dog-lovers ruining videogames?
I'd call you Hitler but even he probably wouldn't agree with you.

>Sure, you can opt to not take it with you, but not after a good 10 hours of forced tutorials on how to get the dog
MGSV was fucking shit already, there's no need to lie.


Can't speak for GTA V and Ghosts
Because I don't play shit games
But as far as MGSV and Fallout
>MGSV was Kojima's excuse to name it Diamond Dog, since he has a hard-on for David Bowie
>Half the main characters are named after animals anyways
>Fallout has always had Dogmeat

I hate most companions I get in games.
They usually just make the gameplay slow down.
When I can I choose to 'bank' any of them when I can. If I can.

Why is beast on girl stuff so damn hot lads?

There's a difference between posting something like this and posting one where a girl is getting nude with a rottweiler or something.

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as a dog owner, i can say without a doubt that people are the most autistic about their love of Dogs and thats kind of a problem

t. Cat


fucking hate it

I know you've got aches and pains from the toxoplasmosis but try not to ruin other people's time mkay?

Wtf are u talking about with FO4, i dont get it. Nothing forces you to use the dog, and theres a shitload of companions

probably troll but still confused

It's not, you're just a degenerate.

So there is literally evidence that cats mind control their owners via cat poo in the brain
Can we be certain that op is not just writing this because a cat has mind controlled them.

The difference between a parasite making you like a cat and your body making you like a cat is insignificant.

look at that woofer

poor dog. This the female equivalent of a pedophile tbqh.

According to studies the parasite the cat shit puts in the owners brain can make them act irrational and suicidal.
And have you ever seen a really obsessed cat owner? they own 20 cats everytime.
Among pet owners its rare to just keep aquiring more of the same pet to that degree.
I saw some cat lady girl and she revealed she had dozens and dozens of cat in her home it was something out of a horror movie.

yeah, he gets to have sex. I bet he's pissed.

Dogs don't have sex for pleasure you dipshit


Now count all the irrational and suicidal people without parasites. These behaviors, no matter their origin, are something that is inflicted by something else. Once the behavior is bad is when you look at the cause to attempt to mitigate, but no sooner, because it doesn't matter until it's bad.

That you are a cuck

>Be a dog
>Be the first domesticated animal
>Be the only real domesticated animal
>Be smarter than any other domesticated animal
Australian and Australian Silky Terriers are the best breeds any other breed is inferior
>Be the most loyal animal

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user im getting the impression you are retarded. The point is they found the parasite increases the risk of mental illness.
There are also similar known phenomenon in other animals and parasites.

You can only get Toxoplasma if you ingest copious amounts of cat shit and even then, cats had to be infected with the virus for it to take effect. Do women really go to alleyways to eat 3 pounds of cat shit?

Yes and there is also many other infections and diseases you can get from them and most other animals. What of it?

I apologize for not wanting to be a woman who fucks dogs.

ye cat faggots are full of cat worms and parasites

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Some might desu

Its one of those imperceptibe things like fecal matter spreading around peoples houses.
All it requires is close proximity to cats and/or kitty litter.

That creature looks like an annoying ugly little shit and I want to kick it off of a bridge.

pls cat tard.. there are plenty of cases of cat faggots with toxoplasma.. and they never eaten any cat shit..

It's thought something like 50% of the global population has it.

Cats are shit animals. And their owners are typically literal shitbags causing propogation of an invasive species that preys on birds and other small animals which has wide reaching impacts. Meanwhile I'm expected not to crush their fucking skulls when they kill my wild lawn rabbits.

>loyal, obediant, loving
>cats sneaky, selfish, don't give a shit about their owners, attack them, infect their owners with mind controlling parasites that make them insane and want to kill themselves.

cats are literally women.

This is one of the things i dislike about cats vs dogs. Cats act like independent predators and their delusional owners (who ironically are usually eco sluts) never attempt to contain them properly.


>giant dogs
>not horses

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This might be the first interesting point raised here in years, the bias on animal companions, for better or worse, is massively in favour of dogs and or wolves. Usually similar breeds as well. That being said, its hard to imagine many other species fitting as comfortably with the combat and travel oriented nature of RPGs. What animal would you have instead?

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Why do nonwhites hate dogs so much

I love dogs. But if you had to put the blame on anyone it would for the stupid dog mechanics in Fable 2 and making the dog so intergral. Here's hopes the Forza company doesnt ruin the next one with stupid shit and casualization

Alice has the cheshire cat.
>alice is also insane

Non-whites love pitbulls though. I will never understand why.

>t. Muslim

Dogs can sense evil dishonest people

Quick, post your favorite beastiality doujins.

Isn't the Chesire Cat an asshole?

Goddamn, the size of that lad. I want one and I will call him Cerberus. He will be a good boy.

Seething cat owners

But all my dogs bark at black people.

Here's how cat shit gets everywhere: your cat steps in it's litter box then proceeds to spread it's fecal matter everywhere by merely walking around.

Ironically hes probably the most rational supportive person in the game.

He's saying that the dog is kinda thrust upon you and you can only have 1 companion. F4 builds the Dogmeat moment up but it's not the non-choice that op is claiming.

>10 hours of forced tutorials on how to get the dog
It's literally just cutscenes. Even when he's fully matured it doesn't force you to bring him along. You are lying and everyone should ignore you.
Cringe and catpilled.

Remember the video of eliot rodger and the dog.

absolute unit

My dogs bark at people of color too. Almost like there is a correlation.

Yeah, lemme just throw my cat puss and boots at an alien's face, or a terrorist, or a supersoldier.

Lemme order my emu to go peck some faggots eye's out.

The only other companion that makes sense is a falcon. And you're totally discounting horses too, and the undead, and other humans.

Nips can't do bestiality, it's always for humiliation/degradation and never loving

Kill yourself dog rapist.

Eh, I think you have the cause and effect mixed around. People with neurotic tendencies are more likely to become cat hoarders and contract toxoplasmosis.

I mean I love cats and have 2 but I have no desire to get more because after a few animals your ability to really bond with them gets to be less and less.

As to why cats and not other animals? Personally I think it's actually almost incidental. Cities don't usual tolerate packs of feral dogs because they're a public nuisance and danger, ergo the number of dogs on the street needing saving is much smaller (and a feral mutt is way more dangerous to socialize than a feral cat). Cat colonies however are tolerated and tend to produce lots of kittens even when there's a spay and neuter program, kittens are sweet and easy to socialize and make a good infant proxy for lonely people. Also cats are self sufficient so caring for a number of them is way less of a hassle than getting extra dogs. It gets easy to justify "just one more"... Until one day they're surrounded by cat piss and the house has been condemned by the city.

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shit taste in animals
if you don't like dogs you're a filthy nigger who should be shot

fuck dogfags

get on the raft, Huey.

Why can't we just be cool with animal companions?

It's a wolf with an eyepatch, chill out. You don't even have to take them on missions.

you sad, lonely husk of a person
if you don't like dogs you're fucking subhuman