What are you expecting in the sequel?

What are you expecting in the sequel?

Attached: sequel.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

For Miles to be transgender and the villain to be a white male. Also more censoring

Attached: Enuma Baitish.jpg (960x456, 51K)

What was "censored" in the original?

I just want bad words censored and anything that seems to be transphobic or dehumanizing women

More Yea Forums shitposting.

A dual campaign similar to USM. but instead of Venom, it will be Miles.


Spiderham: Web shorts
Noir: noir movie
Peni: TV anime

Attached: bkub.jpg (1262x1000, 138K)

there is no excuse now, they spent all this time building a new game/engine, now the skeleton is in place

if this game doesn't have actual physics based swinging it'll be shit