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Thank fuck it didn't come out today, I have exams tomorrow.
I'm going to pirate CE to save myself some money
The games are already made what is taking so long?
Porting shit
Don't be a faggot, this time they deserve it
DEC 2020
Have to agree here I hate nu halo but they didn't have to do this, they really didn't have to put it on steam.
Thank you Phil you handsome bastard
Infinite will probably still be shit though
343 is working tirelessly to make sure it's completely fucked up on launch.
>inb4 some fucktard points the need for a xbox live account
It's not the same as a xbox gold account. Saved you from embarrassment.
Well then they shouldn't fucking announce it before they can release even a single game
They knew full well what kind of hype this would create
Now they're just being greedy to try and create more hype to get more money
I'm gonna pirate the first game and enjoy the shit out of it, fuck this waiting shit
i just bought like 3 halo games i didnt have why did this have to be anounced just after that. atleast i bought them for dirt cheap
The life of a buyfag.
It's okay user. We're all going home, no matter how you play it
im just an unlucky buyfag when i bought guild wars 2 they had a suprise sale the next day
>hype is bad
Are you retarded? More people buying the game means there's a bigger population. That means more fun.
I don't give a shit about the multiplayer. If I did then I would just buy one game from the collection and be done with it.
I've never even played Halo 4, I moved from xbox to PC a long time ago... How does Halo 4 compare to the others?
Ps4 when
It's not a halo game. Multiplayer is rng real time lootcrates.
So-so. Not exactly innovative, but it did add lots of quality of life improvements that should have been included before. Stuff like sprinting, no flinching out of zoom view when being hit, weapon balance, and so on. Spartan ops is fun if you life coop campaigns.
(((They))) have to strategically release it among other games in 2019 to maximize profit
Was the story good? The halo story always really interested me, so I'll be sad if they didn't do it justice in Halo 4
Be glad you're getting it at all
Sort of? It was more of a knock-off imitation of CoD killstreaks. 5 was where they introduced actual microtransactions
>quality of life improvements
>mentions things that made the game significantly worse
did everyone forget MCC was shit on the xbone?
I'll be pirating em for single player, up to Reach, Halo 4 no thanks.
Was, not is. They fixed everything awhile ago
Let's laugh at this nerd.
how do unlocks work in the MCC, do you still need to level up to get stuff or is it all available?
Halo was never good
Not particularly. Wasn't the trainwreck of 5, but didn't have the special sci-fi feel of 1-3, nor the grittiness of reach. Guess it was okay as a wrap up, but then 343 and karen traviss decided to desecrate halo's corpse
I can wait for the PC port, because I've already got it on Xbone X, but when's Reach hitting?
how does sprinting make the game worse?
looks comfy
>when i bought guild wars 2
first mistake
Oh fuck off cunt, you need to reward good behavior with money
>they're adding Reach
Holy fucking shit I actually get to play Reach again. God is real.
It didn't happen with 4 but in 5 people noticed that they actually made non sprint movement slower to accomadate the sprinting, which defeats the purpose of movig faster if previous games let you move as fast as a sprint while still being able to shoot.
From the Stream it sounded like they barely had even started. They didn't even show any Reach footage
Listening to that right now because of this announcement
>Botnet 10 exclusive
no thanks, I'm not gay
no proof of a W10 exclusive
fuck, I was actually genuinely happy about this before you brought that up
This collection was so fucking poorly made that everyone hated it and didn't play it, why the fuck are people excited for it now?
because it got fixed
They fixed it.
>tfw it finally happens
>gradual release
Good goyim now pay $30 for each episode or buy them all now for the low price of $100
It's fixed now and even if it wasn't completely the community managed to unfuck Halo 2 Vista and we have ElDewrito with 3's and ODST's campaigns if you know where to find the mods, so basically we're set either way.
It's not okay as a wrap-up at all. 3 is much better as a wrap up for MC and Reach is a fine wrap up for the series as a whole. 343 shit can burn in hell.
They deserve it but I can't afford it until I sell one of my inheritance properties, having 400k-1.6m in properties is fucking ironic when you can't do shit with em until they sell or rent
1: fixed you dumb fuck
2: people been wanting PC halo for years
3: me personally, I literally would only play story modes anyways
I guess they want to go head to head with Doom Eternal
Hype is bad when there isn't even any footage or a solid release date. There isn't even a fucking price yet.
>mfw i already played and beat this when it came out on xbox one in 2014
>all the plebbies getting excited for a collection that came out 5 years ago
lmaoing at u
>waited over 4 years for this
>thought it would never happen
>mfw finally comes
>Requires 3rd-Party Account: Xbox Live
Hope you all have that.
>Deserving any of my shekels
>Had to slow down regular non-sprint movement to make Sprint work
>Sprint speed is the same as regular walk speed in Halo 3
>Running in the open has little consequence since your shield recharges while you sprint
>mfw I played and beat this as it came out from 2001-2007
still excited
>bragging about playing a beta
It's all available
>It's actually releasing on Steam
WHAT IS GOING ON??!?!? Did Valve make a deal with Microsoft to shit on Epic?
you don't need to pay for it dumbfuck
You had to make one if you played Dark Souls back in the day.
4 years? halo 3 came out 2007, 12 years ago it shouldve been on PC
t-t-thanks for the beta testing
Post yfw going hom
Lmao, you steambabbies are so braindead retarded and entitled. Just lmao.
I got it on xbone and will get it for PC.
I played when it came out, and had 0 issues 100%ing all 4 campaigns in split-screen co-op. Enjoy your old collection.
I played halo 3 on xcocks360, i just want mcc for h2a and to replay the games with friends
Fuck off shawn you dick rider
cry more
>pcbabbies get a game they've been begging for for literal years
>even get it on steam against all odds
>"i-it better fucking be under $10 or else i won't buy it and it will definitely f-flop!"
Idiot, holy shit lmao.
The game has been $20 for years on console. Anything more than that is an insult.
it will probably be 30-40 imo.
>The game
So all five games have been released on console in a single collection?
>outing yourself as a jew
5 years ago.
I'm sorry you were dumb enough to buy a console for one incomplete and shit multiplayer game at launch
>xbox one
Who's the fucking pleb here?
Almost as wrong as the guy who said mlp wouldn't get that much r34
I don't see anything about Reach being included on console.
Implying it's bad to be a jew
This would unironically be a reasonable price for the games.
Reach multiplayer is going to be included for free, but the campaign is going to be paid DLC.
they gonna add reach just now, and that version that cost 20(aka the console one) cost that cuz it was broken for like who knows how long
stop being a stinky jew god damn it, key stores gonna have for less
miss one of these bro >
>poorcuck seething this hard
Trust me sweety, it's not that much of an expense. Not everyone's a fat useless slobbo like yourself.
Reach multiplayer is being added for free, and ODST was only $5.
whoops shit
are you a girl or gay?
How the FUCK do I get the Xbox app working? I ran a debloater years ago, should I revert back an keep my files through Windows 10?
If you didn't give a shot about the book be ready to have no fucking clue how the entire scenario occurs
id would have been excited oh idk 5 years ago but meh
>wait fucking decades for games
>when finally gonna get them, you get them in a collection, fucking 6 games for a maximun of 60(probably gonna be 30), the devs still gonna be working on it on an INDIVIDUAL basis, fixing any bugs in any of the games, also will look wait better that console
>still, after this great steal, STILL being a stinky JEW
I hope someone rapes u
>Cant shoot and run at the same time
>Lowered base movespeed to make sprint better
>Widened maps to accommodate it, fucking up sight lines and engagement ranges
There is literally no reason for it to exist. It is inferior to just upping the base movespeed and upping gravity a little bit to compensate. It ironically slows the game down, compare a frag fest on Halo 2/3 midship to a fragfest on HR Zealot or H5 Truth.
>be ignored for over a decade
>get scraps, not even the full package
>then the two games we already had
>no splitscreen
>they expect $60
we already had the aniversary edition of both 1/2? fucking retard
also what scraps? you are a dumb FUCK
It's the same exact multiplayer.
>not even the full package
whats missing? halo 5?
How can one man be so wrong?
but we did not have the remakes, even if we had the multiplayer. there is still some major value there
They're going to nickle and dime everyone by selling them individual games.
That's what fucking shocks me here.
I was NOT prepared for that. I would have bought it even if it was only on the Microsoft store, but they actually went out of their way to put it on Steam.
Is it happening? Has PC gaming entered a new golden age?
Doom Eternal, Ace Combat 7, and now the Halo collection?
I....I think we made it, guys.
There's a Halo tournament at SXSW this weekend. During Inside Xbox they said they'd have more news to tell during that, so presumably a release date will be then.
Probably too early for a release date if we didn't get a second of gameplay today. I wouldn't expect anything solid until E3 at the earliest.
>"For the first time ever, The Master Chief’s story comes to PC. Featuring Halo: Reach along with Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, Halo 2: Anniversary, Halo 3, the Halo 3: ODST Campaign and Halo 4, this is the definitive Halo experience. "
thats when you need to shave that shit off
I should really bookmark this. I blame the announcement more than anything. When they talk about nothing on the stream, it leads to misinformation being spread like wildfire.
>We didn't get second of gameplay
It's MCC, a 4 year old re-release of games from 2001-2012. Everyone already knows what it looks like, why even bother?
If you search Halo on steam, you'll find both Halo Wars on there. It's not unheard of. BTW we need Command and Conquer for it to be a true new golden age.
Bearing in mind that they're releasing one game at a time, we've got to wait for them to port Reach, CE:A and 2:A before we get to 3.
No 60fps Reach, nothing showing the FOV slider. There were a few things they could have shown, and they didn't do any of them.
I believe. I believe!
What's next, Duke Nukem finally returning to form?
Does this mean cross platform like Windows Forza and Xbox forza?
2 years ago. :^)
Does this mean all the fsgs eho endlessly shit on Halo because deep down they were upset it wasn't on PC and never got to experience the Halo 2 and 3 community?
Them struggling to get the disk in the xbox has made me laugh every single fucking time I've watched this
my bad
>drab as fucccccccck indoor levels with more backtracking
Console game for babies
Story is just ok. Multiplayer is boring. Honestly it's a little overblown how bad the game is. 5 really takes the cake for being trash so in retrospect 4 isn't as bad as initially thought.
Epic Employee spotted
If it does, it'll likely be done the same way it was done in Gears 4, where cross platform play is supported everywhere but ranked playlists.
t. Quakefag. When will your autism induced manchild rage ever subside.
Never, also I bet there are already cheats being developed for the original Halo PC release that will work with the new version.
No they don't
Charging for a download is not good behavior. Charging for a download is unethical, immoral, and inherently anti consumer. It should be illegal to charge for digital distribution and piracy should be legal.
Literally the very next day, he gets BTFO
This announcement came outta nowhere - how do you fuck up this bad?
Dont ever play video games again if that's your attitude. How the fuck would companies make money otherwise? It's literally no different from buying a physical copy except you can download it as many times as you want for free, so you have insurance.
Cringe anti digital distribution poster.
Has there ever been a man more BTFO than this one?
They should've been released 10+ years ago, so they deserve nothing.
>This announcement came outta nowhere
It didn't. Microsoft said there was going to be "exciting MCC news during the Inside Xbox episode on the 12th" last week and some guy posted on reddit saying he'd buy pizza for the first 343i guy who confirmed MCC for PC and some 343i employee replied asking "what kind of pizza?".
The steam page says the Halo 3 ODST campaign, does this mean we wont get multiplayer survival or coop
>you played at 768p 24fps
>my pc will do 1440p 165fps
enjoy seppuku
Armor lock chads
>have a toaster
>can't feel anything but envy
Just shut up and stop reminding me that I'm poor.
I never played Halo past Halo: Custom Edition. Is it any good? Is 3 and Reach the Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops of its time?
This right here, I have my launch PS4 and Xbone and I fucking hate frames dropping
Fuck off, the only bad thing about Reach
I used armour lock exclusively on vehicle maps.
Nothing more satisfying than locking in front of that faggot running everyone down in a ghost for an EZ kill as he explodes on your manly pecs.
a toaster that can't play decade+ old games?
I have an Xbox One. It can be worse.
yes. it runs l4d and visceral clean up detail at hearty 5-15 fps.
VCD is pretty demanding to be fair
>all these threads recently about how the halo series was always shit
>MCC gets announced for pc
>suddenly a huge turnaround in opinions
so it WAS another meme made by the Yea Forums hivemind the whole time, color me surprised.
1. It has been fixed
2. Even if it hasn't, there are some serious fucking autist in the Halo PC community that will unfuck everything for them.
>I saw threads having an opinion
>Now there are threads with a different opinion
>Therefore Yea Forums is hivemind
Something seems off with your logic
>tfw laso h2 with friends
Shit's gonna be cash
It was just weird to see threads about halo not actually being that good for the longest time and now I've seen little to none of that starting today
Because there is news today that obviously attracts Halo fans
Maybe I'm wrong and it will be updated, but by the look of the specs you don't need much to play the game.
Halo will always be remembered as the first big mainstream console fps success that started the decline of the genre, but oldschool Bungie was always cool. The original trilogy is well made, but all of the copycat garbage it spawned usually wasn't. I still fuck with CE every once in a while, and I probably would've messed with Halo 2 as well if it wasn't for Microsoft shitting all over it trying to push Vista like a bunch of niggers. Which reminds me if the PC MCC version has Vista Halo 2 with minimal improvements like the console version I'm going to lose my mind.
download and play SPV3
What was wrong with the Halo 3 Online mod for PC?
That it's a Halo 4 mod
Y-yeah! Should be fun, haha....
No you stupid idiot, there was a Halo 3 one Yea Forums was going crazy over a couple years back.
it was leaked by that brad dude ages ago
It was fun yeah but MS killed it.
This is the reason I never played reach. I saw a YouTube video of somebody using it in multiplayer and to this day I never played reach because of it
No mw2 and Black ops were complete nonsensical trash compared to 3,in both campaign and multiplayer