Name a better ARPG

Name a better ARPG

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Kingdom Hearts 1.

You literally can't because ARPGs are restricted to trying to be RPGs and action games.
KH2 is just an action game with RPG elements

Kingdom Hearts 3

gothic, souls, diablo, divinity, dragon's dogma, baldur's gate, nioh, monster hunter, dark messiah, etc, etc

kh2fm has good combat, bosses (at the end), and music, but literally everything else is mediocre

Witcher 3 eats that shit for breakfast. KH series literally has the worst, most retarded, simplistic combat there is. The perfect game for autistic folks since all you do is mash X and see pretty colors.

even when new KH was the most cringe gay shit in existence.
Even my girl cousin who got me into shit lile FFX-2 hated it.

>Shitcher combat

>I never played but it's BAD

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no offense but KH2 has better gameplay

>KH series literally has the worst, most retarded, simplistic combat there is
even worse than FFXV's Hold O combat?

I don't really understand the love for 2. I mean don't get me wrong it's a good game but I just replayed them all on the collection and 1 is just better than 2.
Better MP implementation
Better crafted world's (seriously this is where 2 takes the biggest hit, the environments are all so small and not very detailed)
Still playing through 3 and enjoying it for the most part but as of now I think 1 still holds the crown. Just really feels like a passion project that came together really well.

The combat is much better in 2 and it has better bosses.

Dragon's Dogma

Fans and critics disagree.

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you never played XV

Kingdom Hearts 3 Final Mix.

At least in the Good Future.

>tfw no weaboo girl cousin to play Serah's game with me

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Dark Souls
Why you making me say this shit man ?

that's XIII-2 tho

>you never played XV

I beat the base game. I have no idea if the DLC made you actually learn the game since I never purchased it.

Stop ban evading Barry.

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This was a nice little treat

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