Halo reach multiplayer

>halo reach multiplayer

oh god no

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>There are those who said this day would never come. What are they to say now?

>superior forge
>>but armour abilities in a casual fps!!!
eat shit comp nigger, you're like melee fags wanting your kids game to be taken seriously

>What are they to say now?
absolutely btfo
You've gone your way to take contact with your old pals from the days, right user?

this, also a little redpilled in my opinion


it's crazy to me that Halo is coming out on steam, but what's almost as crazy is the sub-par garbage game that nearly killed the franchise and was dead within a year is now touted as some amazing classic

I have never played Halo before in my life since I never owned a xbox. My friends back in highschool and middleschool never stopped talking about the game's story and multiplayer. Is this worth honestly playing now that all the games are on PC? And what is wrong with reach's multiplayer?

Reach introduced contentious features like sprint(and armor abilities), bloom on weapons etc. Still a fun game. I definitely reccommend playing each campaign.

literally yesterday this happened. i said pc reach would never happen, but i would buy the fuck out of it.
guess who's buying the fuck out of it?

>and was dead within a year
LMAO talk about delusional
you can still boot up reach and see people doing their gay clan shit to this day

>(a proper PC version)
the proper PC version would be this baby's first shooter not existing on PC

none of this shit is actually true, around 2014 i took my xbox out off my old storage and played some halo 3 and reach on an friends GT (he had xb1 and gold so) and reach was more alive then 3 and they apparently gave all the dlcs for all the halo games but i never managed to get on one dlc map

I've never played Halo, is reach the best game in the series or something?

As long as I can play Rocket Race and Fat Kid I'll be happy.


the fact that Yea Forums STILL can't agree on whether 1,2,3,ODST or Reach are better goes to show how excellent all the games are.

play them in release order, ignore 4 and 5

>Halo Reach

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Yes. Newfags that came here from gamergate hate it.

It's the fucking worst Bungie one.
>weapon bloom significantly increases TTK
>75% of the maps are stuff Bungie employees made in Forge and all have the same aesthetic
>Armor Abilities are ridiculous

Still way better than 4, though.

It's really fucking divisive.

The easiest way to put it is that it plays radically different than any other game in the series, even if it clearly draws inspiration from the various Halos in terms of systems, and some other shit.

Depending on who you ask, Reach was Bungie's Swan Song or a game they did under duress because Microsoft was squeezing blood from the Halo stone before they went on their own to make Destiny and holy shit is Reach better than Destiny 1 or 2 by a long shot, especially MP.

Reach >(= maybe) 3 > ODST > 2 > 1

Destiny 2 concept looks cool, the idea is sound but you are right it's fucking dog shit.

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>bloom on weapons
it's called bullet spread, why do halofags call it bloom?
it was also removed in a patch

Bungie's Art team can never fail, this much is fact.

The problem is, by Destiny 2 everything else has gone to hell, even the Reach haters would agree if they've played both.

>It was removed in a patch
Really? Fucking when?

As someone who has played both, Reach had pretty mediocre MP and probably the worst in series history bar 4, but Destiny 2's MP is even fucking worse, it's astounding.

>matches are focused hard on supers instead of basic gunplay
>controlling ammo is less fun than controlling weapons
>maps are clearly not designed for sprinting

It’s the worst.

No it wasn't they added in non-bloom gametypes

When 343 took over. It's still on in campaign and most game modes by default (because it's a multiplayer setting toggle)

The MP gun balance is fucked too. Handcannons and Pulse Rifles are plain fucking broken compared to other primaries.

At least being able to use shotguns and snipers as special weapons again made it better, but it still overall feels like it plays even worse than Destiny 1 did.

Don't forget match making is god awful.

>no halo 5
Hahaha hahaha haha oh dear oh dear

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>why do halofags call it bloom?
because a dev called it that in a vidoc I think, blame him

technically it refers to the reticule not the spread

reach wasn't scrapped and rebuilt 6 months before completion

another word that was only used by Bungie lol

To exacerbate this you'd trip over the number of really good Handcannons you can get, especially exotics. Shit like The Last Word being an auto rifle with Handcannon damage and ammo limitation, or Ace of Spades just being insanely good.

Meanwhile you'll be hardpressed to find one or two good exotics for other weapon types, especially Scout Rifles.

Problem being neither Destiny 1 or more critically, Destiny 2 should have suffered that.

still no odst firefight? and when will they fix the spawn time for power weapons


It's not bullet spread in the same way that velocity and acceleration aren't the same thing. Bullet spread just refers to the range of vectors your gun can shoot in. Bloom specifically refers to the way your bullet spread increases based on your rate of fire.

all Halo games have bullet spread, bloom specifically refers to the spread getting wider the more you fire


Most weapons also had their own form of "bloom" as well. Halo Reach just made it a standard mechanic that was more obvious to the player. You could snipe with the AR in Halo 3.

maybe because spread and bloom are different things

Reach also made it a lot more important.

It honestly didn't, it just made it more apparent.

No Halo 5? I know it wasn't great but neither was Halo 4 so they may as well port that too for completion's sake.

You can make an argument for weapons like the sniper or the AR, but you're a fucking liar if you think that it didn't drastically affect the DMR. Literally one of the few good changes in H4 was to tune that shit down significantly

Halo 5 is still a bone selling point.

The DMR is just a magnum with a bigger clip.

>wanting 343's steaming shit in the collection

It's bad enough that they put Halo 4 in it.

The only issue with the DMR was it killing in 5 shots instead of 4. It either needed to be the steadily accurate weapon that the BR was and kill in 5 shots, or have bloom and a much faster firing rate like it did in base Reach, but kill in 4. That keeps the gameplay fast-paced without making camping areas with good LOS to power weapons with a DMR ready to snipe someone the dominant strategy.


No, they didn't. Halo 1-3 had spread increase if you held the trigger, but tapping it didn't increase it. Reach bloom was based on time between shots.

only contrarians on Yea Forums think it's good let alone the best

>343i openly mocking bone fans
hahahaha fucking glorious

Why did people hate reach so much?
It's really not that much different from any other halo game

you're referring to bullet spray, bullet spread is what halofags call "bloom"

oh. my bad.

thanks for clearing that up.

So dead?

severe cod-itis
>unskippable first person cutscenes and npc's blabbering over gameplay
>loadouts instead of pickups
>mute bans, abusable punishment system and quit bans
>shit ranking system
>boring forge maps
>bad story with forgettable characters that contradicts established lore
>armor lock
>shit balance in general

not nearly as bad as halo 4 and 5 but still nowhere near up to the standard of 1-3, 3 in particular solved a lot of the issues with 2.


I’m excited; but I reckon they’ll screw the pooch somehow and add some combination of ongoing costs for each game port - since they mentioned “roll out”. If they are paying three studios to port them they won’t be satisfied with an upfront cost. I expect delays and some “year of content” pass shit.

Secondly, I’m expecting some subscription. They mention they need an Xbox Live account. Now that isn’t suprising, but the key thing mentioning Live instead of just an “Xbox Account” makes me think they’ll charge to play the multiplayer. They’ll say it’s to pay for servers and subsidise the porting costs.

Happy to be proved wrong but ... c’mon.

>Grey texture roads, take me home
>To the place, where I belooonnng
>Halo: Reach™, Spartan mama
>Take me home, grey texture roads

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>they’ll charge to play the multiplayer.
already deconfirmed


Buuuut the other point. We’ll see when they come out with the price.

>they'll charge to play the multiplayer

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is that a fukkin' mimi o sumaseba reference?

>Windows 10
And dropped.

Still needs Halo 5.

No one needs Halo 5, Halo 4 being there is the equivalent of letting your retarded little brother play as well so he doesn't feel left out.

Fuck yes, potentially new Forge maps. I think I spent a lot of effort on maps no one really played. Hope there is some way to play people’s stuff.

I’m really feeling a roller-dome like sloped figure-8 arena filled with Warthogs.

It says Steam right there you illiterate nigger.

So question
are they gonna fix the netcode? I just got done with halo 3 on the xboner last night and the netcode is still ass

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Steam still has Windows 10 only games you retarded nigger, and you see the part that says WINDOWS 10 next to the Steam logo?

Double retard nigger.

OG Halo 3 was one of the most stable online games I've ever played. MCC is famous for having shit lag though.

Guys what does this mean? You play all the old maps but with Reach gameplay?

OP's image isn't even real.

Halo Machinimas are coming back

>halo 3 net code
>still ass

Sounds like its working as intended

Holy shit
eldorado fucking btfo

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I should've specified i was playing the mcc version of halo 3. Thats my biggest issue with this collection so far,campaign is still fucked online wise

Reach is still the most fun Halo game. I bet you actually like playing 3 lmao, fucking fag

Imagine this with mod support.

eldewrito was never good to begin with

I'll be ok with paying for each individual game, but I don't think they should be full retail price for each one.

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Will there be matchmaking with no armor abilities?

the population dropped off way faster than H3. I and all my friends went back to H3 and continued into the launch of H4

halo 4 match making from what i saw has abilities in the mcc

So is reach the only one with multiplayer?

Given what they had to work with, that it was functional at all is a miracle.

they'll all have multiplayer except halo 1 which will be the shoddy reach reskin instead of true halo 1 mp.

No but your gonna be forced to play it's multiplayer in matchmaking

>Halo 1 and 2 on PC

I can't wait to do the Campaign co-op with someone and have them yell at me that i'm terrible at the game because I havne't played it since i was like 13 with my Cousins

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No, all the multiplayer maps from all the games except 3:ODST, though the remakes might have, err, remake maps?

>Halo 1 and 2 on PC
they were always on pc retard

>except halo 1 which will be the shoddy reach reskin instead of true halo 1 mp.
What? MCC has true halo 1 multiplayer

This. Imo I loved Reach's multiplayer the best cuz of the DMR, halo 3 is probably my favorite overall tho

Ah I see, sucks if 1 doesn't have it. Would love to revisit Blood Gultch with friends

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There's gonna be 24/7 custom games servers with no armor abilities .

For fucking ever, yes.

Might buy it for the nostalgia. Plus I never played ODST and they're my favorite part of the series.

The biggest possible fuckup would be not including TU settings in the Reach release.

Should I play this?
Last few times I played Halo was CE in college playing on the computer lab with friends and Halo 2 back when I was a kid.
Both were insanely fun. Then again I was playing with friends always.

just reinstalled Halo CE on my PC today.
super excited for this. Halo was my first online FPS and I'm a total fag for it, but everything after Reach is trash.

I'm secreting all kinds of hormones.

will people actually play invasion this time, aka the best game mode?

>Halo Yea Forums Night can be a thing

so you're basically playing Reach but on the old maps?

I know I will. I fucking loved invasion. I even made a shitload of crappy custom invasion maps on forge, but no one ever played them.

No, each game has its original multiplayer.

>Super Slayer released, which removes most of the "issues" those vocal about reach had.
>~1/10 of the player base Slayer had on a good day

Reach haters are the vocal minority. Reach is great.

Yeah I know I dowloaded them. Problem with them was that the company who hosted the servers for it went under or something so I never could do Co-Op and uninstalled immediately.

I was just about to ask about this.
this is good to hear.

is it updated graphics, or will I be reliving Halo CE maps again in all their glory? oh god, I hope there's racing.

Stupid Slayer still had armor abilities. Past a certain point in Reach I didn't even play matchmaking, my friend list was active enough that I could get 2v2 and 4v4 customs any time I wanted.

If they include the map pack so you'll actually get more than 2 maps it'll be glorious.

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thats dumb you will have to learn 5 different games due to the weapon differences

Halo PC was gamespy, there's community servers still. Halo 2 Vista ran on GFWL sadly.

people still play Halo CE online.
I just reinstalled it today after not playing for a few years and there are still servers going with people in them.

Original graphics, although CE has remastered sounds and a slightly different HUD.
Halo 2 Anniversary updates some of its maps, but for all intents and purposes its a separate game from regular Halo 2.
You can choose what games you want to play.

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>playable elites
>elites vs spartans
I don't care what anyone says, Invasion singehandedly made up reach's multiplayer

>not a word about price or release date

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Halo 2 has updated graphics
everything else doesn't
you can load into play-lists that filter by game (play only halo 1 games), Gamemode (Play only infecton in 3 reach 4 and 5), or other playlists made by 343 (action sack, invasion and big team battle, only halo 1 2 3, etc).

Mate I bought ODST at full price on day one, I'll pay whatever.

which provides options for people who prefer different types of gameplay. idiot.

If I cannot center the reticle into the middle of the screen I'm not buying it.

>reach comes out
>motion blur can't be disabled and the reticle is still at the bottom of the screen
My anger would be beyond words.

>retards meme-ing about reach being bad
>not celebrating we get firefight
NPCs: The thread.

But will it include Halo: Nightfall?

anyone know how much this is going to be?

lets just pray to god thats what "Proper pc version" means

It's not even the good Firefight.

I'm talking about is the Needler shit on a Halo 2 map compared to a Halo 3 map just because it preserves the original mp experience. That's incredibly poor game design if so.

Firefight died the day they turned off friendly fire.

I don't understand how anyone could think Reach was bad. it innovated while also feeling like Halo. it was one of my favorites.

it also had those little icons that showed which Halos you had played and I got to show off my Halo e-peen with my Halo PC icons.

reach firefight was trash

I feel like the only person in the world that prefers it offset

>motion blur can't be disabled
and that's a good thing you drooling retard

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>I don't understand how anyone could think Reach was bad

I don't understand how anyone could think it was GOOD. even with the fanboys defending it at release it received a tone of flak. you people must have never seriously played Halo 2/3 multiplayer

that seems like an odd sticking point. was there abusable tech by not having friendly fire? or were you just an "epic troll"? never played firefight so I don't know.

>it innovated
yeah it innovated all those Call of Duty™ features like sprint, unskippable cutscene driven campaign, loadouts™ etc.


The drama over bloom was and is fucking stupid

Halo 3 already had random spread on all it's guns. Reach's bloom merely made it so you had an on UI indicator for the amount of spread, and also made it so that your first few shots would be more accurate, and by pacing your shots, you could stay more accurate, vs in Halo 3 where guns were fully random at all times and there was nothing you could do about it.

It's objectively a better system then spread as it existed in 3.

Your post is full of shit

>loadouts instead of pickups
Sprint isn't a seperate mechanic in reach, it's a specific armor ability. and Reach doesn't have loadouts: Everybody has even starts in Reach EXCEPT for selecting your armor ability, which still is bad but it's not "loadouts"

>boring forge maps
Not any more boring then in 3: Like Reach, 3 only has specific maps that's actually good for forging, Sandbox and Foundry, and both are just as visually same as forge world is. At least FOrge world is way bigger and has more objects and has more functionality

>shit balance in general
The vast majority of guns in Reach preform well. THe plasma pistol is capable of getting kills in a pinch again, the AR can hit shit past 5 feet, the magnum is finally decent again for the first time since CE, the needler is super solid, the concusion rifle and grenade luancher are great mid-tier weapon, etc; and most guns are relatively unique, unlike in 3: The focus rifle and sniper rifle for example are both long range sniper weapons, but preform very differently.

It had the best weapon balance in the series other then CE by that point: 2's sandbox was utterly fucking broken by duel wielding making every other gun shit and the BR being stupidly broken, 3 was a bit better, but the BR was by far still the best gun to use, with most others not working that grea,t, etc.

So, how much is it gonna be?

Is this Windows 10 only?

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You typed all of that and didn't realize that when talking about forge maps they mean most of the multiplayer maps in matchmaking are made in forge

Halo is a fun sandbox. Turning friendly fire off means you no longer have to play as a team and position. Firing a rocket into a ground of enemies next to a friend is just fine. Now you can run around in your own little bubble universe playing by yourself. There's four of you but it might as well be single player because there is no interaction between you.

nah, I played the shit out of CE/2/3 and still loved Reach.

oh no, new mechanics!
the loadouts were also pretty much just 'pick your version of this starting weapon'. they were hardly similar to CoD loadouts.






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>halo is great guys, we were merely joking
pc fats are the most pathetic ones out of them all. damn

>Reach doesn't have loadouts
try actually playing it retard

>Not any more boring then in 3
3 never had 50% of its official maps be gray gmod tier contraptions

>I don't understand anything about game balance zoomer the post

>the loadouts were also pretty much just 'pick your version of this starting weapon'.
So you never played the game? In every playlist you picked your starting ability from one of 3 broken choices.


>Almost buying an Xbone
Jesus what did that feel like?

>oh no, new mechanics!
they're not new, they're just shit.

Probably not
Yes, all the games except 3:ODST

>you'll finally play Halo 3 again after all these years

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So for the roll out, do you pay alacart or do you pay up front for everything?

Then stop blaming the mode for the shitty playlists?

it'll be MCC 3 not the real 3 with trueskill.

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Longer video of the same thing, don't remember if they get to fuck her.
Don't bother, that webm is the best part.

>Probably not
Oh yes it will. Assembly will make sure of it.

>There are people that bought xbone for halo

I don't think that's because people didn't like Halo Reach, it's just that the popularity of the series began to decline after Reach came out because the end of Bungie development and the rise of tons of AAA franchises - you would've seen a decline no matter how good or bad the game was. By 2010, classic Halo gameplay was old hat because people had been playing it for nearly a decade.

Personally, I love Halo Reach, but it didn't have long life for me either; there were just fresher, newer games to play.

probably cost a bit more than it cost right now since it has Reach

MCC has the better ranking system (Halo 2's)

Reach is great in the Modern Warfare 2 kind of way. Everything is unbalanced and a mess but thats fine cause it's fun. It's fine to not like reach but the mouth-breathers that spam Reach hate are so dug into thinking halo 2 and 3 were """""competitive shooters""""" ,despite halo never being a big esport, that bloom sends them into a tism fit.

sorry, I'll quit liking what you don't like!
my bad guys!

They're unnecessary when everyone is just going to pick the best gun anyway.

It'll probably be 60 dollars which is fine, and I read some anons talking about fall 2019 as a release date in one of the other threads

>try actually playing it retard
I did. The only modes that had actual loadouts were Invasion, Grifball, etc. Normal MP had every single "Loadout" the exact same other then with armor abilities.

> they mean most of the multiplayer maps in matchmaking are made in forge
>3 never had 50% of its official maps be gray gmod tier contraptions
So that's not an issue with the forge, that's an issue with the matchmaking.

>I don't understand anything about game balance zoomer the post
So then enlighten us. Or are you one of those fucking tryhards who thinks that Halo should be balanced around 1 gun being the best and doing evetrything?

so the only interaction you can think of in a game is teamkilling??? no positioning to gather enemies up or coordinating vehicle spawns? lol ok then.

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>despite halo never being a big esport,
It was for the time.

>halo never being a big esport

Halo was like the ONLY console esport you retard. it's no coincidence halo MLG literally died when reach came out, even if you didn't take that seriously it says something about the game

Post favorite maps


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FUCKING HALO 4 DUED ARNT U FUCKING STOEKED ,wait no ur to busy plehign evry fucking retarted

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>tfw thought about buying an xbone for halo months ago
>mfw I didn't
>mfw MCC comes to steam

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Do you literally not remember MLG or something
Halo was THE game to play

>True skill
>Win 15 games in a row
>Never rank up
>Lose 1 game
>Go down 2 ranks
I never understood this, but it happened to me twice that I can remember.

where my Spire niggas at

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Valhalla a best

How did it worked and why was it good?

Halo CE is remastered to 360 graphics. Still looks dated
Halo 2A looks excellent.
3, ODST, and Reach are original graphics, but hold up well in higher resolutions.

this one is massively underrated, it and Containment are perfect CTF/Assault maps

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>Friend was several ranks higher than me in Halo 3
>Join a game with him and get matched with players around his level
>Get fucking decimated and trying to understand just what the hell I'm doing wrong

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Invasion on spire was fucking great

I thought only 2 had playable Elites. There is an Elite vs Spartan game mode?

>I can finally play Halo games past 2

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Best Race map

>Try to play the Remastered version
>Switch back to the old graphics
What is it about the older graphics that just make it more appealing?

Man I can't wait to buy this and skip Halo 4 because fuck 343

Honestly I think Invasion was a fantastic game mode and that Reach's multiplayer was fine.

The custom games felt lacking in soul though

This map is absolute aids thanks to the RNG spawns for the attacking side

I only ever played the first game, so this is pretty cool I guess. Looking at Wikipedia, the only game PC is missing 5. When are they going to port that?

Nostalgia and better frame rate

They already ported its multiplayer a couple of years ago.

Will a flamethrower be in the cave?

trueskill was magic though.

With Halo 2 Remastered, I swear the amount of light bloom on it blinds me.

invasion was goat

so im playing halo 1 multiplayer right now

>Custom Games Browser

Who's ready to play some zombies?

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the absolute state of zoomers who weren't even born when the last game with friendly fire was released


People forget, but Reach had an unfeasible large amount of features at launch, it just utilized it all poorly.

ce and 2 remastered fucked with the art style and lighting.

passion and skill on the part of bungie

It won't require a fucking Xbox Login will it?

I imagine it would, but holy fuck if it requires Gold I'm going to be livid

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>and the rise of tons of AAA franchises
That had nothing to do with Halo.

There have always been good games coming out. You sound very young and ignorant.

CS:S and FoF Zombies shit all over crappy Gaylo Zombies

>so the only interaction you can think of in a game is teamkilling???
of course not.
>call your teammates fags
>spam music over your mic
>make a totem
>steal vehicles and weapons from them
>get angry messages from them calling you a retard

It will require an XBL login, but it won't have to be a subscribing account

Yes it will, but only a microsoft account for crossplay/cloud saves I guess

css zombies was basically the same thing as halo zombies last time i played it. the only difference i remember was that some maps let you build barricades or had objectives other than surviving.

>won't have to unlock all the shit in reach again
based AND redpilled

>there have always been good games coming out

>forgetting how Xbox basically had nothing but Halo until a year after the 360's lifecycle

2, 3, and Reach all had playable Elites. I'd know, I played as one since I first picked up 2 on release. Then 343i fucked it all up with 4 and I had to go back to being a shitty human.

wait, there's going to be crossplay? is it just steam and MS store (lol), or is it xbox live in general with console players too?

The "pacing your shots" shit makes sense in theory but in most cases you end up better served just laying on the trigger, only at extreme ranges did shot pacing really end up helping.



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It's probably the worst of the Bungie games, but still pretty good because that is some great company. As said anything by 343i is a country mile worse than Reach. Purists hate it because it added some casualized abilities and RNG to certain weapons and their accuracy, but it's not bad at all in multiplayer and has a decent campaign.
343i is fucking cancer though, they managed to kill one of gaming's biggest franchises in like a four year window. Impressive, in its own way.

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I'd do Vidmaster again for Recon. That shit was fun.

MS Store/Steam/Xbox probably, they're working on making all their games crossplay with each other, you can even use KB/M with select games on the Xone now

why would it require an xbox account if there's no crossplay?

Yeah, i sure regret paying a ungodly amount of hours on this collection YEARS ago on my xbone
you're given preset armors of every variant.Everyone will have recon

>first stages were a king of the hill mode where the attackers (either elites or spartans) had to capture points while the defenders (the other race) had to defend
>if attackers capture those points, becomes CTF but the objective was heavy so you moved pretty slow
>each race has "loadouts" that were made up of their weapons, with elites also getting dodge and humans getting armor lock in one skillset
>bigger and better vehicles spawn in the more points the attackers take, eventually shit like banshees and scorpions spawn
basically it was asymmetrical as fuck, but the teams had a lot of variety and it was a really long, varied battle in places like Spire
Even when you get your ass kicked, it's pretty fun

I had no idea Halo 4 was so fucked, is it really so bad? Someone even told me not to play the campaign

>Had no one to do the ODST ones with

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So this is pretty much Microsoft confirming that they're leaving hardware development?

Were those rumors of game streaming to other consoles real?

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>people complain about abilities in reach because they didnt play mlg playlist
>people complain about bloom because they cant spam
like clockwork

>Tfw I was eligable for that halo pc icon but I didnt think to redeem it until a few weeks after they had made it that you couldnt change badges or something so I was forever stuck with the halo 3 one that everybody had.

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Actually there were three gamemodes that could take any stage.
1. territory capture
2. capture the core
3. plant a bomb
They could go in any order, but Bungie only ever did 1, 1, 2, and in one map I think 1, 3, 2 (the snowy one? Does anyone else remember it?)
But yeah it was fully customizable in the Forge with the ability to make objects appear and disappear, moving spawns, stage specific weapon spawns etc. It was surprisingly comprehensive for how limited Forge is as a map editor, and I can't wait to make some public customs with my custom invasion maps, more so if I can get my old ones back from the 360 days and touch them up a bit with my new experience in map editing and balance.


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God I can't wait to fucking dab on armorlock niggers again

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Reach was good fuck off

It's god awful in every regard. I played the campaign couch co-op with a good buddy, and even that couldn't redeem it. Worst campaign, worst level design, laughable new enemies introduced, pants on head retarded fanfic tier writing and characters, fuck, it's an abortion.

None of the abilities were even that bad besides armor lock, which was just annoying at worst

I forgot about the plant the bomb stage it's been at least 5 years since I played invasion last

Armor Lock would be slightly less retarded if it were easy.to tell visually someone had it equipped like say a jetpack.

Reach MP was absolute trash and you're a shit if you think otherwise.

This show is too based for humanity

>Can finally relive Invasion mode on Reach with 60 fps

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Reach is the biggest disappointment in the history of gaming to me. Halo 3 was my favourite multiplayer game. Then MW2 came out and flipped the online console shooter world on its head. After a year of that game people were ready for Halo again. I remember it distinctly. The beta came out and it wasn’t fun but hey it’s a beta and the final game will clean it up. Reach dropped and I completed the campaign within 5 days. Had every achievement in a month. I was trying to get the most out of the game. Finally it happened, I snapped out of whatever state of denial I was in and i realised that the game was just not as fun as it’s competition. I mean people were ready for Halo it should have reclaimed the thrown. Logged back into Halo 3 again and had fun. Playlist numbers were crippled by the then saturated market and certain game modes were never going to be playable with the limited player base. I just wish Reach had never come out.

Halo Reach was where armor design in Halo peaked, but that's because Bungie, despite their flaws, genuinely does really good armor and weapon design.

The leveling system in Reach was so bad and got nerfed way too hard.

>Go to bungie.net
>Search your gamertag
>Post your screenshots
>Set the image name as the file name

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halo 3 was better skill cap wise
reach was better for social slayer and fun

Halo Reach is not classic Halo gameplazy, thats the issue. Its population dropped off because people went back to Halo 3, which maintained a strong population until well after Reach died.
You're forgetting that Halo was competing with CoD in its prime and winning until Reach ruined everything.

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drunk fetish site wd girls, think this one is from the video "misa - beer degustation"

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This and I already had trouble washing the Arbiter stank from my mouth after Halo 2. Maybe you PC guys will enjoy it more than us console guys.

>a proper PC version

Its been confirmed they're making a console. The only console gamepass is gonna be on is nintendo at most considering that sony couldn't even deal with ea

>title-by-title roll out
im dumb what does this mean

I literally don't think any of my stuff exists anymore, as I've tried multiple gamertags I used to have and can't seem to come across any screenshots. I think my account got fucked when Bungie remodeled their site.

They 100% have plans for a new Xbox, so they aren't completely done yet. I think they are just done with the Xbone, and are trying to get people excited about Halo again, so when they make a Halo exclusive on their next console, someone will care

The games are releasing one at a time

This shit pisses me off more than anything, it's like if a bunch of faggots came into Metroid threads shouting that Other M was a masterpiece, it's fucking garbage. The news to PC was great but I really couldn't careless about Reach, I don't even consider it part of Master Chief's story. I'll remember it for what it is, a glassed planet with bad records and nothing else.

I think it's just great opportunity for console retards to experience first person shooters the way as they should be. Playing FPS with a controller it's like eating soup with chopsticks, it's so dumb backwards and awkward I can't even. Personally I don't give a flying fuck about it, especially knowing how bad those console ports usually ends up.

or if it was a single use

Pre-TU Reach was terrible and the only good thing about it was invasion. The only Thing worse than Reach's MP was 4's MP but I don't know if it got better after title updates.

This is what I did, I already wanted a Halo 4, Reach made me want it more.

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>classic halo gameplay
Im not even a 343fag but anyone who uses this phrase is an autistic faggot. Go back to r/halo

i hope they include the voice masking option. i don't want any pedos knowing my voice :( :(

You don't get all the games at once. Meaning as they finish 4 and Reach you'll get those too.

Halo 4 did actually get better after the patches.

There is an extremely fun aspect to Reach in that its much more arcadey right out the get go but its harder to avoid that arcadeyness because its just the base game
Halo 3 was of course also extremely arcadey but you could strip it down to something rather competitive as well

>Halo: Reach, Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST (Campaign), and Halo 4 will each be available for individual purchase within MCC as they become available.
>individual purchase
i hope for the best but fear the worst

10 bucks for each rounds out to 60 dollars, they may even make odst and reach like 5 bucks

OSDT maybe since its just the story mode
I don't think Reach will be 5 dollars

Part of it's nostalgia, the other is that 343 makes their art styles way too busy - too many lights and thingamajigs in their designs.

>you will have to learn 5 different games
>he hasnt played the games before and doesnt have each weapon respawn time memorized for each map on all 5 games
what a casual

It's not as bad as people say but it's not like a hidden gem either.

favorite reach map outside of 1 or 2 of the DLC ones, though RIP the playercount in those because DLC. hopefully all the reach DLC maps will be in the MCC

My friends had much cooler stuff I was in my emo phase oh god guys dont look

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Simple is always better. Halo CEA and H2A has too much of that modern tech and art that just ruins everything, they can never catch the atmosphere of the originals. It's like Metroid NES and Metroid II vs Zero Mission and Samus Returns.

Best map/gamemode by far.

Fucking hell, user

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Just play 3. Its gonna be the most populated one anyways

No shit, but its also literally the grand finale of their release schedule
I'll play all of em and then stick with 3 once it releases

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That looks pretty much exactly how my Spartan used to look, freaky.

I can't work out whether the framing of this is bad or not

That's pretty rad

Brb just got reminded on how much i wanted fuck the elites in halo 3

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>Got Xbox first console in 2005
>Got 360 arcade model 2007-08
>Play 4 and Reach
>Get Xbox One in 2014
>Get 5

Can finally play the older ones


>tfw I'm pretty sure the Elites turned me gay

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Halo 4 died in a matter of weeks before cause black ops 2

oh no

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>tfw no vidmaster challenges ever again

>Custom game browser

Can't wait to boot up halo 3 then have it be nothing like I remember because I won't be playing with a bunch of 15 year olds like myself, I'll be playing with sweaty tryhard 30 year old neckbears.
man why do they do this to me. I just want to go back to the fun times.

How does multiplayer work on the collection? Is it a centralized thing with maps and modes from all games or every game has its own multiplayer?

Number 4. That's me.
I didn't even send it in, one of my irl buds did. Even told my dad I got onto ESPN and all that. For years all my friends would shittalk me with 'Using a useful tactic to get the number four spot'.
Good times.

Thank you, Phil Spencer.

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>Gun art hentai
Who else here proudly fapped to that god tier shit?

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They changed around the matchmaking a while back after I stopped playing, so i'm not sure how it works now, but back when I was still playing MCC there were basically both playlists for each game, as well as some mixed ones.

So like, there'd be a Halo 1 playlist, a Halo 2 playlist, a Halo 3 playlist, that loaded random maps/modes for each game in them etc, but also a "team slayer" playlist that would randomly be team slayer matches from each game.

Couldn't find anything on the new site either but
found my Reach tag and stats on the old site, no screens though, maybe never took any but tried Halo 3
searched my tag in the field over the screenshots there and found stuff from pre-2010

Attached: old junk.jpg (1920x1080, 199K)

>Not fapping to the hacked in hardcore porn images
Missed out desu

>tried a million account names
>doesn't work

>mfw Anoj top 10s are no more thanks to Machinima closing down
>no more 360p video with low mic narration

Attached: crying wojak.png (400x400, 29K)

google bungie.net halo 3 stats and go from there

i think its funny there are never any good criticisms against Reach that have any kind of evidence behind them. its always some snoy falseflagger going "hurr it was the last one in the series that was good therefore its bad what now halofags" and you guys always fall for it and let the snoys split you between halo 3 and reach.

If you find your friend's names and you were in any matches where they took a screenshot you can find yourself
That's how I found mine

I'm stilling missing ODST firefight vidmaster.

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if it helps, the screenshot doesn't look bad.

>Similar games you've played: Supreme Commander.

yeah this is just factually incorrect, neck yourself retard
the game youre talking about is 4

underages love it and you know where you are right now

>Fall 2019
That would be a massive mistake to make people wait that long

>I don't understand the autistic screeching over Reach, it's a great game and already solidified as a classic from the 360 generation. Far and above the best campaign and multiplayer is extremely fun, sunk countless hours into it myself. This is coming from a 3fag on top of that. The fact that Yea Forums can't pick a clear favorite and all the anti Reach shilling being backed by literally not a single valid argument beyond ''FUCK FUN" stands as a testament to Bungie's work imo. Anyone who says otherwise is probably retarded.

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me to

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>zoomer's salivating a rerelease of a zoomer game
may as well be boomers

its because the anti-reach "shills" aren't even halofags or even xbots. they are falseflaggers. probably quake players. they are trying to split halo fans over nothing.

so is reach available for xbox one yet?

am i gonna have to pay for it?

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Both graphic settings are running at the same time I think

Otherwise they would have to take much longer to load instead of being a simple instant switch

gigachad correct as always

Reach did a good enough job splitting the playerbase without needing any help.

Haha, fuck, I remember this

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t. quakefag

t. wasn't even there for reach's launch

>Halo: The Master Chief Collection
>in CinemaScope 4K HDR
This is gonna be good.

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I unapologetically love Reach. However, I can pick fault with it.
>multiplayer maps were lazy as they were campaign map snippets, rather than pursuing anything original like Guardian, Orbital or Assembly
>campaign lore was widely different from the book
>armor abilities were an unwelcome addition to the game
>weapon variety was feigned; lots of different weapons, but all were "human weapons and their covenant counterparts" without really any variation
>firefight was too arcadey compared to ODSTs
>343s map pack maps were pretty but poorly designed for gameplay purposes
>sniper was ridiculously overpowered
>infection became its own playlist (thank you) but was ruined when rolling zombies became sprinting zombies, and the whole gamemode went to fuck because it was borderline impossible for the zombies to win

I think the reason custom games felt lacking in reach was due to all the plain grey forge maps.

nah 3:ODST is in

I can't wait to go back for the co-op good fun.

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ODST firefight best

It was a terrible Halo game.

Spoken like a true Reachkid.


Hold up. Help a brainlet out. So the PC version is getting one game in the collection at a time instead of all at once?

>tfw never played it

absolute delusion posting
Reach had the longest lasting community of any bungie Halo game.

I think its more "MCC is the launcher, you just buy each game separately for the launcher"

And MCC logs everything like achievements and career stats.


it sounds like that's the case, yes.

Not him but I'm pretty sure that was Halo CE-3, Reach is only played by spics now.

I suspect it will work like Serious Sam Fusion, but with games running on different engines.

So they're bringing back the multiplayer for all of these games too? How will people choose which one to play?

They'll pick Halo 3.

>>weapon variety was feigned; lots of different weapons, but all were "human weapons and their covenant counterparts" without really any variation

You what? this is far less the case in Reach then it is in 3 or 4 or even 5. Even the weapons that were direct counterparts, like the DMR and Needle rifle; the sniper and focus rifle; the concusion rifle and nade launcher;, etc, still preformed pretty differently.

quite a lot of anal rape and devestation for sony retards and nintendo kids today.
The amount of shilling and dmc spam attempting to hide this glorious news for both xbros and pc bros is astonishing, the likes which have not been seen since Andromeda or the laughable church guitar concert.

This will sell xbones, make no mistake, cross play will ensure xbros and pc bros both enjoy the experience, nostalgia dads will buy for their man caves and to relive the good old days, not to mention a whole new generation of players who never played halo.
Absolutely brilliant move by Spencer and Microsoft in general, Steam is where pc vidya distribution lives.

Now, I ask in the interest of your own sanity, if you dont like any of this news or it upsets you please kindly leave and check a dmc5 or tlou2 thread or you can make another smash thread. try to enjoy your day, if things upset you, dont look at them.
god bless

I read that as ODST fleshlight best. what would that even be like

No idea if PC will have matchmaking, but on console you could select the games and modes you wanted and it would match you randomly based on those.

The Assault Rifle and Plasma Repeater had the same damage model, as did the Spiker and Plasma Rifle. The Focus Rifle was misused as a sniper, it was just another AR but with a little bit of headshot damage.

I never said 3 didn't suffer from this. 3 was slightly better because of the dualweilding,.

never forgetti the people who kept OG xbox live up for 1 month after official shutdown date by continuing to play halo 2 without finishing the match

I spent so many hours finding ways to glitch out of maps in forge.

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>gun art hentai will make a comeback in your lifetime

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>FOV options

Fuck yeah

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I hope the banpocalypse will too >:3

Those guys were champs.

>The Assault Rifle and Plasma Repeater had the same damage model, as did the Spiker and Plasma Rifle.

These are litterally the only weapons that criticism applies to though, and with the Plasma repeater, it still preformed pretty differently thanks to it's cooldown mechanics, faster fire rate, and lower accuracy compared to the AR, way more then, say, between the SMG and PR in Halo 2 and 3.

Fuck you I like Reach's firefight

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>they're releasing reach first, the game with arguably the WORST BTB maps in the entire franchise
Why bros?

they want to release chronologically
good thing is this means halo 1 will be after, finally people will wake up to the genius of its multiplayer as it shines brightly free from the intense nostalgiafgging halo 2 had

Because dedicated grifball playlist.

i only played halo for the campaign so im glad it is coming to pc. Playing co-op on legendary mode was the most fun i had . Multiplayer is pretty trash though

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Hopefully, this means Reach can start getting shit on again like it used to.

theres going to be multiplayer for the other games right?
also reach wasnt the worst halo but it was definitely the beginning of the end, halo 4 wasn't even recognizable as a halo game

They still all filled the same general role.

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The only people not shitting on reach are reddit fags, and the dude literally said "we brought back reach because of r/halo".

Reach was well liked even on Yea Forums when it first came out, Reach hate happened after 343 ruined it and Reddit took over

Of course, but my point is that even though reach had factional analogs like 2, 3, 4, etc, each one still felt different, unlike in those games.

>Not getting in the weekly update and getting a 7th column.

They really didn't feel all that different. They were all + one stat and - another.


reach was always somewhat polairizing, but the consensus was that it was still a good game. it only got shit on uncondionally when Halo 3 babies took over ojn Yea Forums in the past few years, which is why ODST also gets shit on now despite being beloved back in the day

intial impressions of Halo 5 on Yea Forums were also more postive then they are now for the MP at least, with everybody agreeing that they were pleasently suprised by the beta.

why did they decided to remaster the music from halo

I mean look at this bull shit

old : youtube.com/watch?v=i5jPy-GmyUc


remix: youtube.com/watch?v=1YIVQ_1G_Xo


not my proudest fap

>these history revisionists who were never on the Bungie forums or early Waypoint.

So they're listening to small request well since r/Halo doesn't like Sprint, hopefully, that means they remove that in Infinite.

>Can finally play ODST
This better be as good as you fuckers made it out to be

In a nutshell, you get:
>a remaster of Halo 1's campaign
>an enhanced port of Halo 1's PC multiplayer
>a remaster of Halo 2's campaign
>an enhanced port of Halo 2's PC multiplayer
>a remake of Halo 2's multiplayer in H4's engine with a limited selection of maps in pretty HD graffix
>a basic port of Halo 3
>basic port of ODST, minus firefight
>Halo 4
>some kind of Reach port with firefight

Pretty weird way they did it desu, but it has ALL of the maps and stays pretty faithful to all the games (can even switch the look of H1/2 campaign to the classic graphics too).

>Killed the Franchise
Oh it’s a meme to Hate on Reach Now? Jesus Christ I can’t wait to see the player stats soon

its shit and boring and all characters are forgettable

>on Yea Forums
Yes, not going through your little revisionist history outside of Yea Forums it was heavily hated. When 343 tried to fix it, the remaining Reach kids that were left and their spic buddies bitched like faggots when they tried to make the game play like a Halo game.

There's always vocal retards complaining about new releases. What's new?
The only game really worthy of being shit on as much as it was is 5.

You forget, Halo 1 and 2 have classic mode filters, if you want the game to resemble more or less how it looked on release.

I liked Halo 5 and I can't wait for Halo Infinite's gameplay, wasn't Halo 4's campaign also seen in a positive light on Yea Forums as well.

5 had an okay multiplayer. 4 didn't even had that.

halo 3 is the best, 1 is 2nd, the others are forgettable

>wasn't Halo 4's campaign also seen in a positive light on Yea Forums as well.

Pretty much this

People who shit on Reach, And ODST But suck the dick of 2, and 5 are the fucking worst

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>love FPS
>a good FPS series is made
>it's popular so it's bad
literally ironically noose yourself pea-brain

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hmmm if all three choices are broken... are any of them really broken or just distinct different ability choices??? hmmmmmm

ps you're a dipshit

I included that at the end of my post user.

It had health packs and different ability packs.
The campaign was good though.

>no! those complaints don't count!

did everyone forget MCC on xbone was absolute shit?

I'm retarded, thank you

>360 broke years ago
>can finally replay halo 3 campaign
this is really the only thing I care about desu. hopefully it can even play on my piece of shit toaster

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>this nigga doesn't already know

Reach had a shit campaign and multiplayer out the gate and I never grew to like it. Halo 4's campaign was decent and Halo 5's multiplayer was fun, Reach was none of that.

did they have racing for Halo CE in the console version? that was my favorite fucking thing back in the day. I knew all the nuances....

Halo 4 and 5 were garbage

t h i s

it does have it that user is retarded. only thing not in there is ODST firefight

Yeah, it had every mode.

they're rolling out the games one at a time for PC. Reach is first. I doubt they'll wati til fall 2019 for the first one

>PC release
>added fucking Reach
>and it's coming to Steam
343 is really trying their best to get some good rep back after the absolute disappointment and disaster of false marketing Halo 5 was. I have to commend them for at least recognizing their mistakes and doing their best to make it up.

Attached: IMG_20190117_072457.jpg (633x384, 37K)

>This isn't just 343 buying more time for Halo 6 even though it was supposed to be released last year but is now confirmed to the the first Halo game to take at least 4 years to make

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>this will sell xbones
it'll stop selling them if pc's getting all the fucking halo games. what are you smoking, dude?

caveman here, the last thing i remember from anything halo related was that halo 4s reveal made it look like halo modern warfare, what happened with halo 5? i even forgot it was a thing

>tfw they're waiting so long to port ODST to finally add firefight

OH OH! THey made it look like chief was giving the middle finger to the UNSC and had all this bullshit about ONI (Naval intelligence I think) or government spooks trying to gover up what chief was doing. In essence they pitted chief against the navy and intelligence only for him to be in three missions and have one cutscnee where he got his nose bloodied.

Yeah but it was still pretty shit, and dead servers, and fucked versions, yeah I'll pay for an official version any day over dewtrash

The "hunt the truth" ad campaign was misleading as hell and nothing in these trailers represented the final product of Halo 5 at all. The ads made it out that there was supposed to be a mystery to unravel in Halo 5 as to why Master Chief was now public enemy number one, and Locke was supposed to be some kind of ONI Spartan hunter to find and kill him, and then the game came out and literally none of this happened or was represented in game. It was a complete disappointment and pure false marketing, and Halo 5 also ended up being one of the worst Halo campaigns ever. There are videos on YouTube that go into more detail about the false marketing that occurred here.

They fixed it

while it's pretty dope that they're releasing it, how was the popularity of MP on the Xbone version? Surely fragmenting matchmaking between 6 games and dozens of modes means some are left out to dry, right?

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Oh no, more games!

Retarded plot, Chief pushed aside to shove in some fucking snowflake squad no one cares or remembers.

This, this guys opinion is the best.

The thing that will always piss me off the most about Halo 5 is that they busted out legit Seraphs and did NOTHING with them. The title of the game is even "guardians". And they do fuck-all the whole time.

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it's even worse. it's a game about teams of 4. there's 4 characters in play at all times whether you're in SP or not. seems natural to have a 4 player split screen campaign then, but nope. no splitscreen at all.

Eh, not really

Intially everybody thought it was shit, then after a week or two people were split on if it had a good story and meh missions, or if it had a bad story but good ideas it just didn't execute on well with meh ideas

For MP, again, intial impressions was it was shit, then in a week or two people thought it was "alright, even if it wasn't halo-y", but opinions quickly soured again after the honeymoon period.
>Halo 5 also ended up being one of the worst Halo campaigns ever.

THE worst. I'll defend Halo 5's MP, but 5's campaign is inarguably the worst.

Don't forget the podcast with 10's of millions if not hundreds of millions of plays that was set up as some underground PI bullshit investigating ONI and shit. Where they literally said ONI was going around false flagging and saying chief did it. I was so into this and still managed to not buy an xbone.

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>halo on pc is going to be ruined by reach niggers
Whelp I knew it was too good to be true

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Actual garbage. The perfect indicator of what destiny would become

>I'll defend Halo 5's MP
Why? It's not halo. It's Crysis 2/3.

Fine with me. I'm not buying Halo 6


Yeah, talk about wasted fucking potential.
The nonsense fucking plotline could have been overlooked if you could 4-way splitscreen all modes, especially the campaign while making it into a bigger, more varied sandbox.

>Reach was bad

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>people actually dislike the last Halo that Bungie made

Attached: me.png (422x447, 135K)

If that was true bloodshots wouldn't exist

They better have the title update reach playlists

Reach had the worst maps and the least amount of game modes. This is not debatable.

I enjoyed it

>everyone gets recon

fuck that, you earned that shit.
people understood the hell you went through to get it.

It still had the worst maps and the least amount of game modes. It also removed many of the custom game settings.

it wasn't even made by bungie, bungie was already making destiny and some other cancelled projects. reach was the B team hired on fresh specifically for the job. bunch of nobodies. it's a miracle it wasn't worse. probably it was thanks to marty, he saved halo 3 too.

reach wasn't bad, but it probably had the 2nd weakest MP out of 3 2 and CE

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Reach had the worst multiplayer JUST because of reticle bloom. It turned the game into a low skill "who can pull the trigger the fastest" game

Reach is best multiplayer

Heard you talking shit filthy Demon

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>reach is the only halo I played multiplayer

Every single custom game is back on the menu boys, and I hope good new ones will emerge.

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There were mixed game playlist

not sure how that'll work with each game purchasable seperately though for MCC on PC

It is Halo, though. To me it feels like a Halo game from another timeline where, instead of bungie and then 343 going down the path of trying to implement new sandbox elements and then spiralling into loadouts and shit, the series instead took a path trying to flesh out the player's core traits and abilities.

It pretty much plays like Halo 2, but even faster, and with more movement mechanics, and that's pretty much where I wish the series would have gone. Now, granted, the art style is still shit, and it's not perfect: spartan charge is busted as hell, for example, but it's a step in the roight direction and is still pretty damn solid.

>worst maps
Yes, absolutely.

>least game modes
No. Campaign, campaign matchmaking, firefight, firefight matchmaking, firefight vs, most of the series';s mainstay MP modes, more custom game options then ever, etc. It's THE most content pack halo game.

Bloom itself isn't the problem, it was an improvement over how 3 handled spread. THe problem is that A: the specific values used on the DMR were fucked, and B: people were trying to act like the DMR was the new BR when that's not the niche the weapon was intended to preform in.

wait wait. so the only mutliplayer for this game is reach?

>mfw knocking their bane masks off and seeing their disgusting mouths for the first time

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for now, they are releasing reach first, then the rest in chronological order

I fucking knew it was too good to be true. I fucking knew 343 would fuck it up somehow.

they're doing it allegedly to not repeat the colossal fuckup that was the Xbone launch

Releasing in chronological order is the most absurd bullshit honestly.

That's fine, I already have Halo CE-4, I really don't need Halo MCC, I'll get Halo 5 and Infinite when I get an Xbox Pro next year.


>trusting 343 enough that they can release all six games on the collection without any problems on pc
it’s good they are doing this, would rather get bits and pieces of good games slowly instead of a one giant pile of shit all at once

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literally only Reach will be game released not in release order, chill your 'tism dude

its not the release order that bugs me. Its that only reach is getting mp. I'd never play halo reach mp if I didnt have to. I'd only play halo ce and halo 3.

reach is kino, retarded children who couldn't figure out how to counter armor lock need not apply

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>Reach firefight
Who gives a fuck, ODST firefight with matchmaking is the true killer feature I need.

It took them 4 whole years just to partially unfuck the MCC themselves, do you really want them to try to release the whole thing all at once again

No, that's Reach Campaign, Multiplayer and Firefight being added. Why in god's name would they strip out the world-famous MP of any other games? Are you dense or just looking to start an argument?

>it didn't have the least amount of game modes
>introduced invasion and firefight
>removed territories, VIP, Juggernaut, and gimped king of the hill, infection, assault and oddball
Did you even play the game at release

So you can't play this on windows 7?

Oh in that case, 343 is demanding shekels for campaign and firefight similar to ODST.

Will 1-3 have MP?

>Its that only reach is getting mp
They're all getting mp you retard, just reach first.

Reach has the worst maps in the series bar none, worse than halo 4 and halo 5. Bungie had no fucking idea how to balance maps based around those fucking armor abilities and it killed the flow of the game.

And i'm not even including those trash tier forge maps they launched the game with, the cage was particularly egregious, but it wasn't the only shit map in that game.

Remember jetpacking out of the map on forgeworld with the sniper and nobody could ill you?

well the fucking op picture is misleading. It makes it look like only reach is getting mp.

I don't know, launch Reach maps aren't all that good but I can not name a single good thing about any 4 map except the tower on the spoopy forest map was kind of neat. Even Valhalla sucked dick with the gay robot and shit.

Are you dense my man? it's just saying that they're adding both reach's MP and campaign

you will

been waiting this moment since windows vista

You're not exactly good at reading images then. It shows the entire collection and a + for Reach, saying the whole of Reach is gonna get remastered (though it left out mentioning Forge).

Halo Reach multiplayer was complete shit. Fuck off.

Reach is the worst. It was them trying to get the COD audience. It's like by COD kiddies because it's the most COD like of the halo games but is by far the worst to anyone who isn't a zoomer.

This but reverse.

Anyone know if this is the case?

I dont understand why it makes 3fags so angry

>launch Reach maps aren't all that good
It only had 9 maps at launch, and 5 were from the campaign and one was from Halo CE. Meaning there were no orgiginal maps for many game modes like BTB until the first map DLC, and by then the game was dead.

god i loved halo 3

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>bait armorlock
>throw nade
>their timer runs out before the nade goes off
>they die

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>Telling lies

>by then the game was dead.
I also like how you don't even know Reflection is a remake.

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no papa

When 4 came out people retroactively blamed reach for inspiring the shitty game design in 4

Reach was fucking based though. Fucking shit taste idiots.

Can’t we all be happy that this collection has something for everyone even halo 4 niggers and because of the fact it’s coming to pc the game has the potential to become immortal like tf2.

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>Added COD shit
>Horrible multiplayer
>Most forgettable story

>triggered by me not knowing one map
It was shit anyway mongoloid

>I was underage when it came out so it is good!

Fuck Reach haters, no-fun-allowed niggers


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Why do people not understand why many don't like reach? The appeal of halo is that it was a sort of like an arena shooter (some say it isn't some not) but when they armor lock and other shit that ruined it

>B-But it's fun!
Only argument COD kiddies can make.

Terrible map, are you actually retarded? Can you imagine paying $5 for that map?

I think you meant to say WAS YOUR HOME

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Yeah why wouldn't I disregard the made up bullshit of someone who literally never played Halo 2 multiplayer in their life.

Go back to resetera

You people do realize the MCC was an absolute disaster on console, right?

They're still trying to fix it

>Some people didn't have an original xbox meh!
Fuck off back to your forums fanboy

I agree that Reach by far has the worst maps but I don't see how anything in my post indicated otherwise?

>MP modes are the only modes that count

It's skybox was really pretty at least

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>Trying to hard to fit in that you say something that doesn't even make sense

Destiny 2 is shitting the bed with their annual pass so hard they got me looking at buying ports of decade old games. What the fuck is this timeline?

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I miss Halo 3 Armor more.

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Thats clearly where you're from so fuck off back there if you want to start flamewars over petty bullshit

So just because you can play firefight online and offline means it's two separate game modes?

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Yeah I experienced it first hand. But now it’s at least in a playable state and I can now enjoy it with my friends. Sure, there is definitely some bugs that need to get fixed but now I genuinely enjoy halo again after the travesty that was 5. Also It’s smart move by 343 to release each game slowly one at a time to make sure no game is fucked. Overall it feels good to be a Halo fan.

>Talking about gameplay on a gaming forum is petty
I forgot, I should be talking about E drama and Console war wojaks.
Fuck off underage redditard.

post yfw you’ll never be Bungie and get cucked by the franchise you abandoned

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Hopefully they take a good hard look at what makes the original trilogy so damn good for Infinite.

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