Why didnt he just used Phoenix down?

Why didnt he just used Phoenix down?

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Because Drama.

fug :DDD why didn't he just use the super soft like in 9

phoenix down is like smelling salts, it will wake you up if you're knocked out. it don't do shit if you're dead.

what the hell dude I haven't beaten Final Fantasy VII yet. Fucking spoiler that shit.

he needed a super phoenix down

Because Final Fantasy has shit writing.

>four ellipses
That's so......dramatic......
What brilliant......writing......

Ko'd =/= dead

What I don't understand is why Sephiroth is just standing there, posing, when he could be shanking Cloud from behind too and taking out his strongest enemy

Why not cast life?

>Twins turn into stone
>Use Soft
>It had no effect


He could have wiped ALL of them out with ease at that point. He's just fucking with them.

Same reason

Phoenix down dont bring people back from the dead they only revive you if you fainted

>his strongest enemy
At that point in the game was Sephiroth's slave, why kill him when he can control him instead? That and

Well, he wasn't himself

Its function is described as restoring life to a character, the spells name also flat out confirms it. What makes you think it has any effect on someone being unconscious, let alone being limited to that use?

something some their will to save their friends something something theres still a threat something moon something something dragon sex something something literal angry basement dweller

The whole world and story give a pretty heavy impression that you can't be resurrected once you die. I don't think there's a single instance of actual resurrection in the game.

And that Life removes K.O.

The serious, literal answer that I'm not sure OP is truly looking for:

Sometimes people die and it's not for any good reason, they're just dead and people have to deal with it. That's the message that was intended with Aeris' death, per interview.