Now that Sekiro is it's own stand alone abomination of a "game"...

Now that Sekiro is it's own stand alone abomination of a "game", let's reflect back on the greatest 5 game saga ever created.

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Other urls found in this thread:

*2.5 game saga

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Demon Souls is a lesser version of Dark Souls only it's dead in the water because no online.

Dark Souls 1 is easily the best out of the 5 games, more the atmosphere, level design, multiplayer, and levelling up stats.

>Demon Souls is a lesser version of Dark Souls
true hallmark of a plebian, level design in demon's souls is a step above dark souls (arguably the best level in DaS, painted world, is straight up made to be like demon's souls). Demon soul's also has the only meaningful death from "human" form in the series

>more the atmosphere
tower of latria/shrine of storms and ALL of bloodborne > dark souls atmosphere

>level design
LOL DEMON RUINS/LOST IZALITH and most of post anor londo, demon's and bloodborne have no bad areas

DeS has the best multipalyer because death has meaning, PvP shit sucks in souls

>leveling up stats
I'll agree here but this is minor compared to the other stuff


>Sekiro is it's own stand alone abomination of a "game"
look at this faggot butthurt over what's likely going to be From's next masterpiece and possibly surpass bloodborne

>masterpiece without sony's assistance

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probably trolling but i'll take the bait
what did sony do for bloodborne user?

While I'm open-minded about the game and fairly confident that they'll deliver a good product, I'll always have an eyebrow raised at any action game that includes stealth elements. I wonder how big a part of the gameplay that is.


Dark Souls is a better Demon's Souls, filthy contrarian.

> I'll always have an eyebrow raised at any action game that includes stealth elements
could you elaborate on that?what is it that worries you abt games with both features?
>I wonder how big a part of the gameplay that is
apparently it is entirely optional but recommended apart from the snake sections which seem quite risky if done without stealth. If anything it helps fuel the atmosphere, it sure wold have been pretty weird to have a game where you are a ninja and can climb rooftops but cant crouch down or try to be sneaky. I think it's super exciting that with it will come other systems like hearing enemy conversations from a far.

>recently started a new char in
DaS3 to play the DLCs
>invade somebody
>full party of summons every time
>switch to blueberry for a while
>watch 3 people running after a constantly rolling invader for 10 minutes
>everybody who summons me for bosses is mentally challenged
I haven't played since release, was it always like that?

people who summon are generally retarded, yes

Just instinctive recoil from forced stealth segments in action games over the years that were less than stellar, I suppose. I think From might have had some stealth game experience in the past, but off the top of my mind I can't really think of a primarily action game that has blended sneaking gameplay well with its base systems. It's way easier to make a stealth game with action elements than it is to make an action game with stealth elements.

I see 3 good games then DaS2 and Bloodborne.

I would agree that demon's and bloodborne have no offensively bad areas but fuck if they're a bit lackluster to replay. All of the 2nd archstone levels are lengthy and a chore, even if 3-2 and 4-2 have fantastic atmosphere. If Bloodborne's progression weren't so on-fucking-rails I could probably muster up the will to continue past the intro. They seriously needed an alternate path to Cathedral Ward from the start, going through Central Yharnam > Cathedral > Old Yharnam every new playthrough is a pain. At least in Dark Souls I can just quit after finishing everything sans the lava levels and Tomb.

Bloodborne also has a poorly second half.


Japan Studio worked with From you retard

take a look at bloodborne's credits


Have you considered suicide yet?

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yhar'gul is the worst area in BB and it's still miles ahead of the shit areas in dark souls. Mensis is fucking great.

Dark Souls 2 unironically has the most soul

The atmosphere in BB does not compare to that of DaS. BB is relentless cartoon horror with no variety. DaS is a journey with real dynamics (going down deep through the claustrophobia of Lower Undead Burg, Depths, Blighttown, up through the hellish nightmare of Sen's then into the beautiful open city of Gods).
In terms of atmosphere, within the last decade From Software's best efforts are Dark Souls and Deracine, easily. They have a real eerie and melancholic quality to them. Latria and Bloodborne is cheesy cartoon horror, as much as I like them.


nice buzzword

It was a good run boys.

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meh. demons souls and bloodborne are good. the dark souls games are pretty much filler.

I agree that they're better than Izalith and Demon Ruins, but Bloodborne still has noticeably poor levels in its second half compared to its first. The stage with the red mist enemy buffs in particular was bad


Just on setting alone it could never surpass bloodborne for me. Im going to get it and enjoy it, but japan weebshit is boring. Same reason Nioh wasnt anywhere near as good as any of the fromsoft games. Katanas are shitty boring weapons.

Armored core had more than 5 games.

She is cute!

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>the stage with the red mist enemy buffs in particular was bad
yhar'gul? yeah I brought it up. it's a dip in quality but still better than dark souls's second half sans tomb of the giants. Every other areas is excellent

Japanese architecture also doesn't fit suit for the From-brand of level design IMO, it's all very rectangular and uniform, although they may prove otherwise.

I'm banking on the faint hope of From taking japanese myth and amplifying it to ridiculous degrees so we can get some actual cool setpieces, same with how they took what easily could have been a generic medieval fantasy european kingdom, then propped it up on top of a mountain supported by an underworld of gargantuan trees and turned the latrine into a village of malformed outcasts.

>Every other areas is excellent
Almost everything from Rom onwards feels like stitched-together assets. The lack of enemy variety starts to become very apparent, as well. I would say that the first half of Bloodborne has some of the very best level design the series has seen, but there is quite a steep drop. The Nightmare levels do not compare in quality to the gatling gun section, for example.
The only bad levels in Dark Souls are Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith. They are atrocious.

>adjectives are buzzwords

Yokai realms and mythos sound promising. We already seen headless enemy and some enemy spewing purple balls of flame.

How good really is Bloodborne? I'm a Nintendofag who enjoyed Dark Souls but just couldn't be kept by DS 2 and 3. They felt like worse, less-inspired versions of Dark Souls. My friend has a PS4 and Bloodborne and I could probably ask to swap my Switch with him for a month. I'm not really interested in any of the other PS4 games.

I'm asking because every time I hear of Bloodborne people treat it like it's a gift from God. Just comes off weird to me.

>upper cathedral ward
>lecture halls
literally just square rooms

Mean to say Nintendo/PCfag. God forbid I only had a Switch. Nintendo makes great games but god are they fucking slow.

I started playing Bloodborne recently, and do not understand the "Bloodborne has fantastic level design" meme. Fucking ladders everywhere, bridges to nothing, nonsensical layout for what is supposed to be a city. The mile long ladders everywhere in the first couple areas are the biggest problem. It's like they had a level designed but had to cut/rearrange large parts of it and just stuck ladders around to make everything connect properly.

>upper cathedral ward

the other two are transition areas and hardly count

>5 game
Dark Souls 2 and 3 are bad games man what are you on about

I found it very good, favorite one in the series. But don't let my opinion or others get that into your head. Seeing is believing, and you should try it yourself.

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>>lecture halls
These barely areas kek.

Gameplay wise it's a lot faster than the Souls games generally are. There's no shields or blocking, so you have to think on your feet more instead of just trying to tank everything.

Everything else is really a matter of opinion. Aesthetically it's super busy, with shit scattered everywhere. Level design is hit or miss for me, with some seemingly pointless shortcuts/connecting points. Enemy design is generally pretty cool, much better than most Souls games.

>upper cathedral ward
Good atmosphere maybe but the only encounters are a werewolf gankfest where your only viable option is to pick them off through clipping your weapon through the door frame and the brainsuckers. Level layout is absolutely nothing special.

welcome to fromsoft enjoy your stay

It feels more complete then any of the souls game, since it is all self contained. The biggest thing for me is just the setting. It is easily in my top 3 games of all time, and the only fromsoft game that I think is as good is Demon's. The fromsoft + japan studio team up just seems to work well.

>faster, harder to tank shit
Sounds good to me. Thanks. Guess I'll ditch the Switch for a month, nothing good is coming out until MM2 anyway.

Bloodborne has a really wonderful first half and a relatively poor second half, as is the case with Dark Souls 1. It feels like a much more action-oriented, streamlined Demon's/Dark Souls, with greater emphasis on the parry mechanic, less stamina management and super-focused, tight level design (for its first half). It develops its cosmic horror themes slowly in a unique and cool way, and American teenagers who are into Lovecraft understandably love the game for it.
It lacks much aesthetic and enemy variety in the base game, but the DLCs and optional areas alleviate that a lot.
It's a very solid game. It isn't as innovative as Demon's Souls and doesn't have a seamless/interconnected world to explore like Dark Souls (though it's the only other game in the series to even approach that level of world design), but it makes up for it by having the best level design the series has seen (i m o)

>It develops its cosmic horror themes
Way to spoil it fag.

Nice. One of the things I loved about DS1 and found horribly lacking in DS2/3 was the interconnected world stuff. I get a boner when you're able to see places you can go way off in the distance.

I've been browsing Yea Forums since it came out user, I know about the lovecraftian shit.

Anyone that includes Bloodborne as part of the Souls series is retarded.

Considering all of its mechanics are taken from those games, not really

>Lord of the Fallen and The Surge are my favorite Dark Souls games :)

Am I the only one that really likes some of the types of areas in DS2 more than the other games? The Tower of Flame was a really cool concept, as were places like the hidden dock area, spooky forest, and the depths or whatever. How the areas were implemented and how you progress through them was bad, but the general concepts for them was a lot cooler and more interesting than in other Souls games, where it's mostly just generic looking ruined castles for most of them.

you're right it's much worse

There's also the mysterious coincidence that it's helmed by the same creators as the Souls games.

>Black Hawk Down is my favorite Bladerunner movie :)

Dark Souls 3 is the best Dark Souls games because it improves on most of the problems of the first 2 games and gets rid of most of the jank. Removing unnecessary skills and streamlining the weapon upgrade system was needed.

BB>DeS>DaS>those other shitty cash grabs

How is it not?

Too bad the World design feels so nuetered.


>daeh dark souls is only good for the first half
I know Yea Forums loves regurgitating opinions of others but the only bad part of DS1's second half is Izalith, and even then it's just the dragon ass sea

newfag here. do people not like DS3? i just bought it after finishing BB as my first soulsborne game

duke's archives sucks too, copypasted bookshelf corridors

2 had a handful of cool-looking areas, but also a whole lot of them that WERE very generic and visually dull, and I would definitely throw No Man's Wharf, Huntsman Copse and the Depths + Black Gulch basically near the top of that list. It's hard for me to define anything in 1 as generic, because even the more mundane areas like the Depths and Darkroot Garden are propped up by the way it's all structured in this more or less cohesive world map that is set up in a really cool way, see .

>that fucking stretching and grasping at straws
You're one hell of an intellectually dishonest son of a bitch.

crystal caves too, invisible walkways idea wasted on straight lines

>not trusting Miyazaki
you sad shits don't deserve him

I'd say Demon Ruins is shit too but otherwise I'd agree. I actually think Tomb is a really neat area, maybe not executed as neatly as desired, but nonetheless an interesting addition to the world. Not sure what people have against the Catacombs or New Londo Ruins.

second half isnt even bad i'm tired of this meme. No one thought this on their first playthrough.

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>trusting miyazaki after DaS3

dude's a hack

you know people would bitch more if the invisible paths curved

Nah Duke's Archives is good, there's not enough of it for the "copypasted bookshelf corridors" to be egregious. It's a small area. One with a decently executed gimmick. The only bad part is the iron bores as you enter it. Just random and stupid placement

>still making a mountain out of a molehill

I don't know why they couldn't just add a co-op feature in Sekiro. Half the reason I like Dark Souls is playing it with other people. From Software's worlds are so drab and depressing, it makes it a lot more enjoyable if you have a companion to journey with.

it's pretty to look at and the oyster enemies are cool, though

>New Londo Ruins.
DaS2 levels of enemy spam except long range ghost shit makes it even more annoying, unnecessary curse mechanic that just adds confusion instead of depth on a first playthrough. Deceptively small area confusing to navigate (not in a good way) because everything looks the same, bland cobblestone shit. The boss is cool though

>that one walkway that your character always just slides halfway down every time
yeah they really didn't even try with that area

Generally agreed upon criticism is that world design [as in, how different areas are connected] is poor, even if level design [as in, the layout of said areas] is not bad. Beyond that point, nobody agrees on bloody anything anymore, though personally I'd say it has by far the best bosses and enemies in the series, especially if you count in the DLC.
Might not be the best starting point though, if you're the kind to care at all about enjoying the story.

honestly it and MH have ruined other single player games for me. The idea of going solo in a 100+ hour RPG is just boring to me now.

Demon Ruins, Lost Izalith, and Crystal Cave are much, much worse than any of Bloodborne's levels. It's also very odd to dismiss everything "from Rom onwards" because technically that only includes Yahar'gul, Lecture Building 2F, and Nightmare of Mensis, and of those only Yahar'gul is a weak area. Cainhurst, Nightmare Frontier and Hunter's Nightmare can be accessed before Rom and they're all great levels, some of the best in the series in fact.

Also very strange that you say the Nightmare levels don't compare to Old Yharnam because in Mensis the Brain inflicting frenzy on you is the same kind of thing - it's directly comparable. Mensis however has a better boss fight and MORE enemy variety than Old Yharnam.

Pretty obvious you have no idea what you're talking about.

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That level works so well as an oppressive and cruel place the player has to search through after the misfortune of getting cursed. The gimmick of having to be spatially aware of enemies on the other side of walls is also well-executed (not that attacks clipping through walls wasn't already a challenge, haha). You might be right that there's too many of them, though. The level particularly gets good when you drain the water and go to the Abyss. You're going deep into the blackest most horrid place in the game, pursued by Dark Wraiths and unsure of the layout. It works as intended

>DaS2 levels of enemy spam
Yeah the ghosts clipping through walls and chipping you with their arms can get aggravating. They should have toned the quantity down in that upper chapel area. To be fair, they go down in like one or two hits and you'd probably be stacked with estus at that point, so bumrushing that portion isn't a death wish like it would be in DaS2. I don't see how the curse mechanic is confusing or even detrimental, it differentiates the level by adding a timer mechanic.
>confusing to navigate
Dude. It's one of the most linear areas in the game.
>bland cobblestone shit
Eh, there's a nice layer of grime that permeates the lower half and the wooden structures add a nice contrast. The piles of corpses are what stick out in my mind as the visual highlight of the area.

I meant transient curse, not the HP lowering one

Remove Dark Souls 2. It is literally impossible for Sekiro, or just about any game really, to be worse than it.

I'm discounting the DLC areas obviously. All of those base game levels you mentioned are noticeably not as good as those in the first half. As soon as you get to the second half of the forest level with copy and pasted snake balls, the drop in quality is apparent.
The Mensis Brain is a worse repeat of the same gimmick as the gatling gun, I suppose. The spider room sucks a cock, and Micolash isn't a great boss, although cool conceptually.

Ah, yes, Demon's Souls, Dark, Dark SOUL, Dark SOULLESS, and Bloodborne.

What's your favorite gimmick boss(es)?
Maiden Astraea and Micolash come to mind for me.

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Japan Studio swooped in an fixed a ton of shit and Q/A'd a lot of the encounters. Old Hunters was almost entirely Japan Studio.

There's a reason why DaS1, 2, and 3 feel like unfinished trash compared to BB, which is a complete experience that can stand alone.

>not as good as the first half
>not one of the best area in the series
>strategical placement of snake balls around items and choke points is copy and paste

>Now that Sekiro is it's own stand alone abomination of a "game"
So just like Bloodborne.

Sekiro is so easily better than any one those

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thanks. my caring about the story goes about as far as watching a LORE EXPLAINED youtube vid.

this, that piss poor attempt at recreating it in DaS3 was laughable

What a cool looking fucker.

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This guy lies. Japan Studio did nothing else than help with creating the game engine.

Which one was it in DaS3?

>A short, completely linear level that doesn't take advantage of the castle's mass like Painted World or Boletaria does or even attempt to at least make a convincingly constructed castle
>Primary enemies are stationary damage sponges that statistically killed 0 players
>Blatantly unfinished backdrops and ground textures
>Those stupid maggot things at the ground floor with pixel-tiny hitboxes
Aside from the aesthetics I can't see the appeal.


The outside parts of Cainhurst are good and the Martyr boss is really good. The inside parts aren't very interesting, it's just those ghost women trying to rape you while some twat on a book shelf in the corner snipes you, in every room.
The first half of the forest is great but no amount of mental gymnastics can convince me that it's a good thing that they spammed that stupid fucking snakeball enemy over and over in the second half. There's no way that was something that was planned in advance. There's no way the spider boss was originally intended to be fought under the sea. There's not way the mansion was meant to feel so barren and strange, with that dumb big enemy out at the back who you can so easily stroll past. Everything starts to feel like sewn-together assets.

The haunted docks area was certainly the highlight of the game, and I thought the rat covenant was the coolest one they have had. Shame about the rest of the game.

Goddamn this thing always unnerves me. Half of the enemies in DeS unnerve me.

>Demon's Souls and Bloodborne are full games

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yep, this one

I don't think you understand the point of that image

>only makes masterpieces
>that somehow warrants getting called a hack now

In what way are Cainhurst and the Nightmare Frontier "noticeably not as good as those in the first half"? Both of those levels are easily better than Hemwick Charnel Lane. There's a lot of snake balls in the Forbidden Woods, but there's also the larger variant, the celestial mobs, and the snake infested men. It's not like Demon Ruins where the enemies are literally copy pasted in a big empty area.

How is Mensis Brain a worse repeat? It's more dangerous and the rewards for defeating it are better. Spider room sucks. Okay, why? Micolash is better than BSB, but I would say the Wet Nurse is not.

yeah it's meant to imply that only half of Dark Souls is good, when Demon's Souls has shit bosses all around and shit levels like all of Stonefang, and Bloodborne devolves in quality during its second half as well

>only makes shitty games that he doesn't even bother to finish
>not a hack

Cainhurst is just some rooms and corridors with the same enemies copypasted everywhere. But no one complains because at least it looks pretty.

>shit levels like all of Stonefang
opinion discredited

>Bloodborne devolves in quality during its second half as well
only yhar'gul which is still leagues ahead of shit like lost izalith and dukes

>greatest 5 game saga ever created

I think it is as you say, that it has arguably the most variety so areas feel more distinct. Of course that's part of what makes the disconnect so notable, so if they'd been implemented better it could easily have the most interesting world design of the games.

By comparison, while I love the gothic setting, that's too much of what Bloodborne is by comparison aside from Resident Evil 4 woods and a few standouts like Cainhurst and Nightmare Frontier.

I agree that Byrgenwerth is disappointing and could have used more content (maybe a basement where you fight a Pthumerian Elder or something), but it's the worst area in the entire game and it's before Rom.

Only the 2nd half of Stonefang is bad.

they call it soulsborne for a reason you dumb motherfucker

>Play through it without any guides on release
>Yeah pretty okay game
>Play again in 2017
>You can actually visit a fucking snowcastle island and fight a king on top of the castle, which is the hardest boss in the game
>You can go backwards in a map and actually end up in a whole new area with a boss which is the daughter of a queen that turned into a great one
>The dlc is the best gaming experience I had since playing resident evil 4

*blocks your path*

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>There's no way the spider boss was originally intended to be fought under the sea
Yes it was? It's part of the lore. The game repeatedly bashes over the head with this
>"volumes of water act as a bulwark guarding sleep, and an augur of the eldritch truth".

>hardest boss in the game
That said I would be hyped as fuck for a From-developed Castlevania based on Cainhurst.

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...not to mention that it's also explored in the Old Hunters.

Fuck this nigger especially.

>You can go backwards in a map and actually end up in a whole new area with a boss which is the daughter of a queen that turned into a great one

I honestly can't figure out what the fuck you're referring to here. Iosefka's Clinic? Chalice dungeons?

Why has it become so trendy to hate on Dark Souls 1 like this?
Serious question.

Logarius is the hardest boss in the base game. Who else was harder?


> whole new area with a boss which is the daughter of a queen that turned into a great one


Bear in mind that item descriptions could very easily be written in retrospect after they decided to put the boss there.
I know that monsters sleeping in the sea is a Lovecraft trope, but do you really think it's natural to put the Spider variant there?

most of the bosses in DeS are not so good though. Like entirety of world 4 and 5 (with exception of old monk)

But the visual design of entire latria, the dragons, boletarian palace, spider boss. basically world 1-2-3 are pure kino all the way through.

I am talking about ebrietas. My wife.

What the fuck is wrong with feudal Japan? Seriously?

And apparently space Tentacruels in Van Helsing is better...

>lava bow
gg no re

I don't hate DaS1 but it has problems that exceed the flaws of demon's/bloodborne

not him but not counting chalice dungeons, ebrietas

>they just did the engine
which.. is what sekiro also runs on. Also the engine is THE MOST IMPORTANT FUCKING THING OF ANY GAME.

I'll spare you the car analogy, which would be apt.

Too many fishing villages and bandit hideouts

1, 3 and 5 are beautiful, just great 3D level design. 1 in particular. 2 is clearly the weakest. 4 is good but not quite as good as good as the others mentioned.

Fair point. Ebrietas is really unpredictable for me too. But logarius is just too goddamn fast if you use a slow weapon. He feels like a boss out of devil may cry, which makes him so hard.

>ghost women

yeah not a good choice. most people just run past them anyway. The gargoyles, castle servants, and bloodlickers are great enemies though. there should have been a cainhurst knight in the one secret room where you activate the lever.

boss fight and rewards are still fantastic though

aaah I liked the atmos of 2. it's also part nostalgia on my part but I liked the esothericness of seeing that weird tower with the boulder just slamming in front of you.. it looked like a weird 80s sci fi album. I think 5 is pretty MEH gameplay wise, visually also not that interesting. Except for the absolute beautiful image of that red phantom coming at you in silence in the darkness at world 5-1 from afar, very captivating.

Blight town is what world 5 should have been.

>do you really think it's natural to put the Spider variant there?
I personally couldn't fathom it any other way. Rom is an ascended creature, and thus has to be existing somewhere that isn't the waking world. And like you said, it is a lovecraft trope regarding seas hiding eldritch truths.

Sonybros is why

Gonna second Ebrietas as the hardest in the base game.

To be fair Rom looks more like a pillbug.

I thought Ebrietas was just an abandoned great one.

6th Archstone when bros?

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your wife looks cute user

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*kills you*

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Literally stand at her chest and bolt paper+thrust. Easy as cake. Not counting chalice dungeons, the hardest boss is the motherfucking Bloody Crow.

She is the daughter of the vileblood queen and turned into a great one. I don't remember anymore why, but it was tragic.

Also, I'm forgetting to mention why world 1 and 3 are still the best worlds in the entirety of the soulsborne series.

But nobody ever mentions how the HUB from demon's souls is also one of the best. I think it's a shared 1st place with Das 1. When I walk das3's terrible hub I sometimes see the candles and imagine I'm walking the superior hub of DeS, with all its mystique oozing from every orifice. Then I'm disappointed again and I feel cold and lost in the admittedly nicely coloured ashes of 3. Fitting end maybe, let's hope they don't make a 4th.

We can all agree on one thing: Vilebloods are cucks, and deserved it.

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Never ever

and laughs about it

>Bolt paper
Yeah yeah, staggering the boss with every second hit sure is fun! Nigga I want to fight 1v1 without any tricks, just my weapon and my skills to taste the bosses for who they are, or else I just beat the game, but didn't get to fully embrace it.

I really like the vertical tiered structure of 5-1. There are so many close calls where you fall but end up in a new and interesting place. 5-2 is just the most perfect level for slowly making your way through, a step at a time, trying to avoid ambushes. It's so dense and paranoid
And I think both those levels build-up perfectly to Maiden Astraea, which is some of the best story-telling we've seen in the series (i m o).
Both the bosses suck though, and I agree that Blighttown is better.

Was Sekiro even pretending to be a souls game? Looks too different and it's going to have to stand on it's own merits because it's removed way too much stuff to be in the same vein.

never, the assets got reused as sen's fortress

No really, finding ebrietas was so fucking majestic, riding down the elevator and seeing a being like her staring at her own grave while light shines through the wallcracks, I am glad I married her.

it's a very different soulslike, that I can agree on

Bloodborne gets better after amelia if only because the 2 optional areas are the best areas inthe game

Okay, forget the bolt paper. Stand at her chest and thrust. Still easy as shit. Her headbutt and tentacle swipes are telegraphed as fuck. Ebrietas has like one attack that's hard to dodge, that rush charge.

Darkbeast Paarl with a short weapon is harder than her.

which ones are you referring to? nightmare frontier and cainhurst?

From's third project is definitely Bloodborne 2, right bros?

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I don't think Cainhurst is particularly good, to be honest. What is the other optional area?

Every single one of these games are rather underbaked and could've used about six / eight more months in the oven. I often wonder how good these games could've been if they weren't shoved out the door so quickly.

Attached: ds2.jpg (970x2872, 756K)

I hope so

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>Darkbeast Paarl is hard
Ouch. Just use fire paper bro
>Ebrietas is easy
You probably mained the fucking chikage

>staring at her own grave

where the fuck are you getting all this Ebrietas lore? she's mourning the vacuous spider that she inadvertently killed

This is true of basically every 3D studio-developed game of the last decade.

Sadly, Bloodborne 2 wouldn't make sense user. The player became a great one in the end. What should the story even be about? Fighting other great ones and becoming the ultimate great one?

Absoluteky nothing, the people you're responding to just have shit taste.
Feudal Japan is the best setting

Read the fucking item descriptions. If you go to the back of her bossroom you will find her altar which can be used to resurrect her mother

a prequel taking place between demon's and bloodborne revealing the old one to be a great one would be cash, seeing a non-crazed gascoigne as a friendly NPC would be awesome

read the whole sentence you homo, I said darkbeast -with a short weapon-. and actually first time I beat ebrietas I used the cane lol

chikage isn't even good. short range, garbage moveset, top tier blood gems absolutely required for decent damage. I made a bloodtinge build specifically for it but it was so awful I ended up using simon's chadblade instead

Cainhurst and the orphanage

This. It seems every game lately has me thinking "Jesus Christ this game could have been the greatest game of all time with another year in development", Bloodborne and Breath of the Wild being at the top.

>Feudal Japan is the best setting
Nah, ninja gaiden did it best combining feudal Japan with literal gods.

>Assassin's Dark Creed Souls
I'll torrent it for a quick playthrough but nothing about it excites me.

Bloodborne 2 is getting announced around e3

t. Narutard

That's what I'm asking you, what items? The altar in the back has the spider on it, that's what I was talking about you dingus.

>chikage isn't even good
Nigga did we play the same game? I had three 30% bloodgems from the chalice and the game became Musou tier because of the weapon for me.

It's 2 am where I live, I have to go to work at 6 am and I didn't sleep yet. I am rather streaming Bloodborne on twitch, can someone help me?

it's overdone to hell with little variation

>And apparently space Tentacruels in Van Helsing is better...
hell yeah it is

>chikage isn't even good
Only that it is almost the most broken weapon, and shitters use it in PvP.

if you get the best of the best blood gems it does broken damage, but I couldn't be assed. the range and moveset are still shitty though


I fucking hate naruto fuck you.
Vagabond, senko yoko, kekkaishi, tsugomomo, samurai champloo are all pretty goid tho.

The only way to play Bloodborne as it was intended, is by using the holy moonlight.


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saw weapons, lhb, and hms are far more broken

Saw weapons are undeniably broken. The saw spear in particular is for ultrashitters in PvP.

Are you guys trolling? He was one of the easiest bosses in the entire game.

As someone who who bought a Bloodborne machine for the sole purpose of playing Bloodborne; I really, really wish the game would be ported to PC.
Just fucking imagine running that shit at 60fps in 4 fucking K with chromatic aberration slightly lowered

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Sorry for misgendering it, didn't know it was such a sensitive topic.

It's a kind of interesting part of the lore actually - all the great ones that we see are female.

Dark souls 3 is the best game in the series.

>most enemy variety and quality
>most area variety and quality
>most interesting weapons and armors
>best bosses in the series
>best dlc

Don't care.

I want them to design the layout of the castle and the overall areas.
Don't even need to do anything else, I want to see what Dracula's Castle would look like when filtered through From's lenses.

>missing out on the most comfiest lore imaginable
Your loss.

tfw preordered sekiro

Tomb of Giants is pretty fun besides the skeleton beasts. And Nito is neato.

>Dark Souls 3 is the best

Attached: 1541811678250.jpg (209x241, 12K)

>best bosses in the series
>best dlc

Both of those go to Old Hunters, hands down, no contest. Ludwig, Maria, and Orphan are the peak of the series. DS3 doesn't even get second place for best DLC, that goes to Artorias.

tfw prepirated sekiro

>tfw dark souls 2 is ruined by slow as fuck estus and rolls with no iframes
>tfw dark souls 3 is ruined by fast as fuck estus and rolls with too many iframes

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Friede fight was absolutely bonkers

Dark Souls 1 struck the best balance and the game wasn't meant to have sequels, what a coincidence.

The i-frames didn't ruin DS2 rolls. It was the retarded hitboxes not following your character.

DeS weirdos

imma say it
roided santa > ludwig, orphan
maria was always shit

Gael > any boss in Bloodborne though.

The DLC is the best part of any Souls game

gael is a joke version of orphan

I'd agree if Gael only had his first phase. Phase 3 is the best spectacle fight in the series hands down. The the lightning, the music, his stupid crossbow leap attack, all in the backdrop of the end of the world, just magic.

bad depiction of Ludwig

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Why is Yea Forums blunderfagging every major Japanese release this year? From RE to Sekiro Jesus Christ.

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I will kill them.
I will leverage the gaming industry's unending ability to always beat a horse way past the point it dies, even if I am 60 years old by the time Dark Souls 4 is finally released, and Dark Souls 5, 6, 7 after that, no matter how bad they are, no matter if they're outsourced for goddamn Ubisoft to make, I will one day get to play a Souls game where I KILL THESE FUCKING SERPENTS AND MAKE A HAT OUT OF THEM.

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only in 2 and bloodborne

while I liked 1 and 3 dlc's I dont think they stood out as being better than the base game.

lol muh pshit and 30fps

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Orphan's second phase has all that (minus the crossbow), and when the music changes it's the biggest OH SHIT moment in the series.

Dark Souls 3 was the end of the universe, even if they make another game we won't get to fight Kaathe or Frampt, it'll be a reboot.

remove ds3

That is very likely to be the case, and either way I don't trust these cunts to be dead until I see the corpse.

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Orphan's music was better during the first phase. Also Gael's second phase where he stands up is a bigger OH SHIT moment.


Not really. He just grows wings and dual-wields his placenta. His stage doesn't change either during the fight, although it does look stunning. Music never struck a chord with me either, I like the somber first phase music, second one is just generic horror strings that could be placed on any other Bloodborne boss.

The 1st phase is hauntingly beautiful. Orphan is easily the biggest highlight in Bloodborne, a personal favorite of mine in the series as a whole.

Attached: orphan_of_kos_by_menaslg_dcqruc5-fullview.jpg (1600x905, 280K)

Sop memeing you autist, DS2 isn't that bad of a game. It's definitely not as good as the others, but I'd play it over any AAA garbage. Would you rather play movie games and FIFA?

Mah nigga

How about Demons 2, Bloodborne 2, then Dark Souls 4.

that seems fair enough

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I hope there's some really good horror stuff in sekiro they did say its goes off the rails

>Would you rather play movie games and FIFA?
Well those are unironically better games


You clearly are an honest, upstanding (You) farmer.
Please, have my contribution.

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Gonna laugh when this game bombs because it's too hard for all these casual plebs.

DaS3 was complete garbage. Only zoomers hold this opinion because it was their first Souls game.

>Sekirofag can't even spoiler
Which site are you really from?

What? RE2 had a lot of hype and was really well received, so was DMC5.

Played DaS1 first, then DaS2 after that, then replayed DaS1 and DaS3 multiple times back to back so I'm not working off a single playthrough. DaS3 is also my favorite, though it has issues.
Go ahead, change the goalposts, you nigger.

Funny I think DS3 was the only one I didn't like enough to even to a NG+

DS2 bad
DS3 bad

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>he missed Michael shitting up RE threads and making a billion threads saying its shit with the exact same posts
>he missed Barry doing the same with DMC
Its the exact same pattern except Sekiro has no existing fan base as it's not even out yet.


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You mean retards?

DS2 was bad, the PvP was the best in the series though.
DS3 was bad.

I don't really do New Game+ in these games, but I ended up replaying it with every major character archetype, even a Faith-based, a miracle-only build that ended up being absolute tons of fun, contrary to what the threads led me to expect.
I was in the process of replaying it recently with a heavy armor + 2-handed weapon + no shield character to test what people said about the game being hell under those conditions, but I put that on hold because other games keep sidetracking me.

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Da fuck? Both of those games are shit that's why, zoomer scum.

Zoom zoom


You're going to call me a different buzzword next month, and a third one the month after that, but no matter how much time passes, you will continue being just a regular old faggot.

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it's shit

there's no point to using anything other than a straightsword in ds3

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And I still won't be a zoomer with garbage taste in games, god bless

DeS>Lovecraftian DeS Reskin>DeS Reskin>Des Reskin Reskin>Failed DeS Reskin

And I thought I had shit taste, christ.


>Cringe Souls being better than anything

Attached: demons souls cringe.png (808x879, 686K)

>Lovecraftian DeS Reskin
Isn't Demon's already lovecraftian?

your point?

As if someone older than 20 would pick up every hot new internet slang you fucking larping nigger faggot. Shove your shit taste up your ass and pull it out once you reach drinking age.


Yeah, I have been told straight swords have the best cost-benefit of them all.
But hell, if the point is to make it as easy as possible to yourself at the cost of not enjoying the experience at all, there's equally no point in NOT memorizing the bosses' patterns through YouTube videos or whatever before even starting the game for the first time. Or using cheats, if you're a PCfag.
That's a very valid concern for PvPfags, I suppose, but I've always been way more about the PvE, with a dash of co-op here and there so I could help people while also replaying bosses I enjoyed.

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>hurr durr he hates it because he doesn't want to redo it himself
Fuck off, retard.

i wonder what aspect of des he thinks is bad

how can he say this after making dark souls 3?

If he does, which I highly doubt, it's probably the grass and the ability to farm it.

It's easy.

Dark Souls 3 is good, and Demon's Souls isn't.

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probably world tendency and the duping exploit he couldn't fix

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>probably world tendency
Nope. Sekiro is going to have a similar mechanic.

I always thought eating those insanely hot peppers like the reaper was stupid, but then this retarded shit happened

You're not qualified to have this conversation if you think Painted World is the best level in Dark Souls

>le npc meme xD
You're either retarded or never played anything but DaS3.

I probably have more hours than you in DS1, DS2, and Bloodborne.

Holy shit I must have hit the nail on the head to generate this much salt from you! Kek! Now lurk moar, fagarooni.

absolutely fucking based
I love you, user

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Nah, I can spot larping losers like you from a mile away.
Don't you have calculus classes to attend to or something or are you a freshman in liberal arts?


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Probably, since you have shit taste. Stupid zoomer.

t. casual thinking he can talk about a series he doesn't understand

Let me guess.
Last year, all these zoomers you keep "hitting the nail on the head" for, actually were cucks.
I wonder if you've even been around this damn place for long enough to catch the time when the most out there buzzwords we had was "alphas" and "betas". Damn, I'm fairly sure Advice Dog was still alive by then.
Boy, have you kids come a long way since.

>Dark Souls 3 is good
Oh no no no...

>doesn't understand
I've played them all except bloodborne you retarded 12 year old.

That doesn't make your opinion particularly valuable, as a casual player who's only a few runs in each.

Why haven't they tried making a game with the interconnected world of DS1 again?

It was really a highlight how you would always be able to return to Firelink Shrine without much issue and how you could play half the game without bonfire teleport.

The painted world?

No idea. They should go balls in and make the whole game interconnected. No warping at all expect for dlc and stuff

There is literally zero reason to ever play them more than once.

Primordial Serpents are unfully formed dragons. Kinda like sperm cells for humans.

Once the age of darkness starts, they and their kin will be able to slowly grow into real dragons and fight the humans to start the age of dragons once again. And so on and so on.

So fighting Kaathe is basically fighting another dragon. I don't know why you would want to fight Frampt as his intentions are unclear. He's probably just a Gwyn kissass, trying to get to power that way.

>Once the age of darkness starts, they and their kin will be able to slowly grow into real dragons
nothing even remotely implies this

DaS3 was fine, but otherwise this is correct.

>Covetous Silver Serpent Ring
>The serpent is an imperfect dragon and symbol of the Undead. Its habit of devouring prey even larger than itself has led to an association of gluttony. This silver ring, engraved with the serpent, rewards its wearer with additional souls for each kill.

It's in the fucking name.

Imperfect, if anything this implies they are an offshoot, not a part of the dragon life cycle

That's allegedly what Sekiro is attempting

where's the part where it says they'll turn into dragons?

I forget if it was explained, but why is hollow easily cured in ds3, the disease that ravaged the lands of ds1

Sekiro better get day one cracked or I'm gonna lose my shit

Obviously It's conjecture. But I believe it's hinted at and it also explains why why Kaathe wants you to start the age of darkness.

In many other parts of the game it is hinted that the ages are cycles. And Gwyn is basically destroying the world by trying to keep the age of fire going beyond it's normal term.

How is it possible for the age of dragons to return in the cycle if the dragons were all killed?

Day 0 if no denuvo
Day 3-4 if denuvo

Seriously, what's with the Sekiro hate?

Miz didn't have much to do with Sekiro (or BB).

It's all the BB team's doing.

Confirmed no Denuvo. Day 1 pirate.

the first game doesn't have anything about cycles.

I'd like to see your miracle build andhear how you did a miracle onlybuild ifyou dont mind

No mp and no customization

You do, user

You’re 19

It’s probably because none of these faggots can handle anything that’s not pissbaby easy dark souls 1 and will hurl “zoomer!” at anyone who sees them for that casuals they really are


33, get BTFO zoomer


It was fairly simple, all I did was I get the Dark Hand from Yuria, then play the game with it until I could get Dhory's Gnawing, and Lightning Stake. I also sequence broke into Lothric Castle early, but only because I wanted the Warrior of Sunlight covenant as early as possible.
Literally no thought into the stat side of it but putting Faith up to 60, and stacking every miracle-amplifying ring I could find. Lightning Stake was actually incredibly powerful, and made short work of everything, and Gnawing was used for the few things I didn't feel like getting close to. Beat every base game + Ariandel boss with it, but didn't take it into Ringed City because it wasn't out at the time. Dragonslayer Armor and Nameless King were harder because of the lightning resistance, but still enjoyable challenges. Also, that playthrough gave me the most fun Sulyvahn fight I ever had, for whatever reason. Felt like a real dance between us.

souls fags are the worst

>relatively poor second half
You're an idiot.


they're up there for sure. i think smashfags are worse

No, there are other retards who think variety is more important than execution and quality.

Thanks!! I'll give it a try. How soon can you get Dohry's gnawing?

Is BB's second half being bad some meme that retarded PCocks are trying to force so they can pretend DaS2 doesn't look as bad by comparison.

You get Dhorys' Gnawing in Irithyll, but there's a weaker version called just Gnawing which you can find much earlier, though I don't recall exactly where. Might be from one of the corrupted braille tomes. The Dark Hand is not strictly necessary, but it helped a lot to beat the Dancer early, and since it scaled with Faith, it ended up as a fairly useful off-hand weapon.

>off-hand weapon
You shouldn't be using weapons at all in a Miracle only run.

Well I didn't really consider the Dark Hand a "weapon" since it's basically magic, plus I was running the character with the theme of a Cleric that fell to the Dark, became corrupted, but then realized it was garbage, then climbed the way back up the hard way.
I really just left it sitting on my off-hand slot because it looked good most of the time.

how do they see through this helmet?

>equipped in a weapon slot
>literally the first word in the description is "weapon"

Dark clerics are extremely strong

At 45 int/faith with sunless talisman, blindfold mask, morne's ring, ring of the sun's first born, and dark clutch ring, Dorhys' Gnawing has 623 dark AR, as well as 210 bleed aux, and Lifehunt Scythe has 1065 dark AR.

It's basically a talisman! Kind of! Maybe!

Attached: [Paganism Intensifies].jpg (469x595, 193K)

Holy cow
Is that steonger than chaos bed vestiges?

You said it was a miracle only run. As in fucking MIRACLES ONLY. The dark hand is one of the strongest weapons in the game for low attack stats like a pure faith MIRACLE ONLY build would be. You literally did not do a real run. A miracle only run would have you cheating in WOG or the lighting arrow/spear spell at the start with appropriate stats.

Chaos bed vestiges has 1107 fire AR with the equivalent setup

Well damn, what I can say, that's absolutely correct.

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>A miracle only run would have you cheating in WOG or the lighting arrow/spear spell at the start with appropriate stats.
Hell no, that's gay.
It's fine to use other stuff as long as you rush/make minimal progress to get what you need.

There are some pros though, Lifehunt Scythe costs a little under half as much FP, heals you, and can have poise via your talisman's weapon art.

Pyro vs cleric i suppose.
i already did a pyro run tho

You don't really have to choose one tbqh

Pyros, dark pyros, dark sorcers, and dark clerics all use the same stats.

And with the crystal chime you can use normal miracles and sorceries almost as well as dedicated builds.