We finally won, bros.
We finally won, bros.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Epic cucked by it's last owner
Reked. Now release Gears of War on steam to rub salt in the wounds.
>Thought it was going to be a fake link
>It's 100% real
Wow, just wow. I mean, I don't give a fuck since the only Halo I ever played was 3 on the 360 and that one felt incredibly... okay, but this sure is a sign of the times. Should Microsoft even try to make a new console? I feel like they should just abandon that front and focus on PC.
what in the flying of fucks
it's real
>Be Microsoft
>Owner of Windows
>Ignore PC for a decade
>Competitor steals the market from under you
>Come back to PC
>Forced to release flagship series on competitor's platform
Fucking serves them right.
Based. I'm assuming it includes 1-4?
1 to 4 plus Reach and ODST. I think that's everything, right?
>never played Halo
>only know Halo was the game that brought about dudebro audience and casualized shootans
now we just need gears of war. it invented TPS cover-shootan, didn't it?
soon brothers...... we finally won
Wuuuuuuuuut? Does that mean I can finally see what the fuss around the series is about? But I heard from somebody a long time ago that the Master Chief Collection is apparently unstable.
>Should Microsoft even try to make a new console?
Of course not. Xbox has lost money for 3 generations. And they know that even Sony will get destroyed once Google and Amazon enter the market. Everyone has to jump ship now.
>and halo 4
In high school, a friend would come over every day after school and we'd autisticly try to cram vehicles into strange places in the first game which would usually result in us falling through the world.
>Expecting a 404
>It's real
>Being able to play Halo 2 multiplayer again
Holy shit... I never thought I would feel this strongly about a Halo release, but it's like I'm a teenager back in my family's game room playing on a shitty little CRT hooked up straight to the modem while my dad is watching sports on the big TV.
They did it to fuck ebin games.
Praise Microsoft and gabe
Apparently they fixed those issues a while back
Thanks for beta-testing Xbots
>slow fps made for console babies
no thanks
Everything besides Wars 1 + 2 and Halo 5
Fucking finally. Took them long enough, but late is always better than never I suppose.
No problem bro. Can't wait to transfer to my 1600$ pc for halo after all these years
We had so many fakes over the years that i can't even believe this is real. I'm tearing up here.
>Baby's first FPS
No thanks. Also wasn't Halo the franchise that started the health regen trend?
*heavenly chorus*
It supports 4k.
Go back to bed gramps
Gears of War did that
I swear i saw a banner of halo wars 1 on steam not so long ago
Lmao yeah man you got it
>Microsoft Windows
So all of them?
Halo 1 has health packs zoomzoom
Why'd you pay that much for a PC bro? you like wasting money? oh what am I saying? of course you like wasting money! you bought an Xbox!
Does this mean microsoft gave up with their store bullshit?
Seriously, I am no steamdrone or anything but why can't they just make a better platform than them? Just give convenience, that's all people want
Instead they make these retarded featureless bloatware that makes you want to clean your PC with bleach
Holy shit I just came to the realization that I might very well actually play the Halo campaigns in my lifetime.
This is surreal for some reason.
Uhhhh, bros....
>Halo wars 1 is now the only game you can't play on PC
What the fuck are they thinking?!
they are just going to put in on Steam, and you will need a live account to play
they will also make it available on their store for the tards that use that
halo wars is on steam...
Halo Wars 2 is on the Microsoft Store.
cross-play with Mouse/Keyboard users on Xbone?
Okay then.
>halo 4 is included
Why do they have to make it so hard for me to pretend it doesn't exist?
HW2 is, but I'm talking about the first game.
I can't even
ITT: people being excited about a game they wont play for more than 2 hours because of how boring it is
Friendship ended with Epic
now Gabe is my best friend
Halo Wars 2 uses Xbox Live too, but PC players don't pay to play online
lmao quads mad that other people are happy and he's not
Original Halo 2 Cortana was the hottest. Even the first game version was better than the bimbo in 4.
it's basically like uplay
The first game is available too though. That's what the link in my post is.
Unless I'm misunderstanding you.
So, let me guess. The first game is going to be the least dumbed down of them?
3's is an improved version of 2's. And there's even the cutscene boob bounce.
Work and play bro
2 is the most technically demanding what with all the glitches/tricks.
Why the fuck would anyone who actually played PC FPS give a fuck about this shit. It's the game that literally ruined the genre for decades by introducing the idea that movement should be gutted to be slow and aiming should be gimped.
I'm expecting them to not bother announcing anything yet. Then at E3, just throwing out a "it's available now!" thing.
>Need to pay for Reach campaign to play Firefight
How big will the file be? Shouldnt it be massive since it's like 5 games. Gonna take 3 days to dl
>buy all these games
>steam one day shuts down
>all your games are lost in time
On Xbone it's almost 60GB.
you don't have to buy it, each game is sold separately
They're releasing them one by one, starting with Reach, then 1, then 2 etc.
So it won't be large until the last one is out.
now let's get MS to port this to Linux and then we can finally say we've won.
Can you choose to play it with the old graphics?
>every game ever made is still available to pirate
it's a big boy, all game total are easily over 100GB
Yes and no.
They had shield regen while health was a seperate value from the shield value. Most likely a dev got inspired from Halo and that led to health regen happening because no shield was in the game.
They're not. They're all in the same package, the MCC you buy on Steam/Win10, but they're coming out one at a time.
I think its 60-80gb on xbone, will be higher with reach. However the games are coming out 1 by 1, so unless you install after all the games come out, should be 10-15gb each.
I cannot wait for some comdy bedtime Halo 3
yall realize Halo was the dawn of zoomer shit and the beginning of the end for REAL shooters right?
when did this board become so underaged?
how long until all the twitch streamers ruin this
You really think these games won't be cracked?
you're right! better get my games on Epic Games Launcher®
thanks bro!
Nope, that'd be half-life 2.
Yeah, I'm thinking we are back.
Halo 1 came out in 2001 you fucking retard. That's 18 fucking years ago and I'm a fucking old man now
nostalgiafags are retarded
it will be forgotten one week after release anyway
>the beginning of the end for REAL shooters right
that would be half life and CS
it was confirmed you can by each title separately, I can't find the page saying that, I think it was PC Gamer or something
But the question is, is Halo 5 coming?
it's gonna be win10 only right
I don't play with Yea Forums on most games but if you boys get some matches or custom games going i'm fucking there
I always loved the vehicles, cant wait to mess around with bros
dont buy it then, losers
Considering they are porting everything, I expect it to be announced as standalone when they finish halo 4.
you could play halo CE on PC just fine
I need that wallpaper
>10+ year old games past their prime
You faggots are pathetic
This is probably a dumb fucking question, but what are the odds this will have splitscreen? Would love to play this with my friends at uni but I don’t want an Xbox.
i'm sure it'll work with proton eventually
bro mods will be able to fix that
yeah, we are back and better then ever
>post-bungie halo
I'd expect a marketing move like said, they announce it's coming after Halo 4 is released.
They more interesting question is if they'll put it in the MCC for PC or if it'd be standalone
c o p e
stay mad'n'salty'n'gay
>past their prime
I too only enjoy new games such as Fortnite™, which can be found on Epic Games, Inc™'s Epic Games Store™.
you can switch the graphics with a single button press while ingame on the xbone
>complaining about reach
>not 4
It's just not the same board anymore. Even Zaric Zhakaron said he left because it changed.
You could do with the Halo 1 remaster on 360.
did they forget her neck?
Will they have a server browser?
reminder to have /hg/ up in a seperate window in case mods delete this thread as well
>Requires 3rd party account: Xbox Live
lol no thanks
Quake/UT fags never got over Halo being more popular and having a bigger player base did they.
>B-bill please
>m-may we have a g-game?
>any game! please!!!!
I forgot the rest of the joke but Bill said ''suck my cock''
Original pc version did and would be the optimal way to play the various multiplayer modes, but honestly I don't know. They said they want to make it acceptable for pc standards so its anyone's guess.
An old console game is now available on PC!
just dig up your account from 15 years ago or are you a teenage babby just posing?
have fun with solo singleplayer on PC.
well shit, i was planning to upgrade my rig but was not sure, guess ill have to do it now
I wonder what kind of anti-cheat it will have. That's usually what fucks Proton, right?
I'm pretty sure on Xbox you can pick & choose which ones to install. If you only want, like Halo 3 MP you can just install that.
This actually seems the most likely scenario. On a side note, anyone actually worried about this? We saw what happened at launch and how broken everything was for Xbox. 343 doesn't exactly have that great of a track record. I just worry that things will be broken again.
>we want to have halo up to acceptable pc standards
>Epic is not acceptable by pc standards
Microsoft is based as fuck.
will do, thanks
There is a custom games browser but as of now you can't host your own servers, something I would GREATLY appreciate but don't expect
Retard Frog Poster
is reach actually good?
I don't remember my password or the email I used
>wallpaper engine
you fucking faggot
it's fun, invasion is well worth the multiplayer
the campaign is the best if you're not all about muhchief
the multiplayer is really wonky compared to the other games and most people call it trash, I personally don't mind it but it ends up playing way different than the previous games.
Kinda, multiplayer is okay but kinda paved the way to the drab grey shit and with the armor abilities. Single Player stands up with the best of them.
>Of course not. Xbox has lost money for 3 generations.
The 360 returned a profit, try again.
Current Objective: Survive is unironically one of the best moments in games from that period.
>news about the master chief collection comes out
>suddenly Yea Forums is full of retards saying halo was the birth of zoomer games
what file size we looking at here?
can you have playlists/queue up for the games in the series you want to play?
>used to all the time talk about how halo 3 will be on pc eventually with a buddy of mine
>would go nuts over every speculation, just to be disappointed each time
>neither of us have talked in years
it finally happened, but at what cost?
Yea Forums always had a love hate relationship with Halo. Night time halo threads are some of Yea Forums's best.
Probably about 10gb-20gb per game. 80gb-100gb+ for the entire package after its done.
How does multiplayer work with this package, exactly? Each game has it's separate multiplayer? Because that seems like something that would spread the playerbase way too thin.
>Gaylo 3 servers will finally be full of people
We're going home, bros.
Fuck. Just porting 3 with custom games would have been enough for me, but I also get like 5 other games with it. Noice
hit him up just for the news
it will be worth it
>no trigger discipline
Are you niggas serious?
I played Halo on PC when it came out, it was okay but nothing special.
The sequels look shitty as well
lf swat duo partner
Each game has its own separate multiplayer. Online used to work by people voting which game mode and which game they wanted to play with on the matchmaking lobby. Its now updated that you won't have to play any multiplayer game you didn't want to play, for example you can cross off halo 4 if you don't want to play it.
Server browser might come back as it was in halo 1 pc, this would be the optimal way to choose between the multiplayer modes, but we still lack information.
Singel player is good despite the canon
discrepancies. Muliplayer wise the custom games and invasion were tonnes of fun but the standard multiplayer is one of the worse in the series along with Halo 4.
This is already one of the best years for games in this decade.
I played Halo 1, 2, 3, ODST and Reach in couch coop with my little brother. Now we can play them together again in better graphics and with proper aiming. This is gonna be good
Fuck me. The thing 2 always had over the rest of them is the dialogue is the peak of series
>Requires 3rd-Party Account: Xbox Live
Bullshit, it has the best firefight in the series.
I knew postponing suicide was a good idea in the end.
Not today, old friend.
I wasn't that big into Halo, do any of these games have a Horde mode on the level of GoW2?
its gona b shit
Don't you have like a throwaway hotmail address? That works.
yea gramps muh important firearms rules you think people pose for photos with loaded guns and without making sure its clear like a fuckin shells gonna teleport in there
I've got an XBL account, more that I really hope they don't expect me to pay for Live on PC.
So what's the appeal of Halo as a single-player FPS? I never got around to playing it or looking at it online.
Yeah, firefight.
amazing news
holy shit. multiplayer is included right? are custom games back???
They don't, Gaylo Wars 2 also requires an account, it doesn't need gold.
but first and last gears is on pc
Good story if you're into military sci-fi
custom games and forge are back on the menu boys
Sounds comfy, you guys fucked right?
I was talking about regular PvP. I would rank them 3>5>Reach>4 from my experience, can't put 2 on the list since I didn't play it's multiplayer in it's prime. Also ODST Firefight was better than Reach's.
Halo was also the franchise that made FPS games """"work"""" on consoles, bringing untold ruin to the genre.
hell yeah. Valve and MS join forces to fucking crush epic and fortnite zoomers
Playable on Win7 as well? I might get it then.
>I was talking about regular PvP
That's not what horde mode is.
this not being on the win10 store surprises me the most. im legit shocked.
I feel like that Galyonkin will send the Chinese to Microsoft now. Epic store after this I think its done.
>Unlike the Xbox version of Halo MCC, the PC edition will offer each title as an individual purchase as they release.
Something ain't right bros
It's on the ms store though, it's just not only available there which is the thing most people were worried about.
Halo 1 literally appeared before Yea Forums did, what are you on about newfag?
>reach on insanity
Please no. That was not fun.
oooh day one 1 purchase for me. Halo 3 and Reach defined my preteen gaming years
yeah that's what i meant sorry, not exclusive to win10 store, my bad.
The system requirements don't specify Win10 atm, and it's on Steam. There's a fair chance it will work with Win7 and 8, but probably not.
No one used MS store. No one.
I knew super hardcore Age of Empires fans that preferred to pirate the DE edition instead of buying through MS store.
I wasn't talking about Firefight/horde mode initially
I did for Halo Wars 2 and the Forza Horizon 4 demo.
will this require me to be part of the windows 10 botnet?
That's actually a pretty valid question. Considering all games had splitscreen, I'd have high hopes for that to remain on the PC release.
Horde mode isn't PvP you absolute retard. Stop replying to me.
No sir.
It's very likely, but they didn't specifically state "Windows 10 exclusive."
Very nice
so this is nostalgia right? like, i played halo 1 to 3 and they are boring, floaty aim, unsatisfying gunfire, never understood the hype. a mouse isn't gonna make the games good my dudes
maybe if they add 5 to it, but i really don't see win10 being a requirement for the older games
Sounds like you played Resistance: Fall of Man by mistake.
>Its actually real
Go play through CE again on PC, then come back and post again. It's really easy to find, just do it.
Reach actually has really nice feeling gunplay. SWAT will be so satisfying with mouse
>Owner of said platform is an ex-employee
If you consider that on 4chins, it's actually Gen X and Y calling each other Boomers and Zoomers, it makes more sense.
I'm gen X as fuck, and Halo is gen Y as fuck to me.
The end of “real” shooters hasn’t happened yet you edgy faggot, people still go to war every day
>have to buy each game individually
>that will be $49.99 + tip for Halo 1
I know I'm being greedy but rare replay collection when? I don't care about shooters.
Did Cortana's head fucking assimilate her neck to become fatter in the second version? Jesus.
I thought halo was babies first fps Yea Forums
You can buy them individually or buy the whole collection you dolt.
it is, it's the doom of the zoomer gen, except doom is fun
Have you even played gears of war?
toasting in the epic bread
nothing would ever top this kek
please do it microsoft
I remember a pretty average game.
It got as big as it did because it was the first really succesful console FPS.
They never said that. I think MCC will just be a launcher and you have to buy the games as dlc essentially.
>once Google and Amazon enter the market
Their consoles are literally streaming devices.
The appeal was in the co-op and 3rd person driving, space alien war vibe. Shooting came second to muh atmosphere.
>Splash damage
what the fuck, what do they develop?
do I have to buy this after all?
Call of Duty 2 and everything after is are utter trash and its all because of consoles.
> Microsoft said the collection will roll out one game at a time, starting with Halo: Reach and going in chronological order from there.
But how is that chronological if you're starting with Reach since 2 and 3 came before it.
>MS releasing a game on Steam
>Epic bribing devs for exclusivity
Fucked timeline.
>Requires 3rd-Party Account: Xbox Live
Well shit, is this for the MP or SP ?
They mean chronological order based on the in-universe timeline. The events of Reach happened before 1.
lord knows i want to sign in with my old account
halo starts where reach ends, genius
literally ends with you delivering cortana to pillar of autumn
Xbox Live is free on PC.
Imagine being this stupid.
Shut up fag, we are all in the same ship.
live is free and if you dont care about online multiplayer xliveless will probably be made to work with it anyways.
>playing with friends on Halo 3 again
based Xbox, thank you
It's been so long I literally don't remember that.
I fucking wish Invasion wasn't dead most of the time. It's such an underrated mode that got little support
based quads of truth, that's what happened twice to me with halo CE back when it released on pc
Halo's been a dead series for years now. No one cares, and no one wants to play HD versions of decades old shooters that were barely playable back on their original consoles.
INB4 MS buys Valve.
Back off EPIC employee.
so an hour or so
If you can't be trusted with a gun when it doesn't matter why the hell would anyone trust you with one when it does?
A fate worse than death.
Gaben is greedy but not that much
and fps are kinda starting to recover
There's nothing wrong with health regen you fucking goober. It's integral to the design of the game. It's about accuracy and well placed nades, not going super fast, shooting rockets down hallways and memorizing health locations.
I'm literally fucking shocked.
>be halo fan
>make installation 01
>get greenlight from 343
>get greenlight from microsoft
>you're allowed to make free fan game of PC halo
>work for years endlessly on your dream project
>to finally play halo game on PC like glory days
>progress smooth
>pull up news
>microsoft decides to fuck you and just release all the old games on steam
>your years of work and sweat are now worthless
why would any company fuck their fans like this?
it happened to me too with eldewrito
I had fun playing this 10 years ago with my cousin, but its just boring nowadays
If you made that then market your skills and get a job in the industry. Heck, apply to 343.
Recreating Halo from scratch only for it to die in the first two weeks of release is idiotic to begin with.
Yea battlefield and apec legends are so fucking great.
Fucking kill yourself
No Win7 = No buy
imagine if they release Gears of War on steam too
how mad would epic faboys be?
what difference does it make if it's old
>Requires 3rd-Party Account: Xbox Live
Of course
I know reddit, but 343 already confirm you just need an account for the servers.
gears 1 was already on pc, was it on steam back then? i dont rmemeber
Xbox Live on PC is basically having an account. No fee required for online play.
see The account is just to log in and use the servers.
>Still using the stock Wraith Spire
Nah, it was at the point when Steam wasn't too big yet and MS was still trying to make GFWL a thing.
On shit netcode and beaner servers yes.
where were you when Steam won the Store War?
They've honestly made that a lot less annoying than it was in the GFWL days, but yeah, it's still dumb.
champions was cool but lacks gametypes.
>wanting to use a shit version of windows because you're lazy
Jesus fucking christ, just upgrade to 10, you can do it even if you fucking pirated
>b..but muh botnet
turn off the data tracking shit and uninstall the bloatware
>but muh microsoft
then install Ubuntu or Mint or Fedora and run a VM/Wine/Proton
>but i'm lazy
have fun with shitdows 7. You're just as bad as the thirdies still running XP
So what are the odds that the game will have cross platform play with console?
only ameritards thinks this is a good series
>Halo 2 was WinVista specifically to push sales of Vista, by being exclusively DX10
>Thinking this will be any different especially with Win7 support ending next year
Nah, will be Win10 only because it'll only run on DX12.
Have they improved QA yet? Are patches property tested before pushed out now?
i'm fucking crying bros
Will mods be allowed? Can we make Halo CE type shit like bigass?
>Enter lobby
>See this
Wat do?
This game came out before DX12 right?
Halo:CE was remastered for the MCC (even had a gimmick where you could swap between the new and old graphics), so I would imagine it was ported to DX12 at the time of them remastering it.
Probably the same with 2 as well.
Yeah I don’t mind using my old account as long as I don’t have to pay. There’s a reason they aren’t forcing people to pay for online on pc because Microsoft learned that lesson the hard way long ago.
No I mean the MCC, DX12 was announced in 2014 and the first games came a while later.
I suppose it is Microsoft though.
>buy halo 1 - reach on xbox/360 to coop with bro
>this is announced
On one hand, its easier to setup on xbox. On the other, i can use a keyboard and mouse.
>At Microsoft, we make every effort to respond to customer feedback, so when we received this feedback from Blizzard and other developers, we decided to act on it. Microsoft is pleased to announce that we have ported the user mode D3D12 runtime to Windows 7. This unblocks developers who want to take full advantage of the latest improvements in D3D12 while still supporting customers on older operating systems.
I could never understand this map. Structurally it's very similar to beaver creek, but never as much fun. Whats the deal?
>Coming soon
>This item is not yet available.
Drive all the vehicles past the guardians.
E3, I image. If they're releasing the games one at a time I don't see why they wouldn't let Reach out as soon as the conference was over, or get really showy and have it release right when the guy on the stage says so.
why are microsoft releasing xbox exclusives now
is windows 10 that important
you are too retarded to talk to people
It's probably more to do with this gen especially the Xbox underperforming. So they're taking advantage of Windows players to make up losses.
fuck you
we got fucking Halo 2 on PC in fucking 2007, but it had to be the shittiest thing in existence
It's still not *right now* and my instant gratification is going crazy because I just want to enjoy some Halo again. I might have to boot up my Xbox for some single-player.
probably, but why play on fucking xbox with KBM?
that thing has like 2 fucking usb slots
halo 2 never took off because we had half life 2
Windows 7 is unironically better then 10 is right now for general use. The only thing 10 has going for it is being newer and having a few features. The issue with 10 is that if you don't get specific versions that don't have a fuckload of the bloat removed you're going to get Win10 with a bunch of pointless bloatware. Also not being able to STOP auto updates is retarded.
It also says something when people make ways to make Windows 10 look more like 7.
All they had to do was make 10 look like 7 and not come with a load of pointless bloatware and tracking shit out of the box, and it would've been alright.
The only reason to use 10 is when 7 or even 8.1 is no longer supported.
>proper aiming
>for a series that doesn't use ADS for 99% of its weapons cept H5
No worries friend. Windows 7 now supports DX12.
GE made it possible, asshole
without a 3D stick, xbox wouldn't fucking exist!
and yes, you are SUPPOSED to use the fucking stick to aim in GE and the C buttons to move and strafe. you become a fucking god in MP.
pipe down boomer, the people who can remember what they did with what they're holding in the last 5 minutes are posting
Does MCC have the original intros and title screens from the individual games or is it something new?
Having Halo at all is great, but just think, with PC we can go even further beyond regular Halo.
>mods to remove the limit on players in a single match
>modded vehicles and weapons
>custom campaign levels
>Halo VR
The point is to train yourself not to accidentally shoot someone when it IS loaded.
i’m just waiting for the day i can buy forza horizon on steam
Nigga Halo CE PC had customization too.
Consolebabies really missed out.
What kind of timeline is this?
>don't have a PC
dont forget
>mods for forge
Could remove the item limit or expand it
Than you shouldn't be on this website, phoneposting scum
>tfw just sold my graphics card
the question is whether they will implement mod / mapmaker tools used in eldewrito
those were incredibly good
Halo 2 for the vista had them.
no steam achievements
Did they mention anything about it being Windows 10 exclusive? It looks like like Steam page is just saying it needs Windows for the moment.
>game will use directx 12 only
RIP win7 cucks.
Xbox version had the option to swap on the fly
They made wolfenstein enemy territory and dirtybomb
I play both faggot
Also id needs to treat champions better before I go back. Seriously, everything surrounding champions is a fucking mess.
>he doesn't know
>nobody buys their shitty cash grab
kys, microcock
Post the wallpaper right now
My PC does not play games.
Halo 1 had shields and health 2 had just shields and after that the series was not on PC so i dont know but what I do know is that over all execution and design of something like that matters more than the thing itself and halo did it fairly well thus why halo 1 on legendary is such a good experience
>teenagers who played Halo games when they came out are now in their early to mid 30s
>Yea Forums calls them zoomers
Halo 5 forge/custom games is the 1 good part about 5 and its on PC for free so
boom boom
blessed thread
>he doesn't know
Does it come with the ability to make maps? I missed out on the golden age of Halo 3 (and 4?) custom map modes.
It's surreal. I remember around 2000 being furious that Microsoft stole Bungie and Halo to make it a Xbox only flagship. And now Xbox is making the line between its consoles and PCs razor thin. At this rate I am pretty sure next console release there won't be Xbox exclusives unless the devs don't want to do a PC version (A'la RDR2).
You guys didn't win shit.
We all won today, let's just be happy Halo isn't gonna die off on a console not getting any eyes on it and we can enjoy Halo again on populated servers.
no, its all in game shit.
sorry nostalgiafag
boomer/zoomer are one of those terms that doesn't really mean anything, people use them for wildly different purposes/ranges.
It's like calling something in a game 'clunky'.
no, Yea Forums of course means the kids who were like 3-4 when halo 2 was new, the ones that grew up with halo 3 and cod4 as their "childhood defining game".
Remember how when the DMC shit started a bunch f old fags popped up? Its the same shit now and the retards trying to fit in by spouting terms they don't understand are trying to shit on them.
did gears of war remaster
So Half-life halo crossover when?
>Cutscene boob bounce.
Webm plox.
Halo 2 remaster Cortana is the best.
Purple Cortana was so much better than blue Cortana
Only the multiplayer, so they aren't the reason Gears can't hold a stable framerate.
How well have those games held up? I never played them.
Hell yeah it did
basically everything all the Covenant characters said was gold
im gonna fap to Cortana and Miranda Keys
there I said it, feels good to let it out.
ok so now the question is will it be like the xbox version where all the games run on the modified Reach engine?
this but unironically
sure that's why I'm asking about what is their involvement in this
So like
When is it coming out?
What I want most from this is for MCC to sell well on Steam so that MS start putting their shit on there and I don't have to deal with the fucky UWP shit from MS Store games.
>they fixed those issues a while back
Yeah it only took 4 years for MCC to work like it was supposed to at launch, go 343!
Reach is probably dropping this November with a $10 pricetag and then every game coming out after it one by one until halo 4 which will also have a $10 pricetag
sounds perfect, I will
are you shitting me?
fuck this announcement. fuck it to fucking fuck!
why wait that long? why put out the game in chunks if its an already finished product on xbox that has fucking existed for the last 5 fucking years?
>why wait that long?
Because they've been working on this port for probably 3-4 years at least
>why put out the game in chunks
>if its an already finished
It took them 4 years after release on consoles to get shit sorted out, I wouldn't doubt it if MCC on PC took another 3-5 years to be out and polished
>it's actually real
Don't have a webm but in Halo 3 her boobs were separate entities that could be edited to be larger. There's a video on youtube but I couldn't find it.
I never owned a xbox but always heard halo is one of the best shooters ever. I'll buy it and give it a shot when it goes on sale.
>he doesn't know
>watch some halo 5 gameplay
>that annoying as fuck nucortana is screeching in your ear 24/7
oh god why
Fuck that map
>the end for REAL shooters
Nah that'd be when the first world at war dropped, it was a downward spiral from there.
What's it matter?
oh no
grew up with most of these games
instant buy for me holy shit i'm getting chills
Yeah they also made brink. Hopefully they're better at ports than making games.
>thinks 1600 bucks on a pc is a lot
nigga my rig from 2017 is like 3k what the fuck you on about
wait until Google decides to try being a game developer, they'll fucking stomp everyone
Thought for a second that said enema lmao
they'll sooner develop weapons of war
>can't access my old xbox account
Gonna have to do all that shit again.
>google making videogames
They're making machine learning so advanced they know what you're going to do before you do it and making billions selling that info. The fuck would they need videogames for?
Tfw halo 3 released in 2007
>me no understand game dev
>but me now wat I take about
>me smart
Fucking snowbound, veto this shit you assholes
nah, they were lazy shits and hoped no one would care because its HELO HURRDURR
>This and the rumours that xbox arcade is going on the Switch (which will probably see a release of Halo as well)
They're dropping out of the Wars and only saying fuck you to Sony.
Who's going to hold the Sega/Microsoft third spot now?
Google's coming out with a console apparently, so maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe them?
>going multiplat isn't the best possible move
STFU. We're going to be playing with xbros.
And shitting on them thanks to mouse and keyboard AND their shitty autoaim
Why do people care about 5 year old games?
Are they really that good?
i hope this makes them look into their old PC IPs like freelancer. i honestly feel like we're entering a new PC golden age at this point. consoles have been feeling incredibly stale the last few years anyway. all these fucking generic shooters are just so boring
>MCC is on Steam
>Gachimuchi games are now allowed on Steam
Did we stumble into the right timeline?
the fuck, why can't i pre order? does MS not want my money? i don't even care how much it is
>Why do people care about 5 year old games?
Nostalgia and getting to play them in a better format.
>Are they really that good?
Yeah, for the most part.
Xbox Live on PC is free
The 360 version literally ran in a slow motion mode in many parts.It was so bad you'd think I was exaggerating. It simply didn't have the Vram needed to store both sets of textures.
feelsb fuckin ood lads
Too soon, man. Too soon
We getting ODST too? I loved that game.
it was a better team shooter than anything else out there
Same, I want to pay for it now so I can pre-load asap.
only KBM can play each other, on console or PC.
console can finally use KBM but only to play with others like them
so no shitting, only dreams
based album
You guys think it will be before or after the update 343 did that got rid of swordblocking in zombies, it used to take 3 direct hits to take me down in zombies if you timed your melee proper
>i honestly feel like we're entering a new PC golden age at this point
With Epic pulling their exclusive bullshit, I feel the exact opposite.
the H2 port uses the same version as the Vista one so it will never be the same
>I have to do the Warrant officer grind again
oh fuck bros how do i cope?
Reminder that Reach was the worst in the series and the beginning of the end for Halo. It was so bad it killed the thriving H3 esports scene and caused Bungie to not only drop the IP completely, but leave Microsoft altogether. Armor abilities only made the game easier for shitters and removed the fun of pickups.
Veto veto veto fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
>caused Bungie to not only drop the IP completely, but leave Microsoft altogether
Fake news. Bungie wanted to leave the IP and Microsoft since Halo 3, but they were contractually obligated to make 2 more games. So they made ODST and Reach. Hence why neither game progresses the story and are prequels.
Oh so that's why Reach is so shit, they just wanted to get it over with.
idk man. i can imagine if another 5 years of artifacts come out that gabe might realize the company has lost its way and decide to give it up.
>bungie immediately runs off and start sucking activision's dick
Who gives a fuck? The people that wanted to get out were the enemies of halo anyway. Look what they did with Destiny
No kidding? I'll actually get that. And it's on Steam and not the retarded win10 store, no less. I only really played Halo 1 since I'm a PCfag but despite everyone screaming about how it was degenerate console shit I actually liked it. The enemies were really satisfying to fight and it had pretty good AI. Assuming this doesn't have a retarded price I'm in.
shit taste. reach is a great fucking game. fuck off
Yeah, hard to believe they made the original trilogy after that shitfest. Still doesn't change the fact that every zoomer faygit on this board loves Reach despite it being unbalanced trash trying to emulate COD.
Nice argument. About what you'd expect from a Reach fan.
then why is Brink dead as fuck and tf2 is still rockin its lawnmower and monster?
Not only that but bungie made Marty O'Donnel make music for Destiny 1, 2 and 3 before they were even out and then shitcanned him when he complained that they used somebody else's music for the reveal trailer.
I don't know how i feel about this, cause no matter what you guys say the lobby system is still ass by virtue of juggling 4 different games with a really bad presentation
Just what we needed, a Halo where you can aimbot.
Cheaters are going to ruin this.
I remember the late 90's and PC Gamer had a video of an up and coming game called "Halo" for PC. I literally watched the video 8 times and ate like 4 choco popcicles.
I was enthralled.
They're releasing the games one by one and selling them separately, there's no way the lobby system is going to say the same when everybody are going to have different games.
Hate to break it to you, but there have been aimbotters in every console Halo.
Although there will be way more. That being said multiplayer online FPS games will always and forever be infested with cheaters. Don't even bother.
Didn't take long for the Yea Forumsirgins to comment
Holy fuck
>consoles didn't have hackers
Required a modded console and stuff, so extra super rare.
Xbro here, enjoy our sloppy seconds Valvies :^) jk I'm really happy about this announcement, I'll get to play coop with my old bros again and I'm excited to see a whole lot of people finally get to experience/re-experience this series
I remember there being flying motherfuckers in every other Halo 2 match.
>getting a jtag was difficult
my 13 year old friend had one, with a modded controller
I don't remember that, but I think I maybe only played H2 online for a year.
I was aware of modded controllers but I thought all they could enable you to do is basically have a turbo function.
> comparing a modded console/controller to simply downloading a program
So still significantly more rare.
user, how do I explain you this....
He's just good bro. Said every esports fanboy ever.
>that part of the interview where they ask why it isn't Windows Store exclusive and the Xbox rep says that they went with Steam because it has a larger, more ingrained community and that direct, public customer feedback and forum communication between fans and devs is important to them
Maybe I'm just seeing things that aren't there but I'd REALLY like to think that was a 'fuck you' to the Epic Games Store.
wtf is the Epic game store?
So you literally don't know what a jtag was yet you're shitting up the thread saying that consoles didn't have hackers?
Hoo boy, you haven't been around much these last few months have you?
You people really are autistic, try leaving Yea Forums for once.
I don't really come to Yea Forums as I don't play video games anymore, but I was wondering what people had to say about this Halo thing.
you're the one who can't admit they were wrong
I'm looking forward to doing some of the classic bounces. Shit was satisfying as fuck.
How shitty is your pc that you can't run 10 year old games?
I just realized I never actually finished Halo 3 but only watched the cutscenes on youtube. I played through the first 3 missions at a cousin's but couldn't afford a 360 until reach came out and never got around buying it.
If nobody likes it/can figure it out, it's called bad game design. On a side note, it's fucking stupid to think that such pin all the praise/blame of bringing shooters to consoles or a single game or franchise; you could praise the devs for being the first to figure it out and implement it, but bringing fps to consoles was a technological inevitability.
(autism intensifies)
I hated reach i never even bought it. only had it because my brother gave me a copy and i just played halo 3 instead of it. I want to play halo 3 on pc so bad, worst part reach releases first.
Do you know how many modded lobbies you'd fall into in CoD? How do you think they did that?
Long story short, Epic Games (Fortnite/former Gears of War/Unreal devs) has their own digital storefront now, and it's pretty hated around here for three big reasons:
1. They've been purchasing exclusive access to lots of new and upcoming PC games, going so far as to get Metro Exodus yanked off Steam a week or two before it launched.
2. Epic is a subsidiary of Tencent, a huge Chinese company with lots of ties to the Chinese government
3. The Epic Store just kind of sucks, it's just a game store/launcher with no real feedback or community functionality. Even Origin has more features
I'm of the opinion that Legendary was a shit grind and Heroic was actually the best balanced and most fun mode overall.
An ideal PC port should allow for customization of the difficulty. Health system of Heroic, enemy HP in between Heroic and Legendary, AI level at Legendary; that would be the best combination.
Sounds gay mostly because of fortnite. I doubt anything could reasonably compete with steam at this point.
It's funny how Halo fans have taken over the board and now defend health regeneration. CoD copied many things from Halo, casualizing the genre.
It just means there's a new generation on Yea Forums now. In 2007 Yea Forums they would have shat on Halo in this thread.
You're talking to people that were born the year Halo CE came out. They grew up playing slow-walking console shooters with a fucking controller and health regen.
Cool news. I've probably walked every square nanometer of Halo and Halo 2 back in highschool.
Regenerating health has been in FPS games since 1991 you fucking loser. On the fucking super nintendo.
It's the same space but one is mostly wide open while Creek was an extremely tight and cramped little hole with both lots of cover and things for grenades, needles and such to bounce off of.
Same reason people love rockets only on Longest.
Idiotic frog posting zoomer
It requires Xbox login so probably get Xbox achievements.
it's very gay. Fartnite went to Epic's heads (along with getting acquired by chinks sometime between Unreal Tournament 2004 and now) so they think they can go toe to toe with steam without even bothering with making their fortnite launcher look decent. It also probably has something to do with valve getting steam released in chinkland and tencent not very happy about their govt approved game launcher losing market share
Oh please. Stop with the lies and bait. Halo 2 started the regen health trend in a shooter, without the need for any health kits.
Halo CE at least was balanced with only partial health regeneeation.
I got killer instinct from the windows store, and it starts up immediately when you open it.
>who's bating who, hahaha!
Take a shower, I bet you smell like swamp ass
Feels fucking great.
Stupid question:
I'd like to keep my W10 with a local account. I won't have to tie my W10 installation to my microsoft account if I buy it on steam, right?
>2007 Yea Forums would've shitted on halo
>2007 Yea Forums had active halo CE and 2 servers and threads
Tryhard newfag.
And where did I go wrong?
They would have shitted on Halo but Halo fans as casual as they are, dont care
Still considered the casuals and destroyers of the shooter game genre.
worst part about fortnite?
they litter it with the corpse of fucking UT99
posters and shit are everything and not even one facing worlds map, song or skin?
Okay. How old are you?
I didn't play CoD on consoles, only shitlords do that
You will!
Oh cool now I can finally play the games.
> Microsoft owns the publishing rights to GoW
seriously user, I don't think there's a demand for this. the game was absolute shit. just let it die.
>With Epic pulling their exclusive bullshit, I feel the exact opposite.
We'll see if that pays off in the long run seeing as a ton of people still only bother with the launcher for Fortnite
Honestly might buy it for Halo 1 alone
> in my family's game room playing on a shitty little CRT hooked up straight to the modem while my dad is watching sports on the big TV.
i did the exact same thing lol
Question is: How good of a deal did Microsoft get from Steam? 10% only?
based retard
Any word on whether the version of Halo 1 here has online co-op? Since neither the original did iirc, and the original PC port stripped out the splitscreen engirelt.y
It does, the anniversary edition added it