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Other urls found in this thread:


Why do people tattoo themselves?
Don't they realize they're ruining the sanctity of God's temple?

Oh no the imaginary deity will be upset!

enjoy that artifact tattoo i guess

*dips pedora*


>thinks God is some kike writ OC donut steel
no wonder you're branded

Tattoos are always fucking stupid. Also, cardgames? Why doesn't Valve make some actual games instead of this trash? They sure have the money and manpower to do so.

so he has to shave that shit forever now right? otherwise he'll have hair growing out of his tattoo

cringe but completely expected

>muh god

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it's funny, people dont even know history
jews are God chosen people
God says he raises empires to guide their people
frist empire babylon
>dur ur we are so great nobody can stop us we made us ourselves, God has nothing to do with us
>they deal with jews
>jews learn the lesson
>babylon gets destroyed
>same with assyrians
>now USA

it's all a big coincidence haha

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ugh, i bet you are one of those fags that call themselves a "gamer" too. oh and also you are a "TOTAL NERD XD" as well i'm sure. neck yourself.

Tattoos of media products are always shit tier anyway. Design something yourself or get an actual artist to design you something.
>hey man look at this corporate logo i got tattoo'd on me
>hell yeah bruh bruh that's epic af you look like a billboard or a banana sticker

Should have been free to play. Shame, it's actually a really good card game.

>the dev team is larger than the playerbase

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>gets a tattoo to piss off the mysterious cloudperson

>sign says fun
>it's not fun
well maybe god shouldn't lie if he wants people to follow him?

>not even religious
>recently started listening to Ave Maria
>start wondering if I'm living my life right
>see that I haven't even been living by my own set of morals and scruples
He's calling me bros and I'm fucking scared.

Only darkness after death retards, live a shitty life while you can


Fun is false deity

well if god created everything, why did he create that path and sign in the first place?
Check Mate

>Thinks anyone that doesn't believe in his imaginary friend """"""hates"""""" him.

god didnt tell him to walk down that path, it was all free will

>whenever someone has an opinion that the concept of a higher being may exist, autists feel the need to chime in with spicy atheist memes

Get fucked schofaggot, jews had their chance and they spit on it

God created us and we as God image can create, for example video games are human creation, and people call if fun, but it is a waste of time
you have something to do with God, you can do what you need to do, or you can waste your time with distractions

>A concept of a higher being
They clearly meant the christian god.
But my response had nothing to do with that, for some reason thought people get tattoos to anger God.

if you reject jews you reject salvation as Jesus said:
22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

it's not their time to see Jesus as Christ, but a time will come

>create temptations
>create imperfect humans that are prone to follow those temptations
>blame humans for following temptations
flawless logic

Artifact? More like Shartifart!

>put in the fridge a bottle with that says "orange juice"
>it's actually poison

i didnt tell you to drink it, it was all free will

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There better be another fucking sticky on /vg/ when shartifart drops below 100 people in game. The 1000 one was a fucking blast.

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>he thinks being able to choose is an imperfection
>he thinks that worldly temptations are God doing
hmm does not compute

>that completely unnatural and glaring interruption in his leg hair

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oh a time will come alright

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You and me both, breh. I've repented and did what I had to do for my sin. I've never felt better.

Worship Odin. He is a cool god.

But God has a plan for all of us, and since he's omniscient he knows beforehand everyting we will do, so free will doesn't exist.

God knowing what you are going to do has nothing to do with forcing you to do it

damn this pissed people off, well done

> Introduces game with a huge paywall in a genre dominated by F2P titles


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>creates humans already knowing what they will do with their lives in the situation he puts them in.
>punishes you for doing the things he designed you to do
What a great guy.

this is the IQ i expect from a frogposter

well by your own (if that was you) comic, it's implied that choosing "fun" is the wrong choice, and therefore imperfect.
And since god created the world (and is all knowing/all powerful), it's worldly temptations are also his doing, even if indirect.

anyway, my first post was just a joke, I don't even dislike most religions when viewed from a philosophical perspective, though a literal belief in god does confuse me.
Anyway, I'm off to bed, have a good one.

Yes it does. God is the only being with the ability to actually make a decision. Every sin committed by man is a sin commuted by him as he created people to do those things.

If the future is already set in stone then I can't do otherwise than what I will. Nobody should be blamed or praised for doing something when they could not have done otherwise.


>literally "le epic trole xD"

Godfags are retarded user. They doublethink determinism with free will and cannot comprehend how those two things cannot coexist.

if you have a son and you taught him to do good, and he does bad anyway, should you be the one put in prison?

God knowing your choice has nothing to do with you doing them, you are going to be the one judged by your own doing, not God

the world yes, but not your life, that's why God tell what is going to happen, but not who is in which side

“God” was just some future kid playing Universe Simulator 30,000 on his hypercomputer. He just accidentally left his computer running when he left for lazer camp over the summer.

>God knowing your choice has nothing to do with you doing them, you are going to be the one judged by your own doing, not God
Except he created you knowingly you will end up doing it, so it's his fault for creating the world being aware that the way he made it, you would end up making that "choice".

Classic Doublethink

the thing is, if you know you can choose, and your choices are yours, why dont you choose better?

>if you have a son and you taught him to do good, and he does bad anyway, should you be the one put in prison?
I do not have complete knowledge and control over how my son will turn out when I raise him, god on the other hand, being all knowing and all powerful, does in fact posses the ability to create a perfect "son", so the only reason for any sin existing is because god willed it.

Choice is an illusion.


Is it expensive to remove a tattoo?

>Completely avoiding the point
Nice argument user. Your choices are not yours if the all-powerful, all-knowing god exists.

I don't give a shit about religion but hate tattoos in general. Some are nice but I have yet to come across an image I liked so much I'd permanently ink it into my skin. I just don't get the appeal, doesn't help that most "tattoo people" use them as a replacement for a personality. Don't even get me started on piercings like gauges.

God will is free will for us, he could have made us robots, not being able to choose and being perfect, but he wanted people who could think and choose right and wrong
it's not if you believe in God
again, he knowing what you are going to do, has nothing with him forcing you to do them

So the point of this comic is: It's literally impossible to have fun if you have Jesus in your heart?

it would be extremely painful

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what fun do you want to?
meaningless void fun? it's your choice

I too hate muzzies.

>Whenever someone tries to enforce the will of their fictional deity upon other people, they get called out on their stupidity
is not saying "I believe in a higher power." It says, "I believe in a higher power and you are wrong not to."

>again, he knowing what you are going to do, has nothing with him forcing you to do them
Yes, he forced you to do it by creating you under the conditions he knew would end up making you do it.

>I believe in god because he gives meaning to my life.
The saddest reason to believe in one.

Usually 5-6x the cost of the original tattoo. It can take over a year and dozens of sessions to remove it enough that it can fade on its own.

When someone comes forward saying they believe in god, they deserve to be ridiculed. If half the population believed the core of Jupiter was a 10,000 mile high replica of George Washington’s head, they would also deserve to be ridiculed. Don’t believe in stupid shit unless you have real evidence.

i hope you arent serious nigga

>God will is free will for us, he could have made us robots, not being able to choose and being perfect, but he wanted people who could think and choose right and wrong
so god could have made us perfect, but chose not to make us perfect, fully knowing that and how we will fail, and is now asking us to become perfect, and if we don't manage to become close enough to perfect with the imperfect way he created us, then we're going to hell.

Sounds like something someone on Yea Forums would come up with. Like some even more twisted version of Mr. Bones' Wild Ride that god decided to pull on us humans if I'm being honest.

>literally no fun allowed
worst religion

Careful user, you tip that fedora any harder and you'll sprain your wrist.


that's not true, not all poor people steal, not all poor people work
it's their choice what they are going to do with their life
i believe in God cause he's real, God explaining how the world works and salvation are just a plus
enjoy living your meaningless life tho
the only way to be saved is with Christ
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
>he literally think wasting time is fun

This has to be a troll, there's no other explanation.

who else /pagan/ here

>entertainment is a waste of time
cringe and bluepilled

what is real evidence according to you?
you believe in the big bang yet there still no evidence
people say life is a coincidence and you believe them
people say consciousness is a coincidence and you believe them
people say that physical and natural laws are a coincidence and you believe them

you people need to be ridiculed

Its really not. Life doesnt have any intrinsic meaning. If people find a reason to live, why would you pity them?

there truly is no grosser way to defile your body

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smart people believe in God.
The stupid are idolatrous collectivists who worship technology, and take science as fact without even an attempt to dismantle ideas.
The smartest men who walked this Earth were men of God.

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>there truly is no grosser way to defile your body
I can think of several

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You can't be this retarded and incapable of reasoning.

not only that, but most people would refer to great minds of antiquity as 'incels'.
Tesla and Newton were notorious prudes.

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Let me clarify. I believe in the version of reality that has the most real physical evidence supporting it. Better? I’m still not going to believe that snakes can talk or that rain never happened until a bunch of people ignored a cloud man.

you are the one who doesnt see God in the world, or history or even your normal life, you are literally blind right now

remember to open your eyes, accept Chirst:
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

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how do you know snakes couldnt talk, how do you know a bunch of people couldnt stop rain by ignoring God? do you know all history?

shut up bible thumper. Go fuck some kids. You're literally no better than a muslim or kike.

facebook moms browse Yea Forums?

Fallacy of authority.
Literally proves nothing.

know your maymays

Were they right?


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muslims and jews are our brothers
so you believe there's a God but you dont know him? lmao
22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

Unironically based


>no evidence anywhere
yeah mate, I should blindly follow what someone says just because the say in the future I'l be rewarded with no proof of such reward.

Based user. People this days are giving up religion in favor of more nothing time, then they blame religion for their problems.

That's something that puzzles me. What about, say, an African than never heard of your God? Does he go straight to hell?

>not inviting jesus to the fun and make him wait
What a fucking asshole

go fuck yourself

>muslims and jews are our brothers
lol no
jews denied the messiah.
muzzies believe in a false god and a false prophet.

>There are more people playing HL1 than there are people playing artifact

just see what's happening in the world
let me show you this, do you see what's happening in europe now?
muslims conquering all that land while europeans are atheists, while europeans were Christians they were the most powerful empire in the world
do you think that's a coincidence?
who hasnt heard the gospel by now?

Based lazer camp

Africans are barely human

for jews:
29 God does not take back his gifts. He does not change his mind about those he has chosen.
for muslims:
hagar's blessing


It’s a game only patricians with taste can properly appreciate.

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typical brainlet response lmaoo

Go to church user. Give it a try. It feels pretty good and nobody will force you to do anything

point being I'd rather be godless than associate myself with any organized religions.
You're two bit criminals, nothing more.

I don’t know all of history, but I know how to differentiate historical fact from fiction. It’s the job of religious people to prove their religions true, not the scientists. If someone showed me physical evidence that proved 100% that Zeus was real, I’d believe in Zeus. Nobody has provided hard evidence supporting their beliefs so I stick with the scientists that work within fact.

This is actually a really good Virgin Vs Chad image

scientist will never measure God because we only experience reality through an infinitesmal slit of EM radiation.
The Universe is clockwork.

It’s free will bro. God gives us everything. It’s up to us to decide what to take.

Through him, within him, oh god oh might father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one god forever and ever.

What's more, how many iterations of Christianity are there besides the "true" version? If my only experience with Christianity is some dude coming up to my door is that enough for me to be condemned to hellfire if I don't convert?

I went to my grandfathers church and they were talking about how god founded America. Church is a retarded hug box for overgrown children that can’t accept the finality of death.

Still no argument.

would you? some people believe earth is flat
i really believe nobody really knows something till the experience it
and to experience God you have to accept Christ, at least that's the fastes way to discover him

you do realize the romans embraced Christianism and that it is why it still exists today, right?
They saw a tool of manipulation, they took it and made it their own. Allowed them to reign over emperors for a millenium.

According to god, you deserve death just for making fun of a bald guy. Yeah, you go to hell.

I don't argue with retarded people, user.

People actually thought Valve was back.

No one thought this
The game was literally booed on stage when it was announced

I would believe in Zeus if he was proven to be real with physical evidence like I said. “Accepting Christ” as you put it is just allowing the church to manipulate your emotions for profit. Brainwashing is illusion. Not in any way different from how someone who takes a hallucinogenic feels like they know some greater truth afterwards.

I'll never understand this meme, Valve never did any good game.
All they did was Steam.

This one makes me laugh the most. JUST!

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How can free will exist if God designed the human brain we use to make decisions?

aaaaaaaaaaand he did :)

>They sure have the money and manpower to do so.
Gabe is just risk averse at this point in his career, it seems. Providing the Steam platform for other is just less risky than making a game and at this point gets them even more money.

Is this Valve's first blunder? But then it probably did not cost a lot to be made, the advantage of this cheap multiplayer game with cash shop model that Valve goes by these days.

it's not a coincidence, the prophecy of Daniel says the last empire comes before the roman, and the roman empire culture hasnt ended yet, we all learn from greek or roman sources, the end is near, but yet

Normies couldn’t handle it.

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Tattoo's are for criminals, sailors and sluts.

Because idiots Doublethink

>bought on launch
>couldnt sell all my cards for +$20.00 profit in steam money because of gay authenticator issues
>cards TANK in value
>still holding bag

Attached: dagwood.jpg (300x320, 23K)

Found the contrarian fedora mouthbreather

>it's not a coincidence, the prophecy of Daniel says the last empire comes before the roman
i mean after haha
>not knowing drugs are a portal to other dimensions
>thinking your consciousness is in your body and not outside of it
wew lad people need to learn so much still


>God design the brain
>God design the brain to make free choices
i dont get your question?

just play dota

there are literally spirits fighting for your attention around you everyday

>combining a bad tattoo thread AND an artifact schadenfreude thread

A daring synthesis

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God designed the destination. Therefore there was never a choice to begin with.

what destination? God made you, you choose your destination, but he knows your destination


Do you mean STANDS

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>God design the brain to make free choices
Do you see how that's a paradox?

how is that a paradox?
because you dont know how to do it doesnt mean it cant be done, lmao

Don’t trust double thinkers user.

No, read the whole thread, these people can't use logic, argue, or provide any evidence for their god.

you literally have logic, arguments and evidence everywhere, you just choose to ignore it and not argue agaist it
you people are just scared that God exist? what is your problem?

>you literally have logic, arguments and evidence everywhere
Give it, then

just read the thread, there are lot of points

>make everything
>know the history of everything before it happens
>make a dude and put him in a situation where you know for a fact he will sin because you know everything.
>he can’t disobey your reality because you made him to make every action you set him up to make
>”Oops you sinned lol. Eternity in hell for you.”
That’s how god works. If he is real, he is a prick.

you always have a chance to not sin
give me one ONE example when you need to sin

Give me just a single

When god puts you in a situation where you will sin. A work with god is a deterministic one. The voice isn’t yours. It’s his.

>you people are just scared that God exist?
How can I be afraid of something I don't believe exists?
"points" are not evidence. There is not a single piece of evidence in the whole thread.

I don't think you cared to understand his post

It's a paradox because I'm making the decisions using a brain designed by the supposed god. They aren't free choices, they're just pre-programmed codes being executed.

here for designer

>make a dude and put him in a situation where you know for a fact he will sin because you know everything.
What did you not understand?

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I don't see how that proves anything. Can you rewarite it in a logical way that proves a designer?

You need to shave off your body hair when you get a tattoo. It grows back.

Good metaphor.

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but that's not how the world works my dude, your choices are yours, God knows your choices, he doesnt force you to make them
you can learn, you brain is blank when you are born, everything you put in your brain, code your way of living, but when you learn this things, you make an effort, a choice, to change for the better
i dont really thing you can argue anything my dude better stop trying

The Chad Critical Thinker VS the Virgin Christ™ cuck

Attached: your mind on christcuck.png (550x543, 50K)

imagine being so brainwashed you are a christian that thinks that the jews are the chosen people and that the prophet jews deny and had killed is proof of that.

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Yes, because you can't argue anything where there is no argument. Thanks for proving my point.

>defending Jews after all they have done
Christcuck proving that they are truly the worst religion.

>when you’re responsible for millennia of death and oppression but the people who criticize you wear unfashionable hats so they’re worse

>you believe in the big bang yet there still no evidence
there's literal background radiation we can measure, kill yourself niggerlover

>killing heretics is bad
look at this cuck, bet his country is being conquered by religious immigrants, latinos or europeans

can a christian explain to me if christianity is for or against war and violence in general
cause some people quote jesus about bringing not peace but a sword, and the chasing of the merchants off the temple, and others mention turning the other cheek etc
so i never really got that part. just curiosity really
is god ok with the crusades

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>i believe this because someone told me its true
wow, just like a christcuck

>Doesn't have a counter argument so resorts to ad hominems

Wow I never thought a literal "lol checkmate theists" moment was possible but here we are.

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>Vavle already fired almost all the shartifact team a few months after release
>the autochess chad was right all along

>a fact is an ad hominem now
what a retard
sons of God fighting each other is not good
Christians europeans have rejected God and become atheist, now God is giving that land to muslims

>takes they are the chosen ones
>fall of cultures and nations are just stepping stones for the kikes

No wonder people don't like the jews. The Nazis were right. It is not a coincidence that kikes are exiled from over 100 nations in history.

You can't actually be serious? Are christ-niggers actually this dumb? It's no wonder every statistic shows the lower the intelligence the higher likelihood that (((person))) will be religious. Religitards are literally the niggers of white people.

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>doesn't post an argument, just insults

lmao at this retard
>atheists think they are smart
>they give away their country to illegal immigrants
lmaoing at you right now atheists

when did Yea Forums get so full of christcucks? whenever religion is brought up they go into a triggered frenzy and spew out "tips fedora" among other buzzwords

i thought most peopl stopped believing in retarded fairytales by now

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>The layoff makes sense for a number of reasons. To name a couple; now that the game is out there time is more critical, so more voices within the team that you have to navigate may not be as good as making less considered decisions faster. Another - the expertise that 3 donkeys brought is less critical after listening to us for 4+ years.

>Both Skaff and I remain optimistic about the quality of the game and have offered our feedback and advice in an ongoing gratis capacity simply because we would like to see the game do as well as we think it can. We enjoyed working with Valve and I was impressed with their relentless focus on the quality of the game and experience being offered to the player.

Garfield himself has admitted him being fired doesn’t matter and will, if anything, be good for Artifact.

The glorious new Artifaissance is coming. Have faith in the Long Haul.

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You're a hypocrite if you're circumcised

>euphoric by my own intelligence.jpg

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90% chance they are if they're a christcuck

i like how people call history fairy tailes

>half life 3 died for a chinaman card game


>mental gymnastics this bad
Yikes user. At this point all I can do is pity you. Seeing people in your state genuinely makes me sad.

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Half-Life 3 was weak and deserved to die.

I haven't being to church for quite a while. I just find it really boring and I don't get along with most people. Not that I hate them or that we have a beef but i am just not very sociable.

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it's called education, as you become more intelligent you realize that the majority of the population absolutely requires religion to not be completely fucking worthless degenerates


Only American Christians circumcise their children.

Jews are no longer gods chosen people. Not really surprising since their priests cared more about finding work arounds for the word of God than actually obeying it

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Seeing christ-niggers chimpout is one of my favorite spectacles.

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i was already circumcised

>haven't been to church in a while
I do believe that's quite clear-cut considering your choice of file attachment.

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Just admit it, you're too brainlet to comprehend what God even is. No different than a beast

>the people that don''t believe in magic sky man are the brainlets

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I just post whatever I find cute. Don't mind me.

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>mfw too brainlet to understand alvin plantinga books

And so will christians if Allah is the real god, your point?

This entire site is founded on anime and contrarianism. It's only natural that everyone's pretending to be Christian when the mainstream is pretty anti-christian values in the US.

thanks god we have apologetics then

Everyone will, as long as the cosmic dance continues.

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read Schopenhauer

Actual boomer meme.

allah is not god, he(she) is a lunar demonic entity

Fun video games.
Remember how parents tried to link video games to satanism?

Jesus was a Judean, not a Jew, whereas the "Jewish" people of today followed more closely to the Canaanites and their faith, becoming Pharisees and Sadducees in religious terms
the laziness and convenience of Jew and Judea is the culprit to this confusion

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Do you really need to ask? This site is 50% amerimutts
A place where the theory of evolution being taught in schools is a controversy

Bread and games, pal.
Dare to remove one and you have a revolution on your hands.

Hell is not a meme:

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>magic sky man

You literally just proved my point retard

there are people who literally believe that wakanda is real but god is not

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Show me the Bible passage.

Sounds like someone went to town screaming their lungs out with an old timey mic in a mechanic shop

>tf2 has more fucking players

This is nuts.

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Matthew 5:29; 8:12; 10:28; 13:42; 25:41, 46; 2 Thessalonians 1:8; Revelation 21:8.


Attached: J U S T.png (742x1692, 490K)

Umm, my religion says yours is wrong, sorry.

>Revelation 21:8
8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”


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>believes in super small unseeable to the naked human eye things called atoms, even going as far as saying that maybe atoms have atoms
>believes in ever expanding universe
>believes in multi-universes
>believes in universes with different realities
>believes in planets existing that are hundreds of millions of light years away and the fact we can somehow know what they are made of, and when it was created
>universe just happened bro, like, just a massive bang out of nothing lol
>dude, maybe there are super galactic civilizations out there with the capacity of using massive solar stars as energy to sustain their race
>bunch of random people believing in perhaps a chance that there could be a being that holds immense power is too far fetched to comprehend and they're the autistic ones

Has Valve become so lazy that they don't even try to save their games anymore? They already showed they didn't care about Steam Machines dying and simply abandoned them. They clearaly don't care if one day TF2 and L4D die and stop having players. What do they do anymore gameswise? Just support Dota 2 and CSGO?

>meaningless void fun?
he said while posting on Yea Forums

No, my parents are. I didn't consent to this bullshit and I would never do it to my hypothetical child which I will never have.

I can't believe this shit caught on in the Western world. That some dipshit looked to the fashion trends in poor-ass Africa or ancient Mexico and this was the shit they pulled out. Of all the actual good fashion they could've adopted from those culture they decided to pull some disfiguring shit that enhances nothing about the human body in a sexual or evolutionary manner.

It, like most expressions of rebellion, is only popular because people want to fuck themselves up. Tattooing I understand because you're expressing visual art and a lot of tattoos are quite beautiful (many are shit as well). What in the fuck is this shit supposed to enhance about the human body?

>Games that released 10+ years ago
>VS a game that came out less than 4 months ago

>those who practice magic arts
Yep, you can tell this was written when most people thought witchcraft was real.

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>you will never go back to pagan times where gods were awesome and varied in their representations
>we will always be stuck with a shitty boring abrahamic god until we die

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>wanted to come in and shitpost about how much of a dissapointment Artifact was
>both as a player and a long time fps fan
>instead this thread turned into religious debate
even though I can look up and see how, WHY the fuck?
I have my God/nogod given right to shipost about products I hate and Yahweh, Jesus, Allah, Istar, Confucius, Buddha, Satan and Carl Sagan as my witnesses you will read the above text against your will on this shitty, shitty website.
Why yes it does and I am among them
the difference being that I can have FUN playing tf2 years later
I doubt I will be playing artifact even two years from now.

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Who's this qt?

>when the mainstream is pretty anti-christian values in the US
Imagine being a Christian in the United States and actually thinking you're persecuted.

You know people can actually debate about it, right?
There are a shitload of levels of debate which we can proceed from here such as:

Is god real?
If he's real, is the bible true?
if the bible is true, how can we interpret it with the most accuracy?
if the bible is his word, was jesus a historical figure or the son of god?

you may haven't read about it, but here are a shitload of books about each one of these specific topics

Truly based and redpilled opinion.

persecuting christian values != persecuting christians

Ink can be really fucking hot, op tat is just retardo though

>those who practice magic arts

Bros... I'm scared... Is my niggah Chris Angel going to hell?

This. If you can blab to me about super dimensional realities and shit because 'scientists' said so, but get so butthurt over someone else believing in the concept of a god because 'priests' said so, then you are a hypocrite

Jesus also said "Jews are children of Satan"

Shifting tides. In like 06 it was fun to bash religious people like crazy, then somewhere along the way they stopped being the biggest group of assholes, as SJW slowly took over.
Now I feel bad because I see a lot of older people in my life need religion to get through life, bashing religion does nothing and they will never change their views.

what the fuck were they thinking?

Based but people think it's cool to say this isn't.

There are too many contradictions with modern science and discoveries in the Bible; and don't give me that "it's only metaphorical" nonsense.

Do you also believe witchcraft is real? The Bible sure thought so. Most intelligent religious people today have their skepticism, and believe religion is needed to keep dumb people in check.

Think critically for once in your life.

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>thought witchcraft was real
/x/ would like a word with you.

They wanted some easy cash with minimal effort, classic corporate approach.
>Hey people play fucking Hearthstone and Shadowverse, surely we can cash in on this non-tangible TCG bullshit, there's plenty of idiots out here.

And they could've gotten away with it too, but they got too fucking greedy with the "pay first, then pay for more cards" model.

/pol/ shills

bless, user

>you have seen valve go from one of the best game developers in the world to one of the worst in just 10 years

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One of the reasons I like bloodhound from Apex. The ubiquity of the abrahamic religions are one of their near limitless disappointing attributes.

>and don't give me that "it's only metaphorical" nonsense
Sure, let's completely ignore the jewish literature styles and the fact that the biblie are made of over 60 different books written in the span of over 1500 years and not one whole single book. You can't expect that a fucking letter would have the same hermeneutic analysis than a book of poems.

Nigga, literally every christian believe witchcraft is real. There's literally 0 reason to believe magic isn't real if god and satan are, just think about it for a second. They believe christ healed blind people, lepers and turned water into wine. But if you ask me if there are wizards who can throw fireballs and shit like that that's obviously false.

>Think critically for once in your life
Thanks for the laugh.

The only company that seems to have not completely self-destructed to date is Capcom. And Capcom only unfucked itself recently. While there's a hope that companies like Blizzard, Square, and Valve unfuck themselves and return to old form is unlikely.

I mean when you think about it, Valve didn't do 50% of their successes internally. They just fucking bought some of the best ideas around. Kinda like Facebook or EA; except exactly like those companies they don't know the first thing about why they were successful so they eventually drive those things into a shadow of their former selves.

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Not him but I don't see a problem in believing witchcraft is real even if I don't. Because quite frankly the only problem there is if people can identify witchcraft. I don't mind if people believe magic is real but I do mind if they believe they have firm modern-day evidence of it. Because there's fucking no evidence of witchcraft in modern day and you'd have to be a fucking retard to claim that it does exist.

>haven't been living by my own set of morals and scruples
>proceeds to follow other people's morals and scruples
Go to church, you belong with the sheep.

Ideology is religion for atheists.

Imagine believing in something someone told you was made up, before they told you what it was lmao

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>Why do people tattoo themselves?

Lot of drunk people

Be the change you want to see in the world and start your own religion.
It can’t be that hard to come up with your own pantheon if you’re a good writer.

>believe in something you think vs believe in nothing


She loves Artifact and so do I.

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>t. incel

Praying to god is the ultimate beta move. Fuck god. Make your own life. Don’t depend on sky magic.

belief is not thought driven.

Jesus took the wheel there. GOD IS REAL.

It is in that sense that it's driven by choice of non-thinking, whether a conscious choice or not.

And so is meth!

now you're contradicting yourself with
>believe in something you think vs believe in nothing

>religion and tattoo posts
Awww I came here thinking there were over 200 posts shitting on shartifact

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As with every religious text you'll come across, the deity or deities are repurposed whenever the need arises, ex. if there is no war then - if monotheistic - the deity's peaceful attributes become the focus, or if the people are polytheistic then the god(s) of peace become the focus, likewise in times of war the opposite occurs. The deity the Christians worship (YHWH or Yahweh, later Jehovah) is everything, since the religion is monotheistic, meaning that their deity is merciful while at the same time being a deity of war, the attributes flow based on the need, which is why you hear completely contradictory statements from the followers of this religion, it is also why there are so many sects within Christianity, due to their deity being able to be whatever they perceive him to be, and the word of their book being elastic enough to be interpreted almost without limits. However, this isn't a criticism unique to Christianity, any monotheistic religion will sound like complete schizophrenia because the deity will be forced to take on all attributes commonly found within religion, while polytheistic religions/mythologies have attributes spread throughout a large pantheon. So the Christians, the Jews, the Muslims, the Baha'i, the Mormons, etc. will all be correct in saying their respective deities, though they will be incorrect in attempting to defend their deity against accusations of violence and war etc. as their deities possess those very attributes (as they possess all attributes).

To answer your question, and really any question you can think of: the deity of any monotheistic religion is both for and against whatever you can think of as the deity embodies all the attributes of the deities that came before it (ex. the god of the Abrahamic religion is the synthesis of all semitic deities), and if it is a unique deity in the sense that it was created without reference to a culture's previous mythologies then it takes on whatever attributes are important.

You're just confusing the process and the intended path that process will take you on.
Choosing to not think or research something and leaving it up to your own belief is as much a choice as the opposite. Only one of these actually takes you somewhere though.


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it contradicts your concession that atheists believe in ideology, not think it to be true. You also conceded that ideologies are not true, so people can't purely reason their way to it.

Read Tolstoy you hacks

Religion is necessary in society.
You can see it right now. As soon as America began to denounce religion, it started turning into a festering pool of degeneracy.
Whether you're a Christcuck or not, stop acting like you're enlightened because you don't have any faith. You're not going to change anyone's minds by saying they're retarded.

No it doesn't. Ideologies are neither true or false more than statements would be true or false.
They exists, though, and people following can see why because they understand how they work. They literally "follow" the logic.
>so people can't purely reason their way to it.
In theory, you can trial and error anything endlessly to its solution. In practice, you will be able to do it enough to grasp the important bits.

I’ve seen Americans get called both godless heathens and religious nutcases in this one thread.
Will you people just make up your minds?

literal braindead, castrated amerimutt
god help us all

>all these fucking triggered responses

>expecting video games on Yea Forums

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t. listens to actual pedophiles rant

the church is just the end of your problems. you drag every sort of people together and expect that to work out happily. No wonder shit's coming apart. It's been going for decades.

>smart people believe in God.
>and take x as fact without even an attempt to dismantle ideas

not being true does not make something false, which is why i said "not true"
ideologies are axiomatic belief structures. the axioms cannot be proved, and thus they cannot be proved to be true; but that does not mean they are false.

but now you're getting into the territory that nothing is true or false; so why are you here discussing religion?

The game sucks but the tattoo is ok


kids of conservative parents are religious zealots because uncle touchy says he'll ram his 6" pork sword up their crusader ass if they don't go to church

>the idolaters
Does Waifufagging counts?

>not being true does not make something false



Since everyone wants to discuss deities over shartifart, can we at least talk about godgames?

Why did this game has so much more SOUL than its sequel?

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Reminder this was added because they thought this was written by John the Apostle.
Turns out it was just a literally who named John, who was very high on sulphur.

you yourself said that when you said
> neither true or false
i'm sorry that you're too dumb to follow

Don't worry, they're both so shitty that I didn't even notice that you typed Anthem until you pointed it out

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>the axioms cannot be proved
Oh, but they can be though. That process is called the practical execution of those ideologies.
There's a reason why there's tons of ideologies but only few in use.


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IRC, Vent, and discord Quake was memeing hard on Artifact dipping below Quake Champions

Silly sandy.
Everybody knows hell is an overfilled boat full with psychopaths and meagre dwindling provisions caught in an eternal calm.

axioms by definition cannot be proved, and i do not agree that you can deem something as "true" by means as unscientific and unreasonable as random human experimentation.

this is not the same thing as saying "an ideology is not effective in practice"

You're failing to understand the comparison: they are neither exclusively true or false like you said because ideologies can be true. Most of them just aren't and most of them aren't in all applications. Some are.

Based, christcucks can keep paying money to old pedophiles because they are afraid that if they don't they go to imaginary torture room

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God is an asshole

>be all knowing
>make garden
>put tree in garden that serves no purpose other than to be forbidden
>put humans in that you know are going to eat from that tree
>put snake in you know is going to tell the humans to eat from the tree
>lol don't eat from the tree guys
>punish both the humans and the fucking snake for doing what you knew they would do when you put them there

If Jesus was not Jewish then he was certainly a fraud, for the prophecy made it clear that the Messiah has to descend directly from David.

>we can extrapolate nothing from random sets of data
Well, that's just not true either. It's just limited, but you can actually figure out a lot of things, and the more data you have the more accurately.

Boomer became atheist to rebel

Zoomers did the opposite to rebel. Look at those redditfags liking Jordan Peterson even though he is just grifting theological values

You managed to outcringe the first post, good job.

you can't follow your own words

how to stfu fedora tippers with one picture

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why are fedoras so cringe

>>we can extrapolate nothing from random sets of data
I didn't say this

You can neither disprove a teapot orbiting the sun between Earth and Mars.

huge cringe. see you in hell

>M-morty- *burp* I don't feel so good Morty...

You can't follow my words. Reiterate.
>Ideologies are neither true or false more than statements would be true or false.
Statements can be true or false. Ideologies can be "true" or "false" depending on whether they work to achieve their intended goal. Since in most scenarios none exclusively are fully true or false, the way to compare what's true and what's not is whether it mainly works or not.
Religion doesn't have anything to do with how things work. Compared to ideology, it's the act of not thinking.

people here get unironically mad if you bring up the fact that the world is round and vaccines don't cause autism.

"Random" human experimentation is how we figured out almost everything we know. That's how we try to figure out what is true and what isn't.

muzzies literally believe that Jesus Christ will come back. According to them, Mohammad is dead but Jesus not.

no i will not because murricans live in my head rent free

god save the queen

that is a desperate reach.
the actions of scientists in a lab is not comparable to the actions of literally everyone else doing literally everything else

Nobody can disprove that you love eating dicks and taking them in the ass


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Chrisrcucks seething

Because everyone knows that humanity made no progress before scientists mysteriously appeared and came to be.

Burden of proof is a fucking meme. Yea Forums is not for academic discussion. It's not my job to convince you of anything, despite the fact that you people think it is, for some inexplicably stupid reason.
Neither I'm asking you to find the research on your own. I've scanned the journals pretty throughly during this discussions: if I can't get to them (not without breaking my contract at least) then I'm entirely sure that you people won't.

Finally, burden of proof works on multiple levels. For an example: if somebody makes a consistent argument, and the other has none, then the discussion goes in the favor of the person providing the consistent argument. In fact: in reality, especially in philosophy, people don't go and demand proof from people who know something when they themselves know nothing.

But that is kinda besides the point, really. I don't know what you thought this was: but it was just me being kind to you sad sorry shits. And I don't owe you fucking trainwrecks shit.


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Triggered chr*stcucks lmao

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"not an argument" doesn't work when you don't have one to begin with.

Believing in a dude in the sky is a fucking meme. Yea Forums is not for religious discussion. It's not my job to belive in your fairytales, despite the fact that you people think it is, for some inexplicably stupid reason.
Neither I'm asking you to find Jesus your own. I've scanned the journals pretty throughly during this discussions: if I can't get to them (not without breaking my contract at least) then I'm entirely sure that you people won't.

Finally, burden of proof works on multiple levels. For an example: if somebody makes a consistent argument, and the other has none, then the discussion goes in the favor of the person providing the consistent argument. In fact: in reality, especially in philosophy, people don't go and demand proof from people who know something when they themselves know nothing.

But that is kinda besides the point, really. I don't know what you thought this was: but it was just me being kind to you sad sorry shits. And I don't owe you fucking trainwrecks shit.

Ideology is religion for atheists.

Imagine believing in something someone told you was made up, before they told you what it was lmao

belief is not thought driven. You also conceded that ideologies are not true, so people can't purely reason their way to it. ideologies are axiomatic belief structures. the axioms cannot be proved, and thus they cannot be proved to be true; but that does not mean they are false. axioms by definition cannot be proved, and you can't deem something as "true" by means of scientific human experimentation.

but now you're getting into the territory that nothing is true or false; so why are you here discussing religion which is the same as any ideology?

So what is YOUR argument, user?


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Reminder that Christcucks are NOT our allies.
They believe they will be "saved" one day by being allowed into heaven, but only if they follow a very specific set of rules dictated by "their God" (i.e. some priests who wrote that shit years ago).

So they'll happily turn the other cheek after their daughters are raped and murdered, not out of any human compassion of course, but because they are only trying to "save" their own souls.
They don't care for other people, animals, the environment, or really anything that would happen after they themselves have died.
They will gladly let in millions of third world immigrants, as long as they go to church on Sunday. Because that's what Jesus wants them to do.

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almost the entirety of human knowledge and accomplishment has happened since the European renaissance and industrial revolution

If you count by the amount of accomplishments, not by their significance.

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You desecrated God's temple when you let yourself get morbidly obese, user.

Is that brad shoemaker on the right

I wish reddit would fuck off already

>Not haveing a blast with the most high in your heart
Comics point is fucking weak