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I like killing Nazis
Grayson Rivera
Other urls found in this thread:
Jaxson Parker
>when "Nazi" refers to the primarily German soldiers of the early-mid 1940s led by Adolf Hitler
sounds good to me
>when "Nazi" refers to modern-age people who have opinions that skew in a different direction than mine
not buying your product
How hard is that to understand?
Gavin Torres
how do I achieve the BJ Blazkowicz body type? I'm already 6'3"
Aaron Lopez
Steroids basically
Jonathan Reed
lift a fuckton of heavy ass weights, run 3 miles every day, and only eat meat, bread, and eggs
Gabriel Rivera
Drink the blood of nazis and lose your virginity every day except saturday
Benjamin Murphy
if you're not on gear you will never even have a decent physique
Liam Adams
But the Nazis in Wolfenstein ARE actual Nazis
Thomas Gray
that's like saying there are no wrong people because people say people with different opinions are wrong
Jose Garcia
Lucas Stewart
Oats and Squats
Kayden Wright
thanks bros, ill try all 4
Joseph Lewis
Member when we called Feminists nazis for the same reason?
Juan Lopez
have... have you played a wolfenstein game?
Christian Harris
Just killing Nazis gets boring though. I want to kill other types of authoritarians.
Wyatt Morales
Antifa cant hurt Nazis IRL so they need a simulator how fucking pathetic
Luis Parker
I always thought it'd be cool if they there was a Soviet Russia version of Wolfenstein, with the cold war going hot and the commies using secret recovered nazi technology to win. You could call it Wolfensteinberg.
Joshua Reed
Thomas Green
Andrew Miller
Fascism is just the easiest to make fun of
Jacob Lopez
Ryan Rivera
Don't play dumb, you know what the second game's advertising campaign was about. No it's not like that in the actual game, but still.
Brandon White
You missed one
Jack Kelly
No one reply to 454257717
That tranny only wants (you)s
Kill yourself freak
Nicholas Nguyen
Thank you, incel
Michael Fisher
>retcons bj from an american to a first generation immigrant
>retcons americans to nazi sympathizers
>kills the franchise
Ethan Reyes
This is an incel post
As is this
Hudson Johnson
Lel I've got a bf
Jason Phillips
>game's advertising campaign
>No it's not like that in the actual game
here's your (you)
Camden Torres
I seriously hate how they retconned the entirety of BJ's backstory. None of his nostalgia about his childhood in TNO or TOB brings up anything negative. Why the fuck would BJ remark "my father used to call me Billy Boy" if he did such horrible things? Wolf 2 is fucking noncanon.
Jeremiah Cook
incels, get laid, stop bitching about a video game
Jason Allen
It was written by a very angry Swede, post-2016.
Austin Reyes
Jaxon Johnson
Me too.
I just don't like being called a Nazi by trannies.
Daniel Ortiz
Oh I'm not bitching about Wolfenstein. I never played it
Josiah Morris
Faggot fuck ew
Dylan Reyes
I also enjoy killing Nazis, and commies as well
Josiah Adams
>Retcons BJ as a Jew.
Biggest complaint. They even tried and be sneaky about it by making the mother a Jew, which makes BU full Jew if you are familiar with how Jewery works.
Austin Diaz
yes and they won the fucking war
nazis today are the grandsons of the nazis from the war. they are police oficers trying to mantain peace from the giant terrorist that blew up the moon base. one of the scientific acomplishments from the 21 sentury
Joseph Ross
You lost me.
Samuel Sanchez
i just like killing alive things in general
Jayden Brooks
I enjoy killing Nazis as a Commie.
Charles Kelly
im talking in wolfestain universe
the game happens 30 years after the was is over
and they are making a sequel that happens 50 years. the game happens in the fucking 90s
with BJ daughters killing inocent people
Angel James
They are also still genociding people, if you didn't pay attention during the game
I sure wish Operation Vegetarian had been enacted, there would be no Germany today
Jace Kelly
No it's ok we're cute together
Jaxon Gutierrez
This is your brain on WHITE PEOPLE jajajajajajaja
Kevin Nelson
>he's okay with white on white wars for Jews and bankers
kys retard
Bentley Moore
>They are also still genociding people
black people are allowed to live peacefully in america, even some jews are alive and well
they are killing sore losers that simply dont understand that they lost the war
just look at the second game first trailer
>normal police oficer that eats straberry sundaes and talks to children
>bunch of paranoid degenerate drug adicts
Jace Taylor
I like killing studios by not giving them money.
Asher Anderson
There hasn't been a white-on-white war in a while. Unless you count Semites as white now, and I haven't heard of any white countries declaring war.
Lincoln White
>normal police oficer that eats straberry sundaes and talks to children
That's propaganda.
>Degenerate resistance.
Can't disagree with that.
Cameron Smith
Xavier Clark
In that new Wolfenstein when he's in that mental hospital for years, how the FUCK did his arms and legs not atrophy, how was he still built?
Landon Russell
>could have had full blown American resistance like the newspapers in the first game suggested
>instead we get commie bullshit demonizing Americans
How could they fuck up so hard?
Cooper Taylor
Those Nazis..!!!
Parker Diaz
10/10 OP, all the /pol/tards are seething.
Andrew Cruz
Wow killing random conscripts is so based!!
Is metro the only game that got this shit right?
Aaron Reyes
Joshua Bennett
You mean I'd have to get off my bourgeoisie ass and work? NAZI!
Cooper Evans
Yeah everyone who responded to this thread is seething, you and me included of course. Seething tranny incel basedboy redditor libtards all of us
Elijah Diaz
What are you even trying to say?
Nathan Wood
>by a game that bombed in sales due to its cringe politics
Evan James
Realistically speaking, if Germany had won the war, it would've collapsed under it's own corruption, and the remnants would have looked very much like the shithole African countries we complain so much about. We only get to exalt the virtues of the White Brain and Colonizing Penis precisely because we are the only ones not acting like total chimps about race. We're only like 50% chimps about.
If anything, my actual dream is to go back
in time to Nazi Germany to convince Hitler to renounce his genocidal ways before they happened and be a good guy.
Bentley Brooks
meant for I was seething so hard I couldn't even tell who I was replying to
Benjamin Walker
That's retarded, even for uh swedes. Devs are swedes, right? Volkograd will suffice.
Jose Anderson
It was going to collapse if they hadn't started the war due to crazy loans and focusing the entire economy around monopoly money and military spending. Seizing the gold reserves of foreign countries helped for a while but the nazis knew fuck-all about economics. Schacht had already fixed the Weimar economy but then Hitler and his buttbuddies had to come and fuck it all up.
Nathan Clark
>looks likes the sterotypical nazi
>likes killing nazis
What did they mean by this?
Nathan Watson
>offended enough by Nazis that you make a game dedicated to killing them
Leo Brooks
fpbp everyone else in the thread has no idea about anyhting
Carter Allen
No, you see, you're an incel user
Nicholas Gutierrez
hitlers plan was after winning the war to not pay back anything
Ryder Bell
I also wished Hitler would've used his resources for good rather than evil. If I could, I would give him, and Anne Frank, and everyone who died, Nazi or Victim, a second chance.
Bentley Wood
What a brilliant economist. 10/10, truly an example of Ubermenschen.
Owen Harris
everyone here is
this is Yea Forums
Jordan Baker
>Can't demand payment if they're dead.
Parker Perry
That's both genius and retarded.
>When the USA clears the international debt by nuking China.
Carson Parker
The National Debt is a mene to dupe troglodytes into panic.
National Debt does not work like your mortgage payment, you fucking mouth-breather. Fucking educate yourself.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
You would've given Josef Mengele a second chance?
Dominic Bennett
A second chance that begins long before they started killing people, yes.
Chase Long
Austin Lewis
That you cant label people something as an excuse to kill them.
Youre unironically your definition of a nazi then.
Owen Stewart
Henry Reyes
No. Mengele was a psychopath. You have to realize there's a point where people are beyond saving, and when you're the kind of person who pours fluids into people's eyes and sews twins together as a hobby, there's no hope for you.
Kevin Butler
why do jews latch on to this guy? there is literally zero accurate information out there on this guy its all word of mouth
Jace Nelson
user, have you ever played wolfenstein? you literally fight hitler, also nazism is an ideology so yes, it can be summed up as people having a different opinion
Bentley Sullivan
If you really believe the way germans are portrayed in Wolfenstein is the way they really were then you are beyond saving.
Asher Moore
Truly, Hitler was the jew to surpass all jews.
Aaron Phillips
Who doesn't?
Jack Thomas
He offered peace 9 consecutive times and offered to pay reparations and restore the borders of poland and france.
Jason Kelly
friendly reminder that many of today medical achievements exists because nazi experimented on poor bastards like jews, mentally challenged children and other people
Wyatt Hill
sometimes you just can't say "I'm sorry"
Levi Johnson
Friendly reminder this nigga is his great grandson. The Blazkowicz are a force not to be reckoned with.
Ethan Perez
Don't forget unit 731.
Doesn't make it right, though.
Ryan Morgan
he didn't say he was sorry, he offered peace
James Cook
Not since he got ret-conned into the Doom Slayer.
Chase Parker
Holy revisionist history, Batman! Pretty much all historians and doctors agree the Nazi scientists contributed almost nothing of worth to the field of science. Even Wernher von Braun's contributions to the moon landing are WAY overblown. I'll give him one thing though, he invented the V2.
Excellent comparison. Both Josef Mengele and Shiro Ishii got away scot-free as well.
Hudson Russell
If you whine like a Wehraboo denying war crimes and throwing salutes I'm going to call you a Nazi and no amount of hair-splitting will stop me.
Alexander Wood
Nothing changed.
Although if that game with BJ's daughters is canon it might screw things up...
Nathan Walker
Nope. Same guy. New Alias.
Jacob Morales
it doesn't make it right, I just think it's worth thinking about it sometimes
Elijah Baker
Sorry for what? Taking power away from imperial Britain? The allied powers didnt even know about the atrocities happening in Germany until the war was over lmao.
It was a war to destroy Germany and its as simple as that.
Carson Long
I am a nazi
Camden Kelly
find a genetically modified body originally meant for hitler
steal it
cut your own head off
and connect your head to it using ancient jewish science
Asher Jackson
did he? everything points to him being the OG Doomguy who simply has jumped universes multiple times for eon's.
Gabriel Sanchez
The nazis in nu wolfenstein are literally the good guys.
Bad guys in real life though.
Justin Bennett
>Holy revisionist history, Batman!
You can divide History in teo phases.
And post 2016 "Trump won, so now everything is Nazis".
Caleb Ross
Why are they bad?
Genocide isnt anything new.
Asher Ortiz
You would be correct.
Liam Bennett
>kills the franchise
the good guys shouldnt be depicted as villains
Kayden Martin
They destroyed huge amounts of art and architecture. I don't give a shit about dead euros.
Juan Bell
>invade countries unprovoked, trying to getting away with it as much as you can
>get too cocky attack russia
>Meanwhile you allies have pissed of the USA
>Try to bullshit your way out of it and it doesn't work
If you want to start shit you better be able to finish it
Levi Evans
Killing people is rude.
Don't do that.
Wyatt Bell
why did the developers make you kill your dog
why did they make you kill a nazi who was talking about how much he loved his strawberry milkshake
what gave them the great idea to see the fat german woman fuck the black guy on camera
why were all the crewmates unlikable except for your friends in the previous games
Hudson Cruz
Jewish degenerate art was created to destroy society in the first place, why would they keep that filth
Robert Parker
>how much he loved his strawberry milkshake
because that's fucking gay
Isaiah Jenkins
>shooting soldiers with families who probably don't care about the political ideology just fighting for their country is good
>shooting niggers who think authoritarian governments and socialism are good is bad
Gavin Collins
>everyone in the Wehrmacht was a nazi
Chase Myers
>ancient catholic churches and Christian paintings are Jewish
Nolan Lopez
Luis Ortiz
>why did the developers make you kill your dog
Because BJ's dad was an asshole.
>why did they make you kill a nazi who was talking about how much he loved his strawberry milkshake
Cuz chocolate is better.
>what gave them the great idea to see the fat german woman fuck the black guy on camera
Some kinda fetish, probably.
>why were all the crewmates unlikable except for your friends in the previous games
Hey, Spesh was great. Died too soon.
Kayden Price
>invade countries unprovoked, trying to getting away with it as much as you can
Poland were carrying out state sanctioned beatings and murders of German minorities, even putting Germans in concentration camps and shooting them if they tried to escape
Britain and France declared war on Germany before they attacked
>get too cocky attack russia
That was after the peace offers
>Meanwhile you allies have pissed of the USA
After the peace offers
>Try to bullshit your way out of it and it doesn't work
Again, he was winning the war when he dropped A Last Appeal To Reason over London. The British government had radio propaganda telling people not to read it and simply rip it up.
Liam Martinez
ww1 was over
Lucas Sanchez
I loved TNO, and beat it on über on my first playthrough. Do I get to replay it on lower difficulties if it's for completion's sake?
Also, should I get The New Colossus?
Jonathan Diaz
>Poland were carrying out state sanctioned beatings and murders of German minorities, even putting Germans in concentration camps and shooting them if they tried to escape
Oh I guess the vietcong were right to invade the rest of Vietnam then
Anthony Flores
Wolfienstien fag has nothing to do with Doom. But you know who does.
Colton Hughes
You fell for the Nazi propaganda BIG TIME. Look up Operation Himmler. The Nazis attacked themselves before invading Poland so they could blame the Polish for it. It was a false-flag. The other attack Hitler blamed the Polish for, the Danzig massacres, happened two days AFTER he invaded Poland.
Kayden Robinson
Look up a book called Orphans of Versailles you fucking idiot.
John Rivera
Dylan Davis
honestly shitposting aside tnc is very meh
Brandon Gutierrez
TNC is worse in everywhere, even in visuals
i mean remember the kino hospital level? going on the moon for the first time?
it never gets that good
Mason Jackson
See, thats the problem. Those games took place in the 80s, right? Cuz they sure didn't look like a world that just recently escaped Nazi rule or were in the last stages of it...
Zachary Smith
>Why are they bad?
Because they are the only ones that backed down and took full responsibility.
The Allies couldn't even wrench that from Japan, and accusing other countries of the many Genocides they commited will get you a slap on the wrist, and hushed tones of "You can't say that!".
Nazis are an easy target, especially for those too powerless to serve real justice to countries like Turkey, Vietnam, China, Russia. Philiphines.
Adam Baker
did he kill him?
Christian Roberts
just because they weren't the only ones doing it doesn't mean it's fine for tem to do it t. slav
Jacob Smith
Fuck off dont conect jewstain with doom
Angel Stewart
He was already dead, a nuke is about to go off
Asher Bell
The only explanation I can think of is the nurses were giving him deep tissue massages every day to keep the muscles stimulated.
Isaac Stewart
No he doesn't.
BJ doesn't really like killing anybody, but he gotta do it.
Jack Thompson
Yeah, I know that book. It covers the events in the interwar period, but that has no bearing on the events directly leading up to the war. Like I said, Hitler had false-flag attacks committed against Germany so he could justify invading Poland, and then subsequently blamed the Poles for attacks they ended up committing in response.
Ethan Watson
>Poland were carrying out state sanctioned beatings and murders of German minorities, even putting Germans in concentration camps and shooting them if they tried to escape
Nice fanfic Hans
Hunter Morris
>"opinions that skew different"
>putting brown kids in cages and raping them
Cool story, nazi.
Justin Morris
You're talking out your ass user, TNO runs on the rage version of idtech and the megatextures look terrible. I played through them back to back when TNC came out, TNC has problems like how squishy you are for the majority of the game (50 fucking HP) but it looks and runs much better than TNO and the guns aren't comically hueg blocking a quarter of the screen for no reason
Matthew Jackson
Don't forget ISIS.
>Get away with raping your own sister and beheading the resultant baby because you're a Muslim.
Michael Flores
Germany was in the wrong because they lost the war, that's all there is to it. If you believe in might makes right, you're a massive hypocrite if you whine when those more powerful than you put their boot down your throat.
Daniel Fisher
Grayson Adams
>why did the developers make you kill your dog
Muh emotions and southern Texan dad bad I guess.
>why did they make you kill a nazi who was talking about how much he loved his strawberry milkshake
Because BJ was in a Nazi-occupied American where he's a "criminal" more or less.
>what gave them the great idea to see the fat german woman fuck the black guy on camera
Maybe the devs are into BLACKED porn?
>why were all the crewmates unlikable except for your friends in the previous games
New writers maybe.
From what I heard and saw of TNC minus the story, the game is a downgrade compare to TNO and TOB like,
>More cutscenes than gameplay
>Bullshit difficulty
>Way more shorter than TOB's length
>Uninteresting guns and gun play
>Side "content" i.e. the hunting down the Nazi officers side quests was bad and not worthwhile
>DLC was also not worthwhile
That all of the criticism that I know of for TNC.
Jonathan Wood
the entire western world is the losing the war right now
enjoy that boot on YOUR neck, little man
John Thompson
Obviously killing of innocent people is sad, but it was a global war.
I dont put the whole blame on germans, or ruskies or even the british (although they were most at fault for the deaths)
Americans seem to have this extreme view on the situation and only blame the germans because theyre biased, for a reason.
Wyatt Jackson
>putting brown kids in cages and raping them
Brown people are doing just fine doing that to themselves.
Thomas Lopez
>why did the developers make you kill your dog
The sequences with BJ's dad were to show that BJ grew up in the same "right to power" ideology that the nazis believed in, because his father believed in brute strength above all else.
Samuel Bennett
>implying I haven't already switched to the winning team
Gotta learn mandarin before it's too late, user. Despite the namesake being executed, Quislings generally make it out well.
Liam Jones
There is no war.
The world isn't like your Yea Forums fanfiction. Normal people don't hate each other over stupid shit like "muh nazi boogeyman!"
Adrian Adams
is this a nigger image for ants?
Kayden Hughes
So if brown people go and jump off a cliff, are you going to follow them?
Cool story, retard.
Connor Young
>So if brown people go and jump off a cliff, are you going to follow them?
No I will clap and cheer and hope a bulldozer comes along to push off even more.
Andrew Gomez
>the virgin BJ and Doomguy
>the chad based Duke
Henry Perez
Mosley was right
Jace Evans
Even fascists think Mosley was a cuck.
Stop worshipping failed systems.
Chase Mitchell
Unironically this. The Wolfenstein and Doom fanbases are also massive virgins. Meanwhile us DUKEbros are both based and redpilled
Jeremiah Sanchez
Wow, good thing you're not a nazi or anything, you 12 year old edgelord.
Robert Gonzalez
The point I was trying to make is that you can't compare temporarily detaining kids that crossed the border illegally, so you can send them back home to literally caging little kids and burning them alive. Or raping them to "cure" your AIDS. Or what the Nazis actually did and overworked them to death.
Benjamin Brown
seethe and cope tbqh with u famalam
Isaiah Ortiz
It was a shitty smear campaign. Pay no attention to it.
Jonathan Lopez
>so you can't send them back home
Without their parents, and after a right and thorough fucking. How can you defend this shit with a straight face?
Ethan Morgan
You're the cuck you kike-dog
Brody Baker
Cool memes, cockbreath. Do you just start spouting memes as a defense mechanism whenever you're questioned about the stupid bullshit you post?
You're like a child trapped in a hairy woman's body. Do your parents a favor and kill yourself.
Ayden Lopez
In war you kill your enemies
Jonathan Russell
Kike-dog? That's a new one. Usually we're compared to rodents. You guys running out of pejoratives or something?
Jace Kelly
Our franchises are still alive.
Parker Howard
There are literally infinite insults for Jew scum
Jace Sanchez
Carson Carter
They're given to family in Mexico if the parents insist on choosing money over their own fucking children.
And I'm pretty sure rape doesn't happen. If it does, the difference between America and a brown country is that it's illegal as fuck in America. Contrast to Mexico where child rape is mandated by the state.
Jackson Johnson
Land of the free
Home of the mutts
Eli Reed
Asher Turner
Cooper Barnes
>They're given to family in Mexico
Bullshit, there are thousands of families who can't find their children after being detained. The shitbags in charge of the detainment centers are literally selling them.
Suck your own thumb all you want, but don't try your fake news bullshit here, dipshit.
Jacob Perry
Super-nice cherry-picking.
Hunter Thomas
I can’t believe there is genuinely retards on this board that unironically think the sentiment “Fuck Nazis” is somehow controversial or somehow an affront to ‘white people/white identity’. Are you fucking retarded? You are literally associating your self, your culture, your identity on what is essentially the Imperial Empire from Star Wars. The most profoundly evil organisation to have ever plagued this Earth. I’m at a loss for words for how some people can be so truly dense or willingly ignorant, it’s fucking insanity.
Logan Sullivan
>illegally enter a country with your defenceless child
Get fucked and don't let El Dooro hit your ass on the way out, gay brown cunts
Jayden Allen
>tfw no reznov friend to believe in you
Thomas Turner
well damn now that you compare it with infantile popular culture I completely agree with you... Expelliarmus by good sir
Nathan Watson
This. TNC combined with the new female one means I’m done with this fucking franchise
Carson Gutierrez
Joshua Hernandez
Same fucking guy
Hunter Jenkins
You're not wrong, but you undermine your point by referencing the Empire. Yes, the Empire was based off of Nazis, but you don't need to compare history to fiction in order to prove your point.
Noah Miller
Matthew Martin
holy shit it's doomguy's Great-grandpa
Samuel Gomez
Oh my god someone just invaded Poland quick let's kill millions of our own race
Logan Ramirez
>oh boy
That's one of the most common expressions. How is that s-oyboy?
Logan Garcia
You just made me waste 10 minutes fact checking your stupid picture only to find out it's not even real. Fuck you.
Brody Powell
>How is that s-oyboy?
Because only soibois use duh.
Jacob Brooks
So you haven't said "oh boy" once in your life?
I sincerely doubt that.
Josiah Lopez
actually thinking nazi germany was evil is being willfully ignorant.
You dont even know what natural law is, what the reason for the war was on a geopolitical financial level, what the fundamental difference between germanys socialism was between communism or capitalism and why both capitalists and communists saw it as a threat from an globalist financial standpoint.
Cameron Ramirez
>Hahaha look at those incels being offended by a videogam- WAIT A MINUTE is that a fairly attractive woman with a chest bigger than a C cup in a fighting game?!?! This is so problematic and should be changed
Luke Ramirez
Isaiah Allen
It's alright, nazis and their white nationalist heirs deserve being made fun of because they are primitive troglodytes.
Isaac Perez
>The shitbags in charge of the detainment centers are literally selling them.
Nice tin-foil hat you got there. In what's factually the least corrupt country in the world with shitloads of checks and balances you will never find anywhere else for precisely this kind of thing.
See Psychological Projection.
You accuse the US of this conspiracy to sell and rape kids because that's what YOU would do if you were in our position.
Do you have cravings for child sex, perhaps? Want to sell kids in the streets like your average Mexican and Mexican-born person?
Ethan Sullivan
>I sincerely doubt that.
Its okay user, I won't judge you.
Hunter Allen
Christian Morris
>getting this triggered by a word
Adam Watson
Aiden Edwards
i would say north korea is probably the least corrupt country, or iran. The leader is in charge and if you try and corrupt shit you disappear. Im not saying its ideal but saying USA is least corrupt country is the most brainlet thing i have seen on Yea Forums today
Gavin Murphy
>You are literally associating your self, your culture, your identity on what is essentially the Imperial Empire from Star Wars.
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Brayden Lopez
tren and creatine
Sebastian Watson
that nig went to jail webm related did not
Kayden Jones
Was that you?
If so im dissapointed in your mentality
Brody Butler
John Cruz
I like killing city slickers.
Lincoln Gutierrez
>"P-please don't hit me, sir! I-I-I didn't m-mean it when I posted "Kill all n*ggers" on that anonymous web forum!"
Nathaniel Baker
Camden Jenkins
Your webm didn't have a nazi involved so why should I care? Quite pathetic how "people" like you claim that everyone on the right is a nazi. Nazis are the reason why being right wing is still controversial, you subhumans should be gassed
Liam Cooper
What a Chad.
Ethan Hill
does it really count as a retcon if it's not overriding anything previously established.
Charles Harris
Me too
Nathaniel Richardson
If fascists are wrong then people wouldn't use violence against them
Elijah Thompson
>Pepe and Wojak irl
Don't they have a shred of self-awareness?
Robert Butler
pfft enjoy your shit teir t-rex mode body.
Jeremiah Powell
>having a different opinion is literally Nazism
You're part of the problem, and you should go back.
Joshua Torres
Brandon Torres
If pedos are wrong then people wouldn't use violence against them
Adam Mitchell
pedophile detected
Ayden Sanders
Benjamin Rogers
Ok BJ is talking about the former, only these naziroos made it into the 60s
Jackson Reed
>Grown ass dude
>picking on literal children
Grayson Miller
t. libtard
Parker Cooper
that's hate speech.
Parker Hill
that spic lost his job
Easton Lewis
You're obsessed.
Adam Richardson
BJ just does one thing right, killing nazis, and he does it no matter what
Charles Carter
Fuck you leatherman.
Parker Jackson
Why am i not surprised you use the same buzzwords as commies
Josiah Peterson
>throws drink on child because of their choice of headwear
Tyler Myers
Nazis and Commies are the same thing, and have about the same chance of affecting change in 2019.
Parker Campbell
sorry honey, but wolfenstein did great. The only thing getting bombed are those evil nazis.
Gavin Gonzalez
Please explain how the fuck bankers benefit from disrupted international trade
Brody Perez
He knew what he was doing when he put the hat on. If I knew motherfuckers were getting clapped for wearing a stupid hat I wouldn't wear the shit.
You can support a president or whatever without a fucking hat or stupid slogans. This is the future of American politics and it makes me want to kill myself. It's not fucking sports and these aren't teams.
Parker Robinson
The most American things in the world are.
Isaac Robinson
>conservatives are "nazis" now
>centrists are even considered "nazi enablers" now
>even liberals/center-left democrats are being called "nazis"
Is anyone to the right of full blown communism a nazi?
Nolan Smith
who do you think finances the weapons and armies and supplies, you absolute fucking moron?
America made bank from selling weapons to Allies and Nazis until 1941
Camden Thompson
In the series it's going on 40+ years of Nazi reign, will they ever lose?
William Watson
It's a hat you gay chode. Clothing doesn't give spics the right to touch you
>This is the future of American politics and it makes me want to kill myself.
You should, literally
David Torres
I'm fairly conservative and never got called a nazi. You're probably just a full blown nazi who's too stupid to realize it
David Reyes
>Realistically speaking, if Germany had won the war, it would've collapsed under it's own corruption, and the remnants would have looked very much like the shithole African countries we complain so much about.
Just like the Soviets?
Daniel Sullivan
I was called a "nazi fuck" on /int/ because I don't support open borders
Anthony Torres
>”I like killing”
Stopped reading there, anyone who says this needs to be put in a cage
William Thompson
>Giving a shit about the opinion of 4channelers
I was talking about real life
Jacob Carter
Maybe you shouldn't roleplay as nazis, then.
Nicholas Long
There's something wrong if you like killing people. If you have to kill people to protect what's yours you don't need to enjoy it.
Cameron Taylor
Communists are nazis now too.
Jordan James
>Being okay with American politics post 2016 being a cringe contest.
Liam Cruz
leftoids are too big of pussies to call conservatives nazis IRL
Brody Ramirez
i want to help the nazis
Robert Thomas
You mean like Reddit?
Christian Watson
Anti-socialism encapsulates it, both were socialists and skinheads will twist themselves in knots to say Hitler and Mussolini weren't but they're full of shit because Hitler and Mussolini were both avowedly socialistic and passed along letters of congratulation to their communist counterparts when they had their own bloody revolutions. They were both socialists, both central planners, both authoritarian, both overtly aggressive to neighbors and each-other, both strongly in favor of absolute government power. Commies and Nazis are the anti-America at least when it comes to matters of state power and economy.
Andrew Flores
bread lmao
Aaron Butler
lmao look at these larpers
Liam Wood
Except for all the rallies and counter protests where they do it. Those don't count.
Adrian Richardson
Oh don't get me wrong the MAGA hats are fucking retarded. But it doesn't mean you get a free pass to attack people.
Otherwise I agree with everything you said here. I need to buy ammo so I can maybe maintain control of my property for a week when the hat based civil war breaks out.
Gabriel Phillips
When was the last time you socialized? Must've been a long time ago, since you seem to be autistic
Isaiah Martinez
You guys get totally assblasted when it happens, though. Look at the Unite the Right rally.
Jason Watson
Either they call no one a Nazi or everyone.
Carter Sanchez
I used to have a boston terrier and he was the best dog I ever had.
I miss my dog bros. I miss him so much.
Tyler Robinson
Aren't 2 party systems great?
Easton Bennett
Why are leftists so weak and quiet IRL?
Ryan James
>No multiplayer.
Wow, shit game bro.
Brayden Kelly
I'm a white male and I've never been called a nazi. Probably because I don't larp as one.
Blake Garcia
Yep, that's where the discussion ends
Jayden Walker
user you've done it! You've single-highhandedly wiped out all the incels! Huzzahs are in order
Brody Wood
Seething skinny, beta leftoid.
Jason Smith
Nazis and commies, fuck off.
Julian Sanchez
>But it doesn't mean you get a free pass to attack people.
It doesn't but if you know that people are getting their shit pushed in for wearing it and you put it on anyway you did it to yourself. You wanted smoke and you got it.
It's awful and I wish there was a viable way to change it.
>Vice is a credible source now because it confirms my bias
Isaac Adams
Grayson Nguyen
notch said cunny a few days ago.
Nicholas Long
That's the beauty of it. Now anyone that is a right wing male is a nazi. The left has dug their own grave.
Julian Foster
Dylan Sullivan
Doesn't notch believe Q-user now?
Blake Walker
>Nazis and Commies are the same thing
How to spot the retarded mutt american subhuman
Jace Barnes
To be fair just look at the author, she's just pussy pained because Chad Mc Liftsalot took one look at her melty fucking lopsided face and turned a 180 to find some stacy to fuck.
Jackson Howard
t. bootyblasted pantyfa faggot
Grayson Carter
One thing that weirded me out: Shouldn't you be fighting Americans? How are there that many Nazis remaining? It's been an entire generation.
Wouldn't most of your enemies be Nazified US Marines and so on, hunting you down? And everyone you killed be some farmboy from Alabama?
Also, why are the KKK a few backwater hicks? Shouldn't they have swelled in confidence and power? I mean, Japan did it.
Benjamin Ward
nazis were the good guys
wanted to stop jews and communism
loved teir people and their people love them
wanted the est for white europe
But the dumb goy in other countries were told by their jewish master to kill them
The only reason you people think nazis are bad is jewish propaganda in education and media.
Communist russia and china were worse but you dont hear about that because it didnt effect jews
Andrew Scott
Yeah, commies are a far more murderous cult that got away with it and continue to do so.
Camden Gonzalez
>draw an aryan
>call it a kike
Nathan Ward
here's your (You) fuck off now retard
Jordan Rodriguez
ignoring LE ARYUN meme that motherfucker looks like he doesnt even have a drop of semitic blood
he doesn't even look like a pole that he was supposed to be in the first game
Michael Cook
you forgot your sassy nigger woman sipping tea gif reddit-kun
Lucas Myers
get Polish citizenship
Brandon Green
I'm the whitest motherfucker around and not once have I ever been called a nazi. I've had to deal with plenty of people that whine about being criticized though under fears that you're going to call them a nazi for saying retarded shit.
Alexander Garcia
Based Nazi's were only trying to save us from the jew menace, imagine how much more advanced we'd be now if they'd succeeded.
Luis Sanchez
Leo Stewart
Imagine being as retarded as this person.
David Sanchez
bj looks nothing like a pole, he looks straight up scandinavian
Zachary Hernandez
you need to be aryan
Jonathan Fisher
> Nazis were funded by Germany's (((wealthy elite)))
> Nazi Germany was around for only 12 years thanks to suicidal strategic decisions
> Jews got Israel and worldwide sympathy thanks to the actions of the Nazis
> Every imitation since has always benefited the Jews long-term
> The USSR lasted nearly 70 years, becoming a superpower to rival America
> Expanded territory and influence thanks to wise strategic decisions
> Cranked out doctors, scientists, engineers, etc. with machine-like efficiency
> Went to space
> Cracked down on degenerates and even Jews and were left no worse for wear, despite what modern leftists would have you believe
> Communism
Communism is the true redpill and accomplished everything the Nazis set out to do. Hitler and all fascists are useful idiots.
Hudson Kelly
Good luck training any kind of cardio without eating carbs.
James Collins
Eli Fisher
KYS commie fag. Pic related was a half-jew with a communist jew mother.