I still have one important niggling question about Dante that 5 doesn't answer. Vergil is a prep, Nero is a punk, V is a goth, what clique does Dante belong to? He's too goofy to he a jock, is he a theater kid?
I still have one important niggling question about Dante that 5 doesn't answer. Vergil is a prep, Nero is a punk...
The kid that runs around with his arms out like a ninja. He doesnt give a shit if others think it's cool, he's in his own world keeping himself entertained. He wears his trenchcoat to school every day too.
I like to think all of the characters represent a certain genre/subgenre of music
Dante is the most boomer kind of metal you can possibly think of
Gen X'ers
just check the intro to dmc3 and playing Nevan
or the intro to 4, where he shoots an old man point blank in the face to turn around like an edgelord with his face painted in hyper realistic blud
He's a based Boomer and there's nothing wrong with that.
Literally a boomer who loves dad rock and metal.
dad rock
DMC5 needs more boomer art
He's a surfer or classic rock
Dant's a gay cowboy
It's so fucking slow though, I fall asleep waiting for a single swing to complete. Completely ruins the pace of Dantes style.
He doesn't fall into any particular category, but i like to think of him as some late 80s or early 90s power metal vocalists, goofy, gets all the pussy and doesn't give a fuck
Also 80s heavy metal, 70s Hard rock etc
It is very slow so I use it for crowdcontrol and plow through mobs when I get into a tough spot
Third Dante maybe. I can't imagine this on any other iteration. I think first Dante's more 80's garage punk. Each Dante would be different though.
Dante is a surfer
the outcast
This, nothing more satisfying then armor plowing straight through a group of enemies with the bike.
>Literally does a Michael impression
>"Gee I wonder what music genre he represents"
He used to be punk.
>tfw mid-air SSS with caviar whike Dante is yelling WOOOOHOOOOOOOO like a fucking madman
I haven't smiled this hard at a videogame in ages
I mean DMC 3, 4 and 5 Dante
DMC 1 Dante is kinda meh, and DMC 2 is emo edgy shit
Your probably not hitting 4-8 enemies at once. No other feeling greater than breaking the armor on 3 chaoses at once and watching then squirm in a giant demon orgy while orbs bleed out of them. Faust helps for grouping with hat trick except for those fucking cleaver guys
>Dante is the most boomer kind of metal you can possibly think of
I know 3 had metal but 1 was electronic industrial which is what I associate with Dante a bit more
Dante is a hipster.
The coolest kid at my HS was somewhat similar to dante. Didn't give a single fuck.
Not even close
Dante is Van Halen incarnate.
Hes that kid that does and say shit that if any other kid said it they would be hated by others, but because it's him they like him
You guys think V and Agnus would have gotten along?
No. V at his core is a basically just a somewhat ruthless good guy. He would feed Agnus to his pets faster than anything.
He's a triple threat theater kid, yes. Meaning he's also /fit/.
Dante is a dork
That guy, who's alpha, but doesn't care or know about it.
"Hey Nero, you ever heard of Slayer?"
b-but Vergil is the alpha
vergil is a beta plus
speech team
Dante seems more of a Helloween guy
Hinkles seems like a cool guy.
>board where people swear in every other sentence complains that characters swear in 5
Dante is classic Metal/Hard Rock
Vergil is Symphonic/Power Metal
Nero is whatever Rap/Synth Metal
V is Black/Avantgarde Metal
Do I stand correct?
he is the pedo like Jackson
Gay pedophile
Metal Head
>Girls are already drenching themselves over V
I don't think it's ugly but I am actually curious, do women like big mouths? I've noticed a lot of actors and characters like V with big mouths are incredibly popular with women. Is it a coincidence or is it actually a turn on for them?
V is the kind of twinky fag edgelord who would be popular as fuck in a boyband but bullied constantly as a normal kid.
I mean, the kind of look and build if transposed IRL, not talking about the character in the game, he's best boy
V is industrial electronic rock, Nero is pop rock.
If anything I'd say he wouldn't be in any clique. He's just the weird delinquent loner who sleeps in random places on campus and people ask for help once in a while.
That aside, why the fuck is the obvious bait thread the biggest DMC thread right now? We need to step up out game.
Fuck why is this game so fun?
>Grabbing Vergil with Buster while he does his roundabout dive attack does a RKO
>V does his own version of singing in the rain
>Dantes fuckin' MJ dance
DLC when? Especially Co-op, this games "cameo" system is barely noticeable until you almost finish the damn game
Fuck why is this game so fun?
>Grabbing Vergil with Buster while he does his roundabout dive attack does a RKO
>V does his own version of singing in the rain
>Dantes fuckin' MJ dance
DLC when? Especially Co-op, this games "cameo" system is barely noticeable until you almost finish the damn game. I gotta admit it be pretty damn nice if they did the same thing from Monster Hunter World and imported popular previous bosses with a HD coat of paint
I ain't into him but some girls like the full pouty lip look. His schnoz is the bigger issue.
I need the music from DMC3 and 1, I know it's silly but it's that important to me to be able to fight Vergil, Cerberus and Nelo Angelo with their themes, hell they even tease you with Cerberus for a bit
coop in this game is the best thing they did. didn't give a damn at first but it's amazing when you meet another player and start killing demons together
It's not silly to love good game OST user
I agree! But that's why I'm also a little disappointed, I wanted more. Maybe I'm just greedy but I'd love to duel boss rush with a buddy
Hey Eli.
The fuck is a prep
Dante is that gay virgin who you ask "are you gay?" But he says "no" despite him wearing flamboyant outfits and glittery scarfs while jamming out to toxic by Brittany spears
Dante is the epitome of gay, prove me wrong
Considering how a DRM free version got leaked to PC, shouldn't be long before we get mods right? Describe your dream mod to me user
Nude Nero
First (you) best (you)
This is Dante
>Snatch is just Nero throwing his massive cock at enemies
A surfer that never went to the beach in his life
oh i get it. and you're a retard OP, right?
yes please
>co-op mission 13
>over in a couple screen transitions
This was criminally short.
Hey, delete this right now
Co-Op Bloody Palace
there is only one answer
I can't wait for them to redo this video when Vergil gets released.
You don't like Toxic?
What are you, some kind of homo?
Dante is the very concept of
>Dude, watch this, it's gonna be so cool.
made manifest.
HOLY FUCK YES! Im happy the first DMC5 sfm content i see is Nero getting his tight hole pounded
as Urizen would say: "it has begun"
Are Nico's tits you see on r34 sites actually part of the model? They wouldn't model nipples for her and leave Lady without any right?
Make it happen Itsuno
How the fuck do you turn off the post game photo shit that happens once you beat the game in every fight.
>irregular full custom
The truestylers will be able to do some absolutely retarded shit with Dante in this game, won't they?
Dante model for Remake 2 when
>He doesn't know
Don't have the webm, someone post it
wow so his model has already been ripped and whored out
....it hasn't even been a week
fujos work fast
Looks a bit rough but a good start.
god bless those horny little fuckers
Where did this even come from?
>triangle triangle pause triangle triangle pause triangle triangle pause triangle triangle
Why the fuck do people find this shit impressive?
replace Mr.X with Vergil for good measure
DMC 1 Dante is like some dark wave soft cell type shit
S-source? I need it for science
How do I deal with Vergils swirling ghost swords?
I evade all of his DT attacks and yet he leaves me with those things that take away half of my life bar.
Is the only way to avoid them with a perfect block?
I hope he's doing ok :, (
AsuraAddict on twitter
I think jump gunslinger E&I or Kalina Ann destroys them all instantly
>every soicuck Twitter sjw hating on MJ
>Dante gives no fucks and shows his undying support in front of literally everyone
Dante knows Leaving Neverland is fake news.
Is this only for switching between Dante's swords? Seems largely pointless other than maybe DMC4 people wanting to use Rebellion for skyrave muscle memory etc but keeping Dante Sword's summoned swords as an option. Other than that I can equip both skins for the bike which probably does nothing. DLC weapons maybe?
I wish they put Nero's special DT moves on the devil bringer instead of literally another snatch. Seems like a missed opportunity.
How do I use Cavaliere?
The fact that they had the Cerberus leitmotif in the cutscene but the boss theme is completely different was disappointing.
Why does Vergil need more power?
to bottom
Don't hold the button, even if that feels right. When the bike glows, tap the button again for a much faster followup. Swordmaster is basically required because your launcher is there.
>Tfw can never get the timing right for back-to-forward moves
Anybody else know this feel?
jumping with balrog clears them easily enough
He needs to be strong enough to beat Dante so he can read his poetry without being teased by him.
dmc is pure
No one really swore before Nero came along.
Now even Dante swears.
Though I think it's great hearing Griffon talking shit and swearing.
He's a Boomer.
Dante is this kind of guy
Roundtrip with DSDante. It pretty much solves all of Vergil
>destroy every swords around you when you charge them up
>destroy spiral swords when they home on him
>follow him everywhere
>can stagger him so you can easily exploit every single window
do they have any of twinky V plowing Nero's now beefy ass?
Dante's the loser in the back of the room with no friends but has fun anyway. Just look at him, he lives like a hobo in a run down shop that keeps getting its power turned off and the only two people who can stand being around him are really just there to mooch off of what little business he gets; when he got trapped in hell their first thought was to fight over who gets the shop.
Would be fine if Vergil had a theme of his own but it's just a mediocre remix of the already meh Subhuman and a neat but less good remix of Devil Trigger.
>has no friends
>Trish and Lady all over him
>has a 18-year old who wants his dick
>has grandmas ask him to bone their kin
come on nigga
The ones around you? Literally use rainstorm once, clears them immediately.
The ones he shoots at you? Royalguard, make sure to thank Vergil for giving you free meter and style
Dante is that kid that everyone knows and everyone has a different story about him, but never hangs will a single group for too long
Most woman tend to be hypocrites, wanting sensitive looking guys, but one that can be a man too. V is that incarnate
Stuck up rich kid. Tends to be a branch of jock in some schools
I am a woman and V really is not my type physically. Actually is mouth is one of the reasons.
The fuck does sensitive look like?
post benis
He's a rebel
AsuraAddict already has Nero/Leon SFM posted, that's fast as fuck.
>Kidless at 50 with no real friends
How based is that
What's the best way to start royalguard training for Dante? I'd figure I should just load up 19 and only try to guard/royal release. I just beat SoS and i'd like to work on it before getting deep into DMD.
I-Is there a Dante one?
Nope, not yet.
>being anything but the class clown
on a different note, dose anyone know if i have to farm 9mil orbs for ex taunts or is it 3mil to unlock all of them?
This, he's a laidback kind of cool
The void, you can spawn in any enemy and just have them attack you until it's muscle memory
>A surfer that never went to the beach in his life
Who the fuck cares? He rode a rocket flying in an ice chamber, that would immediately qualifiy him as an expert surfer moreso than going to the beach like a basic fucking bitch.