Which was the better V twist?
Which was the better V twist?
Considering literally everyone called the MGSV twist years in advance, I'm going with Adam Driver. The only more obvious twist was fucking Arkham Knight.
Both were easily predictable
Who would win in a fight between Raider and Nero? (Pre devil trigger)
Everyone expected the third character to be Vergil. Turns out he isn't but then again actually is.
Everyone guessed MGSV's twist a forever before release, and DMC5 didn't even have a twist. It literally spells V's identity out less than a third into the game.
V spills the beans like 5 times before he outright becomes Vergil. Even shows himself separating from Vergil.
MGSV spoils it in the first 5 minutes of the game by playing a song about a doppelganger
DMCV at least has red herring elements pointing towards Mundus even though it was still obvious Vergil
V being a weak and human Vergil was an amazing twist because Vergil was always going on about "muh power" and how demons are superior. Then when he tries to become pure demon by getting rid of his human half almost all personality gets stuck in V and Urizen basically just becomes a mindless monster.
He got his just deserts and I loved it.
V was hardly a twist. the game drops hints constantly
>V being a weak and human Vergil
You're an idiot. How the fuck could he have been anyone BUT Vergil? He even called himself V ffs. That's if you can get past the fact that he has Virgil's goddamn voice.
>That's if you can get past the fact that he has Virgil's goddamn voice.
No he doesn't, he's voiced by a different guy who sounds nothing like Dan Southworth.
It's the same throaty, high-pitched voice as Virgil. Sounds exactly the way he did in every prior game.
The second Kaz said "What about him?" while the doctors look at the camera, it became obvious there was another Big Boss.
>It's the same throaty, high-pitched voice as Virgil. Sounds exactly the way he did in every prior game.
Get your ears checked, V's voice sounds nothing like Vergil.
you need to get you're ears checked dude, V and Vergil are voiced by comletly diffrent people and sound nothing the same
but I agree that there are many hints of him being Vergil
Just sounds like two high-pitch bitchboys to me. I can only assume you guys have similar voices to these guys.
well, at least you admit you're deaf
V because he actually had lines and a personality
I'm just happy that my twink body type has finally got some representation in vidya
DMC had the room for it in continuity to make it stick without being as weird and disruptive as MGSV. There's really no question in my mind at all that MGSV's story is more interesting and nuanced even if it's also oddly presented at times and is somewhat grating with respect to continuity. There's really nothing thought provoking about V or DMC5 in general.
Which "twist" is more surprising is debatable. MGSV made it obvious but it's a lot more gutsy.
Both were predictable.
>title is "mystery something"
>is literally called "V"
>"I'm but two days old"
Granted people speculated other stuff as well since it'd be way too obvious, but any fan worth their salt would instantly make "V stand for Vergil" connection.
>"What about him?" trailer where Miller looks straight at the camera that zooms back
>Ishmael clearly has Kiefer Sutherland as his VA
>Game literally starts with a doctor saying he changed your face and a fucking character creation screen, like what the fuck why didn't they just reveal it here like Raiden switcheroo in MGS2?
>Ishmael teaches Venom to fix his arm like in MGS3
>Ishmael: "You're pretty good."
>Venom conveniently "forgot" how to speak Russian
>Boss AI pod: "You're not Snake, are you..."
>Ocelot tape: "We tested Eli and are 100% sure he's not your clone."
MGSV's twist is a lot more infuriating due to the delivery literally being in a fucking replay of the tutorial level and the game throwing a Nietzsche line with it as if it was in any way surprising or deep. Not to mention Venom's just a shitty blank slate player self insert who's portrayed as a Big Boss fanboy that is content in his current position.