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We're going home bros...

>he thinks he's going to actually get "classic" wow
k e k

how much blizzard pays you to shill?

Why would blizzard pay people to sabotage their own game? Are nostalgiafags all brainlets or something?


doesn';t rhyme

>tfw everyone quits after 1 month

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>private servers have people playing on them for a decade
>after 1 month of official classic they will mysteriously quit

sounds about right

Have fun rolling an undead rogue.. . like everyone else.


*Blocks your path*

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MASSIVE butthurt and tears from bfalets and ffxtrannies just because of 1 poster. and it's only gonna increase once the game goes live. fucking love it

Wrong. I'm going to be server first female dwarf hunter. Going to grind to 60 ASAP and then just hang around the AH reminding people I was server first female dwarf hunter.

Those servers also wipe.
They're also free
They're also not modified to be modernized.
They're also not ran by blizzard.

Glad to I could help.

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brace yourself for disappointment

Fucking retard lol

>1 poster

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>expecting to form relationships with people because you can't just queue for dungeons and have to actually talk to people
>everyone will just use a modern add-on to form groups automatically

Remember that 50% of all classic players will be retail tourists.

Let nostalgiafags and zoomers who were too young to play vanilla dream, anyone with a brain knows it won't be the same

There will be a wave of those people, most will quit in a few days

I played on Nostalgiarus and it was super fun retards
so fuck off with your shilling and go back to BfA

Well are those super fun retards from nost gonna switch to blizzards servers?

What? Also you're fucking delusional if you think people aren't trying to relive the golden era of WoW and kids now adults want to be part of all the legendary memes they think will come from it like way back like old WoW had. It happened with a few games already, it even happened to Yea Forums thanks to Yea Forums.

You know, for some people, those are also reasons not to play on them?
Have friends that will play Classic but never tried private servers because they were afraid the one they spent hours on might go to shit.

>afraid the one they spent hours on might go to shit.
But yet they pay to play modern Blizz games? Something doesn't add up

Imagine all the hours you could be spending improving yourself. Reading, exercising, socializing, etc. Instead you spend it on this literal Skinner box AND PAY THEM MONTHLY FOR YOUR TIME

WHAT PROFESSIONS SHOULD I GET AS A TAUREN WARRIOR MAIN? And what should I do for an alt? herbalism/skinning/mining rogue? This is the only thing I'm unsure of.

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>Imagine all the hours you could be spending improving yourself. Reading, exercising, socializing, etc. Instead you spend it on this literal Skinner box AND PAY THEM MONTHLY FOR YOUR TIME
I never thought of vanilla as a skinner box, it certainly became more like one as time went on though. I have no desire to play modern wow, but i'll give Classic another shot.

>lurks Yea Forums
>accuses others of wasting their time

Zoomer free game of 2019 cant wait to go home bros.

And what do you do user? Besides being an Incel of course.

>golden era of WoW
lolno WotlK was WoW's golden era

vanilla was the worst wow has ever been as well as having the lowest player base wow has ever had. in absolutley no way shape or form was vanilla WoWs golden era.

>lolno WotlK was WoW's golden era
>Dungeon Finder
>Welfare Epics
>Easy Heroics
>Easy Raids
>DK's were stupidly overpowered, especially at launch
>Fucking Trial of the Grand Crusader
>Great class homogenization

I'll give you that the leveling itself and Ulduar were good, but everything else was pure trash.

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The answer is always engineering if you want to PVP.
If you only care about gold (and there are actual reasons to care about gold in Vanilla) then Skinning+LW if you have enough friends to contest the inevitable Ungoro cartels, otherwise try and find a rare and valuable recipe like Lionheart Helmet and then go the appropriate tradeskill for that.

When the fuck is this actually coming out?

>The answer is always engineering if you want to PVP
It wont gimp me in PVE if I pick it up though, right? Will BS be a good 2nd if I have an alt to mine the materials for it?

Early to mid summer



There is nothing equivalent to MOP style profession benefits if that is what you are alluding to.
Vanilla professions in a nutshell:
PVP: Engineering, there are too many commonpool tools that this offers in PVP. It'll give you about as many important active abilities for PVP as your class itself does. If you only PVP casually then whatever, but everyone that is reasonably good or better will be using it and you will be at a massive disadvantage if you don't.
Gold making: LW/Skinning will give you more gold than you know what to do with, IF you have the ability to take over Devilsaur spawns in Ungoro Crater. You will need friends because this is one of the most highly contested spots in the entire game, and there will be cross-faction cartels fighting non-members.
Alchemy can be okay, but most guilds that take PVE seriously enough to use mass consumables will be doing this in-house, there will also be a lot of competition. Should be okay if you're the TSM using auction house goblin type.
Nothing else really provides anything useful baseline, however most tradeskills have very rare recipes that are in fact useful. If you acquire one (like the aforementioned Lionheart Helmet) then go Blacksmithing after you've acquired a good recipe in order to use it, not before and just hope you get something good.
If you just want some minimal effort somewhat passive income then you can go double gathering (generally skinning + other as you can't have two tracked nodes in vanilla) but it will not make you rich.

after FFXIV Shadowbringers.

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im gonna be home
i can even imagine it

Why does everyone treat leveling like it's some horrible timesink while saying nothing of the pre-BiS dungeon/rep grind and weeks of Molten Chore that awaits them after?

yeah the leveling is the fast part lmao.
molten bore is the reason why im avoiding this.

People who work on retail are scared to loose their jobs if Classic succeed.

They shitpost here for free.

I can't wait for classic to be released so people stop posting this shit tread over and over

Why is alliance undoubtedly full of autists?

>If you're not being productive every single second of every single day you are worthless!!!1!1!

The funny part is that for the vast majority of people leveling was 100% of the game back in vanilla. Most never hit level cap before TBC hit, and of those that did fewer ever set foot in a raid that wasn't MC or Ony.

Autists and spergs are on the horde. Alliance has the non-autist children, girls, and faggots.

Dungeon finder was amazing. Welfare epics were a thing since BC when you could literally afk in BGs for badges.

if everyone goes to classic who’s going to look at my deathknight panda mog and store mounts

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>tfw pathetic classicfags realize that the feeling from back then is gone forever

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This can't be happening...

Everything in retail is better... we have transmog... MoP and Legion were masterpiece...

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>ywn have a 7 ft tall night elf gf

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How will the pricing be? Will there be an upfront price tag or just a monthly (rubbing_hands.jpeg) subscription?

Can I play the newest version of wow or just classic?

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>anti-classic copers
Imagine hating the fun others have this much.

Sub will give you Classic and everything in normal wow besides whatever the latest expansion is. If you want to play the latest expansion (BfA for now) you will have to buy that.

Both are under the same sub

Not bad, not bad at all.
But I persoanlly aim higher.

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Raiding MC onward with 39 of your bros is something you can't get out of any other game.

It's worth the slog of leveling and gearing up to be able to finally experience it.

The remaining cretins that still play modern WoW user

I'd rather have a true warcraft RPG with heavy emphasis on the pen and paper side of things. Something with prestige classes and quests akin to the warlock dreadsteed in terms of immersion.