Why did OV die?
Because none of the girls are real and I'll be lonely forever, playing the game only strengthens this realization
Post porn.
This is the only thing OW threads are good for.
It didn't. Far from it. It did however create a boring meta based on shields and stuns, which shunned away some wannabe pros.
It isn't fun to play, mostly because blizzard are clueless about fps map design
It's an FPS for people that don't like FPS.
Because you faggots make these porn threads.
Console is finished. Beyond diamond is just griefers, kbm and auto-aim as far as the eye can see.
Based and redpilled
The game was designed by MOBA developers who have only vague ideas of what FPS are like
god bless ahro for pandering to us footfags
awful balancing
It's a multiplayer for people who don't like multiplayer.
because they dont add anything to the game besides a new character once every 4-5 months
99% of the updates are seasonal bullshit events that add nothing except more lootbox shit, even the gamemodes like comp ctf, lucioball, just go away for no reason
Let's be honest here, nobody would want to talk about overwatch if it wasn't for the porn.
I love playing the Shimada brothers. They are super fun to climb around with.
Go on...
I tried watching some Overwatch League this weekend and it’s complete shit to spectate; easily the worst esport game I’ve seen. And I played the game at launch. It has no chance. What is Blizzard going to say when they waste hundreds of millions of dollars from some of the richest and most influential people in the country?
Crap community so unless you have friends it kinda sucks