What games let you have cool pets?

What games let you have cool pets?

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>There is no looter shooter/ hack n slash BIONICLE game
Is the industry even TRYING???

Kids dont care about legos anymore, they only care about loot boxes, even though bionicle created them

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>bionicle created them

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>MFW there is no AAA production quality game that is perfect
Should I get on it?

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Be the hero that Mata Nui deserves.

I don't remember him having that

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>Just starting to care less about less about legos in 2001/when i was in 5th grade
>bionicle comes out
>see it being promoed at a local toy store
>get the ice guy and eventually the rest
>get the comics for it in the mail
>eventually try the isometric GBA game
>its gutter trash
Eventually sold em all awhile back to someone who collected the stuff
is Bionicle "wasted potential" the IP, or was it always doomed to be an obscure lego thing

I vaguely remember it.
The chain was super easy to disconnect so I'm pretty sure I lost him somewhere without noticing. Idk if that might've happened to you as well but just throwing out an idea

Idk if it's potential is "wasted" since it did go on for a super long time for lego standards.
The reboot was definitely wasted potential though

Jesus there was a reboot?
I just remember, by comic lore, there was gen 1, then 2 where they evolved and thats where the gold mask guy came in, and then piraka was gen 3, i think, and thats where i was completely out of the loop for sure, how far did it last?

It only lasted 2 years from 2015 to summer of 2017.
Needless to say it bombed terribly, even though the sets themselves were pretty neat imo.

The original series lasted 10 years
The reboot is often called "Gen 2"
The gens you're referring to are called "Saga" or "Years"
Your gen 1 is the mata saga
Your gen 2 is the Nuva (I assume. There were a few times the main toa teams evolved)
Your gen 3 was really 2006 with the Toa Ignika

Bionicle heroes was pretty neat but it was just an FPS with some puzzle/exploration

>cool pet
user, costantly losing those little fangs was anything but

It would've been so much better if they just removed hero mode.
Hero mode alone ruins so much of the game since the same song plays, and it lasts till the end of the level and is required for a lot of stuff.

Forget the fangs
I kept losing the freaking ammo
It got to the point where my whole toa team had to share 6 bullets

Gotcha, yeah, i just remember falling off after the gold mask guy and the giant black evil one, then still seeing commercials for it
It was definitely the old CG model style used in the originals but thinking back to the art for those and the way they were presented gives me those good late 90s feels

Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance

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Yeah super saiyan mode was kinda absurd
There's probably a way to mod the track out in the PC version if you mind the music being played on repeat

Reminder that Takadox is a JEW

Even that wouldn't fix it.
The main problem I have besides the music, is that you're invincible until you either beat the level are use it for that 1 gold robot that lasts like 10 seconds tops right at the end of the level
You aren't dodging stuff with it activated, you're just standing still and holding the trigger with no consequence

Real talk, Mantax was so based
He had the best "shoes" or "feet" or whatever models out of all the sets imo

Would you say anything good came from the reboot? Umarak looked cool but I never bothered picking him up.

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Mantax brought the best quote for us edgy 13 year olds
"I have no friends, only enemies I haven't killed yet"

Never really liked his head piece. Seemed to clunky compared to the rest of his body

The sets themselves are honestly pretty cool.
I like the combo feature of the toa + creatures/protectors
Umarak is pretty sweet yeah
Ekimu is no mata nui but still cool to look at
Literally the only positives are the sets though. The story and everything was terrible

best 2006 villains: zaktan, reidak
best 2007 villains: kalmah, mantax

>tfw my Pridak would never stand up right

Both of those sound like dogshit

An actually kino bionicle game would be something in between demons souls and system shock 2

Nice MOC, user!

Holy shit Mantax was the first edgelord

>Putting mantax above Ehlek
You poor soul

Pretty much all the Toa-waves sets were top-tier and honestly better than most G1 canister sets.
The villain-waves on the other hand needed some work but I really liked how they tried to give everyone a different play function.

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The skeleton wave was pretty neat imo.
The beasts were kinda meh though. Gave off too much of a hero factory vibe to me

God I do miss Bionicles, even though I moved on from them starting with the Phantoka. It really did seem like that was going to be the finale anyways.

And then the Glatorians shit happened. My god, what were they thinking?

>Let's make Mata Nui a donut steel OC that can do no wrong

That was the Other M of Bionicle and nobody can convince me otherwise. The toys were already falling out of favor with the young ones but this, THIS is what killed it, including Greg Farshtey going full Nomura and turning the lore into some Kingdom Hearts tier abomination.

By the way the Air element/green bros were the best. Where my greenchadd at?

The original Bionicle mask designs were something so great nothing can really compare to them imo. I also liked how they had each mask in all 6 colors. Made it much easier to MOC with and give a character a specific design.

The glatorians weren't that bad.
Sure they were no toa, but I appreciated where they were going with it. A world neglected by the God where there are no heroes or elemental powers to keep order. It's kill or be killed, fight for land and trusting no one.

>that face when you only had carapar

Then again I had literally every single Rahkshi, for some reason I didnt like the underwater, phantoka/mistika or glatorian lines very much at all

They ran the inika body to the ground without ever really inventing anything particularly interesting. Although I will admit the Mahri sets WERE more inventive than the Inika in their construction but with some fucking weird choices as a result like Jaller with a retarded crab pet or Kongu with two guns (and these guns were always the shittiest things about the sets, only mouthbreather kids "played" with them and subsequently just lost all the ammo somewhere, they had zero MOC potential and just annoyed everyone with shit like balls that fall out of the launchers easily)

Also, greenchad here.
Lewa/Matau > all and you can't convince me otherwise


Hey atleast you had one. I never had any barraki/pirakha/rahkshi/bohrok
I pretty much only had the toa until the phantoka where I had all 3 of them iirc

While you're correct for the most part, honestly, after the end battle is where the good shit would've started on Spherus Magna. There were still mysteries and a whole new society getting used to the planet and the Great Beings FINALLY coming out to play, could've made for some cool ass sets and even some good story.


Based af

For me, the point where things started getting bad was 2008, mainly thanks to the brittle as fuck plastic that plagued the series until its first cancellation.

Based Jaller poster.

While we're being kind to the glatorian saga,
Can we all agree that the rusted look for the 4th movie was an amazing fit since they lived on a desert planet?

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>The story and everything was terrible
The concept art and artwork in general was awesome, too.

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rune factory

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These 2 words strike fear into the hearts of any bionicle fan:
Lime Green

The concept are was freaking BASED
Imagine if the art was translated to the sets, I would have no regret buying every one at all

>the Other M of Bionicle
Are you stupid? That last part with Mata Nui on Bara Magna was very good and the lore during/after that was extremely entertaining.

It's now called "present day Lego quality".

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Also on the "story is terrible comment", I will admit I liked how Umarak went against Makuta. As far as I can recall, I don't think that ever happened in the og series. Kinda sad they never went anywhere with that since he ended up being mind controlled immediately afterwards anyways.


Lego purposefully gutted G2's storyline from what I heard. It's pretty apparent even today that Lego fucking hates Bionicle, despite that it was what kept Lego afloat in its time of need.

Man what happened to ninjago.
It used to be so cool for the first few seasons, they just ditched the gold weapons and in some cases weapons in general.
Skybound was the last really good season imo

I get the point to an extent, since the og series did get way too complicated for it's own good (Even today I'm still constantly learning new stuff about it).
But they dumbed it down so much it was hardly even bionicle outside of name.

Thanks. I just wanted to make korgot thicc.

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>tfw Ninjago gets Legacy sets
>tfw there will be no G1 Bionicle Legacy sets
It hurts, bros.

How can Ga-Matoran even compete?

Leave this holy land right now sir

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>no G1 Bionicle Legacy sets

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Ninjago legacy sets are just the bionicle stars of ninjago
Change my mind

I made this big boy many years ago. Do you like it?

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It still hurts. That line was the biggest insult, especially as a final goodbye. There were at least a few decent parts.

I've recently been reading through the Bionicle lore through the Ultimate Storyline Reading Order and it's not that things are complicated, there's just A LOT of history to the universe and most of it wasn't necessary to be outright explained to understand the main story.

I'd suggest reading up on it if you ever have nothing better to do:

Holy yikes that looks awesome!

"Complicated" might've been the wrong word.
Point being, all the terms and who did whats and that weird time travel thing from metru nui made it somewhat annoying to learn it all.

True, but there should've been more than just six. There should've been AT LEAST 10, with like 1 or 2 titan sets.

Fuck yes
Fuck yes
Understandable, but eh

Where will you live
And what mask will you wear

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I appreciate old system large scale mocs, shaping and proportions are nice too.

Metru Nui is simply a prequel to Mata Nui. No time travel was involved in the story. But yeah, that screwed me up as a kid as well in the storyline.

meant for

Honestly I'd switch out the skrall for a metru.
Maybe Whenua or Vakama?
(Maybe they can finally make vakama a good character)

>Yellow Miru

Lego hates complex storylines in general, hence why Hero Factory became what it was despite Faber and Co. creating a story bible that was bigger than Bionicle's, with the Hero Factory setting being only the springboard into a much bigger universe, Chima's TV show being mostly throwaway kiddy garbage or Nexo Knights basically just being "Ninjago - Let's Trigger Castle and Space Fags Edition" with onedimensional stereotypes and bland villain designs/horrendously pulled off concept in its second year that basically doomed the IP to failure.

Mata Nui
Mask of shielding because it's op as hell

>especially as a final goodbye
Hero Factory did it actually really well in my eys with its final line and its small figures that blend in well with standard minifigs, even though the way HOW it ended was still a massive "fuck you".

Honestly, this.
>Top design goes to Miru
>Top power goes to Hau

There was time junk in one of the metru nui books.
I can't remember the book number, but I know the name was "Time Trap"
Maybe not time travel, but some weird alt reality thing where the toa weren't really the toa instead the matoran who were supposed to be toa actually became toa instead of the current toa.
That's the best way I can think to explain it so have fun figuring out what tf I meant by that because lord knows I don't even know

Trade cards, the precursor to trading cards, started in 1886.

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Toa Metru and Hordika came before Inika

They're all Turaga, I believe. But the Toa Hagah still exist so they could take the Metru place. Probably Norik or Iruini, which would still be pretty cool.

I don't know why they limited themselves with that. It honestly doesn't even make sense. If kids want the deep lore, they can get it, otherwise just follow the main storyline.

Oh shit, I think I remember something about that. I know there were alternate dimensions and such, I'll have to read up on that some more.

Fucking this. As previously mentioned, should've been at least 10 main sets (with pose-able fucking limbs) and 1 or 2 titan sets. I hope someday Lego does a remaster for the Toa Mata with pose-able limbs but that'll probably never come to fruition.

They did. But I meant since he was saying "Gen 3" so I tried to translate it as such.

How did you react to the big twist?

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Fair, but keep in mind tahu was reverted back to his og form (or as close to it as the new builds would allow)

I know, but there would've been ways to make pose-able arms while keeping with the original design.

My mind was fucking blown. I had always had suspicions something wasn't right, but I remember seeing that robot rise up through Mata Nui (which broke my little kid heart) and knowing shit was about to fucking get real.

these little discs were the TIGHTEST SHIT to me. I always enjoyed the small story they told

>finally make Vakama a good character
Fucking fight me

I will
Vakama is a trash character who does nothing but be a depressed loser who is too busy throwing a fit to do anything useful

what game is that from that looks really fucking cool

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Bionicle (2001-2009) or known as G1

Mata nui online game ;)

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Is this Dante made of legos

And you are a depressed loser doing nothing but shitpost on an image board

>he doesn't know

>complains about vakama being a depressed loser
>mentions nothing about nuju, who single handedly ruined the badass rep of the ice toa that kopaka worked so hard to build up

Bionicle had such great world building

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Oh trust me nuju isn't much better.
In fact most of the toa metru team were whiners
I just hate vakama the most because all the story went to him as if his whining rants were any different from anyone else's

Yeah but atleast I'm not questioning my identity every 5 seconds

Mata Nui Online Game, should give it a play, really fun.

He has opened the door he cannot return from

>The only reason the Toa Metru succeeded was because even Makuta thought they were absolute fucking garbage at their job and Mata Nui had chosen the wrong ones by accident and let his guard down

this is some xenoblade shit god damn

Why didn't we ever get any close-up shots of Mahri Nui homes or the actually town/village/city itself like we did in Metru Nui and Mata Nui? All artwork of Mahri Nui is zoomed way the fuck out and never really goes in depth. It's a shame, really.

It was all very otherworldly and imaginatively inspiring for sure. I loved the comics, flash animations, and flash game because of it.

The movie, on the other hand... I was embarrassed when I asked my parents to watch it and it was THAT bad.

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Yeah Makuta definitely underestimated them which I totally get.
Like come on.
They aren't even supposed to be the main toa, just a bunch of whiny teenagers (except matau he's fine) on the hunt for the new mcr album.

It's funny how literally all the rest of Bionicle (including the saga which technically took place right after Metru Nui) was about being nothing like the Toa Metru. Uniting to complete a duty and fulfill your destiny.

>villain turns out to be a good guy after all
>dies horribly redeeming himself


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>being thrown into a literal life or dead situation after being just a mask maker
>"stop complaining"
Gee, I wonder why Vakama doesn't feel comfortable with the whole Toa deal

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He was the best. I still have his figure standing around in one of my cupboards.

I'm not saying he can't complain at all
But you're stuck as a toa now the least you can do is accept it man
Because after this you're just a crippled old man who get to watch another toa team do what you wish you could've done.
Also quick change, so the metru told the mata about the masks of power right.
If those masks are so important where were they in metru nui? Where did the masks come from to get to mata nui? Were they made?
It can't be mata nui because in some audio logs Mata nui flat out stated he didn't care in the slightest "about their petty squabbles" for the longest time.

>But Gorast, upon seeing Krika, went into a rage. She grabbed him and activated her mask power. This power caused Krika's density control to go wild, causing him to turn more and more ghostly. With a cry of anguish, Krika disappeared from view forever, having been turned into less then a phantom, killing him.

The Toa Inika didn't even realize they'd been turned into Toa and had to literally SAVE THE UNIVERSE without any training whatsoever and they got along better than the Toa Metru.

Also Matoro redeemed the cool badass rep Nuju had squandered.

Oh yeah btw speaking of which jojordan2.wixsite.com/bioniclemasksofpower

post em

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The funniest part of the lore is that the toa mata was how indifferent they were to the whole unity duty destiny shit, they just wanted to fuck shit it

The golden masks were they key to Magaia iirc

>A toy from the McDonald's Happy meals becomes a martyr and sacrifices his life to revive a dying god and save the universe

>it was all a mistake and they failed anyways

Bionicle had the DEEPEST lore.

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Which led to the funniest "training" moments
I believe there was a gap or something, and everyone had some way to get over it except Kongu.
"How come everyone else can fly except the one guy who actually knows how to fly?" -Kongu or something like that

To be fair tho they were before they were even forced to do shit

You gotta admit once Matoro sacrificed himself, that's when shit got real from that point onwards

kek imagine the conversation they had

>where are we droppin' boys?

I immediately thought of my toa mahri once I saw the deadpool scene with the "I only have 12 bullets so yall are going to have to share"

I thought they entered the Toa pods out of sheer desperation to escape a dangerous situation and then they rose to the shore and landed on Voya Nui?

>"Little Toa, you have not yet begun to see even the barest outlines of my plans. I have schemes within schemes that would boggle your feeble mind. You may counter one, but there are a thousand more of which you know nothing. Even my ... setbacks ... are planned for, and so I shall win in the end."
How could a toy series be this kino?

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Makuta was a freaking amazing villain
That setbacks being planned line really made me fear him since you never know if he actually lost or not

>Reviving Mata Nui was literally a false flag

>Activating the Codrex was basically handing Makuta the keys to the universe

>And the ensuing explosion killed all the other Makuta, ensuring he was top dog

>but MOM

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>Vakama actually doing things confidently
>Dark Hunter shenanigans
>Makuta summoning fucktons of rakshi to die for a distraction
>the brawl for the Vahi at the end
Time Trap was amazing

I don't think they'd ever had a Toa die before.

>"I have 1000 ways to kill you, and 941 of them hurt"
You gotta admit, Teridax was a fucking unit

Final Fantasy XI

Who is the vidya equivalent of Krika?

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I mean, It had certainly been mentioned before. Metru Nui's original team of Toa had all been assassinated except for Nidhiki and Lhikan.
Also Lhikan's death? Kinda.

Oh yeah, but my point was that the only reason they were so good together is because they all knew each other from when they were matoran
The mata and metru just kind of forced things

I thought likhan became turaga

Even then, the Mata still worked well together, despite their differences and arguments between one another.

>the two suns eclipsing from Legends of Metru Nui was both a metaphorical representation of Mata Nui sleeping and a literal showing of his eyes closing

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True, there was a lot of character development

>Liquid/energized/solid Protodermis
>As in skin

Yep. And then he got shadow hand'd by Teridax because Vakama was losing the fight.

I think we can all mutally agree
The bionicle story was so much better then it had any reasonable right to be
But it's ok because it's an amazing story either way

surprised, but honestly not as surprised as i was to find out that the foreshadowing had been there all along

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Oh fuck now I remember
>the movie came out 15 years ago

aight Yea Forums, shoot me your bionicle game ideas
nothing AAA, something that could be realistically made by a couple of devs and released for free

I played with Bionicles as a kid, know shit about lore, where's my photorealistic open world DMC clone with multiple characters to get me up to speed?

The entire Mata saga was peak Bionicle for me in terms of story, setting, and builds. I've been warming up to the Metru builds lately, and Mahri/Voya Nui were always comfy settings for me.

Fucking this and reading the ending and seeing what was teased on the horizon only makes me depressed we never got more sets. Would've liked to see another adaptive armor reiteration (one that at least resembles the original Mata design) and also seen a Varian/Norik and Takanuva/Jaller reunion, as well as some Great Being titans. Also this made it all the more special in my eyes.

Bionicle heroes but mod hero mode out, and add some of the previous toa as secret unlocks
Boom perfection

>that nigga holding a candle on his head

Hey man he's doing his best ok lay down a bit

Monster Hunter but you're Toa fighting Rahi

And instead of equippable armor you also have masks
So you get to choose between a mask with a power (elemental with added effects) or nuva armor (Much more defense but no elemental attacks or extra powers)

DMC but different styles are different masks you can equip.

Something like Bloodborne. The Masks will be like Caryll Runes or Hunter Tools

fuck i had completely forgotten about that game

right in the nostalgia

GTA Mata Nui Stories


Half-Life mod.

That could happen
There's already a skyrim mod so why not hl

A game that's just a series of mini games related to daily life of Matorans.
>play kolhii
>race Gukko birds
>raise Ussal crabs to fight against others

so basically MNOLG2 mixed with that one isometric GBA game

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bionicle is kill because lego got copyright trolled by some shitty polynesian lawyer
and lego's legal team is well known for being really really really fucking stupid
that is also why the reboot sucked

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I sperged the fuck out, that and this were both rad as fuck

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Yeah, but that was a burden THEY chose willingly. Also, of course, if Vakama wasn't alive, none of that would have happened.

What's the comfiest village?

Hint it's Ga-Koro

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Clean it all, it must be cleaned. All obstacles must be destroyed.


I still have a few bionicle books from my childhood. From what I can remember, they were excellent. I've forgotten mostly everything about them though.



What's that about?


It's the big twist of the villain's plan. One that took almost the whole series to culminate.
Quite literally it was an "you played right into my plans" moment.

I believe that mask belongs to me.

is it just me or are the hordika kinda cool? i just love their lanky as fuck arms with blades at the end, at least for the green one

Head designs are decent
Body and limbs are bad. Really awkward looking

That mask is mine.

>Tahu and Kopaka are always at each other necks
>Gali nags all the time
>Lewa would rather be anywhere but here
>Pohatu and Onua are bro's
The Toa Mata weer hilariously dysfunctional

Pohatu was the overly-friendly bro, Onua was normally just quiet and didn't say anything

Have you memorized it yet?

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Guys, I need backup!

Onua was the NEET of the Toa Mata

Bionicle halloween costumes were a thing apparently

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no but I did of tolkien's dwarvish runes

He just wanted to dig, leave him alone

>That reveal about how the Bohrok came to be

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Exactly he just wanted to chill in caves and meditate but he begrudgingly goes on adventures with the other toa

You mean how Matoran and Bohrok are part of the same species, and those body horror Matoran that were slowly and painfully transforming into Bohroks and losing their self-awareness, becoming part of the hive mind?

>but he begrudgingly goes on adventures with the other toa
That's basically the Toa Mata in a nutshell
I don't think anyone other from gali wanted to go on Toa adventures
Lewa was very adament that he wanted NOTHING to do with any of them

In some of the first story drafts the Toa were more like elemental gods of the island who would often fight over territory, and the matoran both worshipped and feared them

I remember I used to have that memorized and I would leave notes in desks using it
Fun times

I remember leaving random messages on my schools blackboard before classes start and my teacher got really worried that it was some gang symbols
Most of them were just "TAHU WAS HERE" and "KANOHI HEAD"

Should've wrote your name in those symbols but never tell her who it was
Do it on like a homework assignment or something that hardly affects your grade since it probably won't count

Makuta was a boring villain. The only time he was ever interesting was in the first movie where he was genuinely remorseful for having to keep Mata Nui sleeping and seemed to be a misguided villain but they ditched that characterization later on.

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I kinda stopped following Bionicle lore after they got into the Metru Nui prequel stuff. Whatever happened to Takua/Takanuva? He was clearly supposed to be the protagonist of the franchise early on, did he go on to do anything cool after?

went on a dimensional jaunt and killed a crazy girl

He was a somewhat big character later on (2008 I think) with the phantoka.
But besides that, 03 was the only year he was ever a super important character.


I'll take it from here.

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Most nostalgic commercial right beside the "Move Along" one

He was far more complicated character than that.

i wore that one as a kid
why did you have to remind me



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I genuinely did not realize that Jaller's Hahnah Crab is actually strapped onto his back in the Mahri mini movie until I looked up the script and saw it in the trivia section.


moment when bionicle transcended its format
shame they couldn't expand the glatorians storyline


It looks nice but it's certainly lacking in that enigmatic biomechanical aethetic of old

the movie was so so bad and was not bionicle

Yeah look closely, you can see the poor bastard's legs when he exits the terrain crawler, and the whole thing when he turns around in the section with Hydraxon


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fuck i don't want to go down this rabbit hole again

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im off looking for my bionicles in the storage, only to remember i lost my favorite self built one when i was 10 and then cry for solid 20 minutes

Then don't
Cease this immediately

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THIS ^^^^^^^^^^

Also, ahhh yes. This is a good biobro thread.
Seeing one of these is always a fun time.

Please continue.

Don't encourage this

>no bionicles to hot glue
there goes my neetbux for the month

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sweet mata nui

don't have any saved. you can probably find some on flickr or what ever people use these days

why was he so fuckin scary looking, all he did was teleport people to jail

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you think he should hook up a dentist?

No because he'll send him to jail too

Why NOT?

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You ever think they'll just release a little celebratory set only from the lego store/online, of some random bionicle character like Tuyet or Marendar? Not a line revival, just a little "we remember this brand did our company good"

No. The LEGO higher ups hate Bionicle

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aw why

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maori legal shit

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based goodguy poster

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The true God of the bionicle universe

What even was this
Looks like something that would come in a cereal box

goodguys rise up

He was bundled with batteries.

Why did Bionicle have such an amazing story and lore for what amounts to a toy commercial?

Because in order for the toys to be good a good idea has to be behind them, and Bionicle's great lore lead to great inspiration for the toys that resulted.

Remember those remote-controlled crabs? They were pretty cool.

>always thought the best part of Bionicle was the Mata storyline, specifically the villagers
>making a village of your own required you to stuff your face in happy meals and hoping you got the right colors
>even then 80% of the matoran are impossible to build, if not because their arms/torso/feet only come in one color (two if you have a non-water bohrok va to mutilate), then because their mask colors were never sold not even in the random packs
almost two decades later and i am STILL mad never sold bags that contained a random official villager in them

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>still have my makuta costume in my closet

I share your pain, brother.

good times. anyone remember the mini cd with a video clip that came with these?
youtube.com/watch?v=ALcyohuo5NU the nostalgia

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>random villager bags
Fuck, such a simple idea and yet so good. How the fuck didn't they come up with this? I would have much preferred playing Matoran slot machine over getitng a dozen fucking Makus from McD as an earthfag.
>mfw 2003 rolls around with the matoran redesign and no air or earth matoran to be seen, ta-matoran lumped with the expensive big sets

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Umarak was god-tier and easily one of the best villain designs Bionicle has put out.
The toa themselves were pretty legit.
Skulls were generic but I love them all anyways.
>this level of degeneracy

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in fact I still have the cd

>tfw I have several delicious dark purple Pakari and some Onepu to spare that I can switch masks off of
>absolutely zero Ga-Matoran, not even Vhisola later on or the Voya Nui one
>drowning in Jallers

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Where does one go to read up on Bionicle lore? Is there a list of the necessary comics or something? Kid me never looked into it past the toys and the movies, and I kinda dropped off around the time the Piraka came out, but every time a Bionicle thread pops up I get curious.

nice, I'm not sure I still have mine

Whoa. Nostalgia wave. I had Turbo. Loved the designs, the fact that they were themed according to their environment. I completely forgot about the discs.

yeah I have the CDs that came with mine plus a bunch I got at a garage sale, which also has a Vorahk disc among all the Bohrok-Kal discs in it for some reason

>only two sets have purple masks - McDonalds Onepu and the scorpions Rahi set
>they're both pakaris

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lucky you, I only got one of the silvery bohrohks as a kid, so I only had one CD

>tfw you own a golden Tahu mask

also this game, I never got the hang of it when I was young (probably because it was terrible), but it did have a nice soundtrack

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>Monkey's paw
A hack and slash/shooter BIONICLE game comes in to existence within the next few years, but its a Battle Royale game.

It's not like there's much else in terms of purple mask selection. I guess you could use a purple krana from the builder bucket but that's not really a mask.
I only had two, it was nice finding the discs at the sale even though some were scratched up a little bit

Have no fear, Kongu two guns is here!

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so why they call him Kongu two guns?

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>I guess you could use a purple krana from the builder bucket but that's not really a mask.
if i was this edgy during my youth i would be recoloring shadow the hedgehog and calling it an OC instead of fucking around with bionicle

>betrays the Dark Hunters
>betrays the Brotherhood of Makuta
>ends up being hunted by everyone

what was her endgame?

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yeah, I dunno about you, but I always thought garage sales were exciting as a kid. Anything could be hidden amongst the garbage

>lego makes facehuggers
>they look like faces
>so it's a face covering your real face
>and it controls your mind
I kinda understand why they threw all those krana in a pit and buried them desu

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Normal Lego SYSTEM bricks and minifigs were always more fun

Incept children with a corruption fetish that they'll end up discovering upon adolescence years later with no idea where the fuck it came from.

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mate I found a GBA SP for $5 and several big buckets of lego during garage sales including one with 3 throwbots in it, that shit was fucking great
I just don't have enough time to go to garage sales during summer anymore, and now people sell stuff on ebay and shit if it's remotely desirable
also thrift stores, those are good too. Got part of the Electro throwbot and a Vezon missing an arm from them