Hey guys, I'm a casual who's only game machine is a Switch. My wife has recently started playing Mario Odyssey and before that Mario Kart 8 but she's pretty much exhausted both of them. What are some other good games for casuals? (Waiting for pic related switch version)
Gurl Gamerz
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my gf plays smash with my friends and me.
She basically likes all nintendo games.
Buy Arms, play strip-arms, see her naked and sweating in minutes.
Or wait for pokemon/AC to come out.
Fuck you
I've thought about getting smash buy I have no friends other than her to play it with so I'm worried it would get old quick. I also considered Stardew Valley but I'm not sold on it.
Who says there's goig to be a switch version?
what's on the memory card?
he probably just means the next AC on the switch
Sandwich Making Sim 2k20
I bought the fishing game recently, it's translation is awful and it takes some patience but it's pretty nice to take a break from other games.
These all have co-op
Toejam and Earl: back in the groove
Captain Toad Treasure Tracker
NSMBU Deluxe (This is $60 though, would wait for a sale)
>Mainline Nintendo game
>On a sale ever
Ha. If you want NSMBU Deluxe, you're just going to have to pony up the cash, Nintendo game never ever go on sale unless it's a huge flop.
There's a new AC? When did they announce it?
Stardew Valley
Like, 5 months ago
Maybe Golf Story? Although I'll admit the disc golf portions I find a bit frustrating.
Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart went on sale, and it was on sale in stores for Mar10 day.
But you're probably right, which is why I bought it at full price. The Wii one was still 50 bucks for years after the Wii was over.
We rented NSMBU and were pretty bored by it. Thinking about picking up Captain Toad though. Is there a decent amount of content?
typical girls games:
Animal Crossing
Stardew Valley
various JRPGs like Final Fantasy and Xenoblade 2
more casual stuff and indie games to some degree
- source: i was mod on an internet forum, and thats what girls played predominately. I also know a lot of female gamers from Splatoon and other things.
Even the fire emblem games with their shipping aspect have become somewhat popular amongst girls.
zelda nigguh, bitches love zelda.
There's 64 levels, 82 counting bonus levels, but the levels are pretty short. It's like 8 hours long on average
They are adding DLC in 2 days, which is 18 more levels. Not sure how long that will be.
I think there's a demo, which I recommend, because its a different kind of game you may not like.
>internet forum
>internet forum
>as recent as after the release of Stardew Valley
Don't lie, it was reddit.
Actually its 18 new challenges, but only 5 new levels in the DLC.
MMOs. For whatever reason the social aspect really draws them out of the wood work, for better or worse. There's also an increase in girl(male) too though.
Oh nice. Didnt know that. I played the demo and thought it was pretty chill, so maybe I'll pick it up.
Pokemon LG
If you have the online then play it online. It's better than couch where you just wreck all your friends and get bored because they dont have the game.